Hey guys!

Thank you to everyone who followed and faved this story. I'm glad people like it enough to do that!

Wow this story has almost a hundred reviews can you believe that?! Sorry it took so long! I got my brother into Doctor Who so we've been marathoning it trying to beat the season nine premiere. And anytime we're not busy he'll be like: "Can we watch Doctor Who?" And I'll always reply: "Yes. Yes we can." Honestly I've never been more proud of him. :,)

Special thanks to: Layla347, LilyMayRose, TetraGirl, Jo, Weasleylover10, gossamermouse101, Paige 101, SilverShadowWolf46, dwatlaskrhtcm, AfireLove1998, XxXLIFEafterDEATHXxX, SlytherinHolmes, addicted2memories, steve r0gers, bluesootsprite, Bre, Clumsy-Bookworm298, ameliemallette1, Belieber Twihard, Inari, and two awesome guests for reviewing the last chapter it really does mean a lot!

Brace yourself! I'm going to be skipping a lot of months because well I just really want to finish with the FA plotline. I might go back to change it but for right now this chapter will have to do… so don't hate me.

Sorry if there are any mistakes I'm not perfect… Enjoy!


1945- February

When Steve entered the lab he saw Kat in the position he always did every day for the last six months, hunched over looking into a microscope. "Knock- knock." He voiced, and raised his arm to show the bag in his hand. "I brought food."

Kat grinned when she looked up to see the blonde. "My hero!" She said slightly eyeing the bag of food he was holding up.

[Flashback} Six months earlier...

"Do you like me? Kat blurted out one day as Steve dropped by the lab to have lunch with her.

"Uh- Yeah." Steve said unsure where she was going with this.

"No I mean as more than a friend." She clarified.

"Yes." He told her.

She nodded slowly. "Okay."

"That's it?" He raised his eyebrows. "Just 'Okay'?"

"Of course not." She said, taking out an already written on piece of paper "We'll have to go over all the guidelines"

"You wrote a list." Steve said not surprise by this.

"Seeing all the options on paper helps me think, you know that." She shrugged.

"Alright, so what do you propose?" he asked.

"Well, firstly if we are wanting to take our relationship to the next level we should probably have some sort of ground rules, don't you think?"

"What kind of ground rules?"

"Well not ground rules per say. It's more like, testing the water. Like hugging would have to be a must."

"Oh yeah that's definitely a must." He said with a tugging smile on his lips.

"And hand holding..."

"Another must."


"How about every weekend when I'm not on any missions?"

"That could work." She said after a moment of though. "Kissing?"

"I've kissed you before." He pointed out.

"You have." She stated, "So, um- was it okay?"

"Was what okay?"

"You know..."

"Oh- Yeah, I mean- I wouldn't mind doing it again." He stuttered a bit

"Really?" she asked lowly, letting his words sink in.

"So does this mean its official?" He asked taking her hands.

"Yeah, I think it does."

"Oh thank God!" Howard blurted out from his work table right across from Kats where he had been hearing this entire conversation. Along with all the other previous flirting sessions they would have whenever Steve dropped by. "Watching you two skirt around each other these past few months was absolutely the most frustrating thing to witness in the history of things to witness!"

[End of Flashback]

"However could I thank you for saving me from my hunger?" Kat wrapped her arms around her beau's neck.

"Oh I could think of a few ideas." He said leaning in to kiss her.

"Ewww... Can you two go somewhere else? Some of us are trying to be productive in here." Said Howard from his worktable, very grossed out by the two. "Be lovey dovey on your own time."


1945- March

"Ooff-" Kat sounded out as her butt hit the ground- hard... and cringed when she saw a curvy silhouette loom over her like an ominous storm cloud.

When Kat first began her training with Peggy she realized quickly that she was not in the physical shape she had thought she had been when she suggested they start doing this. In fact, always being out of breath was a norm when she was training. And as for Peggy well- let's just say she was not the friendliest person when was in drill sergeant mode...

"Come on," The British beauty said with her hands on her hips. "Get on your feet, you maggot."

Maggot? Geez- this lady didn't kid around.

"Look Pegs, how about a break, huh?" the girl on the ground huffed out, "Or at least let me catch my breath."

"You agreed Kat. If I was going to teach you how to fight we were going to do it my way, or we weren't going to do it at all."

"Ugh!" Kat groaned out and flopped onto her back in annoyance, letting her arms fall out to the side of her body. "When are you going to teach me how to use a gun?"

"When I think you're ready to use one." The agent said tersely

"Oh c'mon-"

"I'm serious. A gun is not a toy, Kat." Peggy told her, "How's this, maybe if you can do a proper push up then I'll actually consider it, but as of right know it's just learning basic defensive skills."

Kat carefully began to get her bearings about her as she stood up. She pouted, wiping the sweat off above her brow. "I can do a push up!" she said indigently

"I know what a push up is Kat. And whatever the hell you're doing, it's not." The agent told her. "Now off you go, those squats aren't going to do themselves."


Peggy Carter had always known she was more of a loner than anything else. Always wanting to keep to herself was something she did best, despite her mother's incessant need to set up play dates and tea parties with other girls. But now she found herself growing fond of people. Making friends. She loved Kat, she was definitely someone she could call a sister. Steve was a good man, more of a brother than her real one. Hell, she even thought of Howard as a friend.

Growing up, her mother was someone who demanded order, she was too British for her own good. She taught the 'art' of etiquette, you see. And of course these where things Peggy never took seriously. 'Sit up, shoulders straight, and never drop a smile Margret, someone could be falling in love with it.' She would say.

Love. Probably something her mother thought would come after setting her up with a son from one of her posh friend she knew. She knew her mother meant well, as far as wanting to see her daughter being taking care of. And that was just it, Peggy could take care of herself. Today though she couldn't help but watch Kat and Steve from a distance as he brought her lunch to the lab. She also couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. She very much doubted that any man would like at her the way the Captain looked at Kat.

"They really grow up fast, don't they?" said a voice that came up behind her.

"Hello, Sergeant Barnes." She said flatly, getting back to her work.

"You can call me Bucky, you know."

"I'd prefer Barnes, actually."

"Dealers choice. Fair enough." He said with enthusiasm. There was a pregnant pause before Bucky just blurted out, "So, remind me again why I've never asked you out."

Peggy rolled her eyes. Oh here we go...

"Because, your Kats brother." She said quickly, hoping that would be enough to shoo him away.

"So..." he said dragging the word out.

"So I'm not about to ruin my friendship with your sister." Peggy explained.

"It's not exactly like its bothering him that I'm Kats brother." Bucky said pointing his thumb over to Steve, who at the moment was whispering sweet nothings into his baby sisters' ear.

She crossed her arms. "Well, maybe you're just not my type Barnes."

"Oh and Thompson was?" He asked jokingly, until he saw what he thought look like a slight wince from the jab. "C'mon one date. And if you're not having a good time, you'll never have to talk to my handsome face again. What do you say?"

"Fine. The Saturday after the next, at the Stork Club. At Seven o'clock sharp and don't you dare be late." She told him in a way almost as if she was dishing out orders. "Do you understand me Barnes?"

"Yes ma'am" he told her evenly. He even thought he should give a salute but ultimately decided not to.

"Wouldn't miss it for the world..." he mumbled out as he watched her leave the room.


"What's wrong?" Steve asked Kat breaking their comfortable silence, as they strolled hand in hand following the path of the River Thames.

"How do you know somethings wrong?" She asked him.

"Well usually when you're not talking about work or something relating to work it's a big red flag so c'mon spill what's eating you?"

"How long are you going to be gone this time?" she asked looking down at the pavement

This made Steve stop walking causing Kat to stop also. He, along with his team had gotten into the habit of going on a mission and not coming back for weeks lately. "No more than two weeks I promise you."

"I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you more."

"Not possible." Kat told him. "Please promise me that you'll be careful."

"Don't worry." He said," Everything is going to be fine."


"Remember when I made you ride the cyclone at Coney Island" Bucky asked his friend as they continued to gaze out at the zip line that ran all the way to the other side of the Alps.

"Yeah and I threw up" Steve confirmed.

"This isn't pay back is it?" Bucky gulped.

"Now why would you think that?" Steve asked almost smugly.

"We were right," A Gabe's voice rang out. "Dr. Zola is on the train. Hydra dispatcher gave him permission to open up the throttle. Wherever he's going they must need him bad."

"Let's get going because they're moving like the devil" The British commando told them.

"We only got about a ten second window you miss that window were like bugs in a windshield." Steve reminded them as he prepared himself to lead the charge.

"Mind the gap."

"Better get moving bugs..." Dum Dum told them.


The sirens wailed throughout the city of London. The radar had shown there were bombers heading straight for the city. Kat and Howard along with everyone else who worked in the lab were trying to make their way into a bomb shelter. But an overwhelming sickness in her stomach made her stop in her tracks.

"What's a matter?" Howard asked placing his hand onto her back, motioning her to keep up with him as people hurriedly strode to get to the underground bunker as fast as possible.

Now was definitely not the time to stop walking.

"I don't know. It's just that something doesn't feel right, you know"

"Well yeah, I mean the Germans are kind of dropping explosives out of the sky right now, Kitty." He said humorlessly.

"No it's not just that-"


It was a close one... Both looked up to see a few pieces of debris fall from the cement ceiling.

"Kitty c'mon we got to keep moving." He told her, placing both of his on the sides of her arms. "I promise you, everything going to be okay. Alright?"

Kat nodded and allowed her friend to pull her alongside him, still not being able to shake off the feeling that something was terribly wrong.


"I had him ropes" Bucky told him slightly out of breath, when Steve finished coming to his rescue.

"I know you did." Steve said with more of a teasing tone. But then he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. And this something had a gun. "Get down"

The blast from the gun was so powerful that it took out the entire side of the train compartment. Thinking quickly Bucky grabbed Steve's shield and stated firing back at the enemy. His efforts were useless however when the hydra agent hit the shield causing him to fall out of the train compartment. Steve felt his heart clench. He quickly defeated the agent and rushed to aide his friend who was hanging on the side for dear life.

"Bucky hang on." Steve cried.

But I was too late. The bar had broken off and all Steve could do was watch him with tear filled eyes as he watched his best friend fall to his death.


Kat along with everyone else waited anxiously outside for the Howling Commandos to return. They had radioed in earlier that day notifying HQ that they were coming home early. But no one knew why.

Kat couldn't help but smile as she watched the armored vehicles come into view and stop in front of the building. Once she saw Steve she quickly made her way towards him and promptly threw her arms around him.

"I'm so glad you're back" she told him.

"Kat-" He said softly, just wanting to hold her close for as long as possible.

"You're not going to believe the bombing we had a few days ago." She cut him off while pulling away from him.


"Is Bucky still in the car." she asked rolling onto her tip toes to look over him.

"Kat, something happened." he said seriously.

That scared her. "Where's my brother?" She asked breathlessly, which only made the Captain look anywhere but at her. "Steve, where is he."

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry Kat." He said trying to bring her closer to him. But when he reached out she instinctively took a step back from him.

"What happened?" Tears were brimming her eyes.

"We were on a train and he fell," he explained. "It all happened so fast."

The tears had completely fallen now. There were so many people staring at her mostly with looks of pity. She couldn't bare it. "I have to go. I have to get out of her."

"Kat wait." Steve said but Kat wasn't listening as she walked away from him as quickly as possible.


'Blackout is still in effect throughout the London area please wait for the all clear your attention please. All citizens shall remain indoors until further notice...'

Steve didn't need to turn around in his chair to know that someone entered the now completely demolished pub.

"Dr. Erskine said that the serum wouldn't just affect my muscles it would also affect my cells. Create a protective system of regeneration and healing. I asked Kat what that meant, she told me I can't get drunk. Did you know that?" He said with such sorrow in his eyes.

"Your metabolism burns four Times faster than the average person he thought it could be one of the side effects." Peggy told him. She waited a moment before adding, "It wasn't your fault."

He scoffed, "Did you read the report? Did you see the look on Kats face? You know that's not true."

"You did everything you could and Kat knows that." she said firmly.

"She hates me." he said mournfully.

"No, she doesn't." She assured him. But he didn't look too convinced. "Did you believe in your friend? Did you respect him?" She waited for Steve to nod then continued, "Then stop blaming yourself allow Barnes the dignity of his choice, because he damn well must have thought you were worth it."

"I'm going after Schmidt and I'm not gonna stop until all of hydra is dead or captured."

"You won't be alone..."


All I'm gonna say is as much as I love Peggy, I would never want her as a trainer.

Big Thank You to Paige 101 for the request of the Bucky/Peggy scene. If anyone wants to see some type of scene between any certain characters let me know and if it fits into the direction I want to take this story I'll totally do it.

Anyways as always please leave a review!