
A/N: Based on anon prompt: "Maybe Stepbrother!Klaine. Where Blaine is super jealous and protective of his slightly younger brother, whenever he brings someone home? And Kurt loves to annoy and tease him? Kurt always hints towards his feelings for Blaine as he teases him for his jealousy but Blaine is in denial? - Or anything along the line. Maybe :D"

This one may be 2 or 3 chapters, depending on the response and reviews received. Should be posted and completed in a matter of days.

This one is for soon to be Birthday girl Camilla. Have a happy one, cutie pie.

"We're going to see 22 Jump Street tonight with the football team, Lady Face," Santana watched Kurt pick up his pom-poms and pulled the Scrunchie out of her hair. "Ethan says he's not coming unless you show face."

Kurt smiled, grabbing his things and then walking towards the school. Cheerios practice went great today, and it may've had something to do with the fact that Kurt could see Ethan watching in between plays as the football team practiced. He may've rehearsed the Cheerios dance numbers with a bit more unf just for him. "I guess I better show face then. Oh—" he stopped walking in his tracks and sighed; eyes closed. "Actually, tonight isn't good at all."

Santana turned back, as did Quinn, and both girls have him horrified looks. "What do you mean 'tonight isn't good', Kurt? Tonight is great… it's Friday and Ethan wants you to be there."

Kurt shook his head and walked off in front of them. "Trust me when I say that I want to go but, my stepbrother is coming back home from Yale and his mother set up a Friday Night Dinner. I haven't seen him in a while, actually." The trio continued to walk and Kurt stopped at the entrance of the boys' locker room, looking at Quinn and Santana. "When he came home over the summer, all of us were at cheer camp with Sylvester. He didn't come home at all for Spring Break because he went partying with his college friends in Cabo San Lucas, so we haven't seen each other since… Christmas break last year."

"Wow," Quinn leant against the wall and looked at Santana. "I guess that's understandable."

"Is it really, Quinn?" Santana looked at her. "This is Ethan we're talking about. Kurt can get laid tonight. And I mean, even though Ethan is the quarterback, his whole persona screams 'I'm a nelly bottom' if you catch my drift. I'm really rooting for these two, ok—"

"Kurt can still get laid, just not tonight." Quinn waved at some of the guys walking by as they slipped into the boys' locker room behind Kurt. They smiled back. "Weren't you two really close before he left for college? I'm sure he wants to see Blaine."

Kurt nodded at that. He did want to see his older stepbrother. It'd been a while. "He really hasn't seen me since I was that dweeby, chubby, short kid he had to protect from bullies and what not. I just want him to see that I'm doing ok for myself."

Santana rolled her eyes at that. If Kurt wanted his stepbrother to know he was hot, why didn't he just send him a Snapchat? "Why don't you just have the stupid family dinner and then invite him out with us afterwards?"

Kurt thought for a moment. "I don't know if my dad would go for that but I'll try."

Quinn gestured over to the girls' locker room with a head nod. "It's close to 5 so I need to get going. Maybe we'll see you tonight, but if not, call?" the blonde made the phone gesture with her hand and Kurt smiled, nodding at her. "Let us know how dinner went."

"I will," Kurt waved goodbye to the both of them before walking into locker room.

To be honest, Kurt didn't know which he wanted more. Ethan was really hot. He was tall with a tanned complexion, and that stupid Bieber hair that somehow worked for him. He wasn't much to hold a conversation with, but Kurt didn't really want to talk with Ethan. He wanted to do other things, definitely.

As Kurt was about to change out of his Cheerios uniform, he got a text from his father saying that he and Blaine were on their way back from the airport. In efforts to get home before his stepbrother and be there to welcome him, Kurt decided to grab his bag and jacket and leave school right away. 'Excited' was a bit of an understatement.

Sure things weren't the same as they were when the two were younger, but that didn't change the fact that Kurt still thought of Blaine as one of his closest friends. When their parents met when Blaine was 16 and Kurt was 14, the two of them had hit it off pretty well. They went to the same school, and the elder found himself being extremely overprotective of his 'little brother.' Blaine was one of those kids who was on most of the teams and in most of the clubs, and had friends in every social circle. Popular wasn't strong enough a word to describe him. He was likeable all around, and probably the most charming boy in all of Ohio, Kurt was sure of it. But what he loved most about his older stepbrother was that once he found out Kurt was being picked on, he put a stop to it.

He didn't have to. Of course he didn't. Blaine was one of the cool kids even back then. He could've turned the other cheek and pretended like everything was fine at home, but he didn't. He was always protective of his 'little bro' as he called him, and Kurt was forever grateful.

They hadn't really been in contact much after Blaine finished his freshman year at Yale University. Classes and extracurriculars kept both of them preoccupied; especially Blaine, but every couple months, one of them would squeeze a phone call or a text in here or there. As of late, it wasn't a lot, but they knew the other was alive and that was good enough.

Kurt pulled into the driveway and cursed to himself when he saw that his father had beaten him home. He did however smile at the Yale University bumper sticker on the back of Burt's truck as he parked behind his dad's vehicle. It was good that Burt was so proud of him. It made their little family feel a bit more real, despite them not being blood related.

From Ethan:

I just heard that you weren't coming out to the movies tonight with the Titans and Cheerios. I'm not sure if I want to go now. I was looking forward to seeing you…

Kurt smiled down at the text message before grabbing his backpack and getting out of the car. He jogged up the front steps of his place and didn't need to put the key in the lock before the door was opened.

"Hey Honey," Kurt's stepmother Allison smiled when she saw him. "Oh you're still in your Cheerios suit. Dinner isn't ready yet so you've got time to clean up."

"Great," he walked in and said hello. "Where's Mr. Yale?"

Burt responded from the kitchen. "He's up in his room getting settled in. Go say hello."

Kurt pulled his jacket off and hung it up, placing his bag on the floor by the coat rack. He turned back to Allison as she stood there in her Always Right, Never Wrong – I'm Italian apron. "I'll be right back down to help with dinner if you need it."

"I'm fine," she nudged him playfully and headed back towards the kitchen. "Any help I need, the old man here will provide. Isn't that right?"

Burt smiled, kissing her cheek. "I can play taste tester."

Kurt rolled his eyes at them with a smile before heading up to the second floor. He could hear Blaine moving around up there. His room was across from Kurt's and suddenly the memories of how loud Blaine could be came flooding back; he had that ridiculous rock band in 11th grade and instead of rehearsing in you know, the garage, they would play in his room. Drums and all. There was also that whole foreign language movie phase he had where sometimes French movies would be played at absurd volume levels. Oh and when their parents were away and a boy was over… loud. Kurt blushed just thinking about it.

That was another thing – Kurt couldn't help but crush on his stepbrother in the early days.

Blaine was just so sweet, and caring, and he had that smile that lit up the room. He knew something about everything and could talk your ear off and engage you in a conversation in the greatest way, and he could sing you any fucking song. He was just gorgeous. It took Kurt a while to get over it, really. After seeing Blaine walking around in a towel, it took some time to move past that. He literally almost died that weekend. But, eventually it happened. He started dating this kid named Paul from a neighboring school and though Blaine was really weary of him, it all worked out fine. Well, they did break up but, it had worked out. Kurt and Blaine were friends and the whole weird crush thing was done with.

Kurt smiled as he stood outside his stepbrother's door, about to see him again for the first time in close to a year. He knocked on his bedroom door hard enough to be heard over the sound of Indie music and waited patiently, hands behind his hips. He probably should've changed out of his Cheerios uniform but it was too late for that now. The music cut off and Blaine answered.

"Mom? Is that you? Did you get rid of my Jamison slippers? I can't seem to find them."

Kurt smiled at the familiar voice. Still as smooth as always. "It's me, you idiot."

There were quick footsteps and then the door was thrown open. Blaine grinned before hugging his stepbrother tightly. "Kurt!"

Kurt laughed, realizing now just how much he'd shot up in his senior year. He could see clear over Blaine's head. He wrapped his arms around the college sophomore and laughed as Blaine squeezed him a little tighter than he thought was called for. "Blaine! I kind of need my air supply… it's a crazy concept I know."

Blaine laughed and let him go, looking the teen up and down. Kurt settled back onto both feet, and he could feel his cheeks were a bit colored as he took in the sight of Blaine Anderson. His shoulders were nice and broad, his arms were strong. The Yale t-shirt he wore with the bulldog logo on it fit him perfectly, showing off his muscular chest and abdomen. He wore these grey jeans that Kurt could remember from a previous visit, only they hugged his thighs even better now. And fuck, that stupid smile on his beautiful face, and those glowing hazel eyes.

What an asshole.

"You… wow," Blaine smiled and subconsciously licked his lips as he took in Kurt. "You're a Cheerio? When were you going to tell me this?"

Kurt smiled and did a half curtsy. "I wanted to surprise you, I guess. Surprise!"

Blaine's eyes locked with Kurt's for a moment. Eventually he smiled as he looked his stepbrother up and down, crossing his arms over his body. "It's definitely a surprise. Wow."

"Are you implying that I'm not cool enough to be a Cheerio, big bro?"

"Not at all," Blaine said as he smiled, watching Kurt fold his arms and mirror him. "I just … I mean you grew up. I feel like those old people when they haven't seen you in a while, and always say 'I remember you when you were this big'" he made a point of putting his thumb against his index finger and leaving minimal space, and Kurt laughed. "You look good though, man."

Kurt rubbed at the nape of his neck nonchalantly. "Well you know. I woke up one morning and decided to make puberty my bitch. Not much to discuss," he smirked as Blaine laughed, but didn't miss the way his stepbrother's eyes moved down his body. He cleared his throat and gestured over to his room. "I'm going to get cleaned up though so we can catch up. I hate feeling like I don't know what's going on with you."

"Same, definitely," Blaine smiled and held the door open for him. "So I'll see you downstairs with the folks."

"Yup," Kurt 'popped the p' as he said it and hugged him again before heading over into his room. Blaine smiled at him before going back to his slipper search.

Dinner turned out to be more entertaining than Kurt expected. Part of him thought he'd sit there sulking, wishing he was with the Cheerios and the football team while they were out having fun, and his dad and stepmother made Blaine talk about algorithms or whatever nerdy shit he was studying at Yale, but dinner was actually fun. They did get caught up on Blaine and what he was doing; how he was enjoying his time at an Ivy League University. He told Kurt about the parties while his mother glared at him, and even asked Kurt about how life at McKinley was going. He answered that things were pretty much the same – that he was in his share of clubs and he had the Cheerios, but it was nothing like what Blaine had going on back in the day. He mentioned that he still wanted to go to school in New York and Blaine encouraged that. After all, they'd only be a drive away from one another and as always, Blaine could keep an eye on him.

Typical big brother syndrome.

Kurt checked another text message and smiled at the content as Burt cleared the table. He could hear his stepmother and stepbrother chatting about plans for the rest of Blaine's stay as he replied.

To Ethan:

I can try and ask my stepbrother if he'll tag along. You remember Blaine right? He's visiting for the time being.

To Ethan:

And I think that if he comes along, my father would be ok with me hanging out late. He and I haven't seen each other in a while.

From Ethan:

Blaine? I remember him. God, he was cool. Well yeah, invite him along but… I hope he'll find his own seat in the theater, right? Not that I don't want him in our aisle or anything but… I don't want him in our aisle. :)

"Earth to Kurt," Burt said, looking at his son. "Are you with us?"

Kurt looked up and found his parents and Blaine staring at him with a bemused expression, smiling nonetheless. He smiled back and then looked down at his phone.

"I was reading a message."

"From Ethan?" Allison asked with a knowing look. Kurt blushed and looked away.

"Ethan?" Burt asked next.

"Ethan?" Blaine echoed, trying to remember why that name sounded so familiar. "Wait… lanky Ethan with the bad Bieber hair? Braces?"

"He had the braces taken off after you left for college, Blaine," Kurt said with an eye roll. "But yes, that Ethan."

"Is this a boyfriend?" Burt asked. His eyes were set on his son and Kurt always felt like he'd set ablaze whenever his father did that.

"He's not my boyfriend. Not yet, at least. We're just seeing where things go."

Blaine looked over at Burt and smiled. Kurt kicked him.

"Ouch," Blaine laughed and stood up from the table. "I'm just saying. I remember that kid. As dumb as a doorknob. Or should I say almost as smart as a doorknob," Blaine smirked and Kurt glared at him. "He's cute though, I'll give him that."

"Well now he's 6 foot, chiseled, and plays quarterback for the Titans. Cute isn't the word I'd use anymore," Kurt stood up from the table and looked at his father. "Let's say Ethan asked me on a date," he thought carefully before finishing because his father was crazy. "And I said no because I wanted to have dinner with my awesome stepbrother who just got home, but now said dinner is over and—"

"So you just wanna ditch me?" Blaine asked dramatically. "But… but… how can you just want to leave me here with mom and dad of all people?!"

"Young man," Allison said; hand dramatically draped over her chest. Burt smirked at the both of them.

"I don't think there should be a date before I meet him," the older Hummel told him with a shrug.

Kurt smiled as his phone vibrated. "Technically it isn't a date date, just a friend date. We're going out with the football team and the Cheerios."

Blaine ran his hands through his curly hair and Kurt looked over at him as he did it. He'd need to tell him how great it was that he laid off the hair gel nowadays. "It sounds like a good time, Burt."

"And you're invited," Kurt told him. "We're going to see 22 Jump Street."

Blaine smiled and looked at his mom. "I guess I can go and babysit the two if you'd like."

Burt glared at his son and Kurt grinned, hands clutched together in a pleading gesture as his phone vibrated again. "Fine, Kurt."

"Yes!" Kurt ran over to kiss the man on the cheek as Burt continued. "But Blaine is going to sit in between you two."

Allison laughed and her son nodded his agreement. "No Blaine isn't," she told them. Blaine groaned and Kurt got on his knees to thank her. "Go have a good time, boys. Just be in at a decent time, please? My shift starts at 11 and we don't want Burt to worry, ok?"

Kurt nodded and Blaine spoke. "We'll be good."

Kurt got up and followed his stepbrother up the stairs, skipping as he went. He could hear his father mumbling 'Ethan' and he laughed as he got up to his room.

Blaine stopped the door just before he could close it and smiled. "So… honestly now. Just the two of us. Is this guy your boyfriend? Ethan? Really?"

Kurt rolled his eyes and left the door open, going over to his closet. "He's just my friend at the moment. I don't even know if I want a relationship right now. I'm just enjoying senior year, you know?"

Blaine looked away as Kurt bent over, biting his lip. "I'm not above kicking his ass if he gets out of line. I don't care how tall he is."

"Big bro to the rescue, just like the good ol' days," Kurt said in a sing song voice. "I can see the headlines now. Yale Student gives High Schooler an Ivy League Ass Whooping. Details at 11."

Blaine smirked. "Just get ready."

"You do the same," Kurt looked back at him and raised an eyebrow at the redness of Blaine's cheeks. "Hey… are you ok?"

Blaine nodded fervently. "I am. Get dressed quickly. I'll be right back."

Kurt gave him two thumbs up before picking some clothes out of his closet.

"We're glad you could make it!" Quinn hugged Kurt tightly and the boy laughed as he squeezed her back.

"Wow Quinn. I saw you like four hours ago. Relax?"

"You don't understand," the girl said. "Santana was driving me crazy. Now, I can pawn her off on you."

Blaine put his hands in his pockets as he looked around the movie theater lobby. He noticed a lot of familiar faces and smiled at how much more mature the kids he remembered seemed. Tapping Kurt on the back, he gestured over to the ticket booth.

"I'll go pick up our tickets. Stay out of trouble."

Kurt nodded with a smile. "I'm going to say hello to everyone. Come find me and I'll let everyone get their Blaine worship out of the way."

Blaine smirked and nodded, walking off to the line. Kurt shook his head as he watched him go. His stepbrother had gotten really fucking hot.

"Hey," Kurt felt a tap on his back and turned around. Behind him was Ethan and another kid from the team, and Kurt grinned when he had an arm wrapping around him. "We've been waiting for you. Where's Blaine?"

"Oh," Kurt tried to fight his blush and ignore the air humping motions Santana was doing. "He's getting our tickets but he'll be over soon."

"Cool," Ethan did a head nod and smiled. "Let's go with the group."

Blaine scrolled through the news app on his phone as he waited in line. He thought about how much he loved being back in Ohio. He didn't get to say it much but he missed Kurt. He missed being around the kid. Now, his brother was dating and just… growing up in general, and it felt like he missed a chunk of it. Sure, they weren't actually blood related and sure, they'd only really known each other for 4 years, but still. They were really close once upon a time. Now, Kurt was a man. He looked extremely gorgeous. He didn't even really know it yet, but people knew it.

Blaine turned around and watched as Ethan pulled Kurt into him; his hands on his sides. He shook his head as Kurt blushed at the action. The guy may've gotten a bit hotter since he was younger, and sure taking off your braces and getting muscles helped, but he still had bad Bieber hair and little going on in the brain department. Kurt could definitely do better than –

"Sir? Next step down please."

Blaine turned around and apologized, quickly going to purchase their tickets.

As promised, the college sophomore stayed put in the back row as Kurt and his friend cozied up a few rows in front. Blaine was actually surrounded by a few Cheerios and a couple of the football guys as they talked his ear off. Many of them wanted to know about college; some of them asking about parties and others asking if he was single. Blaine wished that he had powers to make the time go faster but unfortunately, he was a mere muggle.

The theater laughed at something that happened on screen as Blaine looked down at Kurt and his 'boyfriend' making out. Santana walked over and made one of her squad members get up before taking the seat beside Blaine, a tub of popcorn in her lap.

"Do you want, Short Stuff?"

Blaine shook his head no as he took a long gulp from his Coca-Cola. "I'm fine, thanks."

"I know you had that whole 'don't touch my brother' thing going on back in your prime here at McKinley but," she chewed and swallowed. "You have to realize that he's a big boy now. He can handle himself. You don't have to glare daggers at every guy he dates."

Blaine stared at the movie, trying to ignore the way he felt when he saw Ethan's hand moving in Kurt's lap. "I'm not sure what you're talking about."

"Uh huh," she shook her head and focused on the movie.


The ride home was kind of awkward. Kurt kept trying to press conversation from his stepbrother but he wasn't getting much. Blaine seemed disinterested and almost annoyed.

"So… are you still seeing that Allen character? I haven't heard much about him lately."

Blaine shook his head no and pulled off at a green light. "No I'm not. I've been dating this junior now but it's… mostly sex. That's really all I have time for."

Kurt looked at him and then back at the road. "They keep you that busy? You don't have time to call your favorite stepbrother or Skype to see how I'm doing…"

Blaine smiled. "Ok."

"Ok what?" Kurt looked at him curiously. "I miss you, that's all," he lay his hand on Blaine's thigh. "And it's times like these when I get to see your annoying face that I'm reminded of how much I really miss you."

Blaine looked at him before he pulled into the driveway. As he turned the car off, Kurt started to undo his seatbelt. "Did he get you off in the movie theater?"

Kurt's face blushed red before he could even try to stop it and he looked everywhere but at Blaine. "Honestly, Blaine?"

"I saw you two, Kurt. And I don't want him to just use you for that stuff especially if you're out somewhere in public. He could say something about you to your friends and –"

"First of all," Kurt turned to look at him. "If you can have someone you use to get off, why can't I?"

Blaine looked away from Kurt's lips and rolled his eyes. "Kurt you don't know what you're talking about –"

"And second, that would be my problem Blaine. You're not around 24/7 to protect me anymore so if I dig myself into a problem, I'll get myself out of it."

Blaine looked out the window, not answering.

Kurt sighed and checked the time. "It's like close to midnight. Do you want to hang out some more now or are you tired from traveling? I bought some movies when your mom told me you were coming."

Blaine nodded at that. "I'm not very tired. C'mon."

Kurt smiled and cheered, getting out of the car. He carried the stuffed teddy bear that Ethan bought him up to the house and quickly got his keys out to unlock the door. The weather was getting to be unfriendly nowadays and there was nothing quite like the bitter Ohio air. Blaine pulled his sweater around him as he jogged up the steps behind his stepbrother.

They were watching Zoolander fifteen minutes later. Kurt had gotten into his pajamas which really consisted of boxer briefs and a hooded sweatshirt that initially belonged to his stepbrother. Blaine wore a Batman t-shirt and Yale sweatpants. The two were sprawled out on Blaine's bed and their attention was focused on the television screen.

When they got in, they let Burt know they'd arrived home safely. The man had nodded something that didn't make sense and then proceeded to snore. Blaine laughed and turned to Kurt with an 'oh that's where you get it from' before his stepbrother was chasing him out of the room. Now, they had settled peacefully and weren't trying to hit each other with random objects. It was nice.

Every once in a while, Blaine would do his goofy little laugh at something Ben Stiller or Owen Wilson said, and Kurt would smile at the sound. It had been some time since they were able to do this and it was nice.

"I don't think I ever come in your room unless you're here. Smells too much like you," Kurt said softly, but loud enough for his stepbrother to hear. Blaine smiled as he put his hand on Kurt's ankle which was close to his head.

"I'll be sure to visit more often. And call as well. I promise that."

"Well don't break your promise."

"Have I ever broken a promise I made you Kurt?"

Kurt shook his head no as he looked at the screen. "Don't start."

Blaine nodded as his hand moved softly over Kurt's shin. "I won't. Now shush, the good part is coming on."

"All of Zoolander is literally the good part, Blaine," Kurt smiled and turned back to look at him. "You of all people should know that."

Blaine smiled and got up, crawling down to the foot of the bed so that he could lie next to Kurt. "You're right. I guess that means you should just be quiet for the whole movie."

Kurt laughed, hitting him with his pillow. Blaine smiled and snatched it away, putting it underneath his head. "Now it's mine."



Kurt rolled his eyes and leant his head onto Blaine's back, using the man as a pillow instead. The two of them were quiet for a while, watching the film in peace. There was that goofy laugh that made Kurt laugh in response, and both of them would sometime share a soft touch just because. They missed each other. It was all pretty silent – that was until Blaine's phone started to ring 20 minutes later and Kurt crawled over to the dresser, pushing guitar picks away and picking the phone up.

"It's Matthew."

Blaine shook his head no. "I told him I was with my family for the next few days. Ignore it."

Kurt listened to him, lying back down next to Blaine and looking at his stepbrother's soft features. "Is that the junior that you fuck?"

Blaine smiled to himself. "It is but we really don't need to talk about that."

"I want to," Kurt leant onto his side and played in Blaine's curly hair. "A junior, huh? Are you a top or a bottom?"

"Wow," Blaine laughed as he sat up and looked at Kurt. "Really? What do you know about stuff like that? How old are you?"

Kurt rolled his eyes and smiled. "Blaine shut up, I'm 18. Seriously… what's your preference?"

Blaine licked his lips and looked around his old familiar bedroom. "I can't believe we're having this discussion."

"I'm sure brothers talk about stuff like this all the time." Kurt sat up too and looked at the movie. "What's wrong with talking about it? But of course if you don't want to I won't force you to."

Blaine stared at him with his head dipped; hazel eyes lit. Kurt smiled back, pulling his legs against his chest and holding them close. His stepbrother laughed and shook his head.

"I've topped maybe 90% of the times in my life. It isn't that I don't like bottoming because when I have it was nice. I just love being the one in control I guess."

Kurt bit his lip into a smile and Blaine tried to relax when he felt his heart thumping in his chest. "I know for a fact that you can be in control while you bottom."

"Oh you know that for a fact?" Blaine teased. "So a lot has happened since I left, huh?"

Kurt shrugged. "I'm not the little boy you remember."

Blaine licked his lips and looked back at the TV. "So would you define yourself as a bottom?"

Kurt watched as Blaine stared at the television. He couldn't deny that he was getting a bit turned on by the conversation so he made note to end it after his response. "Not exclusively, no. I do like being fucked though. I love being fucked," he lay down in his previous spot and folded his arms beneath his chin. "But I wouldn't define myself as a bottom. I'm versatile as well."

Blaine was quiet as the words rang though his head. He had always done a good job of putting thoughts like the ones he was currently having in the back of his mind. But during times like those, he didn't have Kurt in his bed wearing the tightest boxer briefs known to man with his legs exposed and a bit of his midriff showing beneath his sweater, either. Blaine lay down next to him after staring at the man's ass and shook his head, focusing on the movie.

He couldn't get the conversation off his mind though.

An hour of the movie had passed in total when Kurt sat up again, pulling the hoodie off entirely. He was left in a tank top and stood to his feet.

"I'm going to turn the heat down. It's getting to be unbearable."

Blaine nodded as he looked at the well-defined muscles, taking a deep breath. "I'll crack a window. Hurry up."

Kurt nodded and went out of the room. As he cracked the door behind him, Blaine stood up and ran his hands down and across his face. He adjusted himself in his sweats and then went over to the window, opening it just enough to let a breeze in. After looking out the window for a moment and smiling at the quiet Lima, Ohio block, the college sophomore went back over to the bed and plopped down, turning the volume of the movie up a little more.

Kurt came back into the room maybe 5 minutes later. He still wore the tank top and boxer briefs but now he had an open silver robe on over it. He also came bearing snacks.

Blaine smiled and caught the bag of marshmallows as Kurt sat on the bed, putting the cup of hot chocolate down on the dresser. "I made Allison stock up on chocolate and marshmallows."

"I knew you loved me," Blaine opened the bag and popped a couple into his mouth.

"Duh," Kurt said with a smile. He took a marshmallow before going back over to the door. Blaine watched him close it and cleared his throat, swallowing.

"Lock it."

Kurt looked back at him curiously. "Why would I do that?"

Blaine grabbed a few more marshmallows. "I live in a dorm room with two other people and one of them constantly steals my condoms and toothpaste. I am getting the privilege to lock my door and I am taking it. You never know if Anthony will just walk in here and start grabbing shit."

Kurt laughed, rolling his eyes and turning the lock. "College sounds fantastic."

"Uh huh," Blaine looked at the movie and handed the bag over to Kurt as he sat down. "I don't want to scare you too much, though. College is a great experience and you're going to love it."

Kurt smiled at him. "I can't wait."

"Ah ah," Blaine shook his head. "Don't rush it. You're going to miss McKinley believe it or not."


"Well," Blaine laughed a bit. "You will."

Kurt chewed on a bit of the marshmallow before looking at his brother. "Do you mind if I camp out in here with you?"

"Of course you can. I want to spend as much time with you as possible," Blaine smiled at him and reached over the teen for his hot chocolate. He moaned as he took a sip. "Fuck. I'm pretty sure that this is the main reason I miss you."

"I'm sure it is too," Kurt grabbed the mug and took a sip before handing it back to Blaine. He lay down in the bed, tossing his robe away and getting underneath the covers. "Not too bad."

Blaine drank another large gulp before putting the mug down on the other side of him. He smiled when he noticed Kurt's eyes were drifting open and closed and dropped his sweatpants, pulling at his boxers and getting beneath the covers beside him. Kurt smiled; eyes closed completely now.

"You're going to sleep, Kurt? I thought we were going to stay up all night and talk about cute boys. I had a lot to say on Zac Efron."

Kurt laughed, eyes still closed. "No. I'm too tired. In the morning."

Blaine looked at the boy's smiling lips before facing the television again. "Uh huh. What're your plans for tomorrow anyway? How much of Ethan do I have to deal with?"

"Just a little," Kurt answered. "He'll be coming over when the parents are out. I thought that he and I could watch the game together."

Blaine rolled his eyes at that. "What game?"

Kurt shrugged. "I don't know. I'm just going to watch him, honestly." He opened his eyes now and looked at Blaine, smiling. "What do you want to do?"

Blaine turned his face and stared at his stepbrother; their foreheads touching. "I may go out with a couple of the guys but that's it. Doesn't mean I don't want you to be safe. Let me know if you need protection…"

Kurt scoffed and closed his eyes again, nudging Blaine's head sideways so that he could rest his head on the man's shoulder. "I'm not doing Ethan. Not yet at least."

Blaine smiled. "Sure."

"I'm not."

"Let's not forget he had you fucking his hand in a semi-crowded movie theater."

Kurt smiled. "Goodnight Blaine."

"So not classy."

"Goodnight," Kurt repeated as he laughed. "Seriously. I'm sleeping."

Blaine shook his head as he pulled Kurt a little more on top of him so that he could comfortably lie on his back. Kurt smiled, burying his face in his stepbrother's neck.

"Goodnight Kurt."