Any dialogue in bold is spoken in Japanese.


It's a small town, out in the desert. In the middle of nowhere, he'd never think to look for me there. I have a head start, at least a good thirty minutes. I'll be able to reach the airport and slip past security, get a free first class ride to the town. I feel guilty, about all this robing and stealing I've been doing. But I do it to survive. I wouldn't have to if he had left my parents alone. Never pulled that trigger, didn't shoot , so the glass never shattered on my father and the bullet never pierced my mother's flesh. Never killing them, never taking me from the hospital after I healed, where the torture began.

Oh, but it wasn't entirely his fault, I could have done something, I know I could have. Revealed my secret my parents told me too conceal forever. Killed him, and I wouldn't be in this position, running scared through a shallow river, with a small backpack that shields what few belongings I have from the water splashing each time I ran a step.

The airport lights appear in the distance. I should be happy, I've almost made it out of his grasp. But all I can think about is how my friend wanted to be a pilot. I told him about my secret, he wasn't scared of me, and he never mentioned it after I told him. Not that he could have because he was shot, just like my mom, right down to the exact same killer.

If I never told him, he would still be alive. But I did, and nothing can change the fact that I, a 16 year old girl, am running for my life, for the third time.

1 day later: Zeke's (Third person)

It seems like another normal day at Zeke's. Grace has just finished serving her usual customers, who, unknowingly to the rest of the town, have just secured another battle zone, saving earth once more from the forces of evil.

That is until the stranger walks into Zeke's. Her piercing icy blue eyes gaze around the room looking for something, or someone. She sits down at a table not far from where the gang sits.

She has pale skin, with a strong Japanese heritage. Identity's her as a foreigner in people's eyes. She has a slender athletic build, like a gymnast, or a martial artist.

She brushes a stray strand of her jet black hair, darker than the colour of a shadow, behind her ear.

With just a pair of dark grey jeggings, black shirt and combat boots, she seems like a relaxed kind of person.

Anyways, when Grace comes to give her a menu, she waves it off, and simply asks for a milkshake.

"I've never seen her around before, why do you think she came to Handler's corners? It's not exactly the biggest town." Asks Vert, the only one in the group who was raised in the town with a small population of 772, if you count everyone who lives farther out.

"She's from somewhere in Asia, probably either China or Japan." Sherman says.

Zoom squints, trying to get a closer look at the girl. "I can't shake the feeling I know her from somewhere." He says under his breath.

"Did you say something, kid?" Sherman asks.

"No, and don't call me kid." Says Zoom forcefully.

"Sheesh, don't throw a temper tantrum."

"Alright, enough Spinner." Vert says.

Suddenly, they hear an engine revving. But, this is not just any engine. This is a motorcycle engine. This not any motorcycle engine, this has the distinct sound of someone in particular's personal motorcycle.

"That's my bike!" says Zoom, with a mixture of surprise and anger evident on his face.

"But your keys are right here?" says Stanford, pointing to where 5 keys rest on the table, belong to their respective owner.

"It doesn't matter where my keys are! We need to get my bike back!" yells Zoom, leaping up out of his seat and running out the door.

"We'd better follow him." Says Agura, places a 20 dollar bill on the table, and rushes out to help Zoom, with the rest of the gang following.

Surprisingly, no one notices the new girl is gone, with a solitary coin still spinning at her table.

Hi everyone, I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and the next one will be longer. So, please review, and constructive critiscm is appreciated.