AN I am delighted to be able to say that we have reached the last chapter. I have loved writing this story and exploring this world without compromise Clint and Natasha's happiness/health for development. It's been absolutely wonderful, and I've adored sharing every minute with you. And thank you to all of my lovely betas on the Beta Branch, you are fantastic and helped me push this story to its maximum potential :)

Please enjoy the epilogue of saved from something like regret.

"I'm not sure how I feel about aiding and abetting a criminal, "Clint told Natasha. She rolled her eyes and nudged him with her hip. He stumbled and almost tripped over an elderly couple sitting on the grass, then gave her a scandalized look.

"It's not aiding and abetting," she said, primly adjusting her sunhat.

"Uh, totally is. You conned that guy into giving you the last caramel apple. Theft happened before my eyes. I'm in legal hot water, you can't pull crap like that in front of me."

"I didn't even lie. I did forget my wallet. With you. While you were buying the drinks."

"Shameless," he said, wrapping his arm around her shoulders. They paused as a herd of kids ran past, shrieking as they played tag.

They were in Central Park for some carnival hosted by the technology big wig, Tony Stark. Apparently, the whole thing was to bring public awareness to the abundance and efficiency of green energy, but she and Clint were honestly there for the performers. Barney's family had even driven up, making a proper event of the day.

Clint swapped Natasha's caramel apple for a frozen lemonade. He took an enormous bite out of it, eyes on a performer juggling on stilts.

"Criticizing her technique?" Natasha asked.

"A little bit."

"I'm sure if you showed off your skills, you'd get a crowd," Natasha said.

"Yeah. Tony Stark will hear about the guy showing up his lackeys, then he'll hire me on sight. I can quit all my odd jobs and be made for life."

In the month since his arrest, Clint had stayed true to his word. He actively sought employment and distanced himself from his criminal contacts. He worked with the lawyers James had directed them to, allowing Nelson and Murdock to create a reasonable defense to lessen his charges. Clint, being Clint, had made friends with the two men instantly, which Natasha couldn't say was a bad thing. She and Clint both needed a few more upstanding acquaintances, and Foggy and Matt fit the bill perfectly (plus it was always good to have a few lawyers in their back corner).

Clint's efforts even extended to accepting and appreciating himself. Natasha hadn't expected an instant transformation, but she reveled in every little triumph he made. Every day grew Clint's faith in himself. With Natasha's help, he began to finally believe that he was not so broken as to be beyond loving.

Natasha was also making a point of correcting her past behavior. She sold the Vereshchagin immediately and cut all ties with the criminal life (except for James. If nothing else, he had proved that he truly cared about her). Honesty was still difficult for her, but she was trying. Real progress had been made when she realized it wasn't about telling a lie or telling the truth, it was more about being open. She lowered her walls and handed out smiles and meant them because she finally, finally wanted to connect with people.

Barney waved at them from the spot his family had eked out on the grass. He was sitting in a camping chair, while Sharon sat on their picnic blanket and blew bubbles.

"You guys find elephant ears?" Barney asked.

"No, but they had funnel cakes," Clint said, handing one over.

"Poser cakes, more like," he grumbled. He still took a huge bite, a trait he seemed to share with his brother.

"I think there's supposed to be some dancers performing in a little bit," Sharon said. "Ballet, I think? Something fancy from one of the performance schools."

"I used to do ballet," Natasha mused.

Barney stared at her for a moment, expression serious. Then he turned to Clint and asked, "Is there anything she doesn't do?"

"Yodel," Clint said, taking another bite out of Natasha's apple.

Natasha rolled her eyes at them, smothering a smile. The day was warm and a bit breezy, swirling through the happy crowd and raising everyone's already high spirits. She leaned against Clint, sipping on her lemonade.

When she had been with Demyan, she hadn't thought days like this existed. Everything had been cold, clinical, ruthless. It was either running a job or practicing for one, lying and tricking and stealing. In the end, she guessed that was what made Demyan one of the greatest conmen that she'd ever known; he'd made her believe this kind of happiness was impossible. For her, at least. She had always thought she'd have to settle for some fake approximation of the real thing, resigned to marble and a chisel over flesh and a hug, deceit over truth, cynicism over love.

That was gone, now. Less than a week after she had spoken to James, he had sent her a fruit basket. It had had little American flags in it, as well as a card that said 'Welcome to America. Stay as long as you like and enjoy yourself. You deserve it.' She had set the card down, knowing somehow that it was done. Her uncle was gone. However James had managed it (and she knew, really, as ugly as it was), Demyan would never bother her again. She probably should have felt something over it, but Natasha just felt empty. Then again, Demyan had always left her cold. That was part of why she had fled to New York in the first place.

Tyler ran over for a drink, then slid to a stop in front of Natasha.

"Natasha, Natasha, can you paint my face now?"

"Kid, we just sat down," Clint grumbled, but Natasha laughed.

"The kit's in my bag," she told him. Tyler bounced away, searching for her bag amidst everyone's things.

"He's like the damn Energizer Bunny," Clint mumbled into her neck. Natasha smiled and rested her head against his before taking a bite out of her caramel apple.

"Don't eat all of that before I finish. I worked hard to get it," she told him, earning a hearty snort.

Natasha smiled as Tyler plunked down in front of her, chattering about her giving him a tiger face.

She had thought days like this had been impossible. And they had, once. Even a few months ago, Natasha had considered them a laughable dream. But now Natasha knew she didn't just have days of happiness ahead of her. Now, if she made use of the amazing second chance she had been given, she had a whole life to look forward to.