"Hnngg, where am I?"

Death asked himself before he opens his eyes. He really doesn't know where he is but there is only one thing he only knows, he was falling.

"What on earth? How did I get here? Wait a minute…"


"My brother War…..I would protect him above all"

"To return Man to the Earth…." Crowfather said before he put his hand on Death's shoulder "Will requires a sacrifice"

Death feel the pain on his right chest again then stare at it. Death then step forward and stand at the edge before he gave his mask to Crowfather then fall on the Well of Souls.


'Have I successfully free my brother?' Death thought before he notice something on his face.

"My mask! It came back?! But how? I remember giving to Crowfather before I fall on the Well of Souls" He also notice the green thing on his right chest has gone "At least that thing is-" He didn't finish his sentence when a sudden gold lightning strike on the ground and reveal a large, skinless figure "What on earth is that thing?" After staring at the skinless figure, a bird suddenly caught his attention. It's not just a bird, it's a raven.

"Dust? How come you're here?" He asked and it response with a hawk "Heh, that old man. I hope Despair also with me." He said before he notice he was going to land on a water.

"This must be my lucky day"

Death landed on the water with the big splash then immediately jumps off on the water then landed on the ground and Dust landed on his right shoulder then hawk. Death notice that there was some dead bodies everywhere. He walk towards the nearest dead body and studied it.

"Human? I'm on Earth again" he said before he heard a human scream "Hmm, I think I have to play 'Hero' again. Dust, you know what to do" the raven hawk before it flew away. He suddenly heard a horse galloping on his right. He turn his head where the sound came from and saw Despair galloping towards him. "I know you will never leave me" Death said. By the time Despair passes through him, Death quickly grab and mount Despair and follow Dust.

Armin scream as he slipping down in the titan's month. He wasn't able to move before because he was in total shock, seeing his team eaten alive and Eren on the roof unconscious.

He suddenly stop falling and saw Eren holding his hand while his other hand is keeping the titan's mouth shut. Eren used all his strength to pull Armin out of the titan's mouth and throw Armin onto the roof of the building in front of the titan.

Armin lay on the rooftop while Eren forcefully keeping the titan's mouth open

"Hey Armin" Eren called out his attention "Do you think I'm going to die here?" Eren asked as he use his free hand to reach for Armin

Armin immediately used one of his hand to reach Eren, but it was too late. The titan shut its mouth, biting off Eren's lower arm as it went flying.

Armin screams with tears as he look in horror. His friend was eaten right before his eyes, and he didn't do a fucking damn thing! Armin can see the titan swallowing Eren as he let the tears flow

Death can see a beard creature, swallowing something and a boy in front of it. The creature then moves his hand towards the boy, trying to grab him. Death use his strength to jump from his horse and landed and the rooftop. He then took out his handgun and aim on the creature's eyes "Sorry…" he said as he pull the trigger three times and it hit at its cheeks and eyes as Death grab the boy and "No dinner for today" he said as he continue jumping to the other rooftops then another

After a few jumps, Death saw an area that they can hide for awhile. Death gently put down the boy, he also realize the boy's eyes are closed.

"Hey, wake up. Boy, you need to wake up" Death said as he slowly shake him then his eyes slowly open.

"Are you alright? Are you hurt? " Death asked

"Huh? W-where am I? Am I dead"

"No, we're safe. You seems a little sticky by the way"

"Sticky?" the boy thought then widen his eyes as if he remember something. He suddenly scream again, eyes are starting to get wet and clutching his head, making Death shock.

"I was weak!" the boy shouted "I wasn't strong enough to save them! My teammates were killed! Eren was eaten in front of me and I didn't do a single fucking thing 'cause I'M WEAK!

The boy continue to scream and cry as Death looked at him in shock. 'These things called 'titans' eat humans. So that means they're the top of the food-chain.'

Death came back to reality and put his hands on the boy's shoulder "Boy, listen to me" Death began "What is your mission?"

The boy look at him in surprise. "M-my mission is to…..to make sure every people get evacuated from the city and find a way to kill all the titans and protect the gate"

"And don't sit here and do nothing, right" Death asked then the boy nodded his head "Look, I knew that you are weak but you need to fight for your life or else more people will die and your mission will fail. I know it hurts to lose your friends but you need to keep up. You must complete your mission and save the ones you love and care." Death said before he gave the boy a hand. The boy grab his hand and Death pull him up "The name's Death by the way, don't ask why, you?" Death asked

"M-me? Armin, Armin Arlert"

"Armin, am I welcome to this war?"

"What? Why do you ask?"

"Because we got company" Death said. Armin look at his back and saw a titan

Armin was going to grab his sword but Death stop his hand

"If you really can't fight, don't force yourself. I can handle this"

"But you don't have a 3D maneuver gear. How can you fight them?"

"I always fight in a different ways" Death said before his reaper wings appeared and flew forward . Armin couldn't believe what he saw 'This guy, he's not human'.

Death saw one titan moving his hands towards, as if it wants to grab him but. Death easily dodge the upcoming attack and instantly cut his arm using his scythe. Death then throws both of his scythes and aims it on the titan's eyes then Death quickly grab his scythes. Death landed on the titan's head while it's screaming from pain.

Armin on the other hand was standing in amazement. He suddenly realize one of the titans hands moving towards Death but then again, Death dodge the attack and flew in the air. 'He doesn't know where the titan's weakpoint is!' "Hey!" Armin shouted, gaining Death's attention "It's on the nape of the neck! Cut its nape on the neck!"

Death didn't understand why he have to cut the nape of the neck but what choice do he have? Death flew up in the sky as he can then charge down towards the titan. He notice that the titan's mouth was hang open, Death has a crazy idea. As Death gets closer to the titan, he starts spinning like a wheel, enter at the titan's mouth then exit at its back where the nape of its neck is. The titan fell on the ground and the body starts steaming.

Armin was amaze at his idea. This guy is literally not human at all. Death slowly landed on the rooftop and his wings instantly gone. Death then walk towards Armin and ask him this.

"Do you know where are your friends is?" Armin was surprise his question. Why was he asking this?

"I don't know but I need to find them" Armin answered

"Don't worry, I can help you. Dust!" Death call his raven. Dust came out of nowhere and landed on Death's shoulder. "Go find them" The raven responded with a hawk then flew away.

"Why?" Armin suddenly asked Death

"Why what?"

"Why would you help us? I mean, you're not human and it seems like you're forcing yourself to do this"

"It's true that I'm not a human but I'm not forcing myself to do this. I only want to save humanity. There was one time I came to Earth, they were living peacefully, there was no titan but that Earth I know was already a wasteland" Death answered and Armin's eyes winded as he said about 'Another Earth'.

"Wait, so there's a world that titans are not exists?"

"I will explain it to you later. But for now, we must keep moving. My raven is back" Death said and they saw his raven was hawking, as if it tells them that they need to follow it. Death jump off the rooftop then summon Despair and mount on it while Armin hooked onto a building and follow Death