So this is my first ever fanfiction, so be easy on me. There will be probably be mistakes, I am human after all. Let me know what you think of it. If I should continue or not. Hope you like it.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Rachel comes up to Santana who's sat on the couch and asks her.

"Im not really in the mood to go out tonight, plus I have work in the morning." Santana replies back.

Honestly, Santana never thought she would see the day where she denied alcohol and fun to be responsible. God, it's like her and Rachel switched rolls somewhere along the time that they've lived together.

"Who are you and what have you done with Santana?" Rachel teases.

"What can I say? I've grown up."

Rachel feels quite proud in this moment. She's known Santana ever since they were freshman in high school, although they weren't exactly the best of friends back then, but through the years she feels like she got to know the real Santana. She and Santana have lived together from their first year of college, Rachel went to NYADA and Santana enrolled at NYU after she dropped out of Louisville because Kentucky was really not the place for her. So she moved in with Rachel and Kurt into the loft, now its 8 years later and she and Rachel now live together in Manhattan as it was much more convenient for the both of them than Bushwick.

"Come on Santana, Kurt said he'd even join us." Rachel says hoping it will encourage Santana to come along.

"Even though I haven't seen Lady Hummel in a while that's still not enough to encourage me to leave this comfortable, warm apartment and my onesie"

Rachel sighs; she didn't want to have to go to this level.

"I'll buy your drinks all night" She mutters.

Through the smirk on Santana's face, Rachel knows that that was what she was waiting for.

"Im in"

When they get to the club it's already packed. It was just the three of them tonight, just like old times. After flashing their ID's they get inside and instantly head over to the bar. Santana plans on taking advantage of Rachel's offer tonight and she doesn't even feel bad about it, she knows that Rachel is cashing in the big bucks with her new role on Broadway.

They order a round of shots when they get to the bar so they can get drunk more quickly, the bitter taste of the vodka shot burns down their throats but it quickly goes away. This action is repeated three more times until they're all moderately tipsy.

"Santana" Kurt grabs her attention.

"What is it porcelain?" she asks back.

"I think you've got an admirer" he states, signalling towards the opposite end of the bar.

Santana follows his gaze. Her breath catches in her throat at the sight she sees. Blonde, gorgeous, hazel eyes which just draw you in. Santana smiles at the sight of the girl staring seductively at her, she decides immediately that she wants this girl and is determined to work every bone in her body to get this girl to come home with her.

She doesn't know what it is, after only 10 seconds of seeing this girl Santana feels something that is a new feeling to her. The intensity of the stare between her and this blonde arises up the passion inside of her. Santana sees the blonde girl bite down on her lip and in that moment Santana was gone, she wanted this girl and it was time to put her want into action.

"Im gonna go talk to her" Santana announces to Kurt and Rachel. She's got a full drink of vodka and lemonade in her hand so she doesn't need to stick by Rachel for now.

"Figures as soon as she sees a hot blonde she ditches us" Santana hears Rachel mutter, not that she cares. In some sense Rachel is right, she does have a preference for Blondes. But this one, she was something else.

Before Santana knows it she's next to the Blonde. Set steps beside her, as she does the girl turns her head to see Santana standing before her. Santana notices the smile that arrives on the girls face when she sees Santana next to her; Santana decides that that smile is her new favourite thing.

"Hi" it's simple to start off but with the way they were connecting before Santana doesn't feel like she has to use some lame pick up line.

"Hi" the girl replies back. If Santana didn't want the girl before she definitely did now. The girls' raspy voice only adds to her sexiness, Santana doesn't think she's ever heard anything sexier.

"Im Santana" she introduces herself.


Her new favourite name.

"So Quinn, can I buy you a drink?" she asks. If she's buying it for a beautiful blonde she doesn't mind so much.

"I'd rather have a dance" Quinn stands up of her stool and starts to walk over towards the dance floor.

Santana stares at the blonde in awe as she gets a full view of Quinn's body.

"Are you coming" Quinn turns her head over her shoulder and says to Santana.

Santana wastes no time in following Quinn to the floor.

Quinn sways her hips the beat of the music the DJ is playing; Santana follows in suits and matches Quinn. Her hands move out and find place on Quinn's hips so that their bodies are close together. Quinn arms wrap around Santana neck, as she does this their bodies now flush together leaving little or no space between them.

Their bodies move in sync with each-others. Santana makes it her point to thank Rachel for bringing her out tonight because dancing this way with Quinn is definitely better than anything she would have been doing at home.

Her hands move up and down Quinn's sides, taking in the feel of her body and the way it feels on her fingertips.

Before she knew it Quinn crashed her lips onto Santana's, deepening the kiss as soon as it started.

Sure Santana had kissed a lot of people, some were bad, some were good but she had never had a kiss that made her feel like electricity was flowing through her veins.

Quinn's fingers tangled their way into the brunette's hair, forcing their mouths to stay locked together. Their tongues battled their way into each-others mouths.

If Santana knew one thing, it was that she never wanted to let go of these lips. And it's not because she was drunk, although that probably added to it, no, it was something about this girl which heightened each one of her senses and sent the butterflies in her stomach crazy.

Neither of them knew how long they had been kissing, could have been hours, could have been minutes, all that they did know was that they wanted to keep kissing. Santana decided it was definitely time to move to a different setting.

"Do you want to get out of here?" She asks, slightly out of breath from their make out session.

"Definitely" Quinn replies.

"Your place or mine?

"Your place, definitely your place" Quinn returns. Santana notices the tone of Quinn's voice as she replies back to her but she decides not the question it.

Santana takes her hand and leads the way out of the club and to the nearest taxi. She tells the driver her address.

They both connect their lips once again on the ride to Santana's apartment.

By the time they arrive there both of their lips are swollen, not that either of them cares. Santana quickly hands over the money for the cab and rushes out.

She gets them both upstairs as fast as possible, not wanting to waste any time.

As soon as they get inside the door their lips are back on each-others.

"Bed" Quinn mumbles against Santana's lips, to which Santana smiles into it.

She places her hands on Quinn's hips to guide her to her room. Luckily her's is the closest to them so it doesn't take long until they get in there. Santana immediately pushes Quinn on the bed and Santana follows so that she's on top of her.

Santana retracts her lips from Quinn's to grab the bottom of her dress and lift it up over her body so that she's left in only bra and panties. Quinn follows this action and removes her own dress.

Santana can't take her eyes off the blonde's body, she decides to make it her mission to have her tongue all over her body.

Instead of capturing her lips back on to Quinn's she attachés them to her neck where she sucks softly on the pale skin. She has already decided that she loves the feeling of Quinn writhing beneath her. The way she squirms at the sensation of Santana hitting that sensitive spot on her neck.

She reaches behind Quinn's arched back and unclasps her bra and throws it across the room. The less clothes the better Santana thinks, so she removes her own and chucks it in the same direction as Quinn's.

Santana leans down again, her breath hitches at the feeling of their bare chests rubbing against each-others.

Quinn's hands lift up from Santana's waist and move their way up to grab Santana's face to crash their lips together once again.

"Fuck me Santana" She mutters into the heated kiss.

Santana breaks the kiss and starts trailing kisses down Quinn's body. Starting at her neck, then down her chest, paying good attention to each breast, rolling the nipple between her fingers and tongue. Her fingers continue the trail down Quinn's body. She drags Quinn's thong down her legs and immediately replaces it with her hand as she cups Quinn.

Quinn's body arches at the touch.

"You're so wet"

Her fingers tease around Quinn's entrance as her thumb finds her clit. Quinn's moans only spur Santana on even further. She's never wanted anyone like she wants Quinn right now.

"San, stop… stop teasing me. I need…."

"What do you need Quinn?"

"I need you to fuck me" Quinn moans.

As soon as Quinn says this Santana pushes two fingers into Quinn, making her words turn to mush. The starts her rhythm slow but then increasingly fastens her pace adding the pressure of her hips onto her hand.

Santana can tell that Quinn is close as she feels her tighten around her fingers, with one last rub over Quinn's clit with her thumb she lets go screaming Santana's name into oblivion.

As Quinn comes down from her high she sees Santana smiling above her, she can't help but return the smile. Never had sex been that good.

"That was…." She can't even complete her sentence as she still regaining her breath from the sensation she just felt.

Before Quinn can even start to gain sense again she feels Santana kiss her way down her stomach down to the inside of her thighs. Sucking on the soft skin.

Santana lowers her head between Quinn's thighs. As soon as her tongue makes constant with Quinn's slit, she screams in pleasure, swearing her way through the sensation.

Santana wakes up to her alarm going off. She quickly turns it off, wanting the beeping to last as little as possible. She hates that she has work this morning, especially since her boss is an arrogant asshole who believes he's God's greatest gift

She turns back over, expecting to see Quinn sleeping next to her. They had both passed out after their antics last night, Quinn gave her the best orgasm she had ever experienced, that girl was seriously gifted.

Although Santana's expectations were wrong, all that was next to her was an empty bed , however, she did notice the note that was left on the pillow. She grabbed and read it.

Sorry, had to leave early.

Had a great time last night.

Took the liberty of saving my number in your phone.

We should do it again, soon.

Quinn x

A million thoughts ran through her mind at that moment; why had Quinn left? Why didn't she wake Santana up to tell her she was leaving? When did she leave? But the main thought that corrupted her mind was that she was definitely going to call her.

Santana got up out of bed; she couldn't help but feel the ache in her body because of last night. It was worth it though, god was it worth it.

She quickly got dressed into her work clothes, which was nothing more than a blouse and a skirt and some heels.

She walked out of her room to the kitchen to see Rachel standing there with a cup of coffee. She knew Rachel would already be up since its past 7am when her vocal warm ups start.

"Have a good night last night?" Rachel asks although Santana sure she probably already knows the answer.

"Oh, I definitely did" Santana says proudly.

"Im very aware. Are you gonna see her again?" Rachel asks.

"Yeah, she left her number."

"You should invite her to that thing tonight" Rachel suggests.

"Maybe I will. It would make it suck less" Santana says as she gets her phone out of her pocket to compose a new message.

Hey, it's Santana. I was wondering if you want to come with me to this event I have for work tonight and then maybe we could continue where we left off? X

It gets to 12 when Santana gets a reply from Quinn.

Sorry I can't tonight, but definitely some other time - Q x

Santana sighs as she reads the message. It looks as if she'll be taking Rachel to this thing again.

"Santana, can I speak to you for a moment?" her boss, David says to her.

"Sure" She gets up and follows him to his office.

He points to the chair for her to sit down, she doesn't miss the way his eyes scan over her legs as she sits. She does not like her boss, she thinks he's an egotistical asshole so the sooner she can get this over with the better.

"So, as you know we are having the fundraiser tonight, I was wondering if you have the list handy?"

"Yeah, it's on my desk. I can get it if you like?"

"Yes, go get it" she rolls her eyes as she stands up. Not even a please.

She retrieves the list of names for tonight's fundraiser and brings it back to David's office and hands it over to him.

He adds a name to the list and then hands it back to her.

"Just adding my wife's name to the list" he tells her.

Santana can't help but feel sorry for whoever got stuck with this man. She doesn't bother checking the list because she's grown to not really care for any of his actions. She just walks out and places the list back on her desk.

It's 8pm and both Rachel and Santana are stood at the free bar, an extremely positive aspect which Santana will fully exploit. Her plan to get through this suck fest is to drink as much as possible.

"So, what's this fundraiser for?" Rachel asks as she takes a sip of her wine.

"I wanna say for the children but im not so sure" Santana honestly replies.

"How are you not sure? Isn't it your job to know?"

"Nope, Im someone's assistance which means im basically their bitch"

"Ah, what's that like?"

"It sucks ass, especially because my boss is an asshole" Santana says.

Speak of the devil; David comes up to the two of them. One again Santana sees him checking them both out. She can't help but think about what his wife thinks of this.

"Hello ladies" he smirks at them.

Santana puts on her infamous fake sweet smile. "David" she acknowledges him.

"Are you two enjoying this evening?" he asks.

"We are indeed, especially the free bar" Santana replies.

"So, who's your friend Santana?"

"Oh, im sorry. This is Rachel"

"Pleasure to meet you Rachel" he sickly smirks at her as he shakes her hand gently.

"So, where's your wife?" Santana says, hoping it will bring him out of being a creep.

"She went to the bathroom to freshen up…. Oh there she is?" he signals to behind her.

Santana turns around to see the woman who would be stupid enough to fall for this guy's behaviour.

Her breath catches in her throat, her eyes widen.

Those hazel eyes… that blonde hair… that body...
