Okay, this whole translation takes a lot more time, as I expected, so I split the acts in smaller chapters. Sorry for those of you who have to wait so long. Sorry for the poor language.

I have to admit, I never expected you guys reading it or … even like it. So, thx. Yes, it is not a typical Lost Girl #ff, thanks for reading it anyway. Means a lot to me. ^_^

'I still can't believe that you made me do this, this was gross ...' Bo complained and rubbed the tongue with a napkin for a second time what made Tezzra actually smirk. 'I'm sorry Bo ... but we do need these information and well … you are a succubus...and he... ' At that moment a waitress arrived and forced Tezz silent.

Very bored she was chewing on her gum and looked at Bo. 'Can I bring you something else?' She asked annoyed.

'She gets another one.' Tezzra ordered and already reached for the money in her pocket. Bo shoved the empty tumbler to the waitress, the sweetest smile on her lips and waited until she was gone. Then she frowned back to the wolf. 'I can't even get his nasty taste out of my mouth ...' she complained once more.

'You heard Trick … we all have to sacrifi...' but the succubus just gave her that look and Tezz turned away to hide her broad smile.

A smile that didn't last long. Actually Tezzra's heart felt like … like those clouds, all heavy, thick and … black.

It was in the afternoon and it had been raining the better part of the day, still was, so the sky was full with them. Some strays of sunlight broke through the thick black-gray cover of clouds every now and then but this appeared halfhearted. Powerless. Tezzra knew how that feels.

As the waitress came back with another shake for Bo and disappeared again shuffling behind the counter, the girl beamed excited and started to stir with the straw in the yellowish liquid eyeing over to her friend.

'A penny for your thoughts?' She asked.

Tezzra's head snapped to her but her face kept blank. This was the first time she noticed how pale the wolf's skin was. Pale and grey. Like an old paper, she never saw her like this before, but she said nothing.

'Nothing, I'm just thinking.' Tezzra responded. 'Yeah, sure! - you're brooding feverishly about something, trying to find an explanation, for something there is no explanation for.'

'So young and so wise ….' the older fae joked but the smile never reached her eyes. Silently the wolf hold her look. 'What is it?' But the Tezz just turned her gaze back to the window and stared blankly out of it. And Bo returned to her shake.

'This gas ... in the docks ...' Tezzra began after a while, as Bo already had given up to wait for an answer. 'Have you ever thought of who might produced it?' Bo found her eyes on her and shrugged. 'Alchemists. I guess.' the succubus answered uninterested and tugged on her straw before continuing. ' I mean biologists, chemists ...as they are called nowadays. '

'Or toxicologists ...' Tezzra accomplished the list and suddenly it dawned to Bo, what the wolf implied. 'And now you think it's Lauren.' But Tezz just furrowed her forehead angrily. 'That's impossible! Lauren has left the country. It can't have been her. He did ...he did... ' Bo watched her friend patiently. 'If you're so sure about that, why are we talking about that?' The older Fae couldn't held Bo's view and turned back on the streets .

'You know for sure that she's gone?' Bo asked, her voice soft but Tezzra shook her head.

'Isaac Taft?' Dyson repeated and glanced at the picture Tezz was showing them.

'Taft has a doctorate in biology and is a leading head in the field of stem cell research ...' Tezz sat up and crossed her arms. 'And also one of the emerging financial elite...'

'Financial elite ...?' Ciara asked as she grabbed the picture to have a closer look. 'Is he into pharmaceuticals?' she then passed the photo over to her husband.

'Yes.' Tezzra confirmed Ciara's suspicions and showed her a list of Taft's subsidiaries. 'Well, impressive!' the fairy flipped through the pages. Dyson shoved some pics around, pushed them back and forth, showing Taft from different angles. Finally he sighed resignedly. 'Don't get it. What do stem cells have to do with monitors' he asked.

'Nothing. Not at least at first glance. The company, which owned the building at last, was called Newton Coorp. A small company of only 10 people ... '

'That never moved in…' her brother interjected . 'Exactly...' Bo responded. Tezz smiled. 'They never required it. '

'A dummy..?.' Ciara started wondering and Tezz nodded. 'They bought the building for someone who is quite clever to wipe it's own tracks. It was nearly impossible to get him tracked, but, Worm wouldn't be Worm if he wouldn't find this fingerprints somewhere in there…. ' the shapeshifter continued.

'Worm wouldn't be Worm, if he would take more care of his body hygiene.' the succubus growled and shuddered at the thought of the Fae.

'Newton Coorp. had the money from an account in France, which got it from an account in England, that one from an account in Denmark, Finland, Ukraine, Hong Kong, Athens and finally from an account in Luxembourg, which belonged to a company in Switzerland ... '

'Okay ... but now, guess what. Who is the head of this company? Well? Drum roll.' Bo tapped her fingers on the back of her chair, she sat on.

'Taft?!' said Dyson. 'Exactly.' Bo inhaled deeply before she spoke again. 'Well ... it is very difficult to prove Taft's involvement in this matter, but there are a lot of hints and indications that he is behind a few more transactions very similar to that.' she told the gang objectively and glanced over to her wolfy friend. 'Unfortunately we lose track for the most of them.' Tezz added. 'All highly illegal, I guess...'

'Yeah, but that's not the matter … that's human problem. I am more interested in what this means to us ...' Dyson raised and walked around. His wife watched him, before she returned her attention to his sister. 'Pretty clever this guy..'

'Yes, perhaps too clever ...' muttered Tezz. 'With the help of several fake companies and individual dummies he was able to hide his original interest… and from what I know, this is still to kill us..'

'Yeah, that is settled. I want to know… how!' Trick stepped in and crossed his arms over his chest. His face showed that all of this wasn't exactly something was amused about.

'Officially, the Newton Coorp. was a service and support company. They also were into programming... '

'Programming what? ... flamethrowers? Or monitors that float from the ceilings?!' Dyson asked bitterly, but Bo just grinned at the wolf. 'No no, this is the unofficial part.' His sister answered deadpan. 'Officially, they did intercoms ..' the bearded wolf sighed again and leaned back. 'Honestly, I don't like this time. The last century was somehow better ...' This made Ciara ruffle his hair and petting his shoulder.

Trick had been standing with them and just listened most of the time, but now as Bo and Tezzra seemed to be finished, he thoughtfully was rubbing his stubbly chin and mused.

'Stem cells and computer technology ... why I do not like the idea ...?' he mumbled and forced the Fae to pay attention to him.

'Because it's dangerous ...?' Bo asked carefully. 'It's not only that, Bo.' Ciara said now very serious. 'The world of Fae is also very dangerous. But in a different way. There are rules, everything is regulated... but this man … what he does is another witch hunt. There is no alternative end, Bo. There is just one - us wiped from this world. He wants to see us dead. '

'Maybe it's not just him ...' the succubus muttered and found the floor very interesting at that particular moment. 'What do you mean ...' Bo looked first to Ciara, who had addressed her then over to Tezzra, which gave her a warning look but remained silent.

Indecisively, she hesitated. 'But if it is as you think, they need to know ...' she said apologetically towards the female wolf. Tezz understood. She totally did. She just wasn't ready. So she turned around and let Bo tell them.

'What do we need to know?' Tezz heard Ciara ask and her voice was stern.

Tezz crossed her arms over her chest and stared for a while, her brows drawn deep in her face.

'Come on Tezz ...' the young fae pleaded. She felt unhappy, Tezz could tell. Unhappy she said something she kind of promised Tezz to not mention. But she did and of course the succubus was right. They have to know.

'Tezzra?' Trick knew that look.

'The man, Taft, said someone would have helped him.' She said finally looking up in Tricks eyes. 'Someone who hates us.' she continued. 'And there is some evidence that ... ' she trailed off. No. Not ready to say it.

The Blood King took a deep breath. 'Lewis is this someone.' Voiceless she answered him. 'Yes ..'

'Hm ... I understand.' He said quietly, folding his arms behind his back.

An awkward silence fell on Tezz. 'You freed her because of that … that particular knowledge, right?' She looked at the older man with sad eyes. The realization that some things were not as they seemed, hit her unexpectedly hard. The old king nodded. Trick stepped away, to bring some distance between the other fae and his person and turned around, his eyes hovered over the beaten face of the female wolf.

'The old Ash ...' he finally started to speak. '...had recruited her because of her ability, her brilliant mind. He had recognized the potential in her. And he was not mistaken. In the few years in which she served him, she has learned so much more about the Fae, more as anyone else did before. She united the excitement and curiosity of human being and the knowledge about the ancient fae and she did good. She has this natural talent for substances … she absolutely is amazing, yes...' unconsciously Tezzra shoved her chin higher, revealing her pride. She was right about the doctor and it felt great to hear Trick said that.

'But?' Trick nodded. His old friend knew him quite too well and so he gave Ciara that acknowledging smile. 'So, as much as he appreciated and admired this knowledge, he also feared it. Lauren Lewis should never return to the human world, Tezzra. She is a ticking bomb. And you set her free.' The dark-haired Fae lowered her arms and glared at him. 'That never would had happened if you had treated her decently.'

'Tezzra! Damn it, stop being such a brat!' The Fae looked at the bearded man speechlessly and insulted. 'SHE is not as harmless as you might think. He did not - never - wanted to punish her by introducing her into our world, you have to believe me.' He stood before her, eyes hoping for her understanding. 'The Fae had so much to offer her. So much to give her... she was well treated.' But Tezz wouldn't be a wolf if she'd gave in this easily. 'In your terms she probably was, but he underestimated her, right? She was so much smarter than you have expected her to be. And that's when she became inconvenient... '

'Certainly, mistakes have been made in her case ...' the old Fae said, giving in. '... But still ... the Ash didn't treat her badly.'

'No, he just lied and manipulated her, ruined her future...'

'Tezzra!' he yelled at her, clearly at the end of his patients but this time Tezzra did not back-off, but yelled back.

'You brought her into our world, now she is your responsibility...' she said resolutely and Trick had to admit that this argument wasn't easily to dismiss.

Lewis had never asked to be part of the fae world. She was 'persuaded' more or less. Perhaps not even that. The old man bite his lips and scanned the wolf from head to heels. This is going to be a problem, but right now Tezz is just of secondary importance.

First, they had to take care of Taft.

'You are right.' he started and hold her eyes. 'And we will talk about this, I promise. But right now, I need you to concentrate on this human, who tried to kill our people. After that, we take care of Lewis.' suspicious the female wolf rose a brow. He normally wasn't a man of letting things go. Nevertheless Tezzra agreed nodding, even if something caused her discomfort.

'All right. So we have a name and a face. Do we have an address?'

'Yes. I think I go and have a look!" was all Tezz said, as she took her jacket. This was the perfect opportunity to just leave this round.

Don't get caught!' Dyson called after her, but she just waved to him.

'Then we're done here.' Trick informed them and dismissed the group.

'Dyson ... do you have a moment?' Bo approached the male wolf. 'Sure.' he said and eyed her carefully. Bo waited until the other fae had left the room. Uncomfortable she shifted from one foot to the other. 'Bo? What is it?' he asked worried.

'The last time I was at the Dal, a woman came and spoke to me.' Dyson nodded. It wasn't unusual. Bo was a bisexual succubus who was extraordinary beautiful and pretty hot. If not been married to Ciara - he would… well he wouldn't send her away. But he was and he was loyal to Ciara. 'She said she has something that you would be interested in. Kind of. '

Dyson frowned and looked at the younger fae.

'How did she know that you know me?'

Bo shrugged. 'Didn't ask.' The wolf cocked an eyebrow. 'I was hungry ...' she apologized. No need to apologize, the hunger of a succubus wasn't easily to satisfy. 'Do you have a name?' Bo shook her head. 'No, we didn't get that far. She was very curt, actually. ' and it seemed as Bo was not happy about that fact. 'Any idea what it was?' Another negation of the succubus. 'I've never seen her before and to be true, you better do not ask for names or affiliation these days ... this just causes trouble.' she said and met his eyes but couldn't read his face. He was suspicious. 'Where she wants to see me?'

'At the Dal.' Dyson had this feeling, this feeling that told him, there was a hitch somewhere. He rubbed his beard thoughtfully and frowned.

Tezz had just left for her own mission. He could still catch her, when he hurried... on the other hand, her mission was more important than this one.

He turned back to the succubus and watched her. The Dal Riata was still the safest bar because it was on completely neutral territory.

'Will you go?' Bo asked, interrupting Dyson in his thoughts. 'Do you think it's a trap?' He asked her and caught her kind of off-guard. They usually not asked her for her assessment. 'Ehm … I don't know. It is possible, but it's the Dal.' she shrugged. 'I mean … what else could she do, than talk?' It was an unwritten law. No violent arguments at the Dal.

'Well ... then let's see what she wants ...' he said and left the meeting room. 'We?' The succubus' look followed him aghast.

Dyson sat in a corner and watched Bo, as she stood at the counter and looked out for her contact.

He hadn't been in this bar for years, which happened to be his second home once. When the war began, Trick had to give it up because he was hunted by the queen. Fortunately, his successor has changed little. The Dal was still wearing the scent of home.

'Found anything interesting?' He heard a woman's voice next to him and looked up into the face of a very old ….friend.

'What are you doing here?' He asked without greeting. 'I was looking for you.' She said and sat down with him.

'I've heard that.' He looked at her for a while, but her face kept blank, nothing in her facial expressions gave a hint what she wanted. 'It takes some effort to find you, Thornwood.'

'No shit ... what you want ...'

'Me? Nothing. But I have something you may want to have. ' She said and smiled at him.

Bo let her gaze wander through the taproom of the bar in search of the woman she was supposed to meet, when she discovered that said one was sitting at the same table with Dyson. Surprised, she stared, blinked, then grabbed her glass and walked over to them. 'Hey,' she greeted the woman with a warm smile who answered with one in return.

'You know each other?' Bo asked curiously. Both, Dyson as Tamsin smiled.

'We already had the pleasure, yes.' the woman replied finally and hold Bo's penetrating gaze.

'Sit down,' said the woman at the table and used her foot to push the chair out from under the table.

'Bo, that's Tamsin. Tamsin, this is Bo, but I guess you already know. ' the wolf introduced them officially.

'Yeah, the unaligned succubus, it is told you couldn't pick a side...' Tamsin smiled coolly. 'That's not my fault, YOU are in the middle of a war...'

'You? You don't?' Tamsin asked smilingly.

'What is this supposed to mean?'

'Well, you are Fae too, don't ya? and from what I know - you are very present in the fights ...' Bo looked to the wolf. This woman, this Tamsin, was captious, and duplicitous. Bo had to be careful around her. 'Anyway,' Bo was interrupted in her thoughts 'it is very likely unimportant these days, which side you belong to, Dark or Light Fae..' Tamsin shrugged. '...at the moment there is only 'for' or 'against' the queen. Isn't it?' Dyson's eyes narrowed as he scanned her carefully. 'And which side did you pick?' Bo asked her provoking from the other side of the table. 'I am Dark Fae. And as for the war ... I consider myself as on no side. '

'I pretty much doubt this...' Dyson mumbled and leaned back in his seat…

'Is that so?' Tamsin met his gaze and Bo got this feeling they not necessarily shared the good memories. She shifted uncomfortably on her chair, felt the power of that fae with the bright eyes, the danger. And a sexual excitement.

'You waste my time, Valkyre. What do you really want?' the voice was just another growl. Low and dark, warningly what let the woman unimpressed. 'I have something that will be of interest for.' She said finally, a smug smile graced her fine face.

'You said this already. What should this be? '

Tamsin grabbed her cell phone, activated it and showed him a picture. Bo tried to catch a look at it, but couldn't see anything on the screen but she recognized the change in Dysons voice and his face. 'Where did you get that?' he barked and Bo realized that he was suddenly agitated.

'Randomly found when I was looking for something else.'

The wolf stared at her, leaned back again, looked at her appraisingly and squinted. He did not believe her. 'What do you want for it?' Tamsin shrugged, 'Nothing.' He scanned her scowlingly, his eyes burning, his temper itchy beneath his self control.

'Nothing's free in the world of fae.' he retorted grumbling, very aware of the fact that if giving in her offer he would pay an enormous price.

'Much smarter than you look, wolf boy.' she answered him friendly, tilted her head and her face became that of an ice queen. 'You know the price...' and Bo saw the cold twinkle in her eyes.

'There is nothing worse as to own a Valkyrie a favor.'

Whatever was going on between those two Fae - it was not as friendly as they pretended to be.

Curiously Bo's eyes wandered back and forth between them. Would Dyson agree? He hesitated, waited like a predator, but his face betrayed little about what was going on inside him now. Slowly the succubus turned her head to face the valkyrie, who still grinned at him until she challenged him again.

'So, Dyson, what you think? Is it worth it?'

His nostrils flared imperceptibly, a sign of inner tenseness that Bo had already observed on his sister. Then, finally, the redeeming answer. 'Where?'

'Wherever you want ...' Tamsin answered smugly, very satisfied with herself.

'Well, then we'll meet at the docks.' Dyson decided, standing already.

'As you wish - tomorrow, same time.' The two fae exchanged a cold look for the last time and then he left the bar. The succubus watched him, not sure what to think about what just happened, before she turned to the woman and a beaming smile spread over her face. 'So ... and you're a valkyrie ... '.

*** About the same time at the other side of the city ***

Taft Manor was built a bit outside of the city so it took Tezz a while to reach the white building on the hill. The stately home grew constantly on the horizon, as she stopped the car.

'Welcome to Taft's Manor.' She murmured and turned off the engine. In front of her lay a sweeping driveway made of white pebbles and winding it's way up for at least half a mile, dancing like a snake until it's ended at the steps of the manor.

She undid the belt and got out of the car.

The evening was pleasant and fortunately dry, yet she preferred to have her denim jacket.

To her left a fairly dense forest stretched along the street, on the other side - an endless land extended which was gradually swallowed by the rising night.

Briefly she looked around and sniffed in the wind. Humans. Over a dozen. Checking her surroundings she looked at the sky. According to the cloud's motion the building was out of the wind direction, so she doubled the number in her mind. From the side of the door, she took a pair of binoculars, she looked around, scanned the street in both directions and just stepped into the woods and vanished...

Carefully moving through the undergrowth she stalked closer and found the building surrounded by a white wall made of concrete with surveys every now and then, blocking her sight. Tezz had expected barb wire on the walls but she couldn't find any. By scanning the areal she recognized a motion in the shadows and took closer look.

Men. In black uniforms. Armed with a small caliber automatic weapons. She payed attention to the formation. They were patrolling in very small circles. She let her eyes wander along the wall and counted...quite too many too well equiped of them. But being dressed as ordinary security personnel they barely could fool her.

These men were mercenaries.

Suddenly her wolf instincts warned her and she immediately tensed, spun around and looked into the muzzle of a gun. How could he… how could she missed him… she frowned suspiciously.

'Hey lady, can I help you?' the man asked.

'No, I ... I just ...had a walk...'

'With binoculars in your hand?'

'Yeah… birds. Beautiful little creatures….' Tezz tried a smile but all she got was the man scowled her. 'Do you belong to...' she pointed over her shoulder. 'Beautiful house ... by the way ..' The man cocked. 'Listen officer, no reason to be uneasy, I'm leaving...see? ...already gone.'

'I don't think so!' A cracking in the radio made the man grope the micro with his free hand and he listened without leaving her out of sight.

An unintelligible croak echoed from the small device on his shoulder and despite her great hearing Tezz wasn't able to understand a single word.

'Roger!' the man answered the noise and let the mic go. 'Dr. Taft doesn't like mud pack like you hanging around his land.' he said to the fae and lifted the rifle to point on her head. 'Well well, Mister Officer, sir...' Tezzra answered with the sweetest voice she was capable to and then...

It was barely a motion he could see, as she wiped the barrel easily aside, spun around her own axis, so he found her at the same level as himself, nearly touched her shoulder and felt her elbow hit his cheek bone. Pain waved through his body, not long enough to recognize the source of it. A muffled scream, taste of blood in his mouth, spat out in the dark. A sound of a breaking skull and a shadow moving too fast to follow. He felt her behind him, faster than a heartbeat, with long, slim fingers on his neck. Her lips whispered something against his ear shell. Something that sounded like… 'sorry'? Sorry for what? Pain exploded in his neck, then in his head. Blinded him, silenced him, made him deaf.

The man's dead body hit the ground and all that was seen were her golden eyes burning in the dark.

She felt sorry for him. Never meant this to happen, to any of them.

Her teeth and claws turned back to normal as she felt this quietness surrounding her.

A dangerous one, that kind of silence that meant danger and … death. Instinctively she ducked as she noticed the impact of a bullet next her head. 'Too close!' she yelled and fled, ran quickly through the woods toward the road where she found her car still parked. Hasty she opened the door and got in.

Tezzra protected her face with her left arm as more bullets perforated the car on the driver's side and she cursed as she heard the sound of bursting glass…

She really needed to get out of this. Now. Preferable alive.

Hiding behind the steering wheel she turned the car to take the same way she came. She pushed the gas pedal as down as possible, as she suddenly felt a sharp, burning pain in her shoulder and by this she yanked the wheel to the left, came off the road, and nearly crashed on the meadow. Surprisingly - for herself - she didn't stopped the ride, just slowed down immensely, a fact she decided to change as she pulled the wheel the other side to bring the vehicle back on the road.

The wolf was a warrior, she knew how to ignore pain if necessary, what she actually could, the point was, that her arm was needless, now where it was injured. She couldn't feel it, or lift or use it in any way she wanted to and Tezz didn't like it.

She was focused on the street as a bullet hit the tire and it exploded, made the car swerve on the asphalt, skidding. She still tried to countersteer, but she knew - she was lost..

Then the car flipped and she was pressed rudely in the seat by the airbag. The impact broke her nose and some ribs. Dizziness seized her and Tezz tried to push it aside by a resolute shake of the head. A mistake she acknowledge to herself and regretted it immediately as pain assaulted her system, with nausea in her stomach and weakness in her body. She felt like to vomit right there. Arduously the wolf lifted her head, felt blood tickling the skin above her brow and dripping heavily on her nose. Tezzra's head rolled from one side to the other, fighting to keep her lids open.

'Focus' she thought. '..focus..'

She had to.

On herself.

And her surroundings.

A car. At night. Her blood. So much pain….

'Need to get out of here...' she couldn't say why but she knew she had to. Urgently.

With numb fingers she tested the door but failed.

'What the...' it tucked. 'open!' she cursed. 'OPEN!' Tezz yelled panicked and slammed with her full weight against it. Once. Twice… until she hit the ground and another wave of pain roared like an endless explosion through her body, ending in her head. She cried.

Breath caught in her lungs, her body paralysed by the pain in her muscles, her cheek touched pressed in the mud. She smelled the grass, felt the blood streaming over her face and she heard their voices. They were coming.

'Move on!' There was this voice in her head. Not her own, but familiar. 'Move on, child!' Tezz forced her eyes open again and tried to get up. 'Must. Flee...' she said. 'Must.' She made it on her knees, as she felt this awkward weakness in her leg just to find another bleeding wound.

'Over there!' 'Be careful! She is dangerous.' Their voices were coming closer and if they would find her… well - she couldn't let this happen. With her last strength she could summon, Tezzra performed the transformation, her howl cut through the night and a wolf with black bloody fur got lost in the undergrowth of the forest.

Dyson flinched. The last images of his dream still in his mind, he gasped disoriented.

'Are you okay?' his wife asked anxiously. 'Have you dreamed of the wild hunt again?' With large panicked eyes he stared at her.

Ciara realized that he had trouble to find his way back in the here and now, but at least he seemed to recognize her. 'Is Tezz back?' He asked with a shaky voice

'No!' she said and looked at him worried. 'Dyson what is it?' He jumped out of bed and got dressed in a hurry. 'She's in trouble ...' Ciara watched him wordlessly. '... I have to find her ...' he said.

'That was just a dream ...' she tried to soothe him.

'Ciara!' he turned to her and she saw anger in his eyes '... my sister, my family, my pack ... I know what I saw ... she needs my help!' The fairy understood and nodded, took her coat and got also dressed. 'Okay, then let's find her.'

At the docks Tamsin already expected the wolf, but was positively surprised to find the young succubus instead of him. Not that it bothered her. No, not at all. Little Bo was quite an eye candy...

'Where is Thornwood.' she asked, as the succubus shut the door of the driver's side of her car.

'Busy ... he asked me to accept the package.'

'Then you do not know what it is ...' the valkyrie assumed.

'I'm just the messenger ...' Tamsin checked the young fae as she was waiting for her to hand over the package. 'No tricks ...' the blonde warned. 'Noooo .. here where everybody could see us ...' she teased back with a twinkle in her eyes.

'Hungry, succubus?' The two looked at each other. 'Appetite is no hunger...' The Valkyrie smiled. 'Lovely. Quite lovely. Interested to meet me later … on a snack?'

Bo's eyes wandered over the bright blonde Fae. A tempting offer, to which she would come back for sure, but right now ...

'The package ...' she simply said, and folded her arms.

'Ah, yes! of course ... ' Tamsin walked around the bus, opened the door of it and pulled out something that struggled clumsy and unsure in front of Bo. At a second glance, she realized that it was a petite figure, whose hands were tied behind the back and above her head a hood was pulled. With a firm push in the back, the Valkyrie pushed the girl over in Bo's direction.

'Kenzi?' she asked surprised.

The girls didn't make any sounds, because she seemed to have a gag in her mouth. 'God ...' Bo gasped and tried hastily to free her wrists.

'Where did you find her?' She asked the Valkyrie, but Tamsin just grinned, closed the door of the bus and climbed in. 'Tell the wolf, he owes me something,' she said. Bo watched her but was too busy to help Kenzi to pull the hood from her head. 'See you around ... Succubus!' She heard before the light blonde Fae disappeared.

*** 3 days later ***

'Hey Fluffy!' the human woman greeted the female wolf as she opened her eyes and caused a grin on Tezzra's face. 'Now if that is not the amazing Ms. Kenzi Kenz ... where have you been, girl?' she asked and reached out to her but the girl just waved her hand. 'Long story ... how are you? ...' the tiny woman answered and took the offered hand to squeeze it.

'Like ... I was smooching an ogre ...'

'You urgently need to reconsider your fetish, Fluffy ...' Kenzi said playing it seriously.

'Ha!..ouch!' Tezzra coughed and then fell back in her satin pillow.

Wearily, she stared at the woman. 'What about Lauren? ...' She asked exhausted. Kenzi glanced over her shoulder. 'As far as I'm concerned ..' she whispered. 'I .. kept my word and did what we agreed. I took her to the ogre and procured the papers and the ticket. Everything else … not in my hands.' Tezzra checked her face, but she knew Kenz was telling the truth.

'Did she leave the country?' But Kenzi shrugged helplessly. 'I don't know.' Tezz nodded and then looked at the ceiling again. Her body ached unbearably and she felt simultaneously so believable weak.

'Do you remember what happened?' Kenzi asked after a while and Tezz met her gaze.

'I left to find Taft ... I was at his estate ... and I was attacked ..'

'Dyson found you. It looked like there was probably chase? '

Tezz mused. 'Yes.' Slowly the pictures came back, 'I had an accident... by car ... ' Her hand slid to her nose. She was a little thick and an eschar emblazoned on it. 'Probably the airbag has it broken ...' the human said.

'That bastard!' Tezz joked dryly and made a face. The fingers wandered to her forehead and she felt the cut. Finally she reached her head.

'Perfect fit, Fluffy, a dream of a black mane ...' both grinned at each other but they knew that Tezz was not that kind of woman.

The serenity of the moment could not hide the seriousness of the situation. So silence fell between them until Kenzi finally spoke.

They have burned two bullets in your fur ...' the wolf woman looked up and nodded. 'I know,' she muttered and felt the pain in her shoulder, the place where one probably was sitting. 'I fell out of the car ... my leg...couldn't hold my weight ...' she remembered. 'I .. transformed.' she remembered.

'Yes, Dyson has found you as a wolf.'

'... Growling and biting ... but barely able to stand upright.' a voice from the entrance confirmed.

Her brother came over smiling at her and sat down beside her. 'I knew that my big brother will come to rescue me.' She grinned with a croaked voice.

'Roared loud enough, didn't you ...' he brushed her hair out of her forehead. 'Then she reached you ...' Dyson nodded. She was so pale and weak it frightened him. Questioningly Kenzi looked back and forth between the two. 'Who has reached you?'

'The mother wolf ... the wolf spirit ... our patron, our saint, the spiritual leader, the first one.' he said without looking up ...

'All right, all right ... got it.' Kenzi put the hand on the man's shoulder and winked to Tezzra. 'I guess there is a lot talking necessary, see you around Fluffy! Get well soon!' She said and left the room.

The two wolves looked at each other for a while in silence.

'What's up?' Tezz asked with a wicked grin. 'You've always been her favorite.'

'We all are her favorites, Dyson, because we are not that many.' She replied sincerely and her brother smiled sadly, knowing she was right. 'You were lucky, Tezz. Without Bo, you probably would be dead ... '

'What does Bo have to do with it?' she wondered. 'Bo has helped you to survive.' Frowning, she looked at him. 'Sorry, don't get it...'

'Trick fortunately know a lot more about succubi than we do. He explained Bo, that a succubus is able to return the chi to others, not just take it. Returning the chi has a healing effect...'

The woman in the bed blinked for a moment confused. 'Then Bo is a doctor now?' Her brother laughed. 'Wouldn't go that far...'

'Then thank the old man.. and Bo..from me ...' she started but the speaking exhausted her more than she imagined and she noticed how tired she became. 'No, no. You can do it yourself.' He smiled encouragingly, but in his eyes were concern reflected.

'Where is she anyway?'

'She's resting.' He told her seriously, and judging from his look he had more bad news.

'Come on, spit it out!' He took her hand in his. 'Tezz, for some reason, you need tons of Chi.' She stared at him for a moment. 'This means what exactly?'

'It means that no matter how much Chi Bo is pumping into you, it does not completely heal your wounds. Even if they were closed, they start bleeding after a few hours again. Thus you lose permanently blood ..not massively but ... we don't have any blood units.' Dyson explained her.

No one could ignore how hard Tezz was actually struck. Exhausted, she sank deeper into her pillow. Her eyes darkened, skin all white and pale and she looked away, averted his eyes, his sadness and the pity in his look. 'So I bleed to death?' she asked after a another second of thinking.


Bo walked out of the bathroom, her hair wet laying heavily on her bare shoulders. 'What's wrong?' a woman covered in silk sheets welcomed the return of the succubus as that left the shower.

'Hm? Why? '

'You seem absent ...' she said and hold out a hand for the younger fae to invite her over to the bed. 'Oh it's nothing.' Bo said and watched her suspiciously.

'Really? I… got the feeling something bothered you...' Bo's towel slipped to the ground and she grabbed her underwear very aware of the woman's look. 'Nah… it's nothing...' she denied.

'I've noticed ...' Tamsin slid off the bed and stepped closer. ' a certain need of chi… more than usual...'

'Is that so? Wanna tell me, you didn't like the little encounter?' Bo asked no less smiling, while she was now buttoning her pants. Tamsins fingers glided over the waistband of the young Fae's pants, enjoying the luxury of a silk skin and a perfect shape. 'Is there really such a thing like bad sex with a succubus?'

She whispered incredulously against Bo's ear, though she knew the answer.

A succubus was sex. Every breath, every upward glance, every movement ... everything was just able to drop of sexual tension if the fae wanted this and the more powerful a succubus was ... well ... the more extravagant the sex was...

'Not with me!' Bo responded, letting her fingertips caress the skin of the fae that stood naked in front of her before she pulled her into a kiss, from which she sucked more chi. The succubi feeded by the sexual energy that was produced by a human or fae during.

For a human, this could easily lead to death. Obviously, life energy and sexual energy were so similar that the Succubus automatically access these resources when skimming. Tamsin never really cared about that aspect, she was fae and her Chi was ... well, for such a young succubus, as Bo was, it had to be very delicious and incredibly powerful. A fact which she gladly used to her advantage, because she liked the woman in front of her.

'Oh well. Your modesty is certainly one of your most prestigious ... ' the sound of wet kisses filled the darkness of the room, followed by a soft chuckle. 'What were you saying?' Bo asked and Tamsin bit her lower lip. '... I was thinking... about your remarkable properties.'

The dark-haired grinned, but eventually broke away from the hug and continued to get dressed, while the Valkyrie watched her with mild displeasure.

She would like to keep the young Fae with her, but this had this expression on her face as if nothing ever could deter her to return to the resistance.

'Come on, tell me. What troubles you?' Bo met her eyes and pulled the top over her head, followed by the vest, she lowered her gaze and stared at her fingers for a moment, closing this slowly, button for button. 'Three days ago, we've found Tezz.' She began low , her mood, her voice was muffled. 'Tezzra is ...'

'... the sister of Dyson. I know the Thornwoods.'

Surprised Bo met the gaze of the bright blond. 'How?' But Tamsin just smiled vaguely. 'We met on one or the other battlefield...' What has been said woke Bo's curiosity and her eyes wandered once more about the naked woman in front of her.

Tamsin reminded her of the moon. So mysterious, near but so far, while so beautiful. The skin white as snow and her hair flowed over her shoulder like silver. 'What does valkyries actually do?'

The smile suddenly died on the lips of the blonde and she walked around the bed, over to the window and away from Bo.

'We let people die ... and feed of the pictures of her life.' The succubus listened for a while.

Had she expected that? No. Was she shocked by the new information?

A little bit, but who was she to judge Tamsin? She killed people before, not willingly but it happened.

'An angel of death ... ?' Tamsin looked over her shoulder and chuckled.

'This has nothing to do with angels at all, sweetheart.' The blonde woman turned around. 'In the past, wars and battles, we chased after the wounded and tore their lives from their heads. Their love, their desires, their fears ... everything. We took them all, left them no reason to live. Any reason to stand up again and fight for themselves. We broke them and left them behind.'

Bo went to her, put both hands on Tamsin's hips and gently kissed her shoulder. The Valkyrie winced under the touch, so selfless and honest as it was, the kiss was burning on her skin, became unbearable ..

'My goodness - Bo ...' a cold smile graced the lips of the Valkyrie, as she tried to mock the little succubus, but when she looked into her eyes, she couldn't. Couldn't say another word, but felt suddenly vulnerable of the sincerity of Bo's gesture.

'..damnit, Bo,' she swore. This succubus was dangerous. More dangerous than any other succubus, she had ever met before, because she went under her skin.

Touched and loved unconditional in her way.

She had to pull herself together. Focus. 'Is she all right?' therefore she changed the subject. Bo shook sadly her head. 'No. She is not.' Concern sounded in her voice and she let drop her hands. 'I can not heal her...' discouraged she sat on the edge of the bed, her handy restin on her lap. 'Why not?' The young Fae looked up at her with watering eyes. 'I do not know.'

'It's not your fault, Bo!' But the succubus didn't seem convinced. 'Do you want to stay the night?' And Tamsin was surprised how seriously she meant this question. But the dark eyes that glowed in the night, burned lovingly in Tamsins battered soul and it hurt even more, when Bo caressed her cheek tenderly and shortly after, the door shut behind her.

'... Damn it!'

The next day

'Tezz' her brother shouted out, as he couldn't find her in her bed. 'Tezz, where are you?'

'I'm here ...' her voice was weak and came from the room diagonally opposite from hers. It was Laurens room. She sat on the bed and stared at the ground, watching as the blood drop by drop formed a dark red puddle. 'What are you doing here?' His question seemed ridiculous at the same moment he asked it. 'You are not in the condition to leave the bed, Tezz,' he admonished her and sat down beside her.

With deep-set eyes and a pale face she looked at him. 'Sooner or later won't be in the condition to do anything, Dyson. So what do you think it hurt me? '

'You can't give up. I'll find someone who can help you ... ' he tried to comfort her. She rose heavily and swayed slightly, as her feet touched down on the ground. Then she raised her head and stretched out her chin. 'Oh I know someone ... the only problem is ... I have NO IDEA WHERE SHE IS ... AND WHY SHE HAS DONE THAT!' Her outburst brought back the headaches and her weakened heart ached at the every single pump. 'Damn.' She faltered and hated being so weak. Quietly, she growled and sipped over to her nest, curled up and met the pain powerless.

'Why do you think that it was Lewis?' Her brother stood in the doorway and looked over at her. 'Her name is Lauren.' She just said. 'You heard what Taft said'

She answered with barely audible voice. He came to her and sat down beside her nest. The bandage on her shoulder was already soaked with blood and small drops seeped through the fabric of her tank tops.

He would ask Ciara to change it. His grip was the cover, which he placed carefully on the careworn body of his sister. 'I just thought ... you and her ... you had ...' 'Apparently not.' She interrupted him. The wolf woman stared blankly into space. Affected he stayed beside her and stroked her hair. He would not allow to lose his little sister. If it was Lewis who had made this poison, he would find her and should Tezz die before she could help her, he would let her bleed out as well, drop by drop.

'How she ever comes to Taft?' Tezzra blinked, returned to this world, looked up at her brother and frowned. 'Ask her if you find her.' A slight smile played on her pale lips, but her eyes remained sad.

'We have to do something Trick.' Dyson stormed in the meeting room. 'I can't let her die. She's my little sister!' the wolf paced up and down, his hands running through his thick curly hair and his brows deep in his face.


'I warned her.' the bearded old man said bluntly and walked around the table at which he had stood to read.

'That's it? That's all you have to say Trick? 'I warned her.'? This madman has managed to force a wolf down. A WOLF. Tezz and I have fought more battles for the Fae, than anyone else and she gets nothing more than a 'I warned her.' from you?'The Blood King looked up at him. 'What do you expect me to do, Dyson?' Tricks apathy dismayed him. 'Something more than a blame!'

Abashed the Blood Sage averted his eyes. 'What should I do in your opinion?'

'You are the Blood King! You can help her alone. '

'Dyson ... that's ridiculous.' the old Fae turned away. This conversation didn't please him. 'BUT SHE DIES!' Dyson slammed his hand on the table and raised his voice. His eyes blazed bright and a faint growl escaped him unintentionally.

'I KNOW!' Trick shouted back, but couldn't meet the wolf's eyes, just felt like this came closer. 'Then why are you doing anything? Isn't she worth it?' His voice was something threatening. Trick whirled around angrily and his dark eyes bored into the wolf man's. 'How dare you?'

'Enough!' The injured Fae shuffled into the room. 'You'll wake the whole house!'

'Tezz!' Dyson came to hold and supported her. 'I do not need his power.' She grumbled. Despite her brother's help, walking was a challenge, but her pride held her upright and her stubbornness let shove her one foot in front of the other. 'He can help you ..'

'If he could or wanted to, he would have done it.' Tezzra glanced at the old man before they refocused on their movements.

Dyson maneuvered his sister in a wheelchair Kenzi had organized for her. Through the efforts of moving, breath became in short gasps. 'We do not have much time ...' she began again after taking the moment to come to rest.

'... If we want to strike back, we should do that soon.' Her brother put a blanket around her shoulders. 'But we need an army ...' he replied.

'No, we should just start to use our resources thoughtfully.' He took a deep breath.

'She's right.' Trick said quietly and the two wolves looked over at him. 'We need to strike Taft down before he will kill all the Fae.'