Tessa and James had left straight after Jocelyn and Luke's wedding had ended, heading straight for the LA institute. They weren't planning on living there, just until they found a little house big enough for the both of them nearby. Tessa was very excited to see how Emma took the news on James being her ancestor. Today was the day that was going to happen, they had set off extra early from their little house on the seafront, nothing fancy, but it suited herself and James just nicely. The old fashioned vaulted ceilings, with the panoramic view of the ocean, it was a mix of their past life and future together.
The LA institute was different from both the London and New York ones, this one was very open plan. Though it was still an enormous building, it was full of light, as every room practically looked out over the ocean or the city. Tessa knew the children here were lucky and their Uncle Arthur didn't seem so bad, though he did keep disappearing into his study when they visited. At the door of the institute, Livvy and Ty were stood waving, as she ran up and hugged them both, even Ty let her, which was a surprise to them all. Emma and Julian were atop the stairs looking down, with Tavvy and Dru. James had gone ahead up the stairs, while the little ones joined Tessa, Ty and Livvy on the lawn below. "Hello! I've missed you all so much!"

James led Emma down to the library, with Julian glued to her side. They were going to make brilliant parabatai's, they honestly never left each other alone. Inside the room, Julian and Emma took a seat opposite James. He was thinking of how to word this properly, without freaking anybody. He noticed Emma's sword-the Cortana- strapped to her belt, and he instantly smiled.

"Emma. May I see your sword?" Emma looked dubious and first, but unclasped it and handed it over. He pulled it from its sheath and ran his fingers over the inscription on the blade 'I am Cortana, of the same steel and temper as Joyeuse and Durendal.' he smiled fondly at it. This was passed down through his generations and she didn't even know it.

"This a beautiful sword. Do you remember on the stairs of the hall in Idris, when I said your full name 'Emma Cordelia Carstairs? You looked very shocked and unnerved, but at the time there was no time to explain it." She nodded slowly and he saw her grip Julian's hand.

"Well the reason I know your name is because I, myself am a Carstairs. I am James Carstairs. Over one hundred years ago I was a shadowhunter, just like you two, and I guess just like I am now, but I had a parabatai. When I told you on the stairs of the Accords hall to stay with you parabatai, I meant it. I know mine has never left me, he's always lingering around myself and Tessa until the wheel is complete again." He sighed and smiled.

"What I am trying to say Emma is I am your ancestor, I am family, if you choose it to be so. I have watched our family grow and pass on, I can tell you as much as you wish." Emma smiled and looked to Julian.

"You're really a Carstairs, so I'm not alone? I haven't lost all of my family." James shook his head smiling. The rest of the day led to him telling her stories of how he had seen her mother and father grow, about Will, about Tessa, what it was like to be a Silent Brother amongst other things. When he looked up after hours of talking back and forth sharing life stories, he hadn't even realised the rest of the Blackthorn children had come in, along with his beloved Tessa. He caught her eye, as she smiled at him lovingly. They had both planned to get married in early January, as a winter wedding was spoke of in the past.

Luke and Jocelyn had settled in happily to married life, Jocelyn had moved into Luke's due to her flat being a complete bomb site, due to everything that happened. Luke held onto Jocelyn's hand as they walked down the street towards the old abandoned police station where Maia was still head of pack, since he stood down from his post. Which was probably for good reason, he looked down at Jocelyn and smiled as he ran his hand over the small bump of her stomach. He was going to be a father and Clary was going to have a step-brother or step-sister. When he and her mother had gone to see her to tell her the news, he had expected her to go off the rails, especially after what happened with Jonathan, but she was completely ecstatic. They couldn't of been happier.

Maia greeted them as they entered through the side door, there was take-away boxes all over the place. Well the uncleanliness never changed since he had left then. Bat had been helping Maia get started on being pack leader, as well as-by the looks of things- being a little bit more. His hand was wrapped firmly around her waist, running his fingers in circles along her hip.

"So when did this happen then?" Jocelyn asked with a small smile, gesturing between Bat and Maia. Maia blushed and Bat grinned, kissing her on the cheek.

"A couple of weeks now. We're still holding onto the reigns though, taking it one day at a time. She's a great leader though." Luke smiled.

"I'm sure she is. I left a great girl and werewolf in charge!" They both laughed. Jocelyn butted in afterwards.

"Do you want to come to the institute with us? We are going to pick up everybody else, then heading to Taxi's for dinner." They both agreed, and they all headed out into the cold air.

Magnus and Alec had been unpacking his things and putting them away into the drawers and cupboards Magnus had cleared out for him. He didn't have that many things, he'd have to take him shopping. He grinned at the thought, as he bent down he retrieved the notebook he gave Alec in Idris from the bottom of his bag. Running his fingers over the cover, he smiled.

"You kept it?" Alec looked around from what he was doing, slightly dazed.

"Of course I did. It's a part of you, it's your life. It means a lot to me." Magnus smiled and placed the book on the dresser, walking up behind Alec. He wrapped his arms around his waist and whispered, his breath brushing across the shell of his ear.

"Thank you darling. I'm glad your here, it's still surreal knowing I'm going to get to wake up to you every morning and fall asleep with you every night." Alec smiled, which turned into a smirk, making his way to the door.

"Well I can always go back to the institute? If it's really that hard to believe." Magnus was having none of it. He pounced grabbing Alec around the waist lifting him up.

"Oh no you don't! I have you here now and I am never letting you go!" Alec laughed and leant down brushing his lips over his.

"Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. You've got me for life." Magnus smiled, placing him on his feet.

While Alec got back to putting his things away, Magnus sat down on the edge of the bed watching, just staring into space thinking; thinking of all the times they have spent together and how wouldn't trade them in for all the glitter in the world. He loved this man with all his heart and soul, he wanted to spend the rest of his life with him. They had risked their lives for one another, and Alec had gone all the way through hell and back for him. It gave him a thought.

"Alec?" Alec smiled.

"Yeah?" Magnus bit his lip, wondering how to word it appropriately, as he gestured him over. Alec had sat down beside him and Magnus took his hand in his.

"Alexander. I love you more than anything in this entire world. I know I have lived over a hundred lifetimes, but not once have I ever come across someone like you. You make me whole, you make me a better person and however much I told myself while we were apart that it was for the best. My heart told me different. I can't take away my immortality, as you know, but I want to ask something of you." He took a deep breath.

"Would you do me the honour of marrying me and becoming my husband?" He closed his eyes, worrying what Alec's reaction would be. After a few minutes passed, he cracked open an eye, to see Alec crying and nodding his head frantically. Magnus felt and weight of his shoulders and flung himself at Alec, crushing his lips to his hard and passionately.

Jocelyn and Luke arrived at the institute, and the door swung open at her touch. In the foyer Jace, Clary, Isabelle and Simon were waiting, when Clary saw her mother, she ran over, pulling her into a hug. Jace walked over to Luke and did that manly nod everyone does. Jocelyn looked up at everyone else, Isabelle and Simon were stood close together, chatting between each other.

"Is everybody ready? Where's Alec and Magnus?" She scoured the room looking for them. Clary giggled a little.

"There not here yet, Jace you did tell them didn't you?" Jace tried to look innocent, although everyone knew he had forgot. Clary face palmed and pulled out her phone letting Alec & Magnus know to meet them at Takis.

"Come on, before it starts to rain or something!" They all grabbed their coats and left.

Alec held on tight, but not to tight to Magnus's hand as they walked to meet everyone else at Takis. Alec hadn't told Clary the news on the phone, he wanted to have himself and Magnus tell them together. The door to Takis swung open, as Jocelyn stood there with a big smile on her face.

"We were wondering where you had gotten too!" Once inside she embraced them both into her arms. At the table, they were sat all together, he started wringing his hands in the hem of his shirt, and Magnus grabbed his hands to stop him from ruining his shirt, then spoke.

"Alec and I have something important to tell you all." He looked at Alec out of the corner of his eye and grinned. Before Magnus could carry on, Alec beat him to it.

"We're getting married. Magnus just proposed." Once the news was out, the whole table erupted into cheers, whistles and shouts, Magnus and Alec couldn't of been more happier to have the support of their friends. Not only today, but for all the support they've given each other since the very beginning.

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