Hello everyone! Sorry about not updating Lean on Me in awhile. To tell you the truth, I'm having a little bit of writers block, so when I thought of this, I decided to write it to try and heal myself. Again, sorry, but please be patient. I will try and update as soon as I can get a hold of my thought again.

Anyways, my boss said this quote and I immediately thought about this, so, here's the quote:

"Never lie, steal, cheat, or drink. But if you must lie, lie in the arms of the one you love. If you must steal, steal away from bad company. If you must cheat, cheat death. And if you must drink, drink in the moments that take your breath away."

After some research, I learned that this was from the movie Hitch(?). If I'm wrong, someone please tell me.

Moving on, I'm going to write a series of one shots for that quote. HERE'S THE FIRST ONE!

Disclaimer: I do not own Hawaii Five-O.

Onto the story! ENJOY!

Danny realized that someone was holding him and it took him a moment to realize just who it was. Anyone else, and he would've pulled away. But it was ok. It was his brother.

Now of course, it wasn't his blood brother. That metaphorical ship of relationships sailed long ago. No, this was his brother in bond. The man that he trusted with his life every day and would trust with something even more precious than that: his daughter.

Prying his eyes open, he didn't have to strength to look up, simply staring forward as his teeth chattered and he attempted to speak. "St-ve."

Steve looked down at the weight in his arms, continuing to move his hands up and down his partner's arms, creating some friction to warm him up. "Yeah! Hey, Danno. I'm right here buddy. I'm right here." Frankly, the Navy SEAL was amazed that Danny was even able to open his eyes at this moment. He had run into the freezer not 10 minutes ago and found Danny bound and gagged on the floor. He had quickly carried him outside, had Kono call the ambulance and untied him in the time afterward.

Danny smiled, a violent shiver wracking his frame. He felt the warmth of his partner and tucked himself closer, glad when he felt Steve's arms tighten around him.

"Shh, Danno. Shh. It's ok. Just relax. I got ya. I got ya. You're gonna be alright." Steve said, pulling his partner closer to his chest and keeping up the comforting mantra for the time it took for the ambulance to arrive. Even when the paramedics did come, Steve was still glued to Danny's side. When the paramedics loaded Danny into the ambulance, Steve climbed in too, ignoring the annoyed glances he received from the EMTs.

Danny's eyes opened and he looked up at his partner sitting next to him as the ambulance started out. He didn't have the strength to speak, simply smiling when Steve looked down at him. "Hey, buddy. Just relax, ok? They're going to get you warmed up at the hospital and then you'll see Gracie, sound good?" Steve grabbed Danny's hand and gave it a gentle squeeze. "I'm not going anywhere, buddy. I'm right here."

Danny's smile never left his face as his eyes drifted closed again and he fell into the realm of unconsciousness.

Steve sat in his chair, staring at the wall as his thoughts ran over what had happened the day before. They'd been working on a breaking a smuggling ring and had gone to question some suspects at a food storage warehouse. Turns out, the suspects were the smugglers and after a brief altercation, they'd been arrested. But Danny had been nowhere to be seen. Steve had tried his phone but it went straight to voicemail. Steve could remember being shocked because they had even waited for backup this time and he knew that Danny was always on him about waiting for backup.

Getting back on track, Steve remembered calling Chin and asking him to trace Danny's phone, but there was no trace, meaning the phone was either broken or off. That's when he started to get panicked. Danny's car was still there, not that he would leave in the middle of a firefight or leave at all without telling Steve, and he had seen him a couple times during the first few shots.

Steve admitted to himself, he may have gotten a little rough with the two prisoners, but Danny had been missing for about two hours now, and they still didn't have any clues. So after "asking" them, he had Danny's location: a freezer. He didn't think that he'd ever ran that fast in his life. He went straight there, telling Chin and Kono, who had come to help in the search, that he had found him and to send an ambulance. After he got the freezer, one of the scariest moments in his life happened.

Steve came to the door and yanked the bolt out of the handle, pulling it open in a mist of cold air. His eyes fell upon the figure on the floor and he lept to the downed man's side. "Danny? Danny, can you hear me?"

No response.

He slid his arms behind Danny's back and under his knees, lifting his partner easily and carrying him outside. A policeman had brought him a blanket and he set Danny on the ground, tucking the blanket around his brothers shivering form and rubbing his hands up and down Danny's arms.

Danny began to come around slightly and opened his eyes, looking forward as he couldn't look up. "St-ve."

"Steve? You ok, babe?"

Steve came back in a rush and he looked at the bed in front of him. Danny was laying on his back, head flopped to the side as he looked at his partner. "Danny? Hey, buddy. Yeah, I'm fine. How ya feelin'?"

"Tired." Danny said, relaxing into the pillows now that he knew that Steve was ok."What happened?"

Steve slouched in his chair, arms across his chest. "Honestly, Danno? I've got no idea. You disappeared sometime during the gunfight. All I know is that I found you half frozen to death in a freezer."

Danny's eyes wandered. "Oh."

Silence, albeit comfortable, stretched between them before Steve looked up from his gaze on the floor to his partner. "Hey, Danno?"

Danny nodded, meeting Steve's gaze. "Yeah, Steve?"

Steve sat up, yawned, and leaned forward, placing his arms on the side of Danny's bed and resting his head on them. "Promise me you'll never do that to me again."

A soft snore erupted from the sleeping SEAL as Danny smiled and curled onto his side, facing his partner. Closing his eyes, he breathed out, "I promise," before he joined his partner in a peaceful slumber . . .

Little did they know that Chin and Kono were 'aww'ing and snapping photos outside.

How was it? I will try to update both this story and Lean on Me soon. Again, thank you for your patience. I'm just asking for a little bit more. :) I hope that this little one shot has been enough to sustain you.

See y'all later!