Hellooo! I'm so bad person I know.

But I finally got this done.

I have tried to write this chaper since chrismast and because my Computer is shit, it has never saved the writing and then I get angry when t dosen't save my writings.

I've written like thousand version of the ending and now It is what it is.

And thank you so much for your reviews and follows and favorites.

So I'm sorry. And I hope you'll like this.

Magnus's heart dropped to the ground as soon as he saw Alec. Alec was lying on the bed only in his boxers. He was lying on his back on top of the sheets and he was sound asleep, snooring. And why Magnus's heart dropped when he saw Alec? His chest was covered in scars. He didn't even have to think what scars tose were. Magnus wanted to run away again. He couldn't watch those scars and remember the pain he brought to Alec. He was about to turn around and walk away but be bumped into someone. Tall blonde guy who was very muscular and well build. He knew this guy from the gym. But what the hell was he doing there?

''Hey. You must be Magnus.'' The guy whispered and glanced the sleeping Alec and that made Magnus very jealous since Alec was naked.''I assume you didn't speak with him.''

''No.. And who might you be?'' Magnus tried to smile friendly back.

''I'm Alec's friend, Gabriel.'' Magnus heard Gabrield hesitate a little when he said 'friend'.''I've been here keeping him sompany when you ran away. That was very shitty thing to do you know. But Now you are gonna go and talk to him.''

Okay now that guy was being an ass. ''You don't think I know that? It's just hard...''

''What, your dick?'' Magnus frowned a little at that. He had no idea who the hell this guy was and he was talking to him like this.''Be a man and go talk to him.''

Then Gabriel pushed him back inside and pushed the door shut, making loud noise that made Alec open his eyes and sit up. Magnus was so nervous. He didn't keep any noise when he watched Alec. It was almost that he didn't want to be seen. That he didn't. He lifted his gaze from the floor and he faced those piercing blue eyes he missed. But those eyes weren't that warm what he remembered. They were angry and hurt and cold.

''What are you doing here?'' Alec asked callously.

''I... Umm... Wanted to come and talk to you.'' Magnus mumbled.

''I have nothing to say to you.''

''But I have for you.'' Magnus said.''I'm sorry I left you. I should have stayed but I couldn't do it... I caused you too much pain. I had to leave so I wouldn't cause more. This was all my fault. I needed to get my head straight and think. I needed to focus on something else and get fid of the guilt but that didn't work at all. I thought of you all the time. You were my last thougth when I fell asleep and my first when I woke up. ''

Magnus saw Alec sigh and said.''You didn't cause this. How could you have known what was gonna happen? I'm not blaming you for anything. Not what happened at the house or at the hospital. But I am hurt you left me. I needed you.'' There were tears starting to swell in Alec's eyes that Magnus wanted to swipe right off.''The moment things got a little rough you run away. How am I suppose to trust you to be here for me in the future if this scares you away?!''

''You think about our future?'' Magnus whispered.

''Yes.'' Alec whispered back. Silence.

''Listen. I'm so sorry I left but I think it was the best thing to do. And besides you had Gabriel here to keep you Company.''

Alec's expression froze and stuttered.''You met Gabriel...? What.. What did he told you?''

Magnus frowned.''That he was your friend and kept you Company while I was away. I need to thank him afterwards. But back to us. What is gonna happen now? I want to be with you. I love you. Like really love you, not jus friend. I'm willing to wait for you. As long as you want.''

Alec didn't say anything. Usually Magnus could read Alec like an open book. But now it was very hard. It was like Alec had grow WALLS around himself to protect himself.

''I met the kiitens today. They were disaster. There are only few of them but they were a disaster. I really fell in love with the tiny Belle. She was so shy and all the other ones were just roaming aroung the flat. But Belle just staid at the box and not move. But I won her over. I gave her a little catnip and she was my best friend.''

''I think we have to fight over her. I want her as well.'' Alec chuckled a little.

''We don't have to. If this works between us we can raise our little cat family. You, me, Belle, Chairman and Church. That sounds good dosen't it.'' Magnus smirked.

''I think we need to decide if we even start I'm not sure anymore. I love you too. Now, I've said it, but I don't know if I'm able to trust you. If you are gonna run away from every problem we're gonna have. That's going to be a problem.''

That's Magnus's way of dealing with problems. He runs away for a while and then he comes back like nothing ever happened. That didn't work on this case thoug.

''I promise you I'm gonna try. I'm gonna try everything with 100% effort for you. But If I'm gonna fail I wish you can understand that as well.'' Magnus said to him. And that was the truth.

''Okay... Okay. But wee have to start very slow. Let things go naturally. I don't want us to be forced towards too fast. I feel like that's gonna be destruction if we do that.'' Alec said. That brought big smile to Magnus's face.''Don't be too excited. I have to tell you somethnig. I think you don't want to be with me when you hear this...''

''Okay, shoot. But nothing can be that bad that would keep me from being with you.'' Magnus smiled and took Alec's hands.

''I slept with Gabriel.'' Alec blurted out.'' We were drunk...''

For that moment Magnus heard that it was like a quick hit in the face. But it was only that moment when it hurt. It started to heal. Magnus was not mad at Alec. They weren't together when this happened. They haven't been together at any point. Alec was a young man who had needs and they weere drunk and Gabriel was there for him at the time. Magnus had ended up in bed with someone after a night out himself and more that just few times.

''Okay.'' Magnus said and recieved confsed look from Alec.''It's okay. I'm not angry at you. It happens.''

The look on Alec's face right now was so confused he bursted into laughter.

''Darling it's alright now. Everything has been talked about and we are gonna start from a clean table.'' Magnus smiled at him. ''I think you need to get dressed and we need to join the others. They are gonna wonder where we are.''

Alec nodded and got up from the bed and went sraight to his closet and threw on a black sweater and blue saggy jeans. Magnus remembered the black sweater Alec was weearing. He didn't remember it was that big. But then Magnus realised that the shirt was just so big because Alec gad lost so much weight. So much muscle mass was lost from his body. But he didn't love him any less.

''You are so thin.'' Magnus said sadly.

Alec glanced him.''Is that a deal breaker?''

''Of course not!'' Magnus yelled. He walked to Alec and wrapped his arms around his waist. ''Can I kiss you now?''

Magnus could feel Alec's breathing quickening and he was shivering a little when he nodded.

Magnus placed his right hand to Alec's chin and lifted his head when he slowly started to meet Alec's lips.

It was intense. But when their lips met Magnus had the little flashback from the time they kissed before. Right before things went bad. Magnus almost backed out but he forgot everything when he heard Alec moan to him mouth. He had started to bite Alec's lip and he didn't even notice. He tangled his hands to Alec's hair and other hand roamed on the back side of Alec. Lifting the hem of Alec's shirt and toutching his soft and warm skin. He was about to lift Alec's shirt off when Alec pulled off the kiss.

''I'm so sorry. I got carried away.'' Magnus apologised.

''It's okay. We need to get to the family.'' Alec pointed out.''But I would love to continue at some point.''

''I would love that too.'' Magnus smiled at him and placed small kiss on Alec's forehead.

''I would like if didn't mention anything to my family about this yet. Let's just see where this is heading.'' Alec asked.'' I don't want to deal with Izzy's questions and Jace's stupidity.''

''Of course.'' Magnus recieved the warmest smile. It made his heart jump in his chest. This was all he ever wanted.

I hope you liked it.

I know. This sucks.

I'm not good at writing this emotionas stuff.

I think I'm gonna write at least one chapter to this one.

I'd like to hear your opinion.

AND I don't know what I'm gonna write next so I'm open to suggestions.

AND I just went to see Deadpool next weakend. I totally loved it!

It's so amazing and funny and Ryan Reynolds is the best thing ever.

Okay, I stop this.

And I'll hopefully write you soon.