The restaurant of the Raikun hotel was an elegant and sophisticated place. The style was traditional with modern touches, good lighting, soft music and good service, where people could relax and eat in a good atmosphere.

Saito was not impressed; his father always chose excellent places to be.

After dining together, the eldest man showed him the design of the luxurious hotel in which he had been working for months.

He was a renowned architect, his grandfather was also. They expected him to follow in their footsteps, but he was his own person, he would decide what he wanted to do when the right time came, now he just wanted to live the life of a normal guy, without worrying about things like that.

"It's already finished, what do you think?" Hideki served two glasses, offering one to the young indigo. Saito was not a fan of alcohol, but he did not refuse the drink, a glass of wine would do him good, although dinner had been quiet, he still felt a little anxious.

"Our partners are very interested in the project; we will decide later when the construction star."

Saito looked at the document; he didn't have much to say, here, his father was the professional.

"Your jobs are always good," The young man took a sip from his glass; he liked the taste, but preferred his black tea.

"Your ideas were also good, Hajime, I always took them into account, although you are very young, you learn fast."

"I'm glad I was helpful, even though you didn't need it."

"We all need help at some point."

Saito said nothing by drinking more of his drink. His father beckoned him to fill it again, but he turned it down, with one was enough.

"And what is your business here?" Saito asked. His father had a lot of work in Tokyo; the work had to be important for the man to move here.

"A complex of houses, it is a new project. It will come well to this place."

"I see," The young indigo crossed his arms, inspire softly. He took advantage to order a tea when one of the waiters passed nearby their table.

Hideki watched him for a few seconds. The young were very like him, strong, determined, he did not like that he had come here without his approval , but a part of him was proud, Saito was showing that he had character and that he could take his own decisions. It was good, weak people, were easy to handle.

"You really like this city, don't you? I can understand it, seems like a nice place. "

"Ah, much more than others."

Hideki nodded, drinking with elegance of his glass.

"I have not told you before, but it is good that you have character and fight for what you want, since you were little you had that determination, I have always known that you are not a boy who can be controlled."

The young Stoic stared at him, the man spoke sincerely. He seemed to speak the words with pride. Saito did not know what to think.

"To stay seated, while the others decide what you have to do, it's quite annoying, don't expect it from me." Saito spoke in a dry voice.

"I don't do it. You are very much like me, so I didn't expect you to stay still for long, but I was hoping, you would stay by my side.

"Tokyo was not the place I needed to be, I'm sorry I disappointed you."

"You didn't disappoint me, boy, I'm not saying I was very happy, but you're showing that you can take care of yourself, that's good."

Saito was intrigued about the attitude of his father, the demanding and difficult man seemed resigned, rarely, he showed that disposition.

"You seem to think different since the last time we spoke," Saito spoke slowly. "Why the change of attitude?" You were determined that I had replace you in the company.

"I still think about it, it's your right, you're my oldest son, but it is clear that I cannot retain you, and I do not want our relationship to be hostile, I need you on my side."

"I've always been on your side, but I'm not a child anymore, you can't tell me what to do or not to do, I will take my decisions, I hope you understand that and also you take my side."

"I'm here, right?" Hideki took a deep breath, "that's why I quoted you; I wanted us to speak calmly. Just like you, I was also a willful young guy." At this last part, the old man smiles a little.

"And tell me, Hajime, what is it about this city that you like so much?" The older one continued. Saito had visited many cities, but apparently this place was special to him.

Saito remained in silence for a few seconds. When he moved to Kyoto, it was a city like any other, he just wanted to study, to know new places, but since he met Chizuru, his friends, Hijikata, Kondo and the others, he knew that was his place.

"It's quiet here, I like school and my friends are … great."

"I see," Hideki wanted could meet these people. Despite the fact that his son was a young with many qualities, he was solitary; he did not have much sympathy with the young people around him, not even with the guys from the club.

Most of the time, he had to force him to attend social gatherings where his business partners' children would be. Well, the brats were a bit arrogant, he understood that, but he didn't like that his son was alone.

That was when Saito was younger, and he could still control him a little, when he grew up, he only accompanied him sometimes, here, he had something important. He could see it.

"I'm glad you have friends here, your mother also would be happy to see you ok."

Saito nodded. His anxiety was completely gone; he still found it hard to believe that things had turned out well. The mention of his mother shocked him a little, he always thought of her, he still missed her, he could see that his father did too, but they had to move on.

"I will return to Tokyo early tomorrow, maybe when I return we can meet again, it will be nice."

"If you want, just let me know in time."

"I will have to do it; you seem to be a very busy guy. By the way, I have something for you," Hideki took a key out of his bag and placed them on the table. Saito looked at the keys, then at his father.

"What are they for?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"I bought an apartment a few weeks ago, a few streets from here; you can use it if you want."

"Thank you, but I don't need it, I like my apartment."

"I knew you would say that, but save them, in case you ever need them,"

Saito said nothing; however, he took the keys. He didn't plan to move, his apartment was perfect for him. He didn't need anything else. But he was pleased that his father was so concerned about him.

"Thanks, for understanding,"

"It's my job, boy, that and worrying too much,"

After that they stayed a little longer in the place, and then Saito headed to Koundo's house.

Things had gone well. Saito did not expect his father to change his mind, at least not so quickly, however he did. He was glad that they had cleared things up, he was sure their relationship could be much better now.

When he arrived at Chizuru's house, he was surprised to find her sitting on the porch of her house, she hadn't seen him. She seemed very entertained with something that she was holding by her side.

He watched her absorbed for a moment. She was so beautiful; the moonlight illuminated her pretty face. She looked like one of those princesses that fantasy books tell. His feelings towards Chizuru was growing more and more into his chest and that scared him a little, he was crazy about her and if the girl rejected him he would be devastated.

He softly denied, he couldn't afford to have those negative thoughts, he had to focus on conquering her, then she would decide if she wanted to be with him or not, whatever her decision, he would accept it.

Taking a deep breath, he decided to get closer, the closer he got, the more he liked the image in front of him.

"Hi, girl," He greeted with a thin line on his lips.

Chizuru looked up and smiled at him. "Ah, hi, Saito-San," Saito swore that her beautiful smile overshadowed the stars in the sky.

"What are you doing out here? It is very cold, you can get sick," He said this, however, he sat next to her, he wanted to spend a few minutes with her before entering and greeting to Koundo.

"I was feeding Rin," She said, showing him a white kitten that was drinking milk from a container absently. "It's from our neighbor, but he always comes for feed,"

"I see," He said, tucking his hands inside his jacket to protect himself from the cold. "If you always have food for him, he won't stop doing it,"

Chizuru smiled again taking the little animal in her hands. "Isn't he cute, Saito-San?"

Saito shrugged, never had pets, for him, he was just a hairball.

"He likes you," the girl giggled as she lowered the animal and the bold cat jumped into his lap. Saito was a little surprised, taking the cat in his hands.

"Why reason would he like me ?" He asked curiously.

"Rin is smart; he knows you're a great guy."

Saito smiled. Chizuru always knew how to flatter him, she didn't care at all about the opinions of others, but that she thought of him in that way, he liked it, he liked it too much.

"You seem to be in a good mood, did you well with your dad?" Chizuru asked as Saito returned the cat.

"Ah, whenever I talk to you, I do well."

"With me?" Chizuru asked pointing to herself in surprise.

Saito nodded; do you want to know what he said to me? "

"You don't need to tell me if you don't want to, I don't ...

"I want to," He said quickly, he wanted to share his thoughts with her.

Well… Chizuru lowered the cat again to he continue drinking his milk, and then she turned to Saito.

"As I told you before, my father is a bit of a difficult person," Saito began to explain, "he likes things to be done his way, when I told him that I would come to study here, he opposed it, he wanted me to stay working with him. "

"Was he mad at you?" Chizuru asked in a shy voice.

"Ah, quite a lot," He stated.

"Because you came here," She said, assuming Saito must have been saddened by that situation.

"In part, the truth is that I am not a very easy person to deal with either, I do not like that others to decide for me, my father knows it. When I was a child, I could please him a little, I really didn't care, I was even glad to, but things changed. It bothered him more the fact that I came without his approval.

"I see," She said quietly. "Some time, did you ever consider not coming? You know…so your father wouldn't be mad" Chizuru understood that maybe things could have been different and never meet Saito; she didn't like to even imagine it.

"No, my father didn't need me; he just wanted to impose his authority. Today…..he was more understanding to me, he doesn't seem so angry now," He smirked. "He seems even glad that I'm doing well."

"Really? That's good," She smiled softly ... what about your mom? She must be softer, right? they always are ."

"She was," He did a little pause. "She ... died a few years ago."

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," She said a little ashamed, she didn't want to make him sad. She just wanted to know a little more about his family.

"Don't worry," He gave her a small smile to reassure her, "everything is fine."

Chizuru inspired, stroking the cat next to her.

"My parents died too," she said quietly, "Kaoru and I were very young, so I hardly remember them. I would have liked to meet them a little more, but I'm not sad, I know they loved me and now I have to dad, I wouldn't exchange him for no one.

Saito watched her silently. He had heard something of that, it was not a secret for anybody, but he never asked anything. The fact that she and koundo did not share the same blood did not change anything, he was her father, he had raised and loved her and that was the important thing.

Chizuru was very brave; she always saw the positive side of things. That made him loves her even more.

"Koundo-San is lucky to have a daughter like you, I am sure that your parents should also have been happy to have you. We can only remember with affection those who have left, don't you think? "

Chizuru nodded softly. She liked Saito's words; it made her feel very good. He was very sweet, even if he tried to hide it. She saw him smile a little while stroking the cat that had passed by his side again.

"I'm really glad that everything went well with your father, I like to see you happy."

"I know, you are too kind." He said almost jokingly, making her smile.

The girl got up, taking the cat to the fence that collided with that of her neighbors, the cat walked into the courtyard and disappeared from view.

After, she walked over to Saito and held out her hand, Saito smiled softly and took her hand, and he got up without putting all his weight on her, he would her drag to the ground with him if he did. When he was on his feet, he didn't release her immediately, her soft, delicate hand fitting perfectly with his.

"You are the one who always says nice things."

Saito raised his free hand lovingly removing the lock of hair from her face, and placing it behind her ear, he could not resist this time, her cheeks were red, and he wondered if it was from the cold or for something else. He wanted caress her cheeks too.

"I don't say things nice things, just the truth." Her hair was very smooth, against his rough fingers

Chizuru felt her stomach flutter; She liked how Saito stroked her hair. Why did she feel like this? Why did she feel so strange when she was with him at times like that? The others boys did not cause as much confusion in her. Did he feel in the same way? Should she ask him? Saito always told her the truth.

"Ah! Neh!... Saito-San? " She spoke shyly.

"Mmn?" His fingers still caressing her hair.

"Do you …. I mean... when you are with... Chizuru inspired heavily,

Why was it so hard to ask?

Saito looked at her curiously, she seemed nervous. I was going to ask her what it was about when suddenly the door opened.

They both looked towards the entrance to see Kondou appear with a cup of steaming tea in his hands and a black bag in the other.

Chizuru felt disappointed, now she was not going to be able to ask, she felt like protesting when the young indigo dropped the hand that caressed her hair, he also released his hand that closed with hers.

Oh! Saito, good evening," Kondou smiled kindly. "Did you come to see Chizuru?"

"Good evening, koundo San," Saito bowed respectfully. "I know that tomorrow you are traveling to Osaka and I came to wish him a good trip."

"Thank you, but come on, don't stand there, I just made some tea, I just went out to take out this garbage." He grinned "Chizuru, can you serve him? I'll catch up with you in a moment,"

"Ah, Chizuru motioned for Saito to follow her; the young man nodded and followed her without protest. It had undoubtedly been a good night.

"So, Chizuru, what were you going to tell me?"

"Ah! That…. it was nothing important." There was no way she could ask now. "You're lucky. Dad's tea is very good. You'll like it," She said quickly, changing the subject.

Saito nodded without saying anything else. It seemed to him that it could be something important, or maybe he just wanted to believe that, it didn't matter, she could tell him whenever she wanted. He would always have time to listen to her.

I m sorry for the delay, it took me a while to finish this chapter.

Guest: your comments are always important to me, thank you.

Things will get interesting, I hope you enjoy the chapter. Bye!