Hey everyone, here is the second chapter; wow, time went by a lot faster than I thought, lol. First and foremost, there is lemony goodness in this chapter. A quick note on a couple of things: this isn't a harem fic nor does Ranma have godlike powers. There will be sexual situations and possibly sex (depending upon how good I am at writing it). Ranma and Michiru are both 19, Haruka is 20, the rest of the scouts are 17 & 18 with Saturn at 14-16 (haven't fully decided yet), Pluto ... who really knows we'll say old but looks late twenties. If the characters appear ooc to you then consider them OOC, I'm putting them in the story after the series and I am treating like they have grown up a bit.
Finally, if you can't handle reading adult material turn back now. It's just better overall to know what you are getting into.
**********MMMMMMM LEMON, LEMON, LEMON MMMMMMM***************
There's your warning, so please take it under advisement. & enjoy.
Dinner was quickly put together and served; the atmosphere was thick and no one really wanted to start things just yet. Michiru frowned Setsuna was drinking and knew it was only a matter of time before World War 3 started.
"mmmmm, Michiru that was tasty, thanks for dinner." Ranma softly spoke.
"Yeah, thanks Michiru, good as always." Haruka shot back
"You're welcome Ranma. Your welcome love." Michiru answered back
"The meal was adequate Michiru, although considering that I've had to eat with devil tonight … I'll forgive you just this once, ok maybe a … umm few times after that. HAHAHA" Setsuna drunkenly laughed a little louder than she normally would have as she walked over and sat on the couch.
"Gee thanks Setsuna, it's always fun to deal with you when you're drunk." Michiru stated dripping sarcasm, "What kind of liquor is it this time? It doesn't look like your usual Mercury Fire Wine."
"Actually, its Plutonian Liquid Red made from the gleec plant on Charon and has been stored in absolute darkness for the last 17,000 years in an underground storehouse on Nix. There are only 5 bottles lef… hmmm make that 4 bottles left. I had to break one out because of that fucking dream destroying, god damn chaos nexus." Setsuna drunkenly slurred, pointing in between Haruka and Ranma, who were both sitting at the kitchen table.
"Well aren't you awful chatty tonight, Setsuna" Haruka playfully challenged.
"Shut the fuck up Haruka!" feeling irritated at her attitude, Setsuna stood up and let loose a "mini Dead Scream" at that annoying talkative bitch.
Ranma batted it right back at Setsuna, hitting her in the chest and flipping her over the couch and onto the floor.
"Uuuhhh" Setsuna moaned slowly picking herself up
"What The Fuck! Why I am your fucking punching bag tonight, you fucking bitch." Haruka charged while Michiru rushed and held her back with a strong, fierce hug putting as much love into it as she could, hoping she could cool Haruka down.
Feeling the anger drip away slowly, Michiru grabbed her lover's ass and twisted her left nipple to get Haruka's attention; "Haruka could you please load up the dish washer for me, I promise that I'll make up to you later on tonight." Michiru smiled with a wink as she leaned down and bit Haruka's right nipple.
"Yeah, yeah, ok stop twisting my arm" Haruka shot back playfully. Pausing for a moment to take a breath, she brought up what had been bugging her for the last few hours. "Hey Ranma, how did you stop that first Dead Scream and knock that second Dead Scream right back at Setsuna? Or for that matter how did you affect my senshi outfit and my sword?"
"Well it's kind of interesting because I can manipulate ki and the type of magic that you sailor scouts use is tied directly into your ki; that means I'm able to affect things that are tied to your magic. I realized this fact when you formed your sword and took a swing at me. I could feel your ki flowing through the sword; so I started looking at your ki a lot closer. That's when I came to that conclusion and then I realized that the more magic that you guys use the more ki that is used up; however before you start freaking out, your magic replenishes your ki, a little faster than what you use. So unless you use a massive amount of magic all at once; there's no real risk of running out of ki and dying. However, I don't know it's kind of embarrassing to describe how your magic replenishes your ki. It … ummm flows like a … ummm river … out of your … well down below." Beet red and trying not to look up, Ranma had to get his embarrassment under control before he could finish his explanation.
Struggling very hard not to laugh, Michiru tried to help him out "Did you mean vagina, Ranma?" The beet red that was Ranma turned to a glowing red hot flame.
"HAHAHA! No Michiru, the word that he is looking for is pussy, can you say pussy, Ranma? Here's an example, after I eat Michiru out, she has a dripping wet pussy. HAHAHAHA" Haruka toyed "Here Ranma, do you want to see what one looks like?" she started pulling down the front of her pants until a small patch of hair was visible. Ranma stood there wide-eyed, mouth gaping open with a slight drool, he was well on his way to a nuclear meltdown. Haruka was tempted to see what a supernova looked like by sticking his fingers down her pants and getting them sticky wet. 'Hmmm, I wonder who would reach supernova first? Ranma or Michiru?' All thoughts on that particular train of thought were brought to a sudden halt as Michiru smacked her upside her head.
"Really Haruka, we're not going to have another incident with Ranma like what did you to Usagi. I swear that after that stunt you pulled, every so often, she'll get a certain look in her eye and blushes so fiercely whenever she looks at you." Shaking her head, Michiru wondered how long it would take Ranma to get back to normal, 'Hmmm days, months, years? Damn it Haruka! I'm supposed to be making all of these little embarrassing moments with Ranma.' Sighing Michiru motioned "Ok Haruka splash him with some water, let's get him back to normal"
*cough, cough* "What the Fuck happened? Did I go neko? … I don't remem … Oh … umm that's what happened. Yeah." Trying to push that image out of his head; Ranma wanted to bash his stupid image-producing brains out. 'Dammit, dammit, dammit, do not EVER let her and Nabiki in the same room together. Akane almost broke my arm last time Nabiki wanted to have some fun at my expense; she was bending over, pretending to get the remote for the tv, she was in her nightie with no panties on, sticking her smooth silky ass right in my face … DAMMIT!'
Pointing at Ranma, Haruka whispered, "Holy shit Michiru, look at how hard her nipples are! I bet if we tied her down and took turns, we could get her to squirt in no time. I know that you're thinking about it Michiru, don't even try to deny it." as she reached up and teasingly twisted Michiru's hardened nipples.
Swatting Haruka's hands away, Michiru blushingly whispered, "Shut the Fuck up, for the love of God, shut the fuck up Haruka." Shaking her head, she tried to get rid of Haruka's suggestion from her mind, no matter how good it sounded. She needed to focus back on the matter at hand. "I'm sorry Ranma for that really embarrassing … no wait, ok I'm not really sorry for that enlightening sidetrack adventure we just took, but I needed to get us back on track to learn more about our sailor outfits."
"Ummm … yeah, that's a … umm really good idea. Let's see … I was discussing how your magic replenishes your life force through your … Pussy, right Haruka?" Ranma said sharply, giving both girls pointed looks, daring them to start something new. Both girls had looked down embarrassed and signaled that they were ready to listen to him, again. Shaking his head and sighing, he continued, "So yeah, magic refills your ki, hmmm … now that I'm thinking about it, whenever you girls transform I'm guessing that you're hit with a flood of ki and I bet that feels pretty damn good, almost like you're invincible, right?" Seeing both girls nod, Ranma continued frowning slightly, "I'm willing to bet that your outfits were designed like that on purpose, so that none of you would be afraid to die against a more powerful enemy or a whole bunch of enemies all at once. All of you girls have the same ki flow, except the blonde that defeated that last demon, that healer, and this sneaky bitch quietly sitting on the couch. The blonde's ki flow looks like its gushing out from all over her body almost like a firework bursting in the night sky. Now take lil miss Pluto here, her ki is frozen in place; most ki is constantly flowing all around your body, but not hers, I would guess that her magic is what is keeping her alive and held together. Now that healer of yours, Saturn, has a different type of situation going on, I originally thought that with the way her ki is set so much lower than the rest of you sailor scouts, that she must possess a massive magical power, that needed to be safeguarded against falling into the wrong hands. Although, looking back at that battle earlier today, it looks like she has a broken magical seal because she only receives a trickle of ki compared to the rest of you girls; she's been sick quite a bit, hasn't she?" Both Michiru and Haruka look at each other and nodded, not liking where his explanation was going; while Setsuna just looked bored, like she knew what he was going to say next. Realizing where this explanation was going, Ranma frowned at the bad news he was about give, "Saturn's body can't maintain the level of ki necessary to keep her healthy. If nothing is done to fix her problem soon, that broken magic will kill her, at least that's what it looks like to me."
"What!" Haruka exclaimed.
"Oh my God! She can't die again, not again" Shaking her head in disbelief, Michiru looked up at Ranma with possible hope in her eyes, "Can you do anything for her, Ranma? Please help her if you can, I'll do anything for Hotaru, right Haruka?"
Trembling at the thought of losing Hotaru, "Yeah Ranma, I'll do whatever it takes as well, she means the world to both of us" Haruka fought to keep her tears from falling, wiping her eyes as stealthily as she could.
Ranma could feel their desperation and wanted to offer them as much hope as he could; but he fully wasn't sure of his new technique, especially when it came down to someone else life on the line. He had seen one of the masters perform the technique on that dying boy who had been mauled by a mountain lion. He knew that he could recreate the technique, but this was a magic type of problem and magic always seemed to cause him all sorts of headaches. "I'll have to examine her more thoroughly, but I think that I can help her as long as one of you guys can lend me some of your magic at that time," He offered.
Jumping up from the couch, Setsuna yelled "Don't you fucking touch her! I can't have you adjusting her, Saturn isn't meant to be around for crystal Tokyo." She threw a stasis field around the kitchen and the living room, slowing everyone down like they were frozen in ice; then she rushed forward with her staff held high, smashing it into Ranma sending him crashing into the sink, busting the faucet, and spraying water all over the place.
"…" Michiru just stared speechlessly at Setsuna, turning her head where Pluto had teleported to, "tell me that you're fucking joking Setsuna, Please God Dammit! tell me that you're fucking joking" she pleaded not fully believing what she just heard.
"What the FUCK! You cunt, I'm not going to let you fucking hurt Hotaru anymore than what you already have" Haruka exclaimed as she ran and dove at Setsuna tackling her to the floor. Haruka started beating Setsuna with everything she had to give.
Setsuna elbowed Haruka in the throat and kicked her off, "This is what the queen had setup, when she started the Sailor Saturn project, just like she did with yours, you stupid bitch" Setsuna replied cold-heartedly as she kicked Haruka in the stomach "She isn't meant to wake up from the great freeze when it happens; a new Saturn will be reborn and awakened when we need her."
Slowly picking herself up off of the floor, "So … so the Queen set me up to die as well? …" Haruka asked, not quite sure what she believed anymore, frantically looking over herself to see if she could find anything wrong with her body.
"No you idiot, not in the same sense, otherwise bright boy over there would have mentioned it, the Queen had set the Uranus project for hotheads that blindly follow orders, so that you rush into battles fully attacking regardless of how overwhelming the enemy is. Hence why you were picked, your personality is the issue not that you would see anything wrong with it and just so that we all are on the same page, Saturn's situation will not be changed per the Queen's orders." Setsuna said smugly.
Picking himself up off of the floor, after the hot water had changed him back, Ranma turned and regarded Setsuna before speaking, "I don't really see how you're going to stop me. If I can make her better, I will" Staring Setsuna down, Ranma just daring her to take it further.
"ARRGGH" Throwing out another stasis field, Setsuna dashed towards Ranma 'going to knock his ass right out the window.' she swung her staff aiming for his head. *...* 'wait where was the klang'
With her staff firmly grasped in his hand and a soft blue glow covering his entire body, Ranma sadly looked at Setsuna, "Did you really expect that little trick to work twice? You should have tried to go for the kill that first time; although it wouldn't have worked any more than a bullet would have." Spinning around and kicking Setsuna in her chest, he sent her flying into the couch, flipping over it, and slamming into the wall.
Picking herself up off of the floor, Setsuna just glared at Ranma, trying to figure out a way to remove him from the picture 'Fucking Bastard, I'm sooo tempted to use Omega Protocol on him, cause nothing less would work on him … I think, but I can't use that except for as an absolute last resort … Dammit! … Come on now, cool down. There are other ways to deal with this fucking chaos nexus, not here, not now.' She began taking slow cleansing breaths to get her anger under control, so she could focus on the spell. Next thing anyone saw was an empty space where Setsuna stood, as she teleported to the time gates.
Eyeing Setsuna's exit cautiously, Ranma continued his explanation, "Anyway, Haruka how I was able to change your senshi outfit is because your outfits appear to be in a training mode."
"What!" "No way!"
"The latest overseas adventure that I recently took is where I came across all this ki related stuff, it all started about four months back, I came across this small mountain village on my way back from doing this Italian job that I was 'asked' to help out with (some old friend of pops, go figure). Anyway, these guys had stolen this cursed gold and decided to melt it at the Chinese border, so they could sneak it across undetected. When they started melting the gold, an evil spirit that was trapped inside got released, that's when Pops was called (apparently he and his friend used to come across all kinds of super natural shit when pops was waaay younger). After a quick one way ticket there via a plane and a parachute, I had to face off against this evil spirit; he called himself Kilz Yura Hardon and had inhabited the melted gold taking the form of a small dragon. The demon had already killed four people and destroyed half of the camp by the time that I had arrived there. After trading some blows with Kilz Yura Hardon and dodging his golden spray…"
Giggling at what Ranma had said, "Oh God, Michiru" Haruka whispered.
"Stop it Haruka, control hehheh yourself" Michiru commented back trying to stop herself from laughing loudly.
"What!" Ranma was trying to piece together what was so damn funny; Hiroshi and Diasake were always laughing like that when he was telling them about one of his latest adventures. "All I said was that Kilz Yura Hardon was trying to cover me in his liquid gold, talk about a hot mess." He sighed.
"BWHAHA! You know Ranma, if I hadn't known about your life already; I would have thought that you were just some typical guy pervert trying to get into some girl's panties." Michiru explained to him while Haruka rolled on the floor laughing and trying to catch her breath.
Looking at them annoyed, Ranma just shook his head and then continued on, "Anyway, after I beat Kilz Yura Hardon and got him sealed back in the gold; I informed them that they needed to get that gold purified as soon as possible. Meanwhile, I was headed back home with my payment of three cursed gold bars. Walking through the Southern Chinese mountain ranges, I came across this huge ancient monastery that was built in the side of this mountain. The monks that lived there could sense the evil spirit trapped inside and offered to cleanse the gold for a small fee. I figured why not, it would be better than swimming across the sea with an angry spirit trying to drown me. They said it would only take a week, so they set me up at this old tiny inn, which I was surprised to see considering how small the village was. It reminded me of those American western saloons that I've seen on tv, I think it was called the Salty Bitch. The next morning I started exploring the village, when I noticed a lot of people heading for this hole in the ground and all I could think was that I must have stumbled across some kind of crazy cult. I really didn't want to face another one of those 'end of the world' cults after that last one, two months before (stupid fluffy bunny of Caerbannog). When people came out of that hole chatting with each other, instead of having that crazed look of 'I must find a new sacrifice', it kind of tips you off, so I decided to investigate, I mean, when someone excitedly mentions a new technique that they just learned, how could I not be curious. Well it turned out to be a massive underground dojo, when I talked to the sensei I learned that the dojo specialized in using ki, I was salivating and begging to be taught, I think it was the best fallen tiger that I've produced yet. Anyway, I was accepted and to cover costs, I offered to help out with some classes at the dojo and found some of the odd jobs around the village. The beginners' class is where I was first introduced to their training gi, it's used to draw out and strengthen a person's natural ki ability. The training gis are adjustable just like your sailor outfits, this helps students learn to deal with ki in a more accelerated manner. I'd learned how to manipulate ki a lot better this way, I was able to enact a change just by thinking about it and adding some ki to where I wanted to make changes. On the other side of the fence, I learned how to safe guard myself against others from overpowering me with their ki attacks and traps. This is how I was able to do what I wanted with your outfits."
"Michiiii, I'm getting tiiirrred, we need to get to bed if we're going to have any 'pillow talk' tonight; I really want you to spank me and then make me feel gooood like Ranma did, pleeeaassee." Haruka had gotten down on the floor and stared up at her lover with those dark blue eyes, pleading to hurry up as she started sliding her fingers softly up those slender legs to Michiru's moist pussy. 'I really need some of her sugar tonight; although, dripping wet Ranma-chan from earlier mmmm mmmmm, I bet she has some sweet sugar as well, heheheh.'
Sighing at Haruka antics, Michiru realized that it been a long day and those fingers were really stirring things up, "Ok I think it's well past bed time, I meant what I said Ranma, I want to us to reconnect as friends and I want to see if I can help you out with your fiancée mess. So PLEASE stay the night and we'll head back to your place in the morning, together." Hoping that Ranma would stay the night, her thoughts turned to her very frustrating lover, 'Dammit Haruka, why did you have to get me this horny before we got upstairs, now I'm going to have you and Ranma on my mind, all night. Hmmm … considering how (secretly) you've been checking out Ranma's dripping wet … (breathe) … female form, you must be extremely horny by now, I wonder which one of us will say his name first … uh oh … Oh God HARUKA!' Throwing her head back, Michiru let out, "MMMMMMMM, oooooo … aaaa … HARUKA! Get up to bed, NOW!"
Sweating and swallowing hard, Ranma couldn't look away no matter how hard he tried to turn his head. "Maybe I … ummm should just go … and ummm … wow its getting hot in here."
Looking over at Ranma from her position on the floor, Haruka offering a coy smile, "Come on Ranma, Michi-chan said you could stay; we'll even put on a very good show for you before bed." Haruka started fingering her Michi-chan faster and harder.
"AAaaaH! HARUKA! b…b…bed NOW!" shaking Michiru tried to focus but that wasn't happening with haRUKA's fingers inside of her.
Smirking at the situation that she started, Haruka decided to push a little bit further, "Oh cum on now Michiru, I KNOW that you really want to put on a show for Ranma, among other things." Getting up and moving over to Ranma, "Look Michiru, Ranma is excited, look how hard he is." Pointing to the tent in Ranma's pants, Haruka reached down and grasped his very big meaty package. She teasingly added, "See Michi, see" 'wow, they get this big?'
Michiru just stared, her mouth wide open, the heat was almost unbearable. 'These damn hot, itchy clothes; why do I want to take them off again? Feels like the reason … ummm is on the tip of … my tongue. Shouldn't I be doing something … with my ummm tongue. Licking, yeah … I should be licking' Closing her eyes, Michiru took a moment and collected herself, she knew what she had to do versus what she really, really wanted to do. 'Dammit Haruka, you're gonna pay for this tonight' cracking her neck 'mmmmmm oh yes you're definitely going to pay.' Blowing out her breath, Michiru got a very stern look on her face "Haruka! let go of him and get your ass up to bed right now or you're going to sleep on the couch tonight and do without!"
Excited at the effect that was she having on Michiru, Haruka's brain just caught up to what was just said and realized that this was a very real threat, but she was so very, very, very horny; she knew there was no option B, looking down at her current situation once more, Haruka just realized how deep she was in, 'Damn! When did I start fingering myself.' Her eyes followed her right arm down where she was attached to Ranma, 'H… H… Holy, Holy fuck! I… I… I've been jacking him off; ookkaay time to go.' Haruka seemed to teleport up the stairs and into the bedroom. "Eeeep"
Ranma just seemed to be frozen, staring off into space. Michiru getting up off of the couch, she waved her hand in front of Ranma's face. 'Hmmm, nothing' putting a hand on his chest, she could feel her heart racing. 'What should I do to snap him out of this? Kiss him or touch him … down there, or how about both.' Blushing heavily at that thought, Michiru began looking up at his face, while her hand started moving downwards. As her hand reached down and touched Ranma right on his … her heart was jackhammering in her chest.
"Hey Michiru, you ok? You kind of spaced out there for a moment." Ranma asked concerned, as he wiped some drool off from the side of her mouth.
"Oh! I… I… I'm gooood, you're fine … I… I mean are you fine?" Michiru was blushing like a supernova; she began wondering who came first: her or a tomato. "Listen Ranma, I really want to finish up what we started tonit … well, let's continue this … ummm yeah; uh look, please, please, pretty please just stay here tonight and we'll talk in the morning. PLEASeeee."
"Yeah sure Michiru, I'll … stay tonight, j… j… just go and take care of yourselves. I'll sleep on the couch, ok?" Ranma answered trying hard to look anywhere else but at Michiru and failing that horribly.
"Thanks Ranma, I will see you in the morning" Michiru leaned in and kissed Ranma on the lips and then headed upstairs to her bedroom, before she even realized that had kissed him.
"Wow today has definitely been an adventure, hmmm … and a good one at that." Ranma smiled as he laid down on the couch, touching his lips.
Walking into her bedroom, Michiru stopped and stared at sight before her. Haruka had taken her clothes off and covered various parts of her body with that cotton candy body batter that I find so sweet and tasty. She finished off her looks by wearing my ultra-cute and furry neko ears; along with our newly-purchased, very sexy cat-o-nine tails. 'Apparently, Haruka decided that she needed to play dirty and make herself so irresistible that I would forget or maybe even overlook what she did tonight. Hmmm, I can't believe that she is wearing that cat-o-nine tails; she was so scared of putting that butt plug in, I never thought that she would wear it on her own. Damn she looks sexy as hell, not to mention incredibility fucking tasty, damn I can't stop drooling. Oh Haruka, you just have no idea what you've started, heheheheh.' Grinning back at Haruka, Michiru walked toward stripping off her clothes with each step.
Gulping, Haruka knew somewhere in the back of her head, that she hadn't done enough. "M… Michiru? D… D… Do you l… like what you see?" The pleasure that was radiating from the cat-o-nine tails was certainly surprising to her, but the pleasure was hitting her in waves, making everything fuzzy. 'Was that a button that I pushed on the cat-o-nine tails? And what's this E-stim label that was on the package?'
Settling in on the couch, Ranma sighed and thought back to everything that happened to today. 'Well today has had its share of twists and turns. I'd like to believe that I've earned some peace and quiet from all the crazy shit that happens on a daily basis, but I know that's not gonna happen. Sigh. Hopefully tomorrow will be as exciting as today has been.' Getting ready to close his eyes, he started hearing noises coming from upstairs.
"OOOooooo, AAaaahhhh, that feels soooo good Michi. I… I'm a… almost t… t… there, just a l… l… l… liiitttle BIt… t… no Michi, don't stop, PLEEEASE, don't stop, I wanna CUM sooo bad, Michi. I NEED to CUM, let me cum pleeeeaasseee." Haruka cried as she started moving her hands to take care of herself.
"Did I give you permission to cum?" Michiru chastised after she smacked Haruka's hands away. "I'll let you cum when I'm good and ready. Did you really think that I'd let you get away with that little stunt that you were pulling downstairs? He has enough issues in the love department without you throwing gasoline on that bonfire."
"Come on Michi, let's get back to our fun … Mmmmm, oh yes, Yes, right there, … faster, fas… faster, ooooOOOO. NO! Nononono, m… m… mmooorre. Dammit Michiru! I want to cum NOW!" Haruka screamed as she snaked her hands downward yet again.
"You'll cum when I let you and not before," Michiru demanded
"m… maybe I'll just go down and have Ranma make me cum, I'm sure she'll let me," Haruka whined as she shivered as the thought caught up to her. 'Will she buy it and let me cum?'
"Oh really now, will he? HAHAHA" Michiru sneered.
"Yes, she will! Especially since, she's the only one who's made me cum already today." Haruka shouted defiantly as she looked up at Michiru with fire in her eyes. "And she'll do it again!"
"…" Speechlessly Michiru just stared with her mouth slightly open. "Well … I guess that's true Haruka," looking down for a moment, she regarded Haruka and decided it was time to show her whose boss. She grabbed Haruka by her hair, pulling her towards the door, leaning down to her lover's ear, and sternly instructed her "Get down there! Crawl up to him! Beg him to make you cum! Then you are to lay on the couch! Spread your legs! And take his…"
"STOP! Stop! Stop" Shocked and stunned of how she was being treated, Haruka broke down and started crying, "I… I'm sorry Michiru, p… please s… stop, I'll be good."
Michiru stopped and realized that she went too far with Ruka. She gathered Haruka up in her arms and pulled her love over to the bed; she wrapped the sobbing girl in a giant hug, stroking her back, "Shhh, Shhh, its ok my little Ruka, I'm sorry. I guess we really need to talk about our kinks and figure out what our limits are; however, we'll have to tackle that some other night."
"I was only playing around Michi, you know I didn't really mean to do anything, right Michi?" Haruka sqeaked out returning the hug just as fiercely.
"I know, my little Ruka, I know" nuzzling Haruka's neck, Michiru knew that hard and rough fun that she was looking forward to, had just taken a backseat. It was time to give her love a nice and soft send off to dreamland. "I'll make sure that you have a proper smile on before your dreams come tonight." She whispered as her hands began exploring Haruka's body.
"OOOOOOOOO … Oh yes … OOOhhh yeeeess, almost a… almooosst, yeah right there, right there, I'm gonna, I'm gonna … MICHIIIIiiii!" Haruka just collapsed as her energy drained away from a very very overdue orgasm. 'Michi, I love you… zzzzz'
Leaning over and kissing Haruka on her cheek, Michiru just sighed, 'Well can't say that I didn't see this coming; hopefully, she'll wake me up properly in the morning **giggle** I love her morning wakeups. Goodnight my love.' Snuggling up close, Michiru closed her eyes and went to sleep.
'It's finally quiet, geez those two are loud. Maybe I can finally get some sleep; no wonder that Setsuna is such a bitch, especially if those two are always this loud.' Ranma turned over and went to sleep, dreaming of new techniques as far as one possibility see; however, dreams rarely stay in the same arena that they start in. Two little girls ran up and asked little Ranma if he wanted to play, all the while the background slowly changed into something sleek, something wet, and something adult. 'MMmmmm Michi, mmmmm Ruka …'
Well that brings this chapter to a close, Thanks for reading this second installment. I am still pushing forward, throwing in subplots as we go; the main enemy or plot hasn't been revealed yet, probably not until at least chapter 5. Keep in mind, Haruka is a flirt and will do the outrageous just to tease and push Michiru's buttons.
I'm sure that there are mistakes throughout this chapter, anyone that wants to help private message me.
Please review and comment; If you have questions then message me, I'll try to respond back in a timely manner.