So, I got hooked on another Fandom and I decided to give it a try.

I do not own NCIS. I just borrowed the characters for a little story of my own. I make NO MONEY out of this. It is just written for fun.

Warning: TonyxGibbs/PalmerxFornell/McGeexOC/GibbsxMcGee = FatherxSon

"Boss, I gotta pop home for a bit." McGee said as he pushed away from his computer and grabbed his backpack. "Be back in an hour."

"Alright McGee." Gibbs nodded without looking away from the report he was reading and Timothy left without another word, not even a goodbye to his partners. A few moments later Gibbs stood up and left in the direction of Abby's lab.

"Ziva!" Tony threw a balled up wad of paper to the desk across from his.

"What, Tony?"

"That's the fifth time this week."

"What are you talking about?"


"What about Tim?"

"It's the fifth time this week that he's gone home for lunch."

"We have had no case," the Israeli woman shrugged. "I see no problem with that."

"He doesn't go home for lunch Ziva. This is McGee were talking about. He's always working on something on his computer. He doesn't go home just to pop by."

"I do not know what to tell you Tony." Ziva shook her head as her partner stood up and grabbed his badge and gun along with his jacket. "Maybe something has changed in his life."

"Then why won't he tell me?"

"Maybe he's afraid you will make fun of him, like you always do, DiNozzo."

"I do not!" the protest was out before he could stop to think and he froze in midstep as he stood face to face with his boss.

"Yeah, you do," striking blue eyes glared at him and he cowered. "Go home, there's nothing left for us to do here. I want you both back on Monday unless we're called in." Gibbs turned to go back to his desk coffee in hand. "And Tony,"

"Yeah Boss?"

"Don't follow McGee."

"I wasn't going to." Again he protested without actually thinking about it. He sighed at the raised eyebrow. "Right boss. See you Monday Gibbs." the Italian fashionista picked up his backpack from the floor and waited for Ziva to gather her things before the both of them walked towards the elevator. Gibbs smirked, if only Tony knew.


"Morning Ziva!" McGee stepped into the bullpen with a spring in his step. It was the Monday after the last time he had gone home for lunch and his attitude was far different from the last week's.

"Good morning!" Ziva smiled at her first friend. "Did you have a good weekend McGee?"

"I actually did." Tim smiled as he settled himself in front of the computer.

"Would you like to have lunch with me and Abby today, Tim?" Ziva had risen and was already standing beside him.

"Sorry Ziva, I already have plans."

"Oh, well maybe tomorrow then."

"I'm actually having lunch with someone this whole week."

"Perhaps dinner then?"

"Grab your gear," Gibbs barked as he headed for his desk. "We got a dead marine." Tony, who had been preparing to put down his backpack while he eavesdropped on his partners' conversation, slung it back on his shoulder as he followed Gibbs to the elevator. Tim silently sighed in relief at the timing he wasn't ready to explain everything just yet.


"I'm ordering pizza, anybody want some?" Tony asked as he stretched his back, groaning when his muscles were pulled and his bones cracked.

"I want~"

"Delivery for a Tim McGee?" the elevator doors slid open to reveal a pizza delivery guy with four boxes in hand.

"That's me." Tim said from his desk and watched as the guy approached.

"Here ya go." he settled the boxes on the side of the table and walked away before anyone could say anything. "Don't worry about it, it's already been paid for." with those final words the pizza guy left the bullpen. Tony and Ziva stared wide-eyed at their youngest team member who was smiling wistfully at the pizza boxes.

"Something you haven't told me Probie?" Tony's question seemed to have broked Tim from his daze.

"There are plenty of things I haven't told you Tony," McGee glared, jade eyes narrowing at the accusation in the other man's tone. "Just because we're teammates doesn't mean I have to tell you everything." he rose angrily from his desk and grabbed two of the boxes. "Help yourself, I'm eating with Ducky and Jimmy."

"Was it something I said?" Tony asked when Ziva chuckled, his jaw clicking audibly shut as he turned to her.

"McGee is a very private person Tony. You should know that by now." she shrugged as she went over Tim's desk and peeked under the boxes. "I wonder who sent these."


"They know our favorite flavors."


"I'm heading home guys."

"Bye Tim."

"Bye McGee."

"Tim, Tim, Tim, Tim," McGee dragged a hand across his face as the overexcited Goth skidded to a stop right in front of him.

"I have these amazing tickets~"

"I'm not interested Abby." Tim sighed. "I'm tired, it's been a long three days and all I want is to sleep."

"But McGee," Abby whined.

"No buts, I'm exhausted and I'd like to rest."

"Then what are you still doing here McGee?"

"On my way home Boss, Abby stopped me."

"Let him go Abs. He needs the rest."

"Fine." the child-like woman pouted. "But definitely next time."

"Bye guys." he waved goodbye again, not bothering to reply. She would never give up but he had other things to think about now.


"Tim, you forgot this."

"Thanks Jimmy." he reached for the phone in the med student's hand. "I was wondering where I'd left it."

"You're lucky someone's always picking up after you."

"Yeah I am." he smiled at his friend. "Thanks by the way."

"No problem."

"What was that about?" Tony whispered to Ziva.

"I do not know, Tony." they both watched as McGee smiled at his computer,

typing for a few seconds then smiling again.

"Watcha got there Probie." Tony asked as he ambled over.

"None of your business Tony." with a few clicks the window was closed and Tim was back to the search he had been working on.

"Woah there McAngry, I was just asking."

"Ask on your own time DiNozzo. Get back to work." the head slap that followed was definitely expected.

"What the hell is going on?" Tony asked himself as everyone else went back to their own business besides him. "I'm going to find out, if it's the last thing I do."


Tony looked up at the buzzing. He looked around the bullpen to find Ziva going through some files and Gibbs as well. McGee was gone, probably to the head, and the buzzing was coming from his desk. He casually strolled over to his Probie's desk and pulled open the first drawer. McGee's phone was there and a look at the caller id revealed the person to be someone called JD.

"What are you doing at my desk Tony?"

"I was just looking for the buzzing McGoo," Tony stepped back and let the other man take his seat. "A JD is calling." Tim's face set into a frown as he picked up his phone from the still open drawer.

"Boss I~"

"Go McGee."

"Thanks Boss."

"Now I really gotta know what's happening."


"Let me introduce you to the rest of the team," they all looked up as Tim came into the bullpen with a woman. She was wearing a snug dark brown sweater that accentuated her robust yet curvaceous physique paired with dark blue jeans. She had long wavy hair that was dark in some places and light brown in others and her eyes were hazel shaped and dark brown. She smiled at everyone as Gibbs rose to greet her.

"What are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you too Leroy," she giggled as he hugged her. "I was transferred to Ducky's last month but the papers were just finalized so now I'm here."

"You're the new ME?" Tony broke from his stupor and asked, still wondering why Gibbs hadn't pulled away but kept an arm around the woman's waist.

"Why sound so surprised Agent DiNozzo?"

"I just didn't expect," Tony trailed off. "Well you."

"And just what did you expect? Some geeky, glasses wearing, stumbling, bumbling wanna-be doctor?" She glared at him when he smiled sheepishly. "I think those were your exact words about Jimmy. Well, to tell you something, I'm not geeky though I do wear glasses and I don't stumble or bumble."

"Come on, I'll take you to Autopsy," Tim pulled her from Gibbs' embrace and led her away before she could say anything more.

"Good job Tony," Ziva chuckled as they watched McGee lead the woman away. "You scared her off before you could sleep with her."

"I-I wasn't going to Boss!" Gibbs just glared at him.

"Uh-huh." he re-took his seat and barked. "Get back to work."

"I just realized something," Tony said after a few moments of silence. "McGee never got around to introducing us."

"And?" Gibbs prompted.

"Yet she knew my name." their team leader had to hide a smirk at that, she was already getting into his head and she hadn't even been here long. Thankfully his two senior agents did not have enough time to notice that the two had been holding hands when they came in.


"What do you got for me Duck?" the Autopsy doors swung open as Gibbs stepped through.

"Cause of death was internal bleeding due to the gunshot to the clavicle. The bullet grazed his artery which resulted into hemorrhaging leading to his death."

"So our petty officer was shot but it didn't kill him right away?"

"Yes I'm afraid so. This young man underwent extreme pain before he finally succumbed to his injury."

"Explains why he was still driving." Gibbs nodded. "Thanks Duck."

"Ah Jethro, might I ask you something?" the other man simply raised an eyebrow waiting for the question he knew was coming. "It's about my new assistant."

"What about her?"

"Are you going to tell the rest of the team who she is?"

"That's up to her Duck, not me."

"I fear Anthony's reaction to Timothy."

"Don't worry about it Ducky, they're big boys."


"Good morning guys!" Tim entered the bullpen carrying a tray of coffee. He had four cups in hand, his backpack slung over one shoulder. He dropped off a cup at each desk before going over to his own. It was the day after he had tried to introduce the new ME and Tony was struck by how quick the other man's mood had changed.

"Had a good night McGee?"

"You could say that," he smiled mysteriously as he dropped onto his chair. He poked his keyboard, checking if it had been tampered with and began a methodical process of looking over the whole of his desk.

"What are you doing Tim?" Ziva asked when he didn't stop what he was doing.

"I'm checking if Tony pranked anything."

"He didn't." Ziva said. "At least not this morning." Tim smiled at her as he pulled out his drawer.

"Thanks Ziva." he said even as he began to pick up the items that had fallen from the flipped drawer. He didn't say anything to Tony and the smile couldn't be kept from his face.

"You're not angry McGee?"

"Nope." Tim continued to smile as he began to rearrange the his things. Only then did Tony notice something.

"Is that a ring I see Timmy?" he asked pointing his finger at the other man's hand.

"That's my finger Tony."

"No I'm talking about that gold thing on your finger." McGee sighed, he was ready for it but it didn't mean it was going to be pleasant.

"Yes it's a ring."

"Since when have you been married?"

"A little over six months."

"Who's the woman? Or did you finally come out of the closet and married the man of your dreams McGay?"

"This is why I didn't want to tell you." Tim rolled his eyes at his partner's attitude. "Besides I tried to invite you but you blew me off for a hot date."

"Wait, what?"

"Remember that day Ziva?" he turned his attention to the only woman on their team. "I asked Tony and you to come over for the weekend. I said my family was having a little get together and the attire was formal. You had plans and Tony began to regale us with his tale of the flavor of the week."

"Yes I do remember Tim. I'm sorry. I should have been there."

"It's alright."

"No it's not Tim!" she went over to embrace him. "I should have been there as your partner and your friend. If only you had told me a little earlier I could have rescheduled my appointment."

"It's fine Ziva. I couldn't expect you to just lay aside plans for me."

"You got married and I wasn't there?!" Tony asked finally coming out of his memory induced daze. "Why didn't you tell me you were getting married?"

"What's the point Tony? You would've just quoted something from a movie and made fun of me the whole time."

"I wouldn't do that to you Tim!"

"Wouldn't you?" the sharp retort had Tony pulling back as if burned. "You have your moments Tony but those are few and far between and even then you never fail to make a joke about me. Until you grow up then maybe, I can start confiding in you."

"Gear up!" Gibbs strode into the bullpen coffee in hand breaking the tense silence that ensued. "Gunshot fired at a petty officer's residence."


Tony was quiet during their investigation. There were no jokes or movie quotes and they all spent the time doing their own things. Gibbs said nothing as usual, McGee only spoke when he was spoken to and Ziva was also unusually silent. Their team leader knew that there was something going on, he had some idea as to what the problem had been but as long as it was not interfering with their work then he would not say anything. Their reprieve came from Autopsy two full days after the argument.

"Timmy," the team looked up to find the new ME walking towards him. "Come on, you haven't slept in fifty hours. You have to come home."

"I still have work to do."

"And it won't be going anywhere." she pulled his chair away from his computer, pressed a few keys on the keyboard and waited for it to shut down before turning back to him. "You're exhausted and you won't be doing much good anyway."


"You'll be back here soon."

"You too Leroy." Gibbs rolled his eyes when she turned her attention to him. "And you Ziva and Tony, go home."

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?"

"Yes well you're not saying it right." she pulled Tim up with one hand, Tony raising an eyebrow both at the exchange and the fact that she was strong enough to pull his partner up without too much effort.

"She's right though. Go home. Back here tomorrow after lunch."

"You heard the man, let's go." she caught Tim when he stumbled and rolled her eyes. "See, you should've gone home earlier."

"I couldn't leave. I almost broke through the firewalls when I tripped another program. It reset everything I'd done til then and I had to start over."

"I'll look at it later, after we get some sleep." Tony watched the pair leave without another word and just then he thought of how much an ass he'd been to their youngest team mate. The woman understood him much better than he did and he wondered just what the hell their relationship was when it dawned on him.

"No, it couldn't be." he gaped when the elevator doors closed and turned with questioning eyes at their boss.

"Figured it out haven't you DiNozzo?"

"But, but she couldn't be..."

"And why the hell not?" Gibbs slammed his hand on his desk similar to the way he does during an interrogation.

"Because she's... well... she's hot!"

"And Tim's not?" bright blue eyes glared at the Senior Field Agent. "That's the reason why he did not tell you. You still haven't grown up and you have a stereotype. Jocks can't be with the geeks and so on and so forth. Grow the hell up DiNozzo, then maybe you wouldn't be losing your friends." Ziva and Tony gaped as the man walked briskly out of the bullpen and away from both of them. "You two go home and Tony, think about what I said."


"Timmy's out," he wasn't surprised that she was there. "I would've gone back to HQ if you weren't here in the next fifteen minutes."

"I'm here."

"Alright, there's some soup in the kitchen. Eat some, take a shot of bourbon then go to bed." she ordered as she watched him plop down onto the couch. "No coffee." she approached him and dropped a kiss upon his graying locks. "Night Leroy."

"Good night JD." she smiled as she left.


"Gibbs?" Abby called out as she stepped into her boss's house. She knew he never locked his door. "Anybody home?" she walked into the basement where she found the new ME putting back a bottle of bourbon on a shelf.

"Miss Sciuto, what are you doing here?"

"Shouldn't I be asking you that?"

"This is my home."

"What are you talking about?"

"You're in the basement of my house."

"What do you mean this is your house? Where's Gibbs? Why isn't he here?"

"Exactly what I said, and it also means you're trespassing in my house. Leroy is upstairs in his bedroom sleeping, obviously the reason why he's not here with us. Now will you tell me what you came here for?"

"I don't like you."

"The feeling's mutual, trust me. What do you need with Leroy?"

"I was going to ask him to have lunch with me."

"He won't be leaving until later. He has just gone to sleep."

"I don't believe you." the Goth woman began to march up the stairs. "I'm going to find Gibbs."

"By all means, find him but if you wake him up you will wish you have not met me." Abby shivered at the tone of her voice but walked on anyway, noisily clumping up the stairs in her knee high boots.

"Gibbs?" she pushed open the door to what she knew was the man's bedroom only to find said man sleeping peacefully. She called out to him again but he didn't even twitch. "He must've been more tired than I thought. He usually doesn't sleep this deeply." "Gibbs?"

"I told you not to wake him." she was suddenly pulled out of the room and dragged downstairs into the living room before she could protest.

"I wasn't going to."

"Then what were you doing in his bedroom?"

"What are you doing in his house?"

"This is my house too. I already told you that. Now get out." she roughly pushed the other woman out of the door and locked it. She sighed as she leaned back on the solid piece of wood, she had barely stopped herself from slamming it to the other woman's face. This is gonna be a hell of a week.



"What's wrong Abs?"

"You remember the new ME? You know, Ducky's new assistant. Well she's not that new since she's been here since last week but still~"

"Abby what's going on?"

"She's at Bossman's house and she just threw me out."

"Why did she throw you out?"

"Because I walked into Gibbs' room when she told me not to wake him up. It doesn't even matter why she threw me out, what matters is why she's here."

"Go back to your place Abbs. I'm sure Gibbs will explain everything to you once he gets in."

"But Tony!"

"No Abbs. Go home." then the line went dead.

"What the hell?"


He thrashed on the bed, memories he'd buried resurfacing in his weakened state. He whimpered as his body convulsed. He tried to get away from the people trying to hurt him but he was trapped.

"No, please stop. Don't hurt me." he sobbed, flinching away from the touch.

"It's okay Tim." the gentle voice cut through the fog of fear and he became confused. "You're safe here." there was a soft pressure on his forehead then another on his nose. "No one will hurt you here."


"Yes it's me Tim. Come back to me."


"Welcome back Love." she kissed him softly on the lips, giggling when she was trapped in his embrace and pulled to lie on top of him.

"Thank you." he'd long ago learned not to apologize to her, she was having none of it. It was different though from Gibbs's rule. To her it was not a weakness, rather it was a strength for someone to be able to apologize, but only when it was necessary.

"It's part of my job."

"Thanks anyway."

"You two getting up any time soon?" they both turned to the door where Gibbs was standing leaning against the doorframe. "Breakfast's ready."

"Thanks Dad." Gibbs nodded to Tim and smiled at the woman who had begun to doze off.

"I don't want to get up." she whined when he was gone.

"Dad made breakfast."

"Come down soon or I'll send Jett up to get you."



"Abby was here earlier." raised eyebrows were the response she garnered from her announcement. "I threw her out." Tim choked on his food while Gibbs tried to glare although he couldn't quite keep the smirk from his face. "What? She was going to wake both of you."


"Tim you were supposed to be resting and she just barged in here this morning. She was asking what I was doing here and I told her that this was my home too. She didn't believe me so I guess that's why she was going to wake you."

"We'll call a team meeting tonight," Gibbs decided. "This has gone on long enough and it's not fair on them anymore."


"It will be fine Tim."

"But Tony and Ziva,"

"Tony has had some time to think about his attitude towards you. Ziva is your friend and I don't believe she's ever done anything to make you think otherwise."

"It will work out Love," Janna took his hand and smiled at him. "I'll be there for you."

"We'll both be there for you." Gibbs said in a rare moment of emotional display.

"Thank you."



"Tony, my house tonight at 1900. Bring an overnight bag. We have things to talk about. Don't bother coming into the office. We'll get back to work on Monday."

"Are you alright Boss?"

"I'm fine DiNozzo."

"What about the case?"

"McGee's still working on the damn laptop, we don't have anything else to work with anyway. Just be here tonight."

"Alright Boss."



"Ziva, come to my house tonight at 1900."

"What for?"

"Bring an overnight bag, we have things to talk about."

"And the case?"

"Can wait until Monday."

"Alright Gibbs."


"Gibbs! I'm so glad you called. I came by this morning but that new ME threw me out. I don't know why. I was just going to ask you out for lunch and she just manhandled me out of the front door. I'm telling you Gibbs something's hinky about her. She's just~"


"Sorry Gibbs."

"Tonight, my house at seven."

"I'll be there."


"Ducky, I need you to come to my house for dinner tonight. We're telling the team."

"Of course Jethro, what time shall I be there?"

"Seven Duck."

"Alright. Should I bring anything?"

"It's fine Ducky, just an overnight bag. We don't know how long this will take."

"Of that I am sure. Very well, I'll see you at dinner tonight."


"I called Jimmy, he's bringing Tobias over, or at least Tobias will be here for lunch tomorrow."

"Is that a good idea?"

"We might as well tell them everything." Janna shrugged as she looked over to her husband. "Don't worry about it too much Love." she sat on his lap in their bed, leaning her head against his chest and listened to the continuous beating of his heart. "Maybe they'll finally understand."

"I just don't want them to treat me differently."

"Tim, I told you it's okay to be a sounding board but never let yourself become somebody else's punching bag. That's exactly what they have been doing to you and I don't like it."

"It's not that bad."

"Tony's always making fun of you, one way or another and Miss Sciuto strung you along whenever she had no one. Ziva is the only one that I think is your true friend among them."

"Tony is just trying to lighten up our days."

"I don't mind that. What you do is a heavy burden on anyone and I appreciate what he's trying to do but not when it is at your expense. You're not a newbie anymore and he doesn't seem to see that. You know I'm not talking about him calling you Probie, that may never change. I'm talking about him always putting you down even when you do something incredibly helpful to the case. And don't even get me started on Miss Sciuto."

"I'm happy you came into my life when you did." Tim smiled down at his wife. "At least you set me straight, helped me get myself back on track."

"I'm happy too."

"I love you Janna."

"Love you too Tim."

Outside the bedroom door, Gibbs smiled. It was damn time things started to look up for Tim.

Interested? Let me know what you think.
