Good and Evil

Chapter 1

Luke Skywalker's eyes slowly opened. He could barley remember being shot down over enemy lines. Now, he found himself in an Imperial holding cell. Luke reached for his lightsaber, but found it had been consfiscated. How am I gonna get out of here? Suddenly, the door to his cell opened. The person that stepped inside was the man that haunted his nightmares. It was Darth Vader, the man responsible for the death of his former mentor, Ben Kenobi, and Force knew how many countless others. Luke would sometimes see him in his worst nightmares. Luke asked, "What do you want?"

Vader said, "I am here to talk with you. You may consider this an interrogation."

Remembering Leia's torture aboard the first Death Star, he asked, "Where's the droid?"

"There will be no torture for your sake."

What's he talking about? Luke had never known Vader to be merciful. Why was he any exception?

Vader said, "I hear you are an exceptionally good pilot."

Luke asked, "What's that got to do with anything?"

"When I was your age, I was an exceptional pilot."

"I was one of the best on Tatooine."

"I grew up there."

None of this made sense to Luke. Apparently, he had a lot in common with his nemesis. He asked, "Did you know Owen Lars? He was my uncle."

"He was my stepbrother."

Luke gasped. He and Vader even had familial connections. He asked, "Did you know Obi-Wan Kenobi?"

"He was my first instructor."

"In that case, did you know my father, Anakin Skywalker?"

"That would be me."

Luke fainted when he heard those words.

"In that case, did you know my father, Anakin Skywalker?" Luke asks. Apparently, Luke and I have more things in common than a familial connection. When he says my old name, I see an iciness seep into his eyes. I figure he should know the truth.

I say, "That would be me," acknowledging for the first time in years that I was once Anakin Skywalker. As soon as I manage to say those words, Luke faints. I'm not sure why the truth would be such a shock to him. I sit down next to my son's prone form and use the Force to look into his memories. I instantly find myself in a small desert dwelling on Tatooine. I see Luke, who's swinging my old lightsaber around, with Obi-Wan. Figures. Luke turns off the lightsaber and asks, "How did my father die?"

Obi-Wan says, "A young Jedi named Darth Vader, who was a pupil of mine until he turned to evil, helped the Empire hunt down the Jedi. He betrayed and murdered your father."

I am suddenly thrown back into the present. Yep , leave it to Obi-Wan to tell Luke about my fate using metaphors. I look back to Luke's unconcious form. I sense he'll be waking up soon, so I exit the cell. As I'm walking back to the bridge, I get the idea that Luke and I could make a great team someday.

I just have to turn him.

Luke slowly regained conciousness. There was a part of him that didn't want to wake up to a world in which Vader was his father. However, his eyes refused to listen and they slowly opened. He somehow knew that Vader had been telling the truth when he said he'd once been Anakin Skywalker. He remembered sensing a small pang of regret coming from Vader as he revealed his past name. There's still good in him. I can feel it. He wouldn't be regretting becoming a Sith if he was pure evil, and I probably would have been tortured into revealing where the Rebel base is if there wasn't any good in him. But why have he and Obi-Wan completely given up on the truth?

Suddenly, a large explosion rocked the cell. The cell door opened a couple seconds later. Vader tossed him his old lightsaber and said, "We're being attacked. Follow me if you want to live."

Luke followed a short distance behind. He knew that he could probably help Anakin Skywalker redeem himself.

However, it would be a long slow process.

A/N: Phew! Finished! I was going to post another chapter of Light and Dark,but there was still way too much to type. So I opted for this story instead.
Luke and Vader:School's out for summer! School's out forever!
Han: The first five times were fun, but now it's getting old.
Obi-Wan: Like father, like son.
Me: You said it.
Luke and Vader: School's out completely!
Me: I think we've got the point now.
Vader: I like singing that song.
Luke: And it's graduation day!
Me: Very technically, I'm on a three month hiatus from school. I won't graduate 'till I'm out of high school. Then it's off to college.
Leia: I think it's nice to have a bit of extra schooling.
Luke, Vader, and Han: (groans)
Obi-Wan: Don't forget to R&R, but don't flame. Don't forget to stay in school either.
Vader: (bangs head repeatedly on the wall) Poodoo.
Luke: DAD!
Me: And my good mood's over. Before anything else happens, this is Jojo1228 signing off.