A/N: So, this story I wanted to get in before the Season 10 premiere in October and honestly I think I've got plenty of time, but hey there's no time like the present huh? It features a few OC's, but only one you've met before if you've read my other stories: Titan. But if you haven't met Titan here's a little background information: Titan is an Angelhound (the angelic equivalent of Hellhounds) and in my stories each angel has an Angelhound they can call upon to assist them in Heavenly feats such as war, etc. Titan used to be Balthazar's Angelhound, but Balthazar gave him to Dean so now he's Dean's. Also I have a headcannon that there's an Angel Council who watches over Heaven and tries all crimes of the Angelic nature. In my other story Donathan (leader of the Council) died, but for certain purposes in this story he's alive. Now that you have that background info time for a story!

Pairings: Destiel (Pre-Destiel to begin with)



Dean had become a Knight of Hell and everything had subsequently gone to it. Castiel and Sam still remembered finding him dead like that on the bed after Sam had tried to summon Crowley to straighten out the mess. Castiel had been busy dealing with Metatron beforehand and had made it down to earth only to find his best friend dead and his best friend's brother is disarray. Their world had been turned upside down once again.

When Dean had awoken with his new form of life he was colder. Castiel, who had once stared upon the face of a human soul, stared into the dark black eyes of a dead man. A dead man with a demonic ram for a face now or at least that was how Dean Winchester appeared to Castiel. His new true form was almost enough to make Castiel cry.

Dean spent his nights out killing and running amuck with Crowley. Sam spent his looking for a cure and Castiel spent his preparing for the trial of Metatron. Surely the Angel Council he hoped would find Metatron guilty. If he owed Donathan nothing else, he'd certainly be willing to owe him anything for this. Months went by and finally after many weeks on end of studying in Heaven's library, Castiel found something.

He'd rushed to earth and helped Sam tie Dean down to a bed before hastily heading outside. He'd told Sam he had a way to cure Dean, but he couldn't bring himself to tell Sam the details. He couldn't have Sam know anything, so Castiel left without a word and did not return until the sun started setting in the sky. The clouds hung low and the sky was a beautiful display of red, gold, and yellow and Dean slept in his room, unaware of the beauty of the evening and what Castiel had done.

Titan, Dean's Angelhound given to him by Balthazar about a year or two before this incident, strode over to Castiel and stuck his head up under Castiel's hand. Castiel looked down fondly at the hound and smiled.

"Dean is asleep," Titan said through Castiel's mind as he sat next to the angel and panted. "You do realize the potential consequences of what you have done though, do you not Castiel?"

"I know what I'm doing Titan," Castiel then stopped petting the hound and looked up towards the sky. "I hope."


Sam sat in the chair where his brother lay. Here the younger Winchester had been busting his ass trying to find a way to cure Dean and Castiel fixes it just like that. He'd asked demons.

"Is there a way to cure this?" Sam asked the demon he'd summoned at the crossroads near the bunker. The air was warm and a breeze was blowing. Sam's skin was ashen and he was tired, it was easily seen in his eyes.

"Even if I knew that there was a cure," the demon girl said sassily. "Why would I tell you that information?"

"Because Miss Priss," Sam came closer into the devil's trap, sizing up the demon and staring down at her with a gruesome look on his face. "Right now my brother and your King are busy slaughtering innocent people and maybe even some of your people and it seems to be my only option to call upon one of you underworld whores to help me."

"Sammy," the demon smirked and leaned close to him. "You've got a mouth on you. There's no cure, trust me."

Sam paused a moment, looking into her eyes and then suddenly grabbed her around her throat. She started choking.

"Lies," Sam said, starting to chant. "Spiritus immundus…"

"Alright," she yelled and Sam loosened his grip, she coughed as she regained air. "There's a cure! But I don't know it I swear! P-Please I swear I don't know it!"

Sam dropped her to the ground and started to walk away.

"You're just gonna leave me here?!" she asked him.

"I'm sure your King will rescue you." Sam replied before he got into the Impala and drove off into the night towards the bunker.

The demon had spoken of a cure. Sam had contemplated asking Crowley if it was true or not, but since Crowley was MIA most of the time being Dean's "killing coach" he'd decided against it. Now Dean lay, asleep, the darkness inside was festering Sam could tell. He was almost afraid for what Castiel had done, but at the same time Sam was desperate and desperate times called for desperate measures most of the time.

Now, all Sam could do was waiting, waiting until his brother woke up.


The tiny starlings pecked at things not seen to the human eye that they found on the ground in front of the bunker. Castiel watched them with some content. It had been Gabriel's job to create the birds. He'd based them off angels in Heaven. A tribute as he had called it. His mark on Heaven before he'd left. Castiel didn't know why he felt jealous of the birds, he was their equal. He was their design, their inspiration, but he lacked one thing they did have: freedom.

Castiel heard the familiar crunch of boots on gravel and the birds seemed to sense it too. They flew away and Castiel sighed. He kept his eyes fixed on them as they beat their wings through the clouds.

"Lucky bastards." He thought.

"Cas," Sam's voice came out low and quiet. "I don't know what you did, but Dean's awake."

Castiel turned his head to face the younger Winchester and the two of them made their way inside to Dean's bedroom. Sam ran in first when he saw Dean trying very hard to get up. His eyes were normal, no signs of evil in them. It was almost as if there never had been. They were their normal beautiful green.

"Dean please don't try to sit up too fast," Sam knelt down in front of his brother and placed a supporting hand on his back. "Are you dizzy? Do you need anything?"

"Sammy," Dean's voice came out gravelly, he paused but then he laughed a little. "We gotta work on your bedside manner."

"Shut up." Sam said and wrapped Dean in a giant hug, which at first Dean didn't understand, but then returned. Castiel watched from the doorway with a solemn look on his face. He knew Sam felt relief now and surely Dean did as well, but he also knew in their line of work it wouldn't last long. Not what with he'd done.

"Dean," he said and Dean turned his head to face Castiel, a shocked look on his face.

"Yeah Cas?" Dean asked. He didn't know what else to say to the angel. What else could he say after the past few weeks?

"When you are feeling up to it," Castiel explained. "Come to the kitchen. We have much to discuss."

Castiel left the doorway.

Reviews are always appreciated!

So what's to come?

Dean's cured, but what did Castiel do to achieve that?

And what of Metatron? Will he stand trial? What will the verdict be?

More to come soon guys.