Hey there fellow initiates! Well, I'm the person who was fortunate enough to adopt this story from Mrs. EatonJacksonWatersGoode13. Woohoo! She is a wonderful author, so go look at her other stories. I want to say thank you to her for this story. Shout out to melC92 because she is awesome. I hope you enjoy The Jerk Theory.
I do not own the Divergent Trilogy characters.
This plot is loosely based off of the movie.
I head to school in my blue convertible with Zeke, Uri, and Will, singing along to our new song. Yes, that's right. We are rock stars, well, rising stars. We arrive at school and immediately, desperate girls swarm us... mostly me though. I am the sexiest guy here. We continue to walk, with girls occasionally stopping by to flirt with me.
When I get to my locker, boys thank me for my advice as I pass by. Why? You see, I have come to the conclusion that girls DO NOT want nice guys. One year ago, I was dating this girl named Lauren and I was practically in love with her. I left sappy poems on her windshield, put love letters in her locker, and even sang her an invitation to prom. But, when I went to pick her up she was there... with Eric. Eric is a jerk and plays all the girls, and he was taking my place as Lauren's date to prom. She claimed it was because they both got voted as prince and princess for our grade. She had me go with her little sister Audrey... Audrey had braces, glasses, and acne. Not that that was bad, but it wasn't what I wanted, besides even Audrey left me for some other guy too. So, I decided that if girls didn't respond to the nice guy... I would be the jerk. The process began and here I am today, the one that every girl wants.
A girl walks up to me and says, "Hey Four, would you maybe want to hang out with me and my friends this weekend?"
"No, I have more important things that are actually interesting to do, but maybe I can find some time to hang with you and your lame friends next week."
"Okay, well call me!" I roll my eyes and walk away with Zeke and Uri. We walk into homeroom and see Will sitting with two girls, a blonde, and a dark haired one. We walk over and decide to talk to them.
"Hello ladies, what are your names?"
"My name is Christina and this is Tris!" the dark haired girl says. I look to the blonde and smile at her. She gives me a smile back.
"Hey, do you girls want to come to our show tomorrow? Oh, and Tris, maybe if there's no one better than you, I'll let you come backstage and talk to me," I smirk.
"Do girls you usually fall for that line?"
"Well, I've had much success with it. Did you?"
"Yeaaaaah no, you can walk away now though. Ask me out when you learn some manners." I slowly walk away with Uriah and Zeke, shocked that she rejected me.
"Hey Four, do girls usually reject you like that?" I shove Zeke and tell him to shut up.
I like this girl already. I have to have her. This girl is going to be hard to get, but hey, I like a challenge.
The next chapter will be posted later on today.