Author's Note: I do not own Danny Phantom or Young Justice
Mount Justice
August 11, 4:43
"Team. Report for mission briefing." Batman ordered over the comlinks.
Robin and Kid Flash looked up from their video game. Wasn't this supposed to be an off day? Kid Flash shrugged and got up, before dashing across the room to be first one there.
The team quickly gathered to where Batman waited. Artemis and Aqualad turned around as Wally sped in, Artemis smirking at Wally's pout when he realized that he wasn't the first to show. M'gann flew in, with Superboy and Robin not far behind. Once they were all assembled, Batman turned and a holographic screen appeared beside him. The screen showed a fairly nondescript town.
"This is Amity Park. In the past year there have been frequent reports of ghosts attacking the town."
"Phh, ghosts. Sure..." Kid Flash muttered. Batman glowered at him. Kid Flash shuffled awkwardly. "Um… so are we investigating these attacks?"
"No" Batman replied, "The attacks are not a concern. Local ghost hunters have them well in hand."
"So just what is our mission, Batman?" Robin asked. The image changed to a white compound.
"This is a government facility run by a division locally known as the 'Guys in White'. Officially the site is used to train agents in ecto-weaponry and ghost hunting techniques. We have cause to believe that this is not the case. At 0300 hours this morning we intercepted a transmission originating from the site."
Batman tapped a section of the hologram, and an audio recording played.
"Danny, help!" The team was taken aback by the voice of a young girl, "The Guys in White-" a blast cut into the audio and the message ended in a scream.
"A little girl? And who's this Danny?" Artemis questioned.
Robin brought up his holographic keyboard and began typing. Another image appeared in the air, of a white haired and green eyed boy fighting a flying robot with a flaming mohawk.
"The town has a ghost hero – originally went by Inviso-Bill, now known as Danny Phantom…" Robin looked up at Aqualad, before bringing up footage of the boy fighting men in white suits with ecto-weaponry. "He's had run-ins with the Guys in White before."
"Then we should be prepared to encounter this Phantom, in the event that he responds to the message as well." Aqualad suggested. The team looked at Batman.
"Your mission is to investigate the origin of the distress call. It will be your decision as to how you respond to any intel you gather. Superman, Martian Manhunter and myself will be on standby should you need backup, but otherwise it is up to you."
The team nodded with grim excitement at the trust they had been given.
Haunt Woods, 15 miles outside Amity Park
August 11, 10:51
Danny Phantom looked over at the large white building poking up through the trees and sighed. He had honestly believed Dani when she said that nothing could hurt her anymore. No one knew about her, so it made sense to think that she wouldn't be hunted right? Well other than by Vlad of course, but really, the fruit loop had to have learnt his lesson this time. He wouldn't go after her again, not now that she was stable, surely. Danny ran his hand through his hair. Maybe… maybe he could convince Dani to stay with him once he got her out. It had to be safer right? Right? Yeah… maybe not. Not around his parents and their inventions. He should probably just get it over with and tell them… but he just… couldn't. Danny shook his head. First things first – rescue Dani.
Danny flew low to the ground so the ecto-scanners didn't pick up his presence. As he got close to the forest edge he heard whispering and quickly turned invisible. Floating silently towards the voices, Danny was shocked to see a group of teenagers hiding in the bushes – teenagers wearing very familiar costumes.
"There's some kind of shield over the building," Robin was saying, "it'll take a while to disable it."
Aqualad nodded, "Do-"
"What is this? Sidekicks-R-us?" The team looked up to see a very bemused Danny Phantom floating above them.
Aqualad watched the floating teen cautiously, as his team quickly moved into defensive positions. But the teen seemed to have no intention of attack.
"I mean don't get me wrong – this is so awesome, Tuck's gonna be jealous – but what are you all doing here? Without your partners? And who are they?" At this point Danny gestured to Superboy and Miss Martian. "Is she connected to the Martian Manhunter maybe? And I didn't know Superman had a son-"
"He doesn't." Superboy growled, cutting off the excited ghost.
"And don't call us sidekicks." Robin added.
The ghost boy paused in his tirade, looking at them with a wry smile. Realising he was probably about to make a smart comment – and try Superboy's very limited patience – Aqualad stepped forward.
"We were sent to investigate a distress call originating from this area. Am I right to assume you are here to do so as well?" The boy dropped lightly to the ground, for all intents and purposes as if he suddenly felt too heavy to continue flying.
"I'm not investigating the call. I'm responding to it."
"Then you know who the girl was?" Artemis asked softly.
"She's a ghost that the Guys in White captured in order to "study" her." Sarcasm filled the boy's voice as he made quotation marks in the air. Sighing, he bitterly added, "Because all ghost are evil, emotionless beings bent on destroying the world."
Aqualad considered the boy's words. Batman had trusted their judgment in this investigation, and as team leader it was his decision. The boy seemed truthful – for all that he had largely avoided Artemis' question. Aqualad could empathize with his bitterness towards human prejudice, yet the boy had not been hostile. If anything he had been excited and honestly curious about them. Aqualad nodded to himself.
"You plan a rescue mission." He stated. Aqualad paused to smile are the wary boy. "Would you care for assistance?"
M'gann and Robin approached the edge of the force field – or ghost shield as Phantom called it. As he had told them, they encountered no resistance and so quickly reached the emergency exit. Quickly hacking the security, Robin opened the door. When no alarm blared out, he turned to the forest and nodded. The rest of the team quickly followed, with Aqualad and Phantom in the rear. As they reached the boundary, Aqualad slowed to watch Phantom curiously – the boy quickly turned intangible to dive into the ground, rising out on the other side of the shield. Phantom smiled and shrugged.
"They never remember to extend the shield below ground. And even if they do, I have other ways to get through."
As Aqualad and Phantom entered the compound, they found the team waiting in an empty hallway as Robin hacked a nearby security terminal. Robin pulled up a holographic map above his glove and glanced at Phantom.
"Security is intense. Any idea where we should head? If I go much further into the system we'll have company, fast." Phantom moved closer to Robin to see the layout. "There," he pointed. "that's the main laboratory. If she's anywhere she'll be there."
"Then that is where we will go." Aqualad stated calmly. "You're familiarity with the layout will help us Phantom, you should lead the way." Phantom nodded and quickly flew down the hallway as the team followed.
They moved quickly through the building. Phantom was making no attempt for stealth, yet there was no one to be seen. Kid Flash looked around him in confusion.
"I don't get it. Where are all the bad guys?"
"Watching the main attraction." Phantom answered grimly, coming to an abrupt stop. He turned to the door beside him. 'Warning: Experimentation in Progress'. The words glowed, neon red, above them as Phantom opened the door.
5 men in white suits stood around a containment unit, wearing dark glasses to protect their eyes from the white light that was shining from it. Beside them, a large screen projected the image of a brain in some high-tech looking dome. Twenty more men stood around the room's perimeter at the ready, all holding weapons that glowed an ecto-green. From the containment unit a girl's voice screeched. Then the man nearest to the unit turned a dial and the light faded and the girl fell silent. Then one of the men saw the team.
In short, it was chaos. The team and Danny sprang into action as the guards began to fire. Most of the GIWs aimed at him of course. They knew why he was here, and they were determined to stop him. But they hadn't counted on him bringing a few allies. Kid Flash ran through the room, knocking over GIW agents everywhere, sending their shots awry. Danny grinned as he dodged a couple of stray ecto-beams, firing a few cryoplasmic blasts in return, freezing the agents to the floor. Without a water source, Aqualad was backing up Robin in hand-to-hand fighting, while Miss Martian used her telekinesis to disarm the agents. Artemis and Superboy were making their way towards the containment unit, taking out anyone who got in their way.
Artemis reached the containment unit about the same time as Phantom did. Looking inside, she saw a white haired girl wearing a two piece set in the same colours as Phantom's jumpsuit. She had to be related to Phantom, a sister maybe? The girl was unconscious, held up by restraints on her arms and legs. Artemis looked at the electronic keypad was embedded in the door of the unit in frustration. Where was Robin when you needed him? She couldn't hack!
"Type in 'I Love Fudge'" A voice said beside her. Phantom.
"Trust me. This is Fenton-tech, I know how it works." Suddenly Superboy pushed past Phantom and ripped the door open.
"Too slow" Superboy growled, pulling the girl out of the unit. Kid Flash slid to a stop beside them.
"And once again we get to see Superboy's rage against the pod!" he cheered sarcastically.
"Agh. How insensitive can you get?" Artemis responded infuriated.
"What?" Kid Flash asked. Artemis rolled her eyes and turned back to Superboy and Phantom. They had gotten the girl out of the unit and she stirred as she lay in Phantom's arms.
"Danny?" She muttered, her eyes slowly fluttering open. A green blast hit the wall just above her head, "Whoa!" she cried out, reflexes kicking her awake. Spinning, Artemis drew her bow to return the shot – only to find the man already flying backwards from an attack. Artemis looked back to see the girl holding up a hand glowing with green energy.
"Not bad" Artemis smirked.
Dani looked around her. From the looks of it, her shot had taken out the last guy. It had also exhausted her. Feeling herself trembling, Dani looked fearfully at her hands and body and sighed in relief when they didn't melt into green goo. Someone squeezed her gently in a hug and Dani looked up into her cousin's concerned face. He smiled and she nodded her head in thanks… which triggered a bout of wooziness. Great. Dani closed her eyes to fight the feeling of spinning, counting in her head to keep herself focused.
"…get her out of here." Dani heard as the wooziness faded. Wait, what?
"Danny no! You can't stay here!" she cried out, clutching at Danny's hand. Great. Now she sounded like a kid who didn't want to leave their mum. But he couldn't stay here – what if there were more Guy's in White around? A quiet laugh set her at ease.
"Relax Dani, I'll be right behind you. I've just gotta get rid of their computer files – the ones labelled 'Phantom'."
Dani nodded in understanding. Danny quickly picked her up, then handed her off to a tall, black haired guy, the one who got her out of the pod. Danny moved to the computer and typed in a password.
"Ghost shield's been disabled." He looked up at Dani, before flicking his eyes to Superboy, Artemis, Kid Flash and M'gann. "Look after her."
"Don't worry, we will." M'gann responded cheerfully.
Robin started questioning Danny about how he intended to delete the files, as Danielle was carried out of the room. The movement jostled her, and once more she had to close her eyes to fight wooziness. Breathing deeply she reached for her perilously low energy levels, willing herself to remain in ghost form. Changing back would be a bad idea right now.
Feeling under control – if not better – Dani opened her eyes to find herself in the forest outside the Guy's in White facility. The dark haired boy put her down and she spotted the superman symbol on his chest. Eyes opening in realisation, Dani looked over the group of kids watching her: Kid Flash, Artemis and a floating green girl she assumed to have some connection with the Martian Manhunter.
"Wow, some rescue party! Never thought I would warrant this much attention." Dani smirked weakly.
"We were sent to investigate the distress call," Artemis answered, "We ran into Phantom on the way. You guys related?"
"Yeah", Dani nodded, "I'm his cous-"
"Sister." A voice cut in. Dani turned to see Danny, Aqualad and Robin make their way through the trees. "Danielle's my little sister."
Danny knelt down and hugged her.
"But Danny…" Dani whispered in his ear.
"What? We are genetically identical, I wasn't exactly lying" Danny whispered back lightheartedly. "Besides, no matter how you came to be, you're family. I love you."
As Dani squeezed him tighter he smiled, but then frowned as he felt her trembling. Pulling back, Danny looked into her eyes and noticed her drawn-out, exhausted expression.
"Dani, how long have you been captured?" Danny asked concerned.
"Nearly four days."
"Four days!" Danny exclaimed. "Dani, you need to change back."
"Now Danielle!" Danny said sternly, pulling a few chocolate bars out of his pockets.
He looked pointedly at Dani, until she admitted defeat and finally let the bright rings sweep over her form, changing her white hair to black and green eyes to blue. Danny handed her the chocolate bars, which she quickly began wolfing down, before turning to the team.
"Do any of you have food? I couldn't carry much with me and she really needs it."
Five stunned faces was his only reply.
Superboy watched the ghost siblings with shock. It wasn't so much the girl's transformation that shocked him – M'gann could shape shift after all, this wasn't all that different. No, it was that whispered comment by Phantom that surprised him. 'Genetically identical'. Phantom asking for food brought the team out of their shock and Wally reluctantly passed over his emergency snack supplies – only to see them disappear in seconds. But in his head, Superboy stilled reeled at the possibility. Watching Phantom and his… sister, the concern the boy so obviously had… he had to know. On the pretense of helping check the girl – Danielle – over for injuries, Superboy quietly asked his question.
"Are you his clone?"
The girl's eyes flashed a furious green.
"So what if I am?" She demanded. Loudly.
Phantom stood up, furious, his hands glowing green with ecto-energy. Superboy held his hands up in apology.
"I didn't mean to make you mad." He said hurriedly (though in hindsight maybe that was the wrong way to have asked, he berated himself silently). Superboy looked away self-consciously, "It's just… I'm a clone too."
The furious look in Phantom's eyes faded and he glanced at Dani. When he looked back at Superboy his eyes held a sympathetic understanding that made Superboy scowl and walk away. He was fine on his own wasn't he? He didn't need Superman – and Superman obviously didn't want him around, so it all worked out just fine! The image of Phantom's obvious concern for the girl wouldn't leave him. He didn't need that. He didn't! But…
"Aargh!" Superboy growled angrily, punching the nearest rock, scattering shards through the forest.
"I'll be back at the bioship." Superboy muttered flatly, not caring who heard, and stomped into the forest.
Aqualad, Artemis and Robin were having a quiet discussion when Dani's outburst interrupted them. After watching the moment between the Phantoms and Superboy, and Superboy's subsequent departure, Artemis glanced pointedly in Aqualad's direction. Nodding his head in agreement, Aqualad approached the ghost boy.
"Phantom?" Aqualad addressed the boy.
"Danny." The ghost boy smiled at the team leader. "My friends call me Danny."
"Danny," Aqualad said, smiling, "I am glad that we could help. We worked well together."
"We did. And thanks. Maybe we could do it again sometime."
Dani poked him in the side.
"I am not being the damsel in distress just so you can play fanboy."
Dani glared at her brother – she had a brother! – but the effect was somewhat ruined by the massive yawn she couldn't hold back.
"I should take you home. I'm surprised you're still awake." Danny said chuckling softly.
He stood up, effortlessly lifting a grumbling Danielle.
"Before you leave, we were hoping…" Aqualad started to say.
"I really should get her home." Danny cut him off gently. "But if you want to talk, come find me tomorrow in Amity."
"How will we do that?" Robin butted in. Danny laughed as he rose into the air, Dani's head on his shoulder.
"It's not hard. Just look for the nearest ghost attack." Waving cheerfully, Danny flew off into the night sky.