
Raven turned Robin into an eight year old version of himself who has no idea who the teen titans are. He reveals to the titans that his parents are dead... So yeah... Little Robin...

DICK GRAYSON (aka little robin)

"IT'S MY FAULT!" I screamed at the titans. "What?" said beast boy. "I COULD OF CAUGHT THEM BUT I DIDNT!" I cried. "Dick, calm down it's ok." Said Raven in a monotone voice. "If you had caught them, you're so small that you would of been dragged down with them." My eyes got wide . "Raven you're scaring him!" Yelled Starfire. "I'm just being realistic ." "If I had no one would care, at least I would have my Mama and Tata." I said looking at my knees "Dick , listen if you died many people would notice." Said Cyborg getting eye level with me. "Like you friend Kelli." He said with a smile "And I bet your parents would be very sad if you died too." Said Beast Boy "Do you want your parents to be sad?" "No..." I said. "But if they did come back I would be a good boy, never miss a practice, never complain, never hide mice in Ringmaster Haley's Underwear.." I started on a long list of things. "You hid WHAT in WHAT!" Said beast boy. "Yeah.." I said rubbing the back of my head. "We'll just leave you to your cookie dough while we go talk. ok." Said Raven. "Okay." And all of the teens titans left me to my corner and my cookie dough.


"Poor kid..." Said Cyborg. "Yeah but I like this side of Robin !" Said beast boy earning him a smack from Raven"Death changes you I guess." I looked over at raven "How long will this last?"

"At least a day." She said

"A DAY!" We all yelled.

"Yes if not more."

"We should go tell him." I said

"Ok but say nothing about the spell..." Said Raven

we walked back to the living room. "Where is he?!" Said beast boy all panicky. "Over here!" Dick yelled. "What are you doing up there?" Said Raven . Dick was sitting up on top of a very tall book shelf. "GET DOWN HERE YOU WILL GET THE HURT IF YOU FALL!"I yelled up too him. "I'm fine, watch!" He said, he jumped off the book shelf . "RICHARD!" I yelled. He did a flip in the air and landed on his feet with cat like agility. "Show off..." Muttered Bb. "How did you do that!" Yelled Cyborg. "I was raised by acrobats what did you expect?" Dick said casually. "They basically started training me when first learned to walk." "Listen, Dick, your going to live with us for a while." Said Raven "WHAT! Why?" "For your uhh... Protection!" Said Beast Boy. "Okay..." Said Dick skeptically "Where will I sleep.." "I'm sure we have a spare room." I said. "Ok but do you guys have any clothes I could wear. I really don't want to wear this the entire time." At this I had to giggle. We showed Dick to his room (AKA robins room) . "We're going to training, kay Dick?" Said Cyborg. "Can I come?" Dick said running towards us to catch up. "Sure thing kid." Said Cyborg and then gave a look that said Go easy on him.

Third Person

Once they reached the gym the small boy looked around like a kid in a candy store . "You just do what ever you like, we're just going to do our own things ok?" "Ok." Dick said and he ran to a pull up bar. "Pull ups?" Beast Boy said "Man even I fail at those, I have to watch!" He said running over to the bar. The bar of course was too high up for dick to reach. The titans watched as Dick studied the pull up bar. What he did next surprised them, he extended his arms, grabbed a pole in each, and started to shimmy up the bar. He got to the top and started swinging on it like he was still back in the circus. Beast boy just looked away muttering 'little show off' As soon as the words left his mouth. Dick hung himself by his feet upside-down off the bar and said "Jealous BeastBoy?!" and the other titans laughed at the young boys remark, even Raven smiled a little. The green titan looked Dick in the eyes and said "Me?! Jealous of an eight year old?!" He scoffed "Sure you have a few tricks but you could NEVER survive our training !" Dick got off the bar and stared him down. "Provocare a acceptat una verde." and stuck his hand out. BeastBoy had no idea what he said but he could tell that his challenge had been accepted. He reached down and shook his hand. "DICK IS TRAINING WITH US!" The changeling yelled. "Are you sure kid?" Said Cyborg "Da!" Yelled Dick at the top of his lungs. "Hey Dick? Can you please try to stay away the Romanian?" "Sorry..." Said Dick in his Romanian accent. "LETS GOOOO!" Said Beast Boy dragging Dick by his arm to an abundance of gym equipment


"WHAT STEROIDS DID THAT CIRCUS FEED YOU!" Yelled BeastBoy. He had put the young boy through vigorous workouts for 2 hours strait and and he had barely broke a sweat. "I told you that I trained with acrobats since I could walk, I'm used to it." He said this like he had explained it waaaayyy to many times. An idea popped into his mind. An evil idea. A crazy idea. A stupid idea. A perfect idea. "We still haven't done the simulation." Beast boy said. "Simulation?" Dick said . "Yeah. Cyborg just finished it." Beast boy said dragging him to the back of the gym. "Press your palm on the scanner." Dick pressed hand on the blue screen. "Subject identified." it said as the door slid open The small boy entered and beast boy ran to the observation deck. On a small screen a picture of teenaged Robin popped up. "Robin: Human, Strength:10, Endurance:10, Speed:8.5, Intellect: 10, Agility:10"

Peak Human Condition: Robin represents the pinnacle of human physical ability possible for his age, with his physical characteristics greater than that of even an Olympic level athlete. With continued physical and mental growth, he will continue to go even further. Robin engages in intense regular rigorous exercise (including aerobics, weight lifting, gymnastics, and simulated combat) to keep himself in peak condition, and has often defeated opponents whose size, strength, or other powers are much higher than his own.

He is arguably one of the strongest non-metahumans on Earth, Robin's durability is such that he can be struck large amounts of blunt force trauma, and his endurance allows him to go a long period of time without stopping, both in the physical and mental sense. He is able to scale city buildings, can leap the length of a rooftop, and maneuver the through the air in battle with ease. Robin is particularly stealthy, and can infiltrate and sneak up on opponents, and silently leave an area without a trace. His balance and coordination are superb, and he has incredibly quick reflexes, which allows him to dodge energy blasts and gunfire at close range. He can also run at an above average speed for a human in small bursts, sufficient to chase down vehicles.


Martial Arts: Robin is one of the finest human combatants on Earth, his skills honed to such a level even superhumans and armed adversaries can be overpowered by them. He has mastered several different martial arts styles from across the world, learned from Batman and the True Master. He also has knowledge of Tamaranean fighting techniques.

Genius Intellect: Robin holds expertise in numerous areas, both academic and physical. He is the second most technologically adept Titan, and helps maintain the security and computer systems of Titan's Tower. He has impressive understanding of various sciences, like physics and chemistry, and is a skilled mechanic and engineer, building all of his own gadgets and equipment. He is a trained detective, with a keen eye and experience in forensics. He is an expert interrogator, and has a very logical mind; he is able to create plans and strategies that effectively take down his opponent. Robin is a master escapologist, marksman, pilot, thief and impersonator, having masqueraded as various identities for infiltration.


"Oh no." Said BeastBoy realizing he had done. He had carelessly forgotten that Dick was Robin. And Robin had way more training than an eight year old! "CYBORG!" Yelled beast boy "RAVEN, STARFIRE!" The team ran to the observation deck "What is 'the wrong' friend Beastboy?" "Okay, you know how Young Robin was training with us, well he's in the simulation which thinks that he's a genius NINJA older Robin!" Beast boy screamed. "I don't know how to shut it down!" Yelled Cyborg "Everyone LOOK FOR A SHUT OFF SWITCH!" and the search for the off button was on.