Chapter Twenty Three

Characters: Sam, Dean

AN: I'm sorry I haven't updated in a long time, summer has intensified my laziness .-. So here's a quick chapter :P Remember to leave suggestions because I am running out of ideas ;-;

Tonight was movie night. Or as Sam liked to call it. Dean was alright with the idea at first, but when he found out they were going to watch Disney movies, he was quickly against it.

"Seriously? You have a wide variety of movies and you pick the stupid kiddy cartoons?"

"Dean, relax. They are not stupid. Remember Lion King?"

"That's a whole other story, that's actually good. But Tangled? Seriously?" Dean said, raising the DVD to Sam's eye level, furious.

"What's wrong with Tangled?"

"You are kidding me, right?"

"Last time I checked, it's a pretty good movie."

"Then you have the mind of a seven year old. I am not watching Tangled."

"Look, just watch it with me and if you won't like it, next week we can watch one of the movies you enjoy."

Dean was considering at first, but gave in.


Night came around, and Sam inserted the DVD in the DVD player. Dean had brought a bottle of scotch to keep him company.

"No drinks, Dean."

"Come on, Sam. Let me drown the pain of Tangled. Please."

"It's not a bad movie," Sam muttered, but let him keep the scotch anyway.

By the time the movie was halfway through, Dean was more drunk than a cow being fed apples. He had managed to drink the entire bottle in 15 minutes, and now had no idea what the movie was saying.

"So who's the blonde again?"

Sam let out his 100th sigh of the night.

"I already explained you, Dean. It's Rapunzel. You watched half of the movie!"

"The horse is the best character." Dean said in between his laughter.

Sam turned his attention to the TV once more. This was going to be a long night.

Eventually the movie ended and Dean was still drunk. Sam turned the TV off and put the DVD back in the case.

"So, did you like it?"

"No," Dean slurred. "Just need some sleep."

"Then go sleep." Sam said.

"Can you help me?"


"Please?" Dean looked into Sam's eyes, making puppy eyes that could rival Cas'.

"Ugh, fine. Come on." Sam helped Dean up and walked him to his room. He presented him with his bed.


"Can you tug me in?"


"I am tired, please."

Sam sighed and helped Dean to his bed. Dean pulled up his covers.

"Thanks Sam."

"No problem. Goodnight." Sam was ready to leave, when Dean stopped him.

"Really, thanks. You have been a very good brother to me, and I don't know how to repay you. When you see me teasing you and such, it's because I love you. You will always be my little brother." Dean said, and dozed off.

Sam stared at him for a few seconds before smiling and exiting the room, turning off the lights. Sure, his family was little, but it was the best thing he could ask for. And with his brother by his side, he was not scared of anything. Because Sam and Dean could do anything together.