Smiles for everyone. Laughs for the sad times. It's the grip I hold onto so I don't slip away. My sunny days spent well with doing something I treasure in life, which is the sport Baseball. I develop, grow and continue to move forward. That's the morality of my life.

.:The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side:.

I didn't expect for my days to be clouded with anger and guilt. I wasn't prepared for the hate and the ache throbbing in my chest.

I decided to advance forward and to be ignorant. But it hurt so much that I knew that if I did act in a way, it would't look convincing at all.

But life surely is full of surprises... because it seems that I've found my sunshine once again.

I no longer need to go through such days and feel neglected.

The lonely days are over.

©graylubitches Ace of Diamond/ダイヤのA Fanfiction

Anime/Manga owned by: Yuji Terajima

Featuring: Sawamura Eijun | Miyuki Kazuya | Kominato Haruichi

2014 presents The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side.

Final-Chapter V

.:The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side:.

"Mom, Dad, Gramps... this is my boyfriend."

The Sawamura Family arrived at Seidou High after their son was released from the hospital just a week ago. They were panicking when they received a call that their son and grandson was sent to the hospital, but was shortly relieved when they found out that the incident wasn't too serious. Mommy Sawamura, however, was still very concerned of the well-being of her son and prompted to call everyday to ask about his condition.

Now that she was given a three-day off, the ride to the big city was a long ride and after convincing a neighbour to watch the house for awhile; they all left together to see how the boy was doing.

"I-It's very nice to meet you. My name is Kominato Haruichi."

"But I call him Harucchi! Isn't it a cute nickname?" Eijun commented with a laugh. "By the way, I'm the only person allowed to call him that. So call him something else, okay?"

Grandpa tackled the boy to the ground. "Watch your manners, young man! And know that in a relationship, you shouldn't be too possessive."

"Ouch gramps! My back and arm!"

The pinkette fidgeted, not knowing if he should help the brunet or let the two settle things on their own. "Ehh, you have such pretty hair," a voice complimented.

Haruichi blushed at seeing the look of awe in Eijun's mother's eyes. "Oh, you're so pink and red! Cuteeee!" she squealed, earning a weird stare from the man across the table.

A manly laugh occurred, followed by a husky voice. "How did you land yourself a boyfriend, brat? And who's fallen over heels for who?"

"Dad, don't say stuff like that! It's embarrassing." Eijun was finally able to breathe after obtaining his freedom of space back.

"But I was just asking."

The loud-mouth son looked away, feeling flustered by the question.

"I think that'd be me, sir."

Everyone turned to the petit pinkette in the room—who resumed to show a grin on his face.

.:The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side:.

Many days have passed since the incident and the meeting of Sawamura's family who in turn liked the boy Haruichi. They had asked about what happened, and to how the brunet injured his arm—then simply as if it wasn't a tricky question at all—he responded by saying that he had acted reckless and immature. A somewhat true reason.

It has already been a month and Eijun is finally out from his cast. He chuckled at thinking of a way to surprise his little boyfriend. He could, suddenly pretend to break a fall, make the lad worry then reveal to him that he was alright after seeing his priceless reaction. He can also joke around saying that his arm has been damaged even more and leave Haruichi to panic in return. In other words, Eijun wanted to put a small prank on his boyfriend for a bit.

But when the act had begun, and he cried out very loudly from his bedroom, it was a different person who rushed inside to see him. "Sawamura, what's wrong?! Are you alright?"

Eijun immediately stopped his fake crying and abruptly stood up with a stunned look. "Miyuki...?!"

"What happened? Is it your arm again? Let me see!" The worry in his tone did not go un-missed.

"N-No No, my arm's fine. It's not broken anymore. Actually it's completely healed, and I can now play baseball again! See?" He swung his arms back and forth and even rotated his shoulders to support his statement. Although there was a slight flinch in the muscles from the after affects of not moving them for a month, he was alright now.

"Then don't scream like that, you bastard!" Now, Miyuki was angry. Very angry. "Why the hell were you screaming then?! Did you want to give me a heart attack? Is this to get back at me or something?!"

"No, it's nothing like that!" Eijun defended, while still waving his hands around. "I was doing something stupid again and you just happened to get caught in it. I'm not seeking for revenge nor do I want to keep fighting with you. Don't misunderstand."

Miyuki froze at the last words uttered.

Don't misunderstand.

The questions and concerns that have been driving himself insane for the past few weeks came howling in his head. After finding out a month ago that the brunet had been injured even before their argument in the shed happened—brought curiosity to him, and the game with Otokaru flashed in his mind. The possibilities of his interpretation being wrong about that game, haunted him at night.

He needed to know.

He had to know the truth.

"Back then with Otokaru...were you somehow injured that day?" The catcher didn't want to hide behind a bush and just came right out to it and asked. It was a direct question that needed some answering.

The first-year lad did not response. First of all, he didn't know what to say. Second of all, should he explain what happened that day? Third of all, why was Miyuki asking this now?

No one really knew what happened except for Haruichi who he told to on his last day at the hospital. The Seidou regulars, coach, managers and Rei who were concerned also asked him this same question before, but he never told them the answer. All he said was, "It doesn't matter what happened. I screwed up, and I intend to make up for it."

"Answer me. I want to know if I misunderstood you, and if what I did was–"

"There was no misunderstanding. I was selfish and I admit it."

The glasses-boy gazed at him with a hard look. There was no satisfaction given with that kind of response. "So you really did betray me that day then. The day we were preparing for our first National game you said that you'd throw to my glove...but you didn't. And it made you a liar."

Miyuki's Story: The day before the game with Seidou Vs Otokaru.

"Worry about yourself Miyuki, I'm going to definitely throw all balls into your glove!"

The declaration brought a smile to the catcher's lips, and he could not stop the feeling of anticipation crawling on the back of his head (and for their next game to begin).




He watches as Sawamura stands on the mound after substituting for Furuya who has reached his limits. There were no outs and no runners on base. It was the start of the fifth inning. Miyuki studies the batter on the box and identifies him as Jin Lu, the first baseman, who's specialty is hitting fastballs to the far depth of the left field. He positions his glove for an inner course (the four-seamer) that the pitcher loves to throw. With a grin of expectation, while remembering the words the lad proclaimed the other day, he awaits for the ball to go into his glove.

But those thoughts were shattered as the ball flew to the outside course and the umpire yells out a "Ball!"

The glasses-boy gave the boy a look, curious to why such a mistake happened. He called for a battery time out. With a jog, he quickly approached the boy on the diamond. "Calm down, Sawamura. Just follow my lead with wherever I put my glove. We'll get him out."

The lad timidly nodded in agreement.

Miyuki ran back to his area and positioned for another four-seamer.




Throw properly you dumbass! What happened to seeing my glove and trusting my every decision?! He thought angrily. Why the hell are you throwing on your own!

By the time he decided to call for the second battery time out after the upcoming pitch, and have a talk with his battery partner—a home-run was made. Miyuki felt betrayed and lost.

"I'm sorry." The first-year softly whispered with a saddened expression. "For everything."

"I don't need your sorry, I need the truth. Tell me your story, Sawamura. Every details that I need to know. Tell me."

"You don't have–"

"Yes I do! I have to know so just tell me!"

The desperate tone he used made the brunet reluctant. He didn't know if telling him his side of the story was the right thing to do, because as it seems right now, they were going on a trial of who was at wrong and of their story matched. But to vanquish Miyuki's worried look and the waver in his heart, there needs to be a legitimate thorough comprehension to what happened to the both of them. Which also meant Sawamura needed to give in.

Sawamura's Story: The day before the game with Seidou Vs Otokaru.

"Sawamura, don't you dare throw too many balls or give a run on the game tomorrow. If you do, the coach is going to seriously switch you out." Miyuki said those words very casually. Other than the fact that what he proclaimed was harsh—it would have come out to be completely natural if one knew about the catcher's mischievous personality.

Eijun should have been one of those people. But it seemed that he took it a bit to heart.

"Worry about yourself Miyuki, I'm going to definitely throw all balls into your glove!"

He announced with pure belief.




Later that night, when everyone was supposed to be sleeping, Eijun had snuck out from his room. He went straight to the bullpen with a glove and a ball in each hand, where a net stood waiting for him. He pitched a fastball one after another, and even tried mixing in the cross-fire he recently learnt. There was a slight twinge and an electrifying feel appearing on his elbow but he decided to ignore it.

He was going to pitch his very best tomorrow. He was going to impress Miyuki. He was not going to be switched out. He will be the ace.

The ball abruptly slipped out from his grip. "Ow!"

Eijun stared with wide eyes at his arm. He couldn't move it without feeling an ache surging up his shoulder. He tried and tried to massage it—even lift it—but he just couldn't. The pain was unbearable (too much) and with tears sliding from his cheeks; it had struck him that he had been stupid.

He silently went back to his room, climbed onto his bed and tried to sleep the pain away. The previous thought of practicing for three more hours ended up not being helpful at all, but breaking him instead. He didn't know what to say to the team.

So the next day, nothing was said at all.

When he stood on the mound, pretending that he was alright—the only thing on his mind was to pitch the ball to where the glove was. He was confident he could do it. That no injury could prevent him from playing the sport he loved. But confidence was not the only thing he needed.

He threw the ball which landed outside the strike zone. He felt the catcher trying to look him in the eye (with curiosity) which he avoided, and proceeded with his pitching.

He threw again and again, with the balls flying everywhere as the sound of bats made contact. Then the ball was hit over the fence and hell broke loose. Miyuki was furious.

"I-Is that really what happened?" Miyuki lightly gasped after hearing Sawamura's side of the story. How many more other times (that he didn't know) did he part-take in, into breaking the boy?

"Yes, and I lied to you. When I said I'd throw everything into your glove, you believed me, didn't you? But I failed."

"What are you talking about, Sawamura?! I was the one that put pressure on you! By making you overwork yourself and have doubts. It led to breaking your arm! You should have said something! Why didn't you tell anyone?! Me, especially. You should have told me. Aren't I your catcher?"

Rationality hit Miyuki on the head and the sad look he was receiving told him that there was something more that needed to be said. Words not from the brunet. But words from him. He needed to apologize to the lad because he had hurt him as well. He was the one that started the whole mischief. It was because he convinced the whole team to treat Sawamura as an invisible teammate for the recklessness he has shown on the game at that time. He was the one who convinced them by saying it was his punishment. He was the leader of the don't-talk-to-Sawamura squad. It was a childish and an unforgivable act. Just because the faith was broken between the two of them by interpreting that the other lad was the cause for it to happen—who refused to look at his glove. That the boy was the reason why their battery broke apart. But finally knowing that there was more to the story hit him like a clash of wave.

He needed a proper closure.

"I should be the one apologizing. For insulting you, mocking you, and loathing you. For every mean words I said, for the pushes I gave you, and for the dirty glares I sent you. I'm sorry for each and every one of them. If only I knew what you went through, I would have supported you. I-I screwed up. And now I can only wonder if only it ended differently, and be your catcher I once was...and for you be my pitcher." It was a pretty selfish wish which came out from his mouth. And it finally creaked up on Miyuki that maybe it wasn't Sawamura who was selfish, but him instead.

However, the brunet proved his theory wrong.

"We're both at fault."

Because it was the both of them who have been selfish all along.

It was quick. The scene which followed next. Eijun found himself pressed against Miyuki's chest and there were arms snaked around his waist. Miyuki hated showing an act of care, so this was a very odd picture. Nonetheless, the brunet comforted the lad who wouldn't stop apologizing while he insisted his own sorrys and forgiveness.

"S-Stop crying Miyuki. Jeeeez–I never thought I'd see this day!"

"S-Shut up! You're cryinggg too, dumbass."

He didn't hate Miyuki. He never hated him. It was his own actions that led to the horrendous incident and he had been too stupid. He understood his mistakes and the fault he had done to everyone.

But what if, he did say something that day? What if, he didn't need to damage his arm even more? Would he have been treated badly? Would he have been happy not standing on that mound? Would he still have Haruichi?

The what ifs quickly vanished after stocking his head with full of questions. He didn't need the what ifs. Sure, he didn't like how everyone had ignored and pushed him away. And that he missed every of his teammates. But there was one person who did not leave his side. He has finished settling out his feelings. He loves Haruichi and he was being loved back. That's really all that matters now.

.:The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side:.

Eijun used his thumbs to wipe away the tears flowing down his boyfriend's eyes. After his confrontation with Miyuki, he still went with his idea of scaring the pinkette. He had called the petit a few minutes ago, screaming that his arm was bleeding again. When the wooden batter entered the room to find him on the floor, clutching his arm with tomato sauce poured on his skin, the boy frantically ran to his side.

"Eijun-kun! What happened? Did you hurt yourself? Did someone hurt you? We need to get you the hospital! Let's hurry. Oh God!" He slipped his phone out from his pocket, ready to contact the coach when suddenly, the device was taken away. "What are you doing?! We need to get you to the doctor! You're bleeding!"

The brunet decided to drop the act—feeling guilty that he was making his boyfriend cry. "I'm sorry Harucchi, but I'm alright now. The doctor took my cast off this morning and this is tomato sauce on my arm."

"Huh?" Haruichi's cheeks turned red in anger. The picture fit with his reasoning and it is then revealed that everything had been just a phoney act. "Why would you joke about this?"

"I-I just wanted to see you get worried over me again."

"Why? Do you like seeing me cry so much?"

"Of course not! I-I... I'm sorry."

The wooden batter twirled around, about to leave the room when he was pulled back into an embrace. "Don't be mad. It was silly and I'm an idiot. Please don't be mad, Harucchi. I love you."

Eijun snuggled himself into the petit's neck and placed soft kisses on his pretty skin.

The pink-head huffed (upset that he can never really get mad at the boy). "Fine. You're forgiven for now."

"Eh! Only for now? What about later?"

Haruichi turned himself back to face his boyfriend. "On one condition." The brunet waited for him to continue. "Kiss me."

With a short chuckled, Eijun immediately leaned in. "Then here's a warning. I'm going to leave you breathless."

.:The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side:.

Eijun stopped feeling uneasy in the morning. He stopped doubting everything. He stopped worrying too much, and the guilt he used to have was gone. He has always felt the loneliness creeping up behind him ever since the unfortunate incident happened, but there was also that light of hope pushing him to move forward.

He's been hurt by words. He's been crushed by words. But he has gotten up because of words. And is fighting strong for them. "Had a nice sleep?" "Here's your towel." "I brought you something." "It's time to rest." "Let's eat lunch together." "I missed you." "Good-night." "Sweet dreams." "I love you/too." These are some of the words he loved to hear everyday. Especially, if they came from the person he truly loves.

"A bento!" Eijun's eyes lit up at seeing chopped up pork, rice, egg-rolls and mashed potatoes on the side. The pinkette flushed at the reaction he received. He had learnt to cook each dish yesterday in the cafeteria with the help of the managers. He wanted to prepare a bento box for his boyfriend as they decided to go on a picnic under a shady tree behind the dorm rooms. "Did you make this for me?"

The lad fiddled with his fingers then nodded sheepishly. Eijun hugged him for looking so cute, and appreciated the gesture. "Thank you, Harucchi! I will gladly eat the food!"

The petit boy smiled before grabbing his chopsticks and preparing to dig in us well into his own bento box. However, suddenly, an egg-roll appeared in front of his face. "Since you fed me when I was in the hospital, it's only right if I return the favour right? Say ah!"

Haruichi shyly opened his mouth to take in the food. "Oh, you got sauce on your lips." Just when he was about to argue that there was no ketchup on the egg-roll, it was too late as he felt a tongue slide across his mouth. Eijun leaned back with a smirk. "Got it."

The pinkette instantly turned a tomato red. With flushed cheeks and shaky hands from the electrifying feel running down his back, Haruichi dipped his chopstick onto the mashed potatoes before smearing it onto Eijun's lips. "You got some on yours too."

If one knew Haruichi of just being the timid and shy lad, then they didn't really know the batter at all. He was blunt, competitive and secretly the jealous type. And the only people who knew this side was his parents, his older brother Ryosuke and boyfriend Eijun. He was not someone you wanted to mess with.

The light lick ended up being longer, and became a hot make out session between the couple. They were eating each other's mouth out with their occasional fight for control. It was not a battle of skills, but of feelings, and the message they want to convey to one another.

After I stumbled that day on the mound, everyone hated me. I felt lonely and the want to cry bugged me every second. I had practically given up when I was isolated from the team. From baseball. I wanted to go home to my hometown. To run to my bedroom and scream my heart out. I wanted to cowardly run away and hide. My world collapsed right in front of my eyes and I couldn't do anything to get back up and move forward. Everything just went the wrong way.

Eijun pressed himself closer to the boy's body, leaving no distance for the two of them to hover each other. He ran his hand through those soft pink locks, while the other hand was currently heating up at the touch placed on the small waist.

I had known about your affection for him. That you wouldn't be able to look at me the way I look at you. It was always the both of you that I see in the bullpen and it hurt so much that you didn't know. That you didn't know how a single smile can make my day, and another smile for him can make my knees drop to the ground (ready to surrender). But after seeing you fake a smile until they completely vanished from your face, I kept asking myself "how?". How much does it take to make you understand that you were the sun to my day and stars to my night. And why did everything have to go the wrong way.

Haruichi tightened his arms around the brunet's neck then dragged himself to sit on his lap. Their noses brushed from time to time and the kiss left him all out of breath. But he wanted more.

For being the only one there for me.

For accepting and treasuring my feelings.

For lending me a hand to grip onto and a shoulder to cry on.

For making my everyday worthwhile filled with sweetness.

Thank you.

.:The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side:.

A beautiful, ruby-coloured butterfly casually flew by a calming breeze, and there below—sat two boys under a tree leaning on each other with content smiles. The wind unexpectedly blew heavily, knocking the insect to the side and causing it to land on something hard. It fluttered its wings to check for damage before lifting its head up to see that it had landed on a shoulder.

The man had a frown on his face and the see-through glasses definitely did not help cover his glistening eyes. A sigh escaped his lips which brought the hot air to brush against the butterfly. The creature jumped off with a huff before flying away one more time (but in a different direction it once took).

"I guess I'm too late," Miyuki mumbled as he tuck his hands into his pockets. He turned his back then began to walk away with short strides.

No matter what, he realized his feelings too late and acted in the wrong to show his intentions. Because of that he was suffering by the wrong timing and the choice of the wind itself. With a sheepish thought, he says, "Fate was never really my forte. It had always been me and my irrational thinking."

Nonetheless, it made sense because the wind blew on the wrong side, not only for him, but for all three of them. And it just happens that he was struck harder and had the chills longer than he had expected.

! messejii from graylubitches:



this story is now finally over


no, Eijun was not bullied or anything

I don't know if you guys agree if it was Eijun who broke himself

or if it was Miyuki.

thats for your own mind to judge

if any of you guys have complaints, leave it on the comment box

i might just make a MiyuSawa version or end it with a different pairing.

as some of you might notice, there are grammar and spelling mistakes

here and there. frankly it's because this story is NOT BETA read

nor is English my mother tongue :P


alright, to my readers here is a short debate question for you all:

[not obligated to answer]

who's side are you on Team Sawamura or Team Miyuki?

Team Miyuki: Sawamura was insensitive and the one on the wrong. I mean why would he pitch when he knew he had an injured arm. it doesn't matter if he wanted to help the team by thinking he could strike out the batters because in the end, he couldn't put his thoughts into action—which in the process jeopardized the team. He behaved selfishly and irrationally.

Team Sawamura: Not only did Sawamura had strong confidence that he could pitch well even if his arm was injured, he also wanted to surpass that injury and do everything for the team. There was the pressure that he unconsciously had to shoulder upon to not disappoint the coach and be subbed out. In a way, he proceeded to pitching to gain Miyuki's respect and attempted to overwork himself with a positive mindset result by practicing in the middle of the night.

Team Miyuki: it was understandable that Miyuki acted in such a way toward Sawamura. He broke their connection as battery partners and left Miyuki in a state of being the victim of betrayal and confusion.

Team Sawamura: Miyuki was a bastard for treating Sawamura like a piece of shit. He only cared about his own feelings and ignored the latter's.

If you agree to any of these statements, do explain in the comment box.


i am planning to write a new DNA fanfiction

featuring Miyuki Kazuya and yours truly, my bae, Sawamura Eijun!

if anyone of you guys are interested and have time, do check the story out

once i have published it :]

Titled: Official In Secret

Author: graylubitches

Pairing: MiyuSawa

Genre: Romantic-Drama

Summary: Because we are finally together, I should be happy. Miyuki Kazuya loved me back. So we should be going on lots of dates, trying out couple games and other couple things. That's what I was hoping for. But that imagination was horrendously destroyed the minute he said, "Let's keep this 'us' a secret." How long can I last with this hide-and-go-seek? When will there officially be a Kazuya in Eijun's life? What's the point of all this.

Publishing Date: November 10th, 2014

Coming out soon.


Lastly, i would just like to say Thank You to everyone

who supported, reviewed and read this fan-fiction

and bared with my lack of my updates!

i sincerely appreciate the feedbacks

and i honestly

had a great time writing this story ^^v jane! {See you}


Do not Plagiarize in any sort of way such as; copying/pasting, editing, printing, saving to documents/files, translating, or claiming this story as yours.

I can accept it if you are a silent reader or is a harsh commentator, or an anonymous hater, just don't break my number 1 rule which is 'plagiarizing'.

All rights reserved. ©graylubitches claims that this 2014 presented story

The Wind Blew on the Wrong Side

is now officially done.