That Was Awkward
Chapter One:
Is This Real Life?
Darcy was not an Avenger.
She knew this. Everyone in the tower knew this. Everyone who had ever met her knew this. Yet somehow she had managed to land herself a room in the Avengers tower. If that wasn't luck Darcy didn't know what was. Somehow this unpaid intern with half a poli-sci degree had managed to move into possibly the safest, most expensive building in the world, was now making a decent wage and living with superheroes.
Was this real life?
How had this even happened?
It was Thursday, Darcy hated Thursdays. They were probably the worst day of the week next to Monday. God damn Thursdays pretending they were almost Fridays, how dare they; it made her angry. And to top it off Darcy was going to work. She loved Jane, she did, but no one in their right mind actually liked working. In an attempt to make herself feel better she stopped off at the only coffee joint in town and picked up two cups of that sweet, sweet nectar of the Gods.
Thank Thor for coffee.
She didn't know if she could get through life without it. Making her way to work and to Jane, Darcy was greeted with an odd sight. Not the oddest thing she had ever seen while working for Jane but something out of the ordinary. A very familiar, very handsome man in an AC/DC shirt hovering over her laptop.
"Uh, your Tony Stark," Darcy gaped nearly dropping her coffee. What was the Tony Stark doing standing in her workplace? And… going through her Facebook! "Hey!" she swatted at him and he raised his hands in surrender.
"My you are an observant one," he replied sliding his sunglasses down his nose and giving her a very slow once over. His eyes seemed to get stuck on a very prominent part of her anatomy.
"Yeah, they are pretty great but eyes front," Darcy rolled her eyes. She was use to this sort of attention from people and expected no less from the worlds biggest playboy. So far he had yet to disappoint.
"But boobs," Tony hummed with the enthusiasm of a kid on Christmas and made grabby hands at them. Raising an eyebrow Darcy covered the girls by crossing her arms.
"Uhuh, can I help you?" she asked skeptically. What was a multi-billionaire doing in their humble abode?
"No but I can help you," he stated casually looking over the top of his glasses at her.
"Why do I need help?" Darcy asked placing the coffee cups on her desk, to avoid further spillage and shooed him further away from her computer. Tony Stark near her laptop just seemed like a bad idea to her.
"Oh, did I not tell you?" Jane asked popping her head around the corner an expression of complete bewilderment on her face.
"Tell me what Jane," Darcy raised an inquisitive eyebrow at the brunette in question.
"We're moving to New York," the small woman said while hefting a box of electronics onto the table beside her. "We work for Stark now and we've been offered lodging in Stark Tower." Well wasn't that a sudden turn of events.
"The Avengers Tower," he corrected her. "But Yeah, I promised Shakespeare in the Park that I'd keep his lady love safe while he was off world. Apparently that includes you by proxy… something about a great maiden with a box of lightening." Tony smirked clearly wanting to hear the story behind that description.
"I tasered him once," Darcy shrugged "no big."
"You tasered the God of Thunder? Oh my God I love you!" Tony said with glee in his voice. Darcy could almost see the hamster wheel turning in his brain. The new information she had given him tumbling along and being stored until he could use it for nefarious purposes.
"And no Jane, you did not tell me," she said slowly. The unexpected news was a tad overwhelming and her knees were beginning to feel weak.
"You'll come wont you?" Jane sounded apprehensive like she was just clueing into the fact that she had sprung this on her assistant last minute.
"Of course I'll come!" Darcy almost squealed in excitement. She had never been to New York before and had always wanted to go. "I can't leave you to fend for yourself, can I?" that would be a disaster; Jane having to remember to feed herself and sleep at appropriate times.
"Great, now that's settled, get packing," Tony waved her away and clapped his hands in a chop-chop motion clearly ready to be out of New Mexico.
"Sure thing new boss man," Darcy saluted him and turned to her desk immediately closing down her laptop.
"She's quick, I like her," he said to Jane with an approving nod.
"Here," Jane shoved one of her machines into Tony's arms and he nearly dropped it.
"I don't like being handed thin- oh my God! Is that machine made out of tin foil?" Tony gasped in horror only just noticing some of the equipment that surrounded him. "I am not bringing that on my jet. That's disgraceful." As Tony and Jane's superior intellect dissolved into pre-school name calling Darcy gathered up the contents of her desk and left the two geniuses to duke it out. She needed to pack up her room.
Was it just her or had that been sufficiently awkward?
Cool but awkward.
Yeah it had been definitely been awkward.
A.N: I'm planning a few chapters for this one. I don't really know where it's going yet though.
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