AN: Hi Olitz fans! I DO NOT OWN SCANDAL. If I did, the bs in season 3 would have never happened. This is my first fan fiction ever. I have read quite a few fantastic Olitz fics, and I wanted to give it a shot. This is my attempt to reset the downright BS; Shonda Rhimes gave Olitz fans near the end of season 2 and all of season 3. This fic begins in 2x21, when Olivia lovingly confronts Fitz in the WH Residence. I am using tiny bits of season 3 in my story to fit the story line. Please read, review, and enjoy!
Righting Wrongs
Cyrus sent me up to the residence, to as he so eloquently put it, "Knock some damn sense into Fitz' idealistic head." I began to pace slowly back and forth, and at times in circles. Cyrus can be most of the time, be the ruthless political sausage maker, and he unwittingly gave me the swift kick in the pants that I needed. I needed to be completely open and honest with Fitz as well as myself about everything.
Jake Ballard is a sick, twisted bastard. 'What was I thinking when I went to his apartment? I am an idiot. I thought he could fill the void that I felt when I was missing Fitz. Jake could not fill Fitz shoes even if he wanted to.' Fitz consumed my heart, soul and mind, even though the outrageously rational part of my brain did not want to admit it.
Sometimes you cannot help with whom you fall in love with. I fell in love with Fitz during our first 'one minute' in the hallway during his first campaign. Falling in love with Fitz scared me. Falling in love with him so quickly and so deeply scared me. There is no doubt that I love Fitz, I just do not know how to express my feelings as easily Fitz expresses his.
I did not have the best example of unconditional love with I was young. My father, Eli is the head of B613, an egomaniac, a control freak with territorial jealousy. My mother, Maya is a criminal, a domestic terrorist, with a murder wrap. Oh, let's not forget the fact that she faked her own death. My parents are the black 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith', assassins out to kill each other and anything that comes in their way to reach maniacal goals.
My parents do not have hearts; they had no capacity to love others. I never heard 'I love you' from my parents. I was never shown love; I did not know how to show it or to receive it. I had very few boyfriends. When I heard them say 'I love you', especially if I felt something for them too, I would run like a coward, afraid of the unknown, afraid of what might happen.
It was because of the situation with my parents and my fear of not being able to control the unknown, is when I decided to become a fixer. I decided that if I was a fixer, I could control the narrative, whatever situation for my clients. More than anything, I wanted to prove to myself that I would not turn out to be like my parents.
Defiance was one of the worst mistakes I have made in my life. It was in the midst of the 2010 Presidential Campaign when Defiance took place. Fitz was trailing in the polls and Reston was likely to be the next President of the United States. The Grant campaign was desperate. Cyrus brought me on as an image consultant for Fitz and Mellie. I knew next to nothing about polls and the intricate workings of a political campaign.
Cyrus brought up the idea of Defiance, after bringing in Big Jerry to help the campaign, turned into a big bust. Cyrus, Hollis, Verna and Mellie were on board right away because they had so much to lose. Cyrus would be Chief of Staff, Mellie, obviously become First Lady, Verna would become Supreme Court Justice, and Hollis would have the satisfaction of buying an election. I had nothing to gain from it. Cyrus pressured me for days to bring me on board with the decision. Since the mere mention of election rigging, I said no. I said yes at the last minute. I said yes, because I thought I would be helping Fitz.
There was no doubt Fitz detested Big Jerry. Big Jerry was an asshole to everyone he met. Big Jerry thought he was so important being a two term California governor, and four-term U.S Senator. He had influence to swing some difficult voters according to Cyrus. It was hard to believe that Fitz and Big Jerry were related. Fitz is the polar opposite of his father. Fitz is the kindest, sweetest person I have known.
Even though he hated Big Jerry, Fitz was lost, when he died. A part of him wanted his father to be proud of him. After his father's funeral, Fitz asked me if I thought he would be a good president. I told him he would be a great president. Before breaking down, sobbing in my embrace, he said he wanted it. Fitz said he wanted the presidency. He said it; because he wanted to prove that he was something Big Jerry said, he was not, a winner. Fitz' happiness was the only reason I agreed to Defiance.
The ten months that followed Fitz finding out about Defiance, were the loneliest months of my thirty-six years of life. I sometimes thought that God was giving me a taste of my own medicine. I always pushed Fitz away, and finding out about Defiance was the straw that broke the camel's back. 'I got what I wanted right, Fitz to stay away from me.' I was such a coward, I was afraid of Fitz' love for me. Since my childhood, I was never shown love, and because of this I have always thought I was not worthy of love.
Fitz was and is my first true love. Fitz has always been able to express his love for me. When he made grand gestures of his love for me, such as his declaration in the rose garden, running out the clock on his marriage, and the gorgeous house he had built after he was shot, I ran away as I usually did, because I was scared of the unknown, the what ifs.
I ran away, thinking I would make the situation better. It has not worked yet. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result. Whenever I ran away from Fitz, I always ended up miserable. When I ran, Fitz was miserable himself. The only thing Verna Thornton was right about, Fitz and I were in accord. We were made for each other, soul mates. I am tired of being my own worst enemy, tired of being miserable.
The reason I had my breakdown, was that I was not living my truth. I thought I could use Jake as a stand in for Fitz. Jake was no Fitz. Fitz would never put his hands on me in violence. Jake is a snake. He thought he could slither his way into my life, attempt to charm me.
When I found out he was stalking me, he tried to explain it saying he was protecting me. What exactly was he protecting me from? He used me as a human shield! I thought I was going to die. When I found the camera equipment and monitors in his apartment, we got into a fight. He gave me the concussion that put me in the hospital. When I was in that hospital room, he told me say nothing. He wanted me to help him cover his own ass. I did not say anything, because I was afraid of what he would do if I told Fitz the truth.
As I paced the residence, I have come to the realization that I am finally going to be honest with Fitz and myself. He earned me time and time again. I am not running anymore. We both deserve better. Now, it was time I earned Fitz.
That was chapter 1. Olivia has had a major come to Jesus moment. She is not running anymore. Read, review and give feedback and predictions. I would greatly appreciate it. Until next time! Taylor