"Well, doctor? Is it time yet?" Draco had continuously repeated.


"Do tell, son, why have you been banished from Labour Land?" Lucius asked.


"Are we to presume Hermione sent you out for no reason?" The whole group of visitors stared at him.

Sniffle. Sniffle.


"She told me that Cassiopeia got fed up with her daddy's pacing."

"Mr. Malfoy, your wife has requested for your presence." The Head Nurse announced.

"That looks disgus-OUCH!" He held his jaw.

A cry pierced the room.

The Healer didn't appear at all surprised that a thoroughly exhausted woman could give a clean uppercut. He devoted his time to cleaning and wrapping the newborn.

"She is my baby! If you call her anything else, I will castrate youand display them in the parlour. After shrivelling them, of course."

Somehow, even though she couldn't, Cassiopeia seemed to be giggling at him.

Welcome, my early grave!