Title : Worthy
Author : Ayano27
Disclaimer : Katekyo Hitman Reborn belongs to Amano Akira
Warning : Wrong spellings and grammar, OOC.
Summary : AU. The last thing Giotto saw was his son and grandson crying beside his bed, asking him to stay awake. The next thing he saw was a woman with bright brown eyes and a blond boy by the age of three smiling at him saying, "Welcome to the family, Tsu-kun!"
Bullet 4
Sawada Ienobu, Namimori High soccer prodigy, sat lazily at his seat as he stared to the board with zero interest. The students of Class 1A of Namimori High were now listening to their homeroom teacher who was talking about them receiving three transfer students or the sort. 'How the hell did we end up with three transfer students anyway? Isn't there any other class that will happily receive them?' The future boss thought.
The door slid open, a silver-haired teenager wearing a scowl entered and stood beside the teacher. "Our first transfer student was someone who had been studying overseas in Italy before. His name is Gokudera Hayato." The teacher introduced.
'Italy... Reborn's homeland...' Ienobu thought, 'Just two days after Reborn came... weird. Did he have anything to do with Gokudera's transfer here?'
"Hey, isn't he hot?" "He's from another country!" the girls whispered amongst each other. Ienobu scoffed at that,
'Women with their hot-foreigner types...' He thought, before he froze for a millisecond, 'Wait, Kyoko-chan—' He quickly snapped his head toward Kyoko's direction, only to saw the school idol smiling innocently at Gokudera's direction. 'Wha—no doubt, she's smiling at him!' he glanced back at the first transfer and scowled slightly, 'Damn it, that transfer student ticks me off.'
His train of thoughts stopped when he saw the transferee glared at him with no reason at all. 'Wh-Wha—Why is he glaring at me?!' the blond screamed in his head, 'I did nothing wrong! So why the hell is he glaring at me?!'
Gokudera made his way toward Ienobu, completely ignoring the teacher's call. When he stopped in front of Ienobu's seat, he quickly kicked the desk. The future boss jumped out of reflex to avoid the table from hitting him.
The silveret scoffed before turning to his designated seat. Ienobu stared incredulously at the transferee as he sat back to his chair. "What the hell...?" the blond muttered to himself. 'First he was glaring at me, then, he kicked my desk. What's wrong with him?'
The male students began to ask him if he knew the transferee, which he truthfully denied. The female students, meanwhile, were currently swooning at the quarter-Japanese's bad-boy attitude. This didn't go on long though, as the door slid open again, and a raven haired fifteen years old teenager wearing white uniform shirt and black gakuran hanging on his shoulder –with a disciplinary committee armband attached on it- entered.
The whole class went silent at that. What the heck is Hibari Kyouya doing here?
"E-ehem, students." The teacher called out, "Our second transfer is...Hibari-san over here." He introduced shortly. "H-Hibari-san, y-you can sit anywhere you want." The teacher stuttered.
Kyouya said no more words and went to the empty seat in the back corner to the class, the one beside the window.
The class atmosphere became very heavy and the class was unbelievably silent. Ienobu was sweating bullet, 'Why the hell is Hibari here? Tsuna might know something, I should ask him—later. There is no way I could text him now, since Hibari is here!'
The heavy atmosphere was broken when the door slid open once more, this time, a familiar fourteen years old ("What's with young students who are supposed to be in Middle School doing in High School?" muttered someone beside Ienobu) brunet with chestnut colored eyes entered the class cheerfully, seeming to lift up the heavy atmosphere brought by the demon of Namimori. The girls squealed, seeing the brunet, while the boys seemed relieved to be freed of the heavy atmosphere. Ienobu though, was having a different reaction.
"Tsuna... what are you doing here?" Ienobu asked as he stared at his little brother in surprise. 'Don't tell me it has something to do with why Hibari skipped Middle School and transferred directly to High School!'
"Ah, Ciao, fratello!" Tsuna greeted his brother as he gave the older Sawada an 'I'll tell you later' look. The brunet then turned toward the class and introduced himself, "My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, Ienobu-nii's younger brother. Please take care of me!" With that he bowed.
"Aww, he's so cute!" "He's Nobu's little brother right? The one he always talked about? Isn't he supposed to be fourteen?" "He must be very smart to be able to skip Middle School and directly enter High School!" Came the hushed whispers from amongst the girls. Ienobu sighed.
'Wow, my little brother instantly become popular.' He mused to himself.
Tsuna gave the class a wide smile, before walking toward the only empty seat in the class, which was right beside Kyouya. The student who formerly sat there promptly moved from that seat when Kyouya chose to sit beside him. The girls gave him a worried look while the boys –safe for Ienobu- gave him a pitying one. Such a gentle boy should sit beside the Namimori Demon... poor boy.
Ienobu knew what went through his classmate's thoughts.
'Don't be fooled by his looks! Even if little brother looks very adorable and all, he could control Hibari!' That was what Ienobu wanted to yell at his classmate, but there was no way he was going to do that. He still wanted to live, and even if he wanted to die, he didn't want it to be in the hands of Hibari Kyouya.
The younger Sawada though, gave his older brother a look of amusement as he sat at the only empty seat left. 'Oh, this is going to be fun!' he thought excitedly.
Ienobu sighed as he walked out of the classroom. He was bored; the lessons did not interest him at all. Thankfully it was now lunch time; he could go to the school's backyard and relax as much as he wanted to. 'Ah, where's Tsuna... I still need to tour him around the school so he won't get lost.' He thought as he was about to head back to his class—
Only to bump into three delinquent seniors.
"Ah, I think you broke my bone." The tallest senior said sarcastically
"Hey, show respect to your senior, pipsqueak." The shorter senior hissed
"How about we just beat him up?" Asked the last senior
"Tch, I don't have time with you all." Ienobu tch-ed and turned away running to the backyard. Tsuna could wait later. 'I'm sure he was busy answering questions from the other anyway.' He thought, 'That's my little adorable brother! He got popular just on his first day!' the future boss thought proudly.
"Che, so you are the Vongola Decimo candidate." A voice from behind scoffed. Ienobu quickly dropped what he was doing and glanced back, only to see the quarter-Japanese transfer student, Gokudera Hayato, glared at him, "I won't allow a pipsqueak like you become the Vongola Decimo!"
The blond stared at Gokudera wide eyes, 'How the hell does he know about that?!'
Backtracking into when Ienobu made his run, the three seniors laughed amongst each other after managing to scare the School's Soccer Prodigy (or so they thought. They did not scare him at all; he just did not want to waste his time with the likes of them).
"Heh! Sawada's such a coward! Running away from us just like that? Hah!" The tallest senior snorted
"It seems that the only thing he is good at is just soccer!" The shortest mocked
"If we see him again, wanna beat him up?" Asked the last senior mischievously.
They weren't able to continue their conversation when they heard a cough from their back. They turned around only to see a Sawada Tsunayoshi smiling sweetly at them—too sweetly. "Ara~! I heard you are planning to beat my brother to pulp later?" he asked in an equally sweet tone.
"Che, who are you, brat? This is high school, not middle school!" The shortest scoffed. He didn't seem to be able to read the atmosphere around Tsuna.
"My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi, a student of class 1A Namimori High, and little brother to Sawada Ienobu." Tsuna introduced himself, "Now, did you just say that you are going to beat my brother up?" he asked, tilting his head innocently.
"So what if we did? You can't stop us! Better yet, we are going to beat you here right now, and then we will beat your brother up later on!" Hissed the senior in the middle.
Tsuna's sweet smile turned into a smirk, "Oh, really? You are going to beat me up?" he asked. "Try then. Kyouya didn't call me omnivore for nothing."
30 seconds later, the three delinquent seniors were on the ground, writhing in pain. Tsuna sighed. 'People these days... they do things before even thinking about it!' He snorted in his mind, 'Well... some people 400 years ago did the same things... oh, who am I kidding, no matter what era it is, there will be people like that.'
"You are quite slow in beating herbivores like them today, omnivore." A familiar voice drifted behind him. Tsuna glanced back to see Kyouya leaning on the wall, "Your herbivorous brother has engaged in a battle with Gokudera Hayato. Do you want to see it or not?"
"Mou, of course I want to! After all, this is the first step we need to do in our observation period." Tsuna smirked as he grabbed Kyouya's hand, "Now let's go and watch them!" He cheered as he dragged the skylark, who was glaring daggers at him. If looks could kill, Tsuna would be dead by now.
Meanwhile, the students in the hallway stared at the fourteen years old in shock. 'That boy managed to drag Hibari-san without being biten to death!'
"G-Gokudera-san... I-I'm not sure what you are talking about..." Ienobu replied as he avoided the bomber's glare. "V-Vongola Decimo? Wh-what's that?" He pretended not to know. 'I knew it! Reborn must have had a hand with him transferring here!'
"Tch, don't lie!" Gokudera exclaimed as he whipped out two dynamites out of nowhere. "I won't let someone like you take over the Vongola my ancestor cherished so much only to make it fall!" he declared as he threw the two dynamites at Ienobu.
'GYAAA—I'M DEAD!' Ienobu shrieked in his mind, 'Reborn, if you are currently seeing this scene and chose not to help me, then please tell mom and Tsuna that I love them! Also please don't force him into Vongola Decimo position!'
The explosion never came though.
"Hold it right there, Smokin' Bomb Hayato." Came a squeaky voice as a bullet shot out and cut the fuse of the dynamites. The arcobaleno then walked between the two teen, holding a gun. "Ciaossu!" he greeted.
"Ah... so you are Reborn-san, Nono's most trusted hitman." Gokudera acknowledged. He stared at the infant for a short while, before asking, "You are going to keep the end of the deal right, Reborn-san?"
"Eh, deal?" Ienobu asked, confused.
"Of course. Who do you think I am?" Reborn ignored Ienobu and gave Gokudera an innocent smile, "If you manage to defeat Baka-Nobu here," he gestured at the future Decimo, "then you can choose anyone you deem proper to be Vongola Decimo yourself!"
"EH?! WHAT?!" Ienobu screamed in surprise.
When Tsuna and Kyouya came to the rooftop to watch the 'show', there was something that none of the both former first Vongola generation had expected. Of course, would you expect a ghostly form of your best friend/former acquaintance, standing on the edge of the rooftop, looking down at the supposed show? Certainly not Tsuna and Kyouya.
The ghost didn't seem to notice their presence, because when Tsuna walked toward the red-head ghost and tapped his shoulder –for a ghost, he was surprisingly solid*-, the man jumped in surprise. The former storm guardian whipped out his ghostly-gun and pointed at Tsuna who was caught off guard.
"Wawawa—G.! Stop! Don't shoot me!" Tsuna panicked as he waved his hand in front of his face in different. Kyouya snorted at the brunet's herbivorous reaction. What did he expect anyway? The one in front of them was a ghost of his best friend; of course the former Primo wouldn't really put up his guard.
G. also looked like he was caught off guard. The teenager he had just pointed gun at looked like a carbon copy of Primo—of his best friend, safe for his chocolate brown hair, chestnut colored eyes, and his Japanese look. His eyes quickly narrowed though, "Who are you and how are you able to see me?" he hissed. Better be safe than sorry, right?
"Eeeeh?! You don't recognize your own best friend?!" Tsuna feigned a hurt look, "I'm wounded G.! Sure I look different now, with brown hair and brown eyes and all, but I thought, because you are my best friend, then you would be able to know in one glance that it's me, Giotto!" he pouted
'True... he looks too much alike with Giotto... Especially his childish antics...' G. thought as he scanned the figure in front of him. "Sorry, it's just... it surprised me that you are here as well." He apologized, "Are you here to see your descendant as well? And why did you look like that? You do know that you don't need to disguise to be able to go past through all the students. We are... ghosts after all."
Kyouya stopped himself from snorting at that, while Tsuna looked confused for a second. It seemed that the former Vongola Boss didn't quite catch on about that. "Hn, that's where you are wrong, herbivore." Kyouya stated blankly, quickly gaining the first storm's attention.
"Wha—Alaude?" G. called out, trying to make sure that he was talking to the right person.
Kyouya ignored that and continued, "Unlike you, herbivore," he started, "Giotto and I are not ghost." He smirked as G.'s face turned into that of confusion, "We are living humans."
"Wait—how's that possible?!" G. questioned
"Er... well... we are... reincarnated?" Tsuna laughed nervously as he scratched his cheek, "I go by Sawada Tsunayoshi now and the Vongola Decimo Candidate there is my aniki... And Alaude there goes by Hibari Kyouya now." He pointed at Kyouya.
"What?! Why am I not reincarnated?! That's just not fair, tch! I'm your right hand man..." G. grumbled. Tsuna could only pat his best friend on the shoulder.
"There, there." Tsuna laughed, before glancing downward, "That's your descendant right? Does he know about you?"
G. snorted, "Hah, I've been taking care of him since he was a little child. Of course he knew me. That brat." He then sighed, "He reminded me of myself when we are still at his age..."
"Maybe the tenth generation is the second coming of our generation? Who knows?" Tsuna grinned
"Die!" Gokudera exclaimed as he threw dozens of dynamites at Ienobu, who shrieked in surprise and tried to avoid it all, although some explosion managed to burn him slightly.
"Reborn! What's the point on telling me that I'm going to be a boss if you are going to let him kill me?! He's definitely going to kill me! I don't have anything to defend myself against him!" Ienobu shouted at the arcobaleno, who was watching the battle with an innocent face.
The infant smirked as Leon changed into a gun for him, "Then fight him with your dying will." He said as he pointed the gun at Ienobu. Ienobu didn't have the time to complain about being in that mode again because Reborn had already shot him with the... the... the accursed bullet!
Ienobu's body fell to the ground, 'If only I can diffuse all the dynamites, then I might have a better chance to defend myself against Gokudera-san...' when a thud was heard, everyone stared at Ienobu for a while. The blond then shot up with nothing but boxer. "REBORN! DIFFUSE ALL THE DYNAMITES WITH MY DYING WILL!"
"Gah—damn it!" Gokudera cursed as he brought another two dozen of his bomb, "Double bomb!"
"... I'm glad that my dad and Timoteo-san did not choose me as the heir. I wouldn't want to be in that mode..." Tsuna admitted as he watched his brother diffusing all the dynamites with his dying will. "I wouldn't want to be in only my boxer in a public place like school..."
"Hn. I'm going to bite those herbivore to death, especially your brother, omnivore. Your descendant too, herbivore. Dressing indecently in school is prohibited, as also did throwing weapons in the school area. I'm the only one who is allowed to bring a weapon." Kyouya growled out as he prepared his tonfa and walked toward the rooftop door.
Tsuna quickly grabbed the former cloud's collar, "Not now Kyouya. Let's just enjoy the show for now, right, G.?" he turned toward his former right hand man, who seemed to be deep in thought. "Er, G...?" he called out. 'I can't help but have a bad feeling about what G.'s thinking right now...'
"I wonder if I can get hold of some of those bullets and shoot you with it..." G. mumbled out loud, "It will certainly be amusing to see you in that mode... and I can take revenge on you for always skipping paperwork and such... it's like hitting two birds with one stone..."
"G.!" Tsuna yelled out in disbelief. "How could you?!"
'He diffused all the bombs—!' Gokudera thought in disbelief, 'Then... it only leaves me to that... but the old man says not to use it while I still haven't perfect it... it's being rash...' he bit his lips in frustration, 'Tch, to hell with what the old man told me! I'm going to use it!' He brought out triple amount of the dynamites he threw before.
"Prepare for one of my strongest move!" He yelled out, "Triple bomb!" he threw the ones he can threw, but some others fell down around his feet. 'Fuck—I'm dead...'
"Diffuse! Diffuse! Diffuse!" Ienobu shouted at the top of his lungs as he diffused all the dynamites at a top speed, including the ones around Gokudera's feet, saving the bomber in process. The silverette stared at the future boss in surprise.
'He... he saved me...' He thought. At the same time, Ienobu had gone out of his dying will mode and sighed in relief.
"It's good that all the dynamites are now diffused!" He grinned at Gokudera, who was now looking at him in awe.
"Y-you... you saved my life." Gokudera stated, "Even if I'm an enemy."
"Er... I guess I did?" Ienobu questioned it himself
"Jyuudaime! I am forever in your debt! I will serve you as your right hand man from now on!" he exclaimed eagerly as he did a dogeza at Ienobu, who couldn't help but stared at Gokudera, dumbfounded.
"Eh, G-Gokudera-san, you don't need to—" Ienobu was cut off by Gokudera who was staring at him intently. "At least please don't call me jyuudaime. We are friends, you don't need to show me so much respect..." he trailed off
"No! Jyuudaime is jyuudaime!" Gokudera answered eagerly
'That didn't make sense!' Ienobu yelled mentally
"Congratulation, Baka-Nobu." Reborn stated as he kicked Ienobu at his head, making him fell, hitting the ground harshly. "You just gained your first famiglia member!"
"Wha- Reborn! You don't need to kick me so hard!" Ienobu whined
"Wow, your descendant is awfully loyal once he had found someone who accepted him." Tsuna stated the obvious out loud. "For a moment there, I thought I saw a puppy instead of... a... human..." he trailed off hesitantly.
"He's loyal to a fault once he found someone worthy of his respect and loyalty." G. nodded in agreement, "By the way, where's the handcuff-freak?"
"Eh, Alaude?" Tsuna glanced around the rooftop, only to see the demon prefect not there anymore. He quickly glanced down and saw Kyouya approaching both Gokudera and Ienobu. "HIEEE~! He is going to bite aniki and your descendant to death! I'm going to stop him!" he shouted at G., before running down.
G. could only sigh at that. He could only hope that both Hayato and the future Decimo were able to defend themselves against the former cloud until Giotto arrived to stop the former CEDEF leader. After all, only Giotto could calm Alaude down when someone broke the rules.
The two had a special relationship in the past, after all. 'Not sure if they still have it in this lifetime...' G. thought.
"Sawada Ienobu, Gokudera Hayato." Kyouya called out as he stepped into the scene. He eyed the two and also the surroundings, it seemed that the arcobaleno had managed to sense his presence and chose to leave the two tenth generations alone. "For dressing so indecently and throwing dynamites in school area, I will bite you to death." He growled out as he brought out his tonfa.
"Don't worry, Jyuudaime! I'll protect you from this bastard!" Gokudera told his new boss as he prepared some of his dynamites to throw at the prefect. Kyouya stared at Gokudera uninterestedly and lunged at him, knocking out the dynamites from the bomber's hand before the bomber even realized it. "The hell—"
Kyouya hit the bomber in the stomach using his tonfa, resulting on the silverette falling into the ground, holding his stomach in pain. "One." He stated, before turning toward Ienobu, who gulped in fear.
'Even if I met him on weekly basis- which probably going to change into daily basis now-, he is still totally scary. Tsuna, how did you tame such a beast?' Ienobu thought in fear as he stepped backward slowly, "Ahaha... H-Hibari... p-please calm down—I-I can explain w-what actually happened..." he tried to negotiate.
Kyouya ignored that and still made his way toward Ienobu. When the blond was cornered, he prepared himself for the attack—
Until a voice—that voice of his adorable little brother, resounded.
"Kyouya! Stop what you are doing!"
'Tuna! You're such a lifesaver my little Tuna!' Ienobu thought delightedly
"Omnivore, you said I can bite them to death 'later'. I've been waiting." Kyouya hissed at his former boss.
"Now, let him off the hook just this once, ne? You've hit Gokudera-san hard enough." Tsuna tried to negotiate, "Now, how about you go and patrol around the school. I'm sure there are other herbivore you can bite to death~!"
Kyouya stared at his former boss with a blank stare.
"Fine, I'll spar with you this weekend if you let him off the hook." Tsuna offered in French, "Deal?"
"Hn." Kyouya relaxed his grip on his tonfa, "The usual place, 10 a.m. don't be late, omnivore." With that said, the prefect went pass the brunet, who sighed in relief.
Tsuna then helped his brother stand up, before running toward Gokudera. "Gokudera-san, are you alright? Do you want us to help you to the infirmary?" he asked worriedly.
"I-I'm fine, J-Jyuudaime no otoutou." Gokudera tried to assured the younger teen, but he looked unconvinced though.
"... hm, Nah! You are definitely going to the infirmary!" Tsuna exclaimed. 'G. would kill me if I let his descendant be in pain for days because of Kyouya's attack.' He thought, before glancing at his brother, "Aniki, help me would you?"
"Ah sure!" Ienobu answered as he walked toward the two and helped support Gokudera.
Meanwhile, behind the bushes of the backyard, a certain infant smirked, 'One guardian acquired, six to go.' He thought to himself.
"Oi! Alaude! You hit my descendant too hard! You don't need to hit him that hard, you handcuff-freak!" G. yelled at Kyouya, who was currently patrolling the around the school.
"Shut up, herbivore, or I will bite you to your second death." The prefect hissed.
'Is that even possible?' G. thought in confusion.
To Be Continued
Omake 1:
"Saa, I've applied some ointment for the bruise. It should heal in three or four day's time. That is if you don't gain more bruises. So don't strain yourself ne, Gokudera-san." Tsuna stated as he put back the ointment into the first aid kit. "After all, I don't want to see you hurt."
"Jyuudaime no otoutou... you're so kind...!" Gokudera exclaimed, touched, "Please allow me to call you Bocchan from now on!" he exclaimed. For a moment, Tsuna saw an image of a puppy, again.
Tsuna sweat dropped, "Eh... okay...?" he said hesitantly, "But can I call you Hayato-nii in return?"
"Of course you can, Bocchan!" Hayato exclaimed cheerfully.
Meanwhile, Ienobu watched the unfolding scene in front of him with awe. 'Dear little brother, you seemed to be able to get even the grumpiest people to be kind in a short while...'
Omake 2:
"So... why did you and Hibari skipped Middle School and entered High School?" Ienobu asked as he stared at his brother questioningly.
"Well, since Reborn came, I'm sure your life will be very interesting, and I don't want to miss the show- I mean the unfolding events, yeah the unfolding events. So I convinced Kyouya to help me skip middle school. He followed on his own will." Tsuna answered innocently.
'Tsuna... this is not just a free show that you shouldn't miss out...' Ienobu sweat dropped.
A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to the fourth chapter of Worthy! I hope you like it so far, and I wanted to thank you all for reading, following, favoriting, and reviewing this story! By the way, I'm sorry I didn't update this story (And also my other stories) for more than one month. I got a huge writer block. (_ _")
*There is a (or two) reason(s) on why the first generation's ghosts are somewhat solid. It will be explained in the next not-so-few chapters!
Also one more. This is not something I want to explain here, but since the reviewer is a guest, I had no choice.
A guest reviewed about Giotto's hyper intuition not acting up when Tsuna met Kyouya in chapter 2. There's a reason as to why his hyper intuition did not act up. While Tsuna had been more mature and smarter, that doesn't mean that he could control his hyper intuition like he could when he is in his past life, since if his hyper intuition had acted up so early, I think it would actually burden his mind with too much information.
And I liked to think that Alaude had a slightly different catchphrase than the one in his later life as Kyouya (Alaude's catchphrase being I'll cuff you to the afterlife instead I'll bite you to death. At least, in this story, it's like that). Also, it is not entirely impossible to have someone from present time to act similar with someone from the past, take the canon first and tenth generation for example. They had no interaction with each other before the future arc, but they acted the same. So it wouldn't be weird for Giotto to assume that Kyouya is just Kyouya when he first met.
I hope you understand, thank you.
Well, that's all for now, please Read and Review. Ciao!