A/n: My first Fairy Tale fic. Hope I do the characters justice.

"So, how are you enjoying Fairy Tail so far?" Mirajane questioned, earning Lucy's attention. "It's been a week now.

How are you settling in?" Offering the blonde a friendly smile.

A gesture which Lucy herself returned. "Good. I've even managed to find my own place," she informed the senior guild member. "It's only 70,000 jewel a month which is quite a steal for all the space I have."

Mirajane nodded in response, pleased their newest guild member was settling in nicely. Noticing Lucy's attention had drifted back to Natsu and Gray, their fight somehow managing to pull several others into the fray. It wasn't long before nearly the whole guild erupted into fighting.

"Umm...should I expect fighting every time I come here?" The Celestial Mage inquired looking toward the white haired woman. "I mean, Gray and Natsu really seem to be at odds with each other."

Watching as Natsu bit Gray on the arm, causing the ice Mage to let him go.

The bartender waving off er concern. "While I can't guarantee you won't come in some days and see them fighting, I can guarantee that they aren't at odds with each other enough to want to cause serious injury to the other.

They've always been competing with each other since they were children," she continued to inform Lucy. "It's a rivalry, but a healthy one. They're of the same guild, and wouldn't hesitate to go after a person if they caused the other, or any member here, harm or injury.

These little fights, despite the damage they can cause and the bills they can rack up, are simply their way of pushing each other to become stronger. We're a family, and even though we may fight, we all care for each other very much."

Making Lucy nod in understanding, the words touching the blonde deeply. "S-surely you don't see me as family already?" Came the embarrassed question, as she focused her eyes on her drink. "I mean, I'm still new to Fairy Tail, and haven't really gotten to know everyone all that well..." Rambling a bit from her nervousness.

Gasping sharply and glancing up when Mirajane placed a hand over hers. "The moment a person gets their stamp on their body is the second they officially become apart of our family," she stated with a smile. "It doesn't matter if you've been here for a year or one minute.

The moment a person says they want to join, we're already thinking of you as such."

"T-Thanks Mirajane," Lucy said giving a blush from how overwhelmed she felt. To hear that everyone here considered her as part of not just the guild but their family was touching.

She hadn't felt apart of a family in a very long time. Not since her mom...stopping as she shook that thought away.

A light laugh. "It's no problem Lucy," she assured the newest member. "And please, just call me Mira." Earning a nod from the Celestial mage.

The moment interrupted by a chair flying right past them and into the rack of booze behind the bar.

"Hey!" Came an angered cry from a tanned woman with wavy brown hair. "You two can fight all you want but when you start involving my booze that's when I get angry!" She shouted before hoping into the fray.

Lucy believed her name was Cana if she recalled correctly. She hadn't really interacted with anyone much outside of Natsu, Happy, and Mirajane; and, she only knew Gray's name because he and Natsu got into it on the first day she arrived at the guild.

The white haired woman letting out a sigh as she pulled back. "Honestly, I don't think anyone here has ever grown up," she told Lucy, though there was some mirth in her voice as she spoke, moving off to the side. "Hey, why don't you have this as a small reward for your one week anniversary with the guild?"

Returning before the younger Mage and presenting her with a gift.

"It's the last slice of strawberry cake before a new one is made," Mira informed her with a smile. "You deserve it. A small thank you for choosing us as your family."

Placing the plate in front of Lucy, who was beyond surprised, yet equally happy for the free food.

"Thanks Mira. Let me just go wash my hands and I'll be right back," the younger woman said before getting up from her seat and heading toward the bathroom, carefully stepping over fallen and broken things in her way.

She'd just entered the bathroom when Loki burst through the guild doors. A look of absolute horror across his face. "Guys! Ezra's on her way here!" Came his shout, causing an immediate silence to befall the room.

Everyone froze.

"E-Erza?" Natsu asked in fear as Gray had him by his vest, frozen in mid strike.

Loki never got a chance to answer as powerful stomps were heard coming their way.

"Oh man, that's gotta be Erza..."

"Think she's heard rumors on the road?"

"With Natsu in the guild, most certainly."

"Oh man, oh man, we don't have time to clean this place up..."

Panicked and fearful murmurs arising as all eyes focused on the doorway. The footsteps getting louder and louder until a silhouette stood within the door frame. With the expressions on everyone's faces, one would assume it was a demon, or even Satan himself, who stood at the entrance to the guild hall.

"I have returned," came the strong, and obvious, statement ringing throughout the guild hall.

"H-hi Erza," the whole guild greeted in fear as the redhead continued deeper inside stopping before the bar, as she sat down a massive tusk.

She then surveyed the room. "Listen up, while I was out I heard some interesting things about Fairy Tail causing trouble," she began, giving people a glare strong enough to make them shrink back.

As she began chastising them all individually they grew even smaller. Satisfied when they had all been dealt with, she turned her attention toward the bar. She was prepared to ask Mirajane a question until she spotted the cake at the bar.

"I see you were expecting me Mira," Erza commented as she approached before taking a seat. "I swear, it's almost as of you have a sixth sense for my coming," chuckling in her throat as she picked up the fork.

"Um, Erza..." Mira said softly, too soft for the brown eyed woman to catch up on as she focused behind her. "Natsu. Gray."

Just the sound of her voice alone was enough to make them snap to attention.

"Ma'am!" The elemental mages said in unison.

"You two haven't been fighting had you?" Fixing the two with a freighting stare.

"Us? Fight?" Natsu question. "Why, we've done no such thing have we Gray?"

"That's right good buddy," The ice Mage agreed. "Only fighting we've been doing is out on jobs."

Both wrapping an arm around the others neck and shaking hands to show how civil they've been with one another-making the other guild members sweat drop.

A sharp nod. "Good. It's nice to see you both getting along," she commented, cutting off a piece of the cake with her fork and turning to take a bite. The second her attention shifted, Natsu and Gray pulled away from each other and started glaring at the other.

Eventually, when enough fear had left the guild members, noise returned to the hall once more.

"Your cooking is as good as always Mira," The armored woman praised as she took another bite. "You should sell certain items to the townspeople."

"Thanks, but Erza," Mira tried to get the scarlet haired woman's attention once again. "That wasn't..."

"Hey! What do you think you're doing?!" Came the heated demand as Lucy spotted a woman eating her cake. "That's my cake you're eating on!" She cried marching up to the armored woman.

"Excuse me?" Erza questioned turning to face the unknown blonde, the entire guild falling into stunned silence.

No one spoke to Erza like that, not since the days she and Mira would fight it out in a manner similar to Natsu and Gray.

"Uh, L-Lucy," the pink haired man began nervously, shaking as he approached. "Maybe you s-shouldn't..."

Causing the new recruit to turn her gaze toward him. "Shouldn't what?" Came the demand. "She's the jerk that's eating MY cake." Jabbing a finger at the armored woman.

The scarlet haired woman hummed, placing the fork down before rising. "I believe you are mistaken," Erza said. "Mirajane set this cake out for me."

"L-Lucy..." Natsu tried again to get her attention but the Mage ignored him.

"No she didn't," Lucy denied. "She gave me that slice as a gift for my one week anniversary of becoming apart of this guild.

You can't just go around eating food that's left out like it's been put out for you."

At this point guild members wondering if they should back away slowly, or just make sure Lucy received an awesome funeral.

"Surely you can get another slice of cake Lucy?" Gray suggested, stepping forward now. Nervousness in his voice as well, though he did a better job at not stuttering than his rival. "It's not like that was the last slice in the world." He attempted to reason with her.

She had no idea just who she was yelling at after all.

The shorter woman huffed. "That's not the point! She can't just go around doing stuff like that!" Lucy insisted. "And why are you two defending her actions?"

Turning her gaze upon the two men now.

Natsu waved his hands. "We aren't defending anything," he denied in a way that no one really believed since he was trying too hard. "We just don't see why you're blowing this way out of proportion.

"Aye," Happy chimed in from the boy's shoulder.

"If you want a cake so much I'll buy you one," Gray offered nonchalantly, giving a shrug.

"Again you're missing the point!" The celestial Mage snapped.

"Come on, forget about this and let us buy you a cake?" Natsu offered. "We'll even let you eat it all, though don't blame us if you balloon out." Teasing her about her weight, Happy laughing behind his hand.

"You jerk!" Lucy cried going to slap him, however, he was too quick and easily ended up dodging her attempted strike.

Unfortunately, Lucy had too much momentum in her swing. The swing powerful enough to have her body change it's direction on it's own, as her hand continued onward before reaching it's unintended destination with a resounding 'SMACK' that echoed throughout the building.

If what fell over the guild earlier could be considered silence, then this was akin to a person falling death as all sound stopped immediately. Eyes widened and jaws dropped, while some even stopped breathing altogether.

Even Gray and Natsu both looked like they wanted to flee for the hills and then some.

"L-L-Lucy..." Gray stammered visibly shaking, backing away in the process. "D-D-Do you know w-w-who you just...who you just..." Unable to even say it. Even Natsu and Happy were both silence.

The blonde looking confused, noticing the woman's head had tilted to the side and remained there.

"You...you just slapped Erza Scarlet," one of their guild mates managed to tell her.

Erza Scarlet, Lucy thought before suddenly going rigid, as one word crossed her mind.

