A/N – Greetings! I will begin by saying that it's been more than a year since I've started this story (June last year was when I published it, to be more precise). Black ball for me for dragging it on for this long, it's quite unprecedented :)) But we've made up for lost time quite alright and here we are at last – at the relatively short epilogue (very slightly GerIta flavored and peppered with an ending you are clearly not expecting, but hell I'm writing this)! I'm both excited and sad upon this occasion and also I'd like to thank all of you for the amazing support this story has been getting on the way, I'm truly grateful and always happy to see my stuff appreciated. So again thank you and enjoy the conclusion of things ;)

Bella – Belgium

Heracles Karpussi - Greece

A wind cooler than usual had begun to blow over the Isle as soon as the prince's ship had departed for the Continent and now Arthur was curled up gloomily into the cushions, a soft blanket wrapped around his thin frame to keep away the chill. Of course, he'd been aware all along that once they were married Alfred and he would still have to see to their own duties, but he hadn't thought that the prince would have to go away so soon.

Alfred had written letters to both his mother and his uncle, the King Ivan Braginski before setting off back home in the company of Kohler and his crew (aside from the Princess Elizaveta, who had left earlier with the Silver Dragon to the Eighth of the White Kingdoms). There were strong reasons to believe that now with King Thorne gone and no other heirs existent there would be no impediment to Alfred's succession to the throne, but there was still the more pressing matter of preparing the Kingdom's defenses. Normally, his new Queen (and this time real Queen) would have had to go with him and indeed, Arthur was going to go and protect the Kingdom once more if the task for which he had stayed behind was not going to be accomplished before the month was over.

"You know, if you sit and sulk nothing will be accomplished," Lukas pointed. "Have you decided if we are going to trust the Naga or not?"

"I thought it was something that all three of us would decide together," Valentin intervened. "But why shouldn't we trust them? The Order of the Naga is renowned for discretion and efficiency. If we are to keep the appearance of neutrality towards the Continental affairs, who else could better deal with this little problem?"

The Mages had eventually decided that the simplest and most discreet way to deal with the White King Francis and end the war on the Continent was to kill his undead poppet Queen, Matthew, now that it had been proven he was no living man. It was a fact that without his Queen, who was alone worth more than ten armies together, the King's army could not possibly suffice to keep the newly formed empire together. The key to Matthew's destruction lay in the small jewel which was the seal of the contract between the owner and its poppet – an earring worn by the King at all times – and that earring was going to have to be stolen from him.

The idea had come to Arthur upon remembering Princess's Natalya's insult – the Order of the Naga had a certain reputation as service providers. In times of old the boys taken in their care had been trained to be exceptional assassins, while the girls had been destined to become equally exceptional prostitutes. But these days both genders would be equally skilled in both jobs, hence Natalya's malicious (however not entirely misplaced) insinuation. And it was no mystery that King Francis liked whores more than a little bit.

"Then it's decided, send for them."

Ludwig stood straight on one side of the wooden panel in the audience hall, expectant. The three Mages were hidden, but the Dragon had no reason to be kept away from sight. Lukas had suggested that the Naga could not be solely entrusted with the mission at hand, so the Golden Dragon would be involved as well to enhance the chances of success.

The door opened and a shield maiden came into view, taking a bow in the general direction of the panel. "Masters, the men sent by the Order of the Naga are here, as you requested: Feliciano Vargas, Bella and Heracles Karpussi."

"Who exactly has chosen them?" the Red Mage asked in a low voice.

"Their master has chosen, assuring that they are the best. That remains to be seen, I suppose…" Lukas replied.

Arthur took a good look at the three as they walked in and advanced towards the panel – both boys and the girl were very attractive indeed and he had no doubt the White King would enjoy the sight of them, if not more. The girl was blonde, blue-eyed and supple, with a red silk bow in her hair and a saffron colored, almost see-through dress of the same material. One of the boys was shorter and very delicate in appearance, with sun-kissed skin, auburn hair and light-brown, almost golden eyes, while the other was taller, pale and darker of hair, and torso with muscles worthy of a warrior god. Both boys wore light black slacks and simple silk vests leaving their chests and arms bare, thus displaying the alluring black ink shapes adorning their upper bodies.

"Pretty little sluts with enough blades hidden in that scanty clothing to kill ten guards each," the Blue Mage observed. "Too bad we can't put their skills to full use when it comes to King Francis."

"My lords, we are here at your service," the auburn-haired boy named Feliciano Vargas said, lowering one knee to the ground and bowing his head in obedience. The other two mirrored his movements with the same feline grace.

'So they are under his command', Arthur thought. 'Nothing is as it seems with them, hopefully an advantage'. "Very well," he spoke loudly, straightening his back as he sat on the soft cushions. "I shall tell you of your mission. Three days from now the White King Francis will hold a great party in the newly conquered capital of the Eighth of the Black Kingdoms, to celebrate the latest victory of his Queen. We want you to attend the party and lure the King with the purpose of stealing two things he now possesses. One is a jewel he wears amongst many, a small earring with a purple stone. The other is a prisoner of great value, the Princess Lily Zwingli, a young girl about fourteen years of age. Take the Princess to the Fourth of the Black Kingdoms and have the jewel delivered into our hands. When these two things have happened, your master will see the payment he asked for."

Feliciano tilted his head in thought, golden eyes trailing from the panel to the tall blond watching from the side. "But master, the Kingdoms of the Continent are very far, especially the ones of the north. How could we possibly travel there to make it in three days from now?"

"You will travel on the wings of a Dragon," the Red Mage said, and Ludwig took a few steps forward, curiously measuring the boy and the others.

When it was all said and done with the brief and hastened coronation ceremony, Alfred finally had a moment to draw breath and ponder upon things. His poor mother looked as if she had aged ten years in his absence, her soft, graceful beauty withered before time. Worry had gnawed at the Queen-mother's heart having no news of her only son for so many long months, but she had eventually been allowed to breathe in relief upon his return. Among the Advisors Yao Wang was the only one appearing unchanged and fully pleased with how things had worked out in the end. The others kept asking where the new Queen was – if he indeed had one now – and Alfred too eagerly awaited Arthur's arrival, for more than that one reason.

After the fashion of his uncle, the young king had had a large mirror brought in the throne room for his husband's future use – as it was apparently easier and with less effort for a sorcerer to travel between distant places through mirrors and Arthur would have to go back to the Isle and see to his duties as a Mage as well every now and then.

It was close to midnight and the throne room was deserted, the vast space illuminated only by moonlight and a few lonely candles still flickering in corners. The blue-eyed blond had still lingered even after everyone else had left, eyes trained on the glass of the mirror which stood dark in its place and indeed, his waiting was soon rewarded. There was a ripple on the smooth surface and then his beloved sorcerer walked through it with a smile.

Arthur had chosen simple black velvet clothes as it was traditional of the Northern Kingdoms, and his King could only marvel how well the color suited him, contrasting with his pale complexion and his golden blond hair. He was also without his cane, and it was a relief for Alfred to see him again looking healthy, albeit with the aid of magic. After all, even if he loved the sorcerer just as he was, the people could never know that their Queen was crippled.

"It is done, my King," the green-eyed blond said, walking up to the throne. "Our plan worked as intended and once we held the contract jewel purchased by Francis from the Necromancers we crushed it. The Queen Matthew is no more, and your promise to the Lady Jeanne is fulfilled. Francis will have no choice but to withdraw his troops and very possibly abdicate too. His own men tire with him, I was told, and now that the odds are no longer in their favor…."

His husband reached out for his hand, taking it to his lips."My love, how could I ever show gratitude for everything you've done for me?" he murmured.

"I would have these worries wiped off your brow and your lips smile again."

"We still have a problem," Alfred said pouting, chin propped in his hand as he leaned back on the plush seat of the throne. "Tiny in comparison with the one solved, but pestering nevertheless."

Arthur scowled. "Well?"

"The Princess Lily is here, together with a particularly dreadful hag who is her governess or something. Of course, I saw no harm in her being brought here, because after all she is left without protection and even if she is to go home… she would not be safe there until things are properly concluded with King Francis. But the hag says that her lady cannot possibly remain under my roof without being compromised, if she hasn't been so already!"

The sorcerer's brows rose in confusion. "Compromised?"

"Yes, as if this was a fucking one-room hoot where we're all sharing the same straw bed!"

"I suppose she implied that the princess cannot remain here unless you offer a commitment of sorts. Like making Lilly your official concubine."

Alfred rolled his eyes and grimaced, confirming his suspicion.

"It's not such a bad idea."

"WHAT?! How the hell is it NOT a bad idea?!" the King hissed. "I told you I don't want a concubine and she's a child, for Gods' sake!"

The smaller blond knelt at the foot of the throne, gently taking Alfred's hands in his own."Please, my King, think of it. You can make a stipulation that the union will not be consummated until she's of proper age. In this way you will have the time to get used to the idea. Also, once she's the official concubine your Advisors won't press you to get one, as they would otherwise. Everyone will be pleased."

The young king sighed, realising that his husband was right. He pulled Arthur into his arms and cradled him against his chest, burying his nose in the crook of his neck and enjoying the warmth of his body pressed against his. There was both joy for things accomplished and worry for challenges to come in his heart.

"Arthur… I've learned a few things in the meantime. If we are to take a concubine, she will be our concubine, not mine alone."

The sorcerer's pale fingers found their way through his blonde strands. "Would that ease your burden or complicate the situation?" Arthur kissed his forehead, then the tip of his nose. "You know I shall do nothing that you do not want."

"I know, but… will Lily not come between us? And will she not be miserable if I reject her feelings?"

"No, my King. Nothing shall ever come between us and we shall both embrace the mother of your children as a dear friend, and treat her with gentleness and affection. All this I promise you, my love."