A little one shot I wrote because I was bored. Please R&R!

Trunks sits up on his bed and turns to regard the silhouette at his doorway.


The spiky haired demi saiyan curls up at the foot of Trunks's bed.

"What's my dad like?"

Trunks gives the chibi a sad smile-"I dunno. I don't remember him either."

"My mum and my big brother says that he is a really strong warrior, and saves the Earth often. Also, he is a great man and sacrifices himself for the sake of the world."

"My mum knew him since he was a kid, and they went on many adventures together to collect the dragonballs."

Goten paused, then sighed. "If he's so great, then why did he leave?"

Trunks looked at his friend in sympathy.

"If he's so good like what mum and bro says, then why'd he leave them? And me?"

Trunks wraps his arms around his friend and pulls him into a big hug. "He probably didn't have a choice, Goten."

Goten stiffened and pulls away from his best friend. "You wouldn't understand! You have a dad and I don't!"

Trunks opens his mouth to retort, then closes it again. He hugs his knees and rests his chin on them. "You know, my dad's not much of a dad either."

Goten turns to his friend, confused.

"Sometimes, when my dad hits me, or pushes me too hard, or tells me I'm an embarrassment, I wonder what it'd be like to not have a dad. Then, I'd just listen to mum and Gohan and everyone about the stories they would tell me. I'll probably hope for the rest of my life, what my dad is like and what he'll do when he meets me."

Goten crosses his legs and listens.

"Maybe, with the stories, I can keep imagining a great and wonderful dad, one who would treat me awesomely with love and care and such. You know, like what mum does, only more manly."

"What do you mean, Trunks?"

"Well, sometimes ignorance is bliss. Listen to your mum and your bro and everyone about your dad, and don't feel so down. I mean, if it turns out that your dad is a disappointment but they are just twisting tales to cheer you up, then wouldn't it be better if you never met him in the first place? You can keep looking up to the amazing hero in the stories without knowing what kind of jerk he really is."

Goten sniffed. "That makes sense, but…"

"But what?"

"...but MY DAD IS NOT A JERK! HE IS THE COOLEST DAD IN THE WORLD, WHETHER OR NOT I HAVE MET HIM BEFORE!" Momentarily frustrated, Goku's lookalike storms out of his friend's room.

"Sure, Goten. Hey, wait up!" Laughing, the lavender haired child rushes out to join him.


Up in the otherworld, Goku scratched the back of his head and grinned.

"Aww… he's so cute! Do you think he'd recognize me when I see him at the tournament tomorrow?"

"I dunno, Goku," says King Kai, "maybe if he looks in the mirror, he'll see the resemblance."
