Nobody: How about actually reading it before you say things like that. You probably won't see this, but the point still stands. -_- You sound ignorant when you say things like that especially when you say stuff like you didn't read the whole thing.
Panty went out to a shop and browsed over the selections of clothes and chose the least suspecting option: goth clothing. It was the last thing Stocking and Briefs would expect her to wear. As much as she disliked goth clothing, she knew she had to suck it up if she wanted to get to her sister. She put on a a plain black dress, flat black shoes, her hair hidden beneath a black wig with red highlights, and black and white striped thigh-high socks. She made sure to wear black lipstick and eye-shadow with mascara after powdering her face to be pale. Panty hated what she was wearing but if it didn't catch any attention from her targets she could bare with it for a while hopefully.
Given that it was fall with winter soon on its way, she was actually a little glad that the black clothing kept her warmer the only good thing about dressing goth so far. The major downside was that the creep that worked at the motel said he didn't care how she dressed since he thought she still looked hot and ass was still ass. Given his reaction at the site of her in her new clothes, he wasn't fond of the fact that she wasn't wearing her usual attire and had changed it out for something less flattering in his eyes and it was more than likely he doesn't get laid a lot so he couldn't afford to be picky. Panty drove around Daten City in hopes that she'd find her sister and had no such luck as she searched the usual places Stocking may like being around such as a bakery or super market where there were sweet items. Then she got an idea as she drove by the high school. Why the hell hadn't she thought of it before?
Tomorrow there was going to be a comic book club meeting and where there were comic books, there were geeks. And where there were geeks, she was pretty sure there would be people very eager to do her bidding at the drop of a hat even if it meant defying their morals to please her and maybe get into her pants. Sure it never ended well for anyone other than Panty, but most still held onto some hope they'd be able to be with her. Panty used their hope to her advantage when it fitted her and she didn't even have to force herself to be nice. Her good looks and sex appeal were enough to distract them quickly from nagging her for using them.
The next day, she approached the room after changing out of her clothes into her signature red dress and made sure to wear her crotch-less panties just in case. When she burst into the room, she was greeted with the usual fanfare along with confused looks from a few of the other members.
"P-panty Anarchy!" said one of the nerds. "W-what are you doing here?"
"Oh nothing," she said with a wave of the hand. "I just came to visit your little club."
"And for what reason would that be?" asked a suspicious fairly attractive female nerd whose presence didn't bother her in the slightest given Panty's reputation.
"Oh no reason. Just wondering which one of these guys will be the lucky guy tonight," she said in a matter of fact voice.
"Listen here, Panty..." began the girl.
"Why us?" interrupted one of the nerds.
"Why not any of you? You know what they say. The weird ones are the freaky bed. I've never been with a nerd before, so why not try that saying out?"
The nerds excitedly chattered among themselves and sent each other eager looks. The few girls there either sent Panty suspicious looks or were secretly jealous of the guys in the room. One of the other girls piped up above the guys' talking.
"What are you really here for?" asked a girl wearing glasses and a superman t-shirt. "Aren't you the one that's always having sex with people like the football team and talking down on us nerds?"
"Didn't I just say I was giving you virgin fuckers a chance?" snapped Panty. She then paused for a few seconds. What if she got the wrong nerd that couldn't help her with what she had planned? "You know what? Fuck it. I do want something. May as well get it out there. I need help getting into hospital records for personal reasons and I know one of you bastards can help."
"I knew it!" said a male nerd who was dressed up as Green Lantern.
"Oh shut the hell up. As if you don't wanna fuck this." she said rolling her eyes.
"Actually I'm gay."
"Shut up then," said Panty. "Anyways, so any of you who knows how to get me in speak up now and I'll gladly let you look at me naked."
"What happened to having sex with you?" asked a blonde girl.
"I've changed my mind. It's better than nothing right?"
The people in the room had mixed feelings about this. It was better than nothing, but at the same time they would rather be in bed with her. One person voiced possibly touching her or having her panties. She wasn't entirely sure if she wanted any of their grubby hands on her or with her underwear, but decided she may as well give them what they wanted...or what they thought they were going to get.
"Fine, a pair of panties..."
"Dirty." said one of the nerds.
"Freak. Fine a dirty pair..."
"And the one off you now!"
"Don't push it. I'm letting you see me naked, aren't I? Stop being so fucking greedy." growled the blonde woman. "Now, does anyone know how to get me into hospital records?"
"I can!" said a few nerds.
"If any of you are lying, I'm beating your ass." said Panty. She couldn't decide which one she wanted so she just did "eenie meenie miney moe" and choice the girl who was very eager to go with Panty while the others looked disappointed.
Panty and April went back to the hospital. When they got there, she expressed some hesitation on doing it which made Panty want to slap her out of frustration. She was so close and she was playing chicken after she had driven her all the way there. After telling her that she would happily find someone else to do the job in exchange for a chance to be with her, April decided to go through with it though she was very nervous. Panty quickly seduced a doctor and got him into an empty hospital room while April went into his office to find any indication of if Stocking was coming back anytime soon. Once the job was finished, April went to the door of where Panty was and knocked.
"What?" asked Panty sticking her head out of the door. "Oh its you. Did you find anything?"
"I got her contact info and location as well as the time she'll be here." said April.
"Great job." grinned Panty as she looked over the information. When the teen didn't piss off and allow her to get back to her the doctor, she remembered what she said earlier. "The guy's ready to go at it again. I've got shit to do after this so either join in or take my underwear."
April, surprisingly enough, didn't hesitate to go into the room and join in on their little fun. After getting dressed and dropping April off for her to brag to her friends, Panty went back to her motel room to plan out her revenge now that she had Stocking and Brief.