A\N: I read the amazing reviews I got for the last chapter so a warm hug to all those terrific people who made my day by simply giving me feedback! I never thought this pairing will be appreciated but I guess I was wrong but I'm happy about it c:

Her chin rests in her hands as she stares in thin space. Getting quite bored, Zatanna throws herself back on her bed, a heavy sigh leaving her lips. She huffs slightly as she swings her slender legs, her sapphire orbs staring at the yellow ceiling of her room.

The pretty magician is bored.

All of a sudden, she feels something warm touching her feet and she panics when the warm being starts to travel up her leg. She instantly reacts by kicking her legs up in the air. Whatever was crawling at her leg was thrown up in the air before hitting the side wall and falling down to the carpeted floor.

Zatanna cocks her head up, peering down at the floor. "Teekl?" She quirks an eyebrow.

Said cat jumps back on her feet and hisses at the magician who looks more than puzzled to see the feline.

A childish voice echoes in her ears "Hello Babymagic,"

Rolling her blue orbs, Zatanna cracks a grin and tilts her head aside to see a three piece suited boy, "Hello Klarion." She grins at him.

Klarion smirks as he crosses his legs and places his hands on his knees. "What're you up to?" He inquires from her.

Zatanna sighs as she lies back on the comfy bed. "Bored…" She simply states.

"Bored?" The immortal boy repeats, unamused.

The brunette looks up at him and Klarion feels his cheeks grow warm by seeing how her midnight black locks rests on her forehead, framing her beautiful face as her ocean blue eyes stare at him.

He doesn't even know that she's calling to him. But, he snaps out from his trance when she waves her hand infront of his face. "You there, witch boy?" Zatanna asks.

The Lord of Chaos shakes his head before glaring at her. "Yes, I am." He answers.

"Good," Zatanna says as sits up. She turns to him, "Make me laugh." She says as he lifts an eyebrow.

"Make you laugh?" Klarion repeats her words again, confused. Zatanna looks at him as if he's stupid. "Yeah, now start trying." The raven haired girl states as she embraces herself for a chuckle.

Klarion shrugs as he parts his lips for a laughing spell when she interrupts him. "Don't use magic." Zatanna warns, eyes narrowing into a glare.

Wanting to retort, Klarion stops himself, thinking how hard it can be to make a girl laugh. He remembers the odd stories mortals tell to cause laughter. What were they called? Jokes?

He remembers a few. "Alright…"

Klarion clears his throat before saying, "Once upon a time there was a dog named Joke. He was crossing a street when he was run over by a car and the Joke was finished." His lips stretch into a grin by the satisfactory 'joke' as he cocks his head at Zatanna who looks at him with eyes as wide as saucepans.

"That was a joke?" Zatanna asks, her eyes still wide.

He nods.

Zatanna shakes her head, "That was just stupid." She sighs making the Witch Boy frown.

"What do you want me to do then?" Klarion growls. "Jump around like a monkey without a shirt on?" He spats, sarcasm lacing his words.

Zatanna smirks at him, "Maybe," She grins slightly.

Klarion glares at her and in response she just smiles innocently before dropping back on the bed. "I am bored…" She whines.

The Lord of Chaos sighs as he leans against the wooden head of the bed, eyes closed when he feels two hands shake his arm. "Make me laugh," Zatanna pouts slightly, shaking him.

He pulls his arm away, a scowl framing his face. "What do you want me to do?" He grimaces, beginning to dislike her immatureness.

Zatanna looks at him, her bright blue eyes meeting his onyx black ones. "Make me laugh," She repeats her request to get out from boredom.

Klarion wants to face palm but he decides against it when an idea clicks his mind. A mischievous smirk lits up his face as he looks at her, "I can do anything to make you laugh, correct?" He inquires from her.

The brunette nods before her brows furrowed in worry by the smirk plastered on his face.

The fifteen year old magician was more than surprised when the immortal boy pounced on her, pulling her down on the soft mattress of her bed. Zatanna looks up and she can't help but feel her blood rush up to her ears as Klarion's face is centimeters away from hers.

She tries to knock him off but his hands and knees had pinned her arms and legs firmly down on the mattress, respectively.

Klarion mentally chuckles at her flushed face. "Now," He grins. "Let's make you laugh." He gives his immature cackle before bringing his hands to the sides of her stomach and before Zatanna knows it, she's laughing hysterically as he tickles her.

"St-stop!" She laughs as he continues to tickle her. "P-please! Stop!" Her voice rises as she keeps on laughing like a madman.

"I thought you wanted to laugh, Zee." Klarion's grin grows wide when he sees a faint blush dust across her cheeks at the mention of her nickname.

He leans down, nuzzling his nose into her creamy neck making her laugh even louder. Her girly giggles and laugh makes him feel warm and cozy…

Zatanna reacts as she wraps her arms around him, giggles still dancing on her lips. Klarion pushes himself up and tosses her a smile which causes butterflies to attack her stomach. They simply stare at each other, eyes locked as silence roams around the room with Teekl sitting in the corner of the room, trying her best not to attack Zatanna.

Slowly, the immortal boy begins to close the distance between them as he leans close to her, so close that the magician can feel his hot breath tickling her lips.

Zatanna slips her eyes shut, lips already puckering up when a knock at the door interrupts their moment.

Simultaneously, their heads whip at the door as the knocks began to grow louder. Zatanna offers an apologetic smile to Klarion who frowns but pushes himself off of her nonetheless.

Hopping on to her bare feet, Zatanna calls out, "I'm coming!" She says and the knocking ceases.

She turns her head to Klarion and finds him standing with Teekl in his arms. "Sorry," She whispers to him and the magician smiles when he says that it's alright.

"See you later," Klarion smiles at her, summoning a portal. Zatanna feels her stomach drop as a frown graces her features that she might not see him for weeks.

"Bye," She says, sadly. The witch boy gives a nod as he steps into the portal, disappearing from her room.

Though, Zatanna can swear that she saw Teekl stuck her tongue out at her.

Ignoring that cat's actions, the blue-eyed girl leaps at the door when the knocking starts again. Adjusting her hair, she opens the metallic door as she fakes a yawn.

Zatanna lifts an eyebrow to find the whole Team including Wolf standing at her door. "What is it guys?" She inquires, trying not to sound snappy.

Megan is the first one to reply, "We heard you laughing!" The Martian girl blurts out.

"And me laughing is bad how?" Zatanna asks, hands twitching to slam the door shut. "And anyway," She crosses her arms over her chest.

"I thought the walls were sound proof." She adds with a frown.

The black haired beauty isn't surprised when all heads snap at Conner, who rubs the back of his neck, sheepishly. "I heard you were laughing and we…" The kryptonian doesn't complete his sentence.

"We thought you were in trouble." Robin completes his sentence.

Zatanna smiles at their care for her. "I am completely fine," She chuckles as she takes a step back.

"Are you sure?" Artemis asks, arching a blonde eyebrow.

The reply surprises them all. "I feel chaotic," Zatanna answers with a smirk, mischief twinkling in her eyes as the door slams shut.

A heavy sigh escapes the blue-eyed girl's lips as she leans against the metallic door, running a hand through her raven locks. Zatanna mumbles some retorts.

"You guys just had to ruin the moment." The Mistress of Magic mutters under her breath.

A\N: Liked it? Have any ideas you think I should try? Leave a review and I'll get back to you! As the saying goes;

Read, Review and Enjoy! Or was it Read, Enjoy and Review? Anywho! the purr-ety little review button is calling your name ❤ !