I read on the Underworld Awakening fan site that Jacob Lane went through a series of tragedies that shaped him into the monster he was. These tragedies are never mentioned. During a behind the scenes video on YouTube there is some extra dialogue between Lane and Sebastian where he taunts him and remarks, "I was human once." To top it off Quint remarks that he wished his mother was here to see him and his father in all their lycan glory in which lane responds, "You're mother chose to remain human."

No one ever discussed these and I have a theory about what happened.

One: Quint

The woodland was unusually quiet. An occasional bird chirped in a hesitant manner and the crickets made no more noise than a sleeping mouse. All the creatures stayed silent. They sensed something was here; something predatory. The only two creatures who were not quiet were Jacob Lane and his twelve-year old son Quint. These were not the predators the animals were worried about.

The father and son continued through the forest, not paying attention to the ominous silence all around them. Both humans had other things on their minds; the young buck they had been tracking for an hour. Quint was bursting with excitement, on the inside of course. The hunting trip his father had promised him was finally happening. This was especially exciting considering he hardly saw his father at home anymore.

"Dad, we'll find it won't we?" Quint questioned. After all, so far they had seen nothing. Perhaps their quarry had found a suitable hiding place; or it simply went on a different trail and they had been going in circles for the last 20 minutes. The thought itself made him worried.

Jacob reached forward and tussled his son's hair gently. "Don't worry about it. We're on the right path. It shouldn't be long until we spot it." He assured the young boy. Jacob wasn't as interested with the deer as he was with spending time with his son. His job, as a scientist's intern, had been demanding more of his time lately. Jacob was paid handsomely for his work but the money didn't disguise the fact that he was missing being a part of his only child's life. This was his only day off this month and he was going to spend as much as his time with his son as he could.

The two hunters followed the tell-tale signs of their prey and continued on. The buck seemed to be traveling deeper into the dense wood; no doubt trying to shake the humans off his tail. Jacob and Quint still persisted. Quint would track this deer until nightfall if necessary, his twelve-year old stubbornness demanding that he catch the animal and make his father proud of him. He was going to show his father that he wasn't a little boy anymore. If anything, he was a young man.

They continued for another hour; the light of the sun growing dimmer and dimmer as they continued. The animals of the forest retreated to their respective homes and curled into sleeping positions. The normally nocturnal animals stayed in their homes for a little while longer. The humans did not frighten them that much; it was something else they were trying to avoid.

Quint hid a yawn behind his hand. It was growing late and he had little doubt that his mother would become worried for him and his father if they did not return soon. As much as he actually wanted to be back home with his bed, his games, his dog, and a nice hot, dinner waiting for him; he resisted. Once he and his father caught the deer they would go home. His father held the same manner of thinking. All of that could wait, this was more important for the time being.

It wasn't until barely a sliver of light was left and they were so deep in the wilderness it would take forever to make it back to the pickup that they spotted the deer.

It was a handsome beast, dark tan fur and glittering black eyes. The antlers on its head curved into sharp points and displayed the animal's strength and youth. The deer stood still next to a large thicket; ears shoved forward and alert. Quint grinned; finally he could put the rifle he had gotten as a birthday present to use. He glanced at his father for a sign of when he should take aim. Jacob slowly took hold of his own rifle, slightly larger and more lethal than his son's, and took aim, motioning for his son to do the same.

Quint rested the butt of his rifle against his shoulder and positioned it until he was aiming right for the deer's chest. He hoped he hit his mark. The practice he had with cans and bottles on the fence would be very different from shooting an actual living thing. 'When you kill it, don't make it suffer.' His father had warned him sternly before they left the house. 'If it falls and it's still breathing, you shoot it between the eyes immediately, never prolong its pain.' He finished with a concentrated scowl.

Quint's finger was poised on the trigger when the deer gave a startled cry and ran around in frantic leaps and bounds. It leapt toward the thick underbrush when something large and dark seemed to grab it mid-leap and tackle it to the ground! Jacob did not even get a good look at the creature when he heard the most horrifying growl he had ever listened to. The dark mass dragged the struggling deer away into the dark trees and the animal's cry seemed to just stop.

Quint's mouth was agape. "What was that?!" he whispered. The boy felt a sense of terror and awe. The thing that had taken the deer down looked like a bear! Then why did it growl like a wolf? His general fear and fascination was quickly replaced by shock and irritation. That bear-wolf thing had stolen their deer! His shoulders slumped, so much for having anything to mount in his den. That would have been a great story to tell my teacher and friends. Now what?

Jacob felt none of the dejection his son felt. Only panic; what the hell was that thing?! Would it come back? Did it know they were here? He reached behind him until he felt his son's arm.

"Son, we should leave. It's getting late and we've lost the deer." Jacob insisted. Trying not to let the unease in his voice become noticeable. His son didn't notice at all. He was still brewing over his lost prize.

"We lost the deer, I wanted to catch it so badly…" the boy hung his head. Jacob grabbed his son by the shoulders and stared into his son's light blue eyes.

"I know Quint. You did a great job tracking it and staying quiet. You held your gun right and would've made a great shot." Quint's father assured him. "Another predator just got it that's all. We'll catch another one another day. A bigger one; one that you can show your friends after school." He said with a smile. He hoped his son would be reassured by this and would agree to go home. The boy still seemed very disgruntled, he considered saying that the thing might come back for them but he didn't want to frighten the boy.

Finally his son looked up and nodded; looking a lot less upset. Placing a hand on Quint's shoulder, he led him down the trail towards their pickup. How long did they have until complete darkness overtook the forest? Not long by the way the moon seemed to glare at the two humans in hostile silver light. It's a moon Jacob, don't be ridiculous.

It was at this point Jacob noticed how quiet the forest was. Probably just us, he mused. No animal would come out when a predator was close by. At least I hope it's just us and not that…whatever it was. Jacob tightened his grip on his son. Quint turned to his father with a confused look.

"You okay dad?" He asked. Jacob was about to answer with 'nothing' when something moved in front of them just a little further down the path. Something dark and something quick. It crossed the trail so rapidly it was difficult to make it out. The only thing they noticed was that it was on four legs and it looked immense. Quint's legs felt like jello. His father slowly reached for his rifle. His son's terrified voice spoke to him, "Dad, what was that?" he squeaked; something Quint had been trying to stop doing since he was six.

Jacob gripped the rifle firmly in his hands. If that thing made a move toward him or his son he would blow its brains all over the trees. "Just keep moving. Slowly and don't leave my side no matter what." He insisted demandingly. Quint nodded and moved even closer to his father. Whatever the creature was he hoped it would just go back to the stupid deer and leave them alone.

They had passed the spot where the animal disappeared to and were making their way towards the pickup. Quint could see it even from here and in the dark. The mere sight of it sent relief flooding through his brain. He broke away from his father and rushed toward the passenger side. "Quint!" His father hissed. "I told you to stay by me." He jogged towards the pickup.

His son looked at him apologetically. "I know, I'm sorry." He mumbled worriedly as his father caught up to him and went to the driver's side of the vehicle. Placing his rifle on the seat. "I just want to go home." He said.

Nodding in agreement, Jacob searched his pockets for the keys when his son's terrified screaming brought his mind out of his temporary appeasement.

Jacob looked up to see his son being dragged away towards the woods. The creature they had seen on the path had long, yellow teeth clamped on his shoulder and long-fingered paws held the boy in place. His son's eyes were wide with alarm and his neck was already dripping with blood.

Jacob immediately swung his rifle towards the monster that held his son and shot it right through its enormous head. The beast dropped Quint and let out a howl then turned and fled. Quint lay on the ground, his shoulder torn so muscle was exposed. Jacob hurried over to his side and picked him up immediately. He wasn't going to spend another moment in the forest! He hurriedly placed Quint in the backseat and shut the door. He just opened the door to his own seat when searing pain exploded on his neck. The beast had come back and it was trying to kill him this time! Jacob reached his fists as far as they could go and beat the creature's head. His futile efforts only manage to get the beast even angrier. It swung its head, tearing off a piece of flesh. It raised one clawed paw and smacked Jacob in front of the pickup. Stalking towards him on all fours, Jacob got a good look at the animal and his heart stopped for a few seconds.

It was truly a hellhound straight from the devil's house itself. The physiology of the animal looked more wolf but it also had the appearance of a large bear or a furry demon. The course hair on its neck only added to the beastly appearance. Teeth dripping with saliva were stained crimson and had bits of flesh stuck between them. Its paw resembled a human hand and had jet black fingernails sprouting from each finger. With a growl the strange wolf-like animal advanced towards him slowly. The headlights of the pickup shined right into his eye's; but he was still able to see the thing raise one of its paw's/hand's and bring it spiraling towards him. Jacob braced himself for what surely would be a deathblow strong enough to decapitate him.

Three blasts from a rifle broke him out of his shocked mindset.

Quint was slumped in the front seat of the pickup, his father's rifle gripped tightly in his shaking hands. The boy had shot the animal three times in the head. It was lying on his father's lap bleeding from the gaping wound in its temple. Blood and brain matter seeped from the skull and stained his clothes. Now was not the time to worry about meager things like ruined clothes, now was the time to get up and get the Hell out of here!

Grunting in pain, he raised himself as quickly as he could and made it to the pickup and slammed the door immediately once he was inside. The keys still rested on the front seat; unlike in movies where no one could seem to find the ignition, Jacob got his vehicle started and was tearing down the dirt road like escaped criminals who just barely escaped the police with their lives.

Jacob turned to his son, who was slumped in the front seat. His shoulder still bleeding alarmingly and his blue eyes looked dull and tired.

"Dad…My shoulder really hurts." Quint mumbled.

He reached out and pressed his hand to his son's shoulder, despite his own shoulder protesting in pain. Who could care honestly? His son was worse off than he was. They would go to the first hospital they came too and then report to the game wardens what they had saw and what had tried to kill them. How would he explain it thought? He still couldn't figure out what the thing was. A bear? A wolf? A strange mutant that escaped from a lab?

Big deal; he would cross that bridge when he got to it. He had bigger concerns now; like getting Quint and he bandaged up. He scanned Quint over; it looked bad but he was still breathing, hopefully he would be okay until they got to the nearest medical unit. The boy had found enough strength the pick up his rifle and kill that monster. H would be okay, he would fine. Jacob didn't know whether he was saying this more to reassure himself or if it was true.

On the road where they had left the body of the animal, it still lay there; at least for a while. When the animal was truly dead the body began to twitch and morph. Bones snapped and twisted into smaller versions of themselves, nails grew shorter and lighter in color, fangs resided back into duller teeth. It only took thirty seconds for the body to revert back into its original human body would stay there until dawn when the ranger made his daily rounds of the park. He would assume the naked man had gotten drunk and either shot himself, fell from a cliff, or was attacked by animals. All while looking for a creature that a man had claimed attacked him and his young son.