A/N: Thanks once again to those of you who left reviews for Chapter 9- this chapter is the final one in this story. I hope you enjoy it. This was my first try at fan fiction; I hope I left you with something memorable and I hope I get inspired to foray into it again.
Chapter 10
Charlie and Bass went for a walk the next morning- she was feeling so good and the bump on her head was nearly gone so Gene agreed that a short walk would be good for her.
The exuberance was clear on her face as they began to walk through the trees behind the store- she felt free, like she was seeing everything for the first time again. Bass delighted in her excitement realizing just how cooped up she'd felt. As they walked along they held hands and for a little while at least they felt like any normal couple living in a normal world and not the insane one that had developed around them.
There was a cool breeze that day and they relished it having grown so tired of the constant heat and sweat that came with a Texas summer.
Bass looked at her and was hesitant to ask her what he needed to, not wanting to break her good mood. "Charlie," he said, breaking the comfortable silence that had been between them since leaving the store.
"Yes, Bass," Charlie smiled.
"Yesterday when we were talking to Connor and he said how you'd fainted at the sight of him, a look passed over your face- almost like you were afraid of something for a moment- what were you thinking of?" he watched as the light left her eyes and she grew more solemn and he wanted to kick himself for possibly ruining her good mood. But he hadn't wanted to ask her in front of the others and he knew something had unsettled her.
She was quiet for a long moment looking down at the ground before lifting her gaze to his. "You don't miss a thing, do you?" she asked, trying to sound coy but you could tell her heart just wasn't in it.
"Not when it comes to you, no," he said truthfully.
She looked around and then slowly led him to a downed tree, sitting down upon the smooth log. She motioned for him to sit down next to her. He did and quietly waited for her to speak.
When she did it was in a quiet yet steady voice. "I remembered something yesterday- about when I fainted…why I fainted," she said.
He squeezed her hand and waited patiently for her to go on.
"It was Jason…" she breathed. "I mean…when I saw all the….what I saw…" She stumbled over the words.
"It's okay," he said gently rubbing the back of her hand with his thumb, "take your time."
She took a deep breath and continued, "It was all the blood. When I saw all that blood on Connor and it was pooling at my feet…it took me right back to Austin. And then it was like I was looking at Connor but kept seeing Jason…and the more I tried to will him away the more he stayed until I couldn't even see Connor anymore…it was Jason I was looking at- I thought I was going crazy…and that's when things got all fuzzy- the next thing I knew I was waking up on the floor." She exhaled deeply. "Will I ever get past this, Bass? I mean, I thought I was and then that happened…" There was pain in her voice that he wished with all his heart he could simply wash away.
"Charlie, I think you have post-traumatic stress…when something like what happened with Jason occurs it was extremely traumatic for you and with good reason…and then something happens like what happened to Connor—it brings it all back again. I think with time you will get past it but you need to keep talking about it when things upset you—your grandfather can probably tell you more about PTSD. Miles had it after Afghanistan—he'd be another one to talk to; many soldiers get it after war because of all the scary shit you see."
"But not you…" she said.
"Well, I got it too but not as bad as Miles. He was reliving stuff for awhile after we got back."
"But I wasn't able to help when Connor needed it most. I made things worse," she said.
"No, you didn't. We all got through it and Connor is doing fine now—getting better every day, you know that. The only thing you did was scare the living hell out of the five people that were there, nothing else. Don't feel guilty." He looked her in the eyes.
"The thing that scares me the most is thinking 'what if it was you? What if you were lying in all that blood?' Would I be able to keep it together to help you or would I lose it again?" Her eyes were brimming with tears now.
Bass took hold of Charlie's arms and pulled her to him, holding her in a deep embrace, wrapping his arms around her so tight, never wanting to let go. He didn't know what to say to this; he didn't know what would happen. He buried his face in her hair as he heard her sob slightly and he held her close for a long while. When he finally spoke he did not move back from her but instead spoke in a low tone next to her ear.
"None of us knows what the future will bring…but we're going to face it together. I can't promise you that I'll never get hurt; I'll try my damndest not to and I'll take less risks from now on if that will make you feel better…the one thing I can promise you, though, is this," he pulled away from her to look into her tear stained eyes. "I can promise you that there will never be a time where I am the enemy and its kill or be killed. What happened to Jason was terrible, I know. And I hate those bastards because of it- because of what it did to him but mainly because of what killing him has done to you. I promise you that you will never have to do that with me- and I'm going to do whatever it takes to keep you safe."
Charlie grabbed him and hugged him tightly, "Sometimes I do feel like Connor…and I want to leave here. Just get away from all this, as far away as we can. I know that won't take care of my fears but why do we have to stay right where it all seems to be starting? We're weak, we're outnumbered, we barely have any ammo left…what are we still doing here?"
"Charlie, if you want to go then let's go!" Bass said, looking her in the eyes once again. "I mean it, I almost lost both you and my son a week ago and I'm not willing to take that chance again…so if you're serious let's just go." She looked at him to make sure he was serious.
Suddenly a twig snapped just a ways from them. In the blink of an eye, Bass was on his feet, gun pointed in the direction from whence the sound came; Charlie was up right behind him, her knife ready.
"Don't shoot," came a voice from behind a nearby tree.
"Jesus!" Bass yelled. "You have got to be kidding me!"
"Mom?" came Charlie's voice.
Rachel came forward slowly putting down her hands which she'd had raised in the air. "I'm sorry I scared you," she said.
"Jesus, Rachel, I could've blown your head off!" Bass felt his anger surge. "What the hell were you doing there?"
Charlie stared at her mother, disbelief clearly written on her face. "My God, Mom…did you follow us out here? Were you listening to our conversation?" She felt herself losing control. If not having just cried over the possibility of not being able to help Bass if he were hurt had not been enough, this was surely going to send her over the edge. "Is that what you were doing?"
"Monroe, could I please speak to my daughter alone?" Rachel asked maintaining an eerie calm.
"Wait, wait, wait," Charlie shouted. "You don't ask for his permission to speak to me! Don't treat me like a damn child!"
Rachel calmly said, "Charlie, I only meant that…I just meant that I'd like to speak to you alone."
"No." Charlie said it flat out. "You clearly have no boundaries' anymore. You snuck up on us to listen- if you want to speak you'll speak to both of us."
Bass stood his ground next to Charlie.
"But I need to speak to you without him here, honey," Rachel said wringing her hands, beginning to feel a little bit rattled.
"You mean you want to speak about him," Charlie corrected, "because you just won't feel good about yourself until you do; until you try to break down what we've built between us…God, you're pathetic," she spat.
"Charlie, if you just hear me out," Rachel tried, "he's not the man you think he is but it's not your fault- you're just not thinking clearly right now. Like the thing with Jason- I understand why it was so upsetting to see all that blood."
"Jesus," Bass mumbled under his breath.
"Stop…just stop!" Charlie was practically screaming at this point. "You know that's not true- you only see what you want to see and you only hear what you want to hear. But I'm telling you this right now, Mother…take one more step into my relationship with Bass and you will lose me…for good this time. I will leave and I won't come back- you will be out of my life forever."
"You can't be serious," Rachel admonished her daughter. "See, he has manipulated you so much that you believe everything he says- like all that taking care of you crap…what a load of bullshit! The only thing that man cares about is himself and everyone knows it. I can't wait for you to see him for who he really is and then honey, I'll be there to pick up the pieces- I won't desert you. But he will."
Bass was having a hard time keeping from yelling but he controlled himself enough not to; he knew this was Charlie's battle and he knew she needed to do this on her own. But damn this bitch for the things she was saying to Charlie- continuing to tell her she's not thinking straight. He could just strangle her. Instead he stood tall and strong next to Charlie's side in case she needed him- but damn it if his girl wasn't taking care of this herself. He ached for her right now and what she must be feeling but he was also so very proud of her.
Charlie let out a little laugh. "Wow, Mom…I just realized something…"
"Yes?" Rachel asked hopefully.
"Yes," Charlie said flatly. "This whole thing you've got in your head, this whole conversation you've been wanting to have with me…it's not because of any love or concern you have for me." Rachel began to interrupt but Charlie stopped her. "Let me finish! This whole thing really has nothing to do with me and everything to do with Bass. Your hate for him is so strong; it's like a living, breathing animal. You can't control it. You won't be able to see straight until you bring him down, will you? Even if that means bringing me down as well." She stared at her daring her to deny it. When Rachel said nothing, obviously flustered by what Charlie was saying to her, she continued. "I mean, I always I knew I came second with you after Danny. But that was okay—I loved him just as much as you did- I got used to it. But lately I thought you'd changed—it seemed like we were growing closer. That is, until I became close to Bass. You can't stand it. It's like it's eating you alive or something. Well, you know what? You're wrong about him- Bass is a good man- I know it and everybody else knows it. You just refuse to see or accept the changes in him. He is not the horrible person you make him out to be…the only person being horrible in this situation is you. You would rather have me thinking I'm crazy than admit that he's changed. That is not okay, mom. You have crossed the line one too many times and I am done. Don't try to talk to me, don't even look at me, and don't talk to Bass and for god's sake, stop giving him those death stares you're so fond of! We are going back to the store now. I suggest you not follow us, do you understand?" When Rachel didn't respond she said, "Do you UN…DER…STAND?"
"Yes," Rachel said rather meekly, still wringing her hands in and out.
Walking back to camp Charlie and Bass didn't speak- he looked at her to make sure she was okay. She reached out and took hold of his hand- she was shaking. The farther they walked the more visibly she was shaking.
"Charlie, stop," Bass whispered grabbing hold of her arm with his free hand. She took one look at him and her legs started to give way; he grabbed her and took her in his arms. She reached both arms around his neck and buried her face in his chest, holding on for dear life. She didn't cry- something told him she was all cried out where her mother was concerned- and slowly her shaking began to subside. She took deep breaths in and out, listening to his heartbeat. Slowly, her body settled once again and she stepped back, taking hold of his hand again.
"Let's go," she said, "we can send Miles out to her- if he'll go. He's had it with her too, seems like."
Bass knew right then that Charlie was going to be okay whatever should come their way.
Miles went after Rachel and when he came back he wouldn't meet eyes with anyone and kicked some firewood, grunting in pain as he did so. He walked out to the dirt road in front of the store and stood there looking off into the distance for awhile.
Rachel came back soon after and quietly went inside without a word to anyone. Charlie was thankful for this as she half expected her to come right back up to her and continue on with the same vitriol as before.
By now everyone had heard bits and pieces of what had gone on and there was an uncomfortable silence amongst the group.
Bass slowly approached Miles; before he had a chance to say anything Miles snapped, "I don't want to talk about it."
"All right," Bass said calmly, "but I just wanted to tell you…I need to get Charlie out of here- all this stress is causing her headache to come back. Scanlon said that house where he got the other mattress looked decent enough and he can lead us back there…I have to get her away from Rachel. Connor wants to come too but I don't know if he's strong enough to walk that far- Gene thinks he should wait."
"All right," Miles sighed heavily. "I'll stay here with them. When Connor's strong enough I'll bring him there myself- I remember where it is. I'll make sure Rachel doesn't follow you this time," he swallowed.
"I'm sorry, man," Bass said. "I know this is hard on you too."
"Thanks man," Miles replied without looking up.
That night Bass, Charlie and Scanlon ate an early dinner of roasted rabbit at their new house. The place, although small, wasn't bad at all and probably should've been their camp all along.
There was one room on the main floor where Scanlon had found the mattress and two bedrooms upstairs. There was also a small living room with a couch and a mostly empty kitchen. Charlie and Bass would take the main room upstairs which had a full mattress in it while Scanlon would take the couch.
Scanlon had first watch. Bass would relieve him in several hours. But first he took hold of Charlie's hand and led her up the stairs to their room.
It had been a very long day for both of them and Charlie had been very quiet for most of it. In a perfect world, he would draw a hot bubble bath for her, and surround it with flickering candles so she could relax. Instead he had a lantern lit and set it on a small table before taking her in his arms.
"How you doin', tiger?" he asked her.
"Better," she said, smiling.
"Yea? You sure about that…'cause you still seem a bit tense," he said. As he said this he slowly moved behind her and took her long, thick hair and gently moved it to the side of her neck so he had access to her shoulders. There he began to massage the tightly wound muscle.
"Uhm…" she hummed. "That feels so good."
"Your muscles are in knots," he said, digging deeper.
"Ouch!" she squealed. "Not so hard."
He pulled her close against him; "Sorry," he breathed into her ear. "The last thing I want to do is hurt you."
She turned around, "You never could." She wrapped her arms around his neck; he placed his hands on her hips and they stood there, swaying as if in a dance. In that moment nothing else mattered. She placed her head upon his chest, listening to his heartbeat which was always so calming and comforting to her. He moved one hand through her hair and breathed in her scent, consumed with thoughts of her: the lengths he would go to keep her safe…how overwhelmed he was with love for her… the mere fact that she was really his…that she chose him.
Almost as if she were reading his thoughts she looked up at him and said, "I love you, Bass. I love you more than anything in this world."
"I love you too, Charlotte…so very much. You have my heart, babe."
She splayed her hands across his chest, "I don't want to wait anymore. I want you so much- take me to bed, Bass."
The lump on her head was gone and he didn't know if he could wait even if it wasn't. Being here alone with her, holding her and swaying in the breeze together was so romantic, he would have to physically remove himself to resist her now.
Still swaying they began to kiss, slowly at first but the connection gradually grew deeper, more passionate. He slowly reached down and took hold of her tank top and gently lifted it over her head. She took his t-shirt and did the same, caressing the taut muscles underneath. He gently removed her bra and bent down to caress and kiss her breasts. She let out a soft moan as she ran her fingers through the luscious curls upon his head.
He bent down and scooped her up in his arms and carried her to the bed, laying her down upon it. He pulled off her boots and socks and then quickly removed his own. Bass bent down to hover over her, kissing her softly. Reaching lower, he undid her jeans and slowly pulled them off before removing her panties.
He stopped all movement, staring into her eyes as if she were the only thing in the world that mattered to him.
"What?" she asked, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"You are so beautiful…Charlotte, you take my breath away" he breathed.
She smiled then, "Well, get over here then…I need my man!"
He laughed at this, removing his pants and underwear. "Well, woman, here I am!"
"It's about damn time," she said enveloping him in a deep embrace. From that point on, every kiss, every touch, every softly spoken word brought them closer to the next – new and amazing - level of their relationship.
It was worth the wait.
The next day they found it hard to keep their hands off each other and kept laughing and giggling like school kids. Scanlon just rolled his eyes and was the first to volunteer when it was time to go refill the canteen's and hunt for breakfast.
Bass had relieved him in the middle of the night to let him get some sleep. Charlie didn't want him to leave their bed and then offered to go with him; he'd just laughed, saying that he wouldn't make much of a watchman since he wouldn't be able to keep his eyes or hands off her.
Bass chopped wood for the fire and Charlie got it going with some flint. They had found some coffee in the kitchen but had no idea how old it was or if it was any good.
By the time they had it ready, Scanlon returned and he had Miles with him along with two freshly killed rabbits.
"Miles," Charlie smiled as she ran up and gave him a hug, "Everything all right?" He hugged her back, tightly.
"Oh, kid," he said, "it's so good to see you smile."
They sat around the fire and drank weak coffee while Scanlon skinned the rabbits. Miles seemed like he was trying to find the energy to say something so Charlie and Bass waited.
He exhaled deeply and spoke, "I hate to have to bring this up, kiddo," looking at Charlie, "but it's about something your mom told me…about what she overheard."
"You mean when she was eavesdropping on our conversation after following us into the woods?" Charlie said the anger still present in her voice, her body stiffening slightly. Bass placed a steadying hand on her arm.
"That would be the one," he said. God, he hated this. "I wouldn't even bring it up but it's pretty important…"
"Go ahead," Charlie said.
"It's about you wanting to leave…is that true?" he asked.
"Yes," she said, not able to meet his gaze. "I just don't see the point anymore. And now with the way she's acting it seems more important than ever."
Miles nodded at this.
Bass spoke next. "Miles, man, we don't want to leave you hanging but I have to agree with Charlotte on this one. My son nearly died a week ago because of these bastards—we're up against an almost unstoppable force here…and we're outnumbered, we don't have enough weapons at our disposal…why are we doin' it? We lost all those men," he looked at Scanlon who had long since stopped what he was doing and was listening intently, "who's it going to be next time? Suddenly, I've got way too much to lose," he trailed off, looking at Charlie. She covered his hand with hers and squeezed. "Connor mentioned wanting to leave also- I can't just ignore that; I've got family to protect, same as you."
"I know, I know…" Miles said, "Rachel told me this last night and I sat up all night thinking about it. I gotta say I don't disagree with you, I don't. It sounds like a good idea—when you're out you're out. The only thing is…Gene. He won't leave. This is his town- these are his people. And I won't leave him, not like this. I owe him that."
"I owe him too," Bass said, "if it weren't for him, Connor would more than likely be dead. I can never repay him for that."
"What do you think?" Miles said to Scanlon, not wanting to leave the young man out.
Scanlon nodded in appreciation and said, "I had no idea anyone was feeling this way…but I understand. After what you said to me about goin' into town all half-cocked and it being suicide and all, I kinda been thinking myself, 'what's the point?' I wanted revenge- those men were my family- but they wouldn't want me dying in some stupid ass fashion to try and get it. Connor's become like a brother to me now," he looked at Bass, "and I guess if he wants to go then I'd like to go with him."
Bass nodded at this, feeling new appreciation for the guy.
"I don't want to leave Grandpa either," Charlie decided. "But what do we do? We can't fight these people. Not when they have mustard gas and everything else. And Miles…if and when we leave," she hesitated, "my mom cannot come with us."
"I know, kid," he sighed, "I don't blame you either. Your mom has got some messed up notions in her head right now…I've tried everything I can to help her but now she considers me the enemy. We're over as of last night."
"I'm sorry, Miles," Charlie said.
"Sorry man," Bass added.
"It's all right. Considering, it's really the best thing for both of us right now. If we all leave she'd probably just stay with Gene for now, although he's as fed up with her antics as everyone else is," Miles said. "As far as Willoughby and Gene, the only way we can fight these guys is to get Texas to take them out. We would need proof, first of all, of what they've been doing; and second of all, we would need to know who we could trust to share the proof with."
"I'm thinking Blanchard would be our best bet, if he's still alive," Bass said.
"Yea, that's what we need to find out. Gene has offered to go to Austin to find out and try and convince him to listen to us," Miles said.
"I could take him there," Scanlon offered, "since you two are both wanted men."
"That'd be fantastic, kid," Miles said, "I'm startin' to feel better already. Now, how about those rabbits? They ready to cook yet?"
"Oh yea," Scanlon said absently, having almost forgotten about them. "We got some skewers?"
"Here," Charlie said, standing up and handing him two thin sticks she'd picked out just for that.
They sat around for the better part of the morning, ironing out plans and eating up the deliciously juicy rabbit, all feeling better having talked.
In the end Gene and Scanlon went to Austin with more proof than they ever thought possible. An old girlfriend of Gene's, Marion Englewood, who ran the local bar in town, had become involved with Colonel Truman, head of the Patriot Army in Willoughby. They got engaged but one day Marion was looking through a dresser in her bedroom, tidying things, when she'd come across a file that Truman had buried beneath all his clothes.
The file showed plans for the mustard gas attack as well as new plans inviting the general of the Texas Rangers to Willoughby for a so-called celebration of sorts—this was the same general whom the Patriots had tried to assassinate in Austin.
Marion got word to Gene to come meet her; when he did she told him about the file and also that Truman was leaving by train for Washington, DC, in a couple days; he would be gone three days.
On the day that Truman left, Marion came to meet Gene in the woods and brought the file. "Just get it back to me before he gets back," she said, worried.
Gene smiled at her and said, "No need to worry, Marion—once we show this to who we need to we'll have the whole state of Texas with us when we return." As it so happened, this is exactly what took place.
When Blanchard and the general arrived in Willoughby they immediately took over, seizing forces and killing anyone who tried to resist or escape. When Truman arrived on the train a few days later, with none other than the POTUS in tow, Marion stood on the platform with Blanchard as they were both taken into custody.
Things started moving quickly from then on; Texas was at war with the United States. Everyone was celebrating; everyone was happy and relieved that it was over, at least as far as Willoughby was concerned.
Gene moved back into his home in town and Rachel accompanied him- he would try to get her help but for now, she was not well and continued to blame all her problems on Monroe.
Miles, Connor and Scanlon took up residence across the street; as soon as Connor was feeling like himself again he and Scanlon planned to enlist with the Texas Rangers. Miles had been offered to be major of training and deployment readiness for all newly enlisted soldiers. He enjoyed it immensely and it took his mind off Rachel.
Bass was offered a position as well; he turned it down telling Blanchard he had more important things to focus on at the moment. Blanchard smiled at this, knowing he meant the beautiful young Matheson woman that was always with him but told him anytime he was ready, he would have jobs for them both. Bass thanked him and then went to find Charlie.
He found her at Miles' house joking around with Connor and Scanlon. God it was good to see her laughing and smiling, he thought. She looked relaxed for the first time in a long while.
"Ready?" he asked her.
"Yep," she said, saying her goodbyes to the guys. "We'll see you soon." They just rolled their eyes at this.
"Yea, sure," Connor said sarcastically, "whenever you two decide to roll out of bed."
"Which could be two months from now," Scanlon added, laughing.
Charlie just turned to look at Bass, grinning from ear to ear. "If I'm lucky," she drawled.
Bass grabbed her and whispered into her ear, "Oh, you're gonna get lucky…over and over and over again."
She laughed and grabbed his hand in hers and they left for their little cabin in the woods. They wanted nothing more than to be alone and enjoy some rest and relaxation with one another. They would decide from there what they wanted to do next…but as Bass kept telling her, "We have all the time in the world."
That night as they lay in bed, entangled in each other's arms, not wanting to let go of each other even for a second, they felt the cool breeze from the window upon their skin and listened to the night sounds.
"Bass, you are my life now; whatever else may come our way, I just want you to know, you always come first with me. I love you so much."
"I feel the same way, baby. You give me the strength to keep going; without you, I'm nothing. I mean it when I say we are in this together-you are everything to me and I'll do anything to keep you safe." He kissed her forehead.
"That goes both ways ya' know," Charlie smiled up at him. "I'm pretty badass myself when it comes right down to it."
"Hell yea you are!" he laughed. "You're my woman!"
She tilted her head back and laughed as he hadn't heard her laugh in so very long. As much as he loved hearing it he couldn't resist stopping her laugh with a big kiss on the mouth saying, "I love you so much, Charlotte."
"I love you too, Bass." They slowly, passionately began round four of what they would later deem their 'exploratory anatomy 101' which was sure to last all night.
Safe and loved in each other's arms they knew that no matter where they ended up it would be together…and it would be home.
A/N: A very special thanks to Lemon Supreme for all her help with this story, this chapter in particular—your help was invaluable. I hope no one is disappointed by the lack of an actual battle scene between our heroes and the Patriot's—this has always been a love story to me and that was the main plot line I wanted to focus on.
I own no rights to Revolution or any of these characters. The End.