Hi! Yes I'm still alive :D I'm just slower on update, with writer's block and all but yay chapter!

Warning: Crappy English, Grammar, OOC,Yaoi smut (more than plot at this rate I think ) and violence


'mmmm' = thoughts


"mmm" = telepathic speech /inner world speech

-Las Noches HQ-

"Has there been any news about Masaki's son?" Aizen asked the men that stood before his desk. It has been a few months since the orange head has stole his Espada and went hiding with them. He is unpleased with what had happened but all he could do now is to accept it and work on a solution to get the boy and the Espada back.

"There is no new on Ichigo Kurosaki's location, however from the spy in the hunter council, there were rumours going around about the Kurosaki boy being pregnant and is gathering people" Tousen spoke. "Aizen-sama, I think that we should be doing something about Seireitei."

"Don't worry too much Kaname, the council is child's play to us, especially with my powers. We need to get the Espada back however. I am also interested in making Ichigo Kurosaki my mate. Go get whoever is necessary, find them and bring them here." Aizen smirked, turning to look at the picture of Masaki and Ichigo on his desk. "He looks exactly like his mother" he mumbled.

Tousen nodded and excused himself from the room after he was given permission to find and capture the betrayers. Gin with his fox grin plastered to his face leaning against the side of the table. "I still don't really get why yer so obsessed wit tha kid but who am I to question my boss" he chuckles before leaving the room too.

Aizen couldn't wait till everything falls into place, the orangette being pregnant may seem to throw a wrench into his plans,but he can work it to his advantage, he can use it as a leverage to the Espada that has left him and even the orangette himself since he is helpless at the late stages of his pregnancies.

-Another POV-

"Dammit, you stupid hat-n-clogs! Come back here so I can abuse you!" Ichigo yelled from where he sat on the beanbag in the library.

After the baby shower, they returned to the mansion in Spain, Kisuke, and Yoruichi tagging along for fun they say, however, Ichigo was sure there was another motive behind it. And right now he is pissed with that blond bastard, he was enjoying his afternoon in the library when the other burst into the room and startled him from his nap, he started to tease and make fun of him before running out. He had no idea why Kisuke decided to do that but it pisses him off, especially since he woke up from a nice dream.

"Ulqui!" Ichigo yelled for the black haired alpha of his in frustration. The other appearing in a flit of sonido by his side, his face expressionless though his eyes express his worry.

"Is something wrong?" Ulquiorra questioned.

"Help me help beat up that stupid hats-n-clogs for me!" Ichigo huffed, his arms crossed as he tried to get comfy in the bean bag questioning why the orangette wanted him to do that he left the room in search of the ire of his beta.

Kisuke and Yoruichi followed Ichigo to Spain for several reasons, Kisuke wanted to have another person to help monitor the pregnancy. Yoruichi was here to take care of Ichigo and protect him. A few days before they left Spain for the baby shower. Shiro had another vision, and that vision held nothing good once again, he approached the two for extra protection and measurements against those that hold ill intentions to Ichigo.

Currently, Kisuke is running and hiding from Ulquiorra, he was dared by Yoruichi to go irritated Ichigo but he did not expect this to happen. He yelped as he crashed into a warm solid wall, bringing them both down to the ground. "Oww.." Kisuke mumbled as he rubs his head before picking up his hat that fell from the crash.

"What the fuck old man!? You blind or something?"Grimmjow grunts as he rubs his back of his head while glaring at him.

"Found you Urahara Kisuke.." Ulquiorra commented a few feet away from them. Next things the two man on the ground know where that they were hurting and bruised.

"Why did you beat me up too?" Grimmjow whined as he pulled himself up from the ground.

"You were in the way, trash" Ulquiorra replied before turning to head back to the library.

"I still can't stand that asshole" Grimmjow growls lowly as he left the area too, itching to beat something up. "If he wasn't one of Ichigo's mate, I would have killed him long ago."

Ichigo tensed up when the library door open again, he is relieved to see Ulquiorra coming in. "That was quick" He commented before leaning into Ulquiorra as the other kiss his forehead.

"It was simple to deal with him. Hmm...would you like me to read to you..and the cubs?" he offered.

Ichigo nodded and held out the book he was reading before. Kisuke may be annoying and perverted but he does say some rather good things at times. He suggested reading or talking to the babies, let them hear and get used to voices and words. He was reading a fairy tale to the four in him earlier after they left.

"Cinderella?" Ulquiorra questioned as he took the book, settling himself down beside Ichigo in another bean bag. Ichigo blushes slightly before grinning.

"Yeah...I found it on the shelves within reach, it's a pain to get up so I had to make due with what I have. Is something wrong with it?" He asked.

"No, nothing is wrong." Ulquiorra replied and flipped the book open, he pulled Ichigo closer so the other leans against him snugly. Ichigo rubbed his tummy slightly as he listens to Ulquiorra tell the story, a smile etched on his face.

Ichigo eventually fell asleep halfway through the book, Ulquiorra's soothing voice lulling him to sleep. It was around evening before they were called out for dinner by Sebastian. As usual, dinner is a chaotic affair especially so with the addition of Yoruichi and Kisuke.

Ichigo's eye twitched slightly as he shoveled another spoonful of rice into his mouth, Yoruichi and Kisuke were arguing about something stupid, getting mad and throwing punches at each other while doing so. Ichigo was so close to losing his shit with them, all he wants to do is to enjoy his food and relax. Just as he is about to get up and slam the table in anger and yell at them to stop. Sebastian came in with his impeccable black-clad self to save them from Ichigo's anger with dessert.

Ichigo eyes lit up when he looks at the bowl that is set down in front of him, he rushed to finish the last of his food since he knows none of his alphas will let him go if he didn't finish dinner, well maybe some might after a flash of his puppy eyes and pout. Today's dessert is a scoop of frozen yogurt, drizzled with dark chocolate and around it are various fruits and nuts.

While being distracted by the sweet treat in front of him, Sebastian had swiftly and efficiently got the two to quiet down and eat dinner. Ichigo's alphas are all glad that their beta had not exploded from anger and that they had someone as capable as Sebastian to help out with things. They know how Ichigo is with handling situations, by default he would react towards them with anger and many have suffered the brunt of Ichigo's anger these past few week and months, it does not make a pretty sight when it happens.

After dinner was finished,they lounged around the living room, each doing their own things. Ichigo closes the book he was reading before looking up and around, he feels fidgety, not at all sleepy because of the nap he took earlier.

"The bath has been drawn." Sebastian appeared and announced it. Stark opens his eyes and pushes himself up.

"Mmm..Thanks" the lazy brunette mumbled as he scratch his goatee. "Let's go Ichigo.." He got up and pick the other up with ease. Ichigo was slightly confused as to what is happening but he nodded and held onto him tight.

"Where are we going? Are we going to take a bath?" Ichigo asked as he was carried towards the bathroom. Starrk nodded in response, setting the other down in the area near the sink. He starts stripping himself and the other. "Wait are we taking a bath together?" Ichigo squeaks.

"Mhm, can I not do that?" Stark asked as he stretched himself, yawning slightly. "I wanted to spend more time with you and it seemed like you needed a nice relaxing shower" he pointed out before scooping the other up and placing him into the warm water, filled with bubbles and herbs to soothe the other before climbing in and joining.

Ichigo was about to protest about doing this but he shut his mouth back up and relaxes into Starrk's embrace. "This feels nice...what was put in it?"Ichigo asked as he blew some of the bubbles away, laughing slightly as he entertains himself.

Starrk gave a shrug to the question, leaning in to kiss Ichigo's cheek then neck. "Mm..I have no idea but it smells nice" he mumbled into his skin. Ichigo squirmed and laughed. "Stop that , it feels ticklish" Starrk smirks before nibbling the area, Ichigo burst out in laughter as he squirmed, trying to get the other to stop. Starrk pulled away when the other was laughing so hard that he could hardly breathe.

"Are you ok..?" Starrk asked, feeling concerned. Ichigo wiped the tears away from his eyes, sniffling slightly and nodded before looking at him with a huge smile. "Thank you for getting the bath drawn for me" He kisses his cheek before hugging him.

"This is nothing much, especially so when you are carrying my cub" Starrk muttered, reaching forward to cup Ichigo's bump, it was gradually getting bigger, Ichigo has just stuck with wearing sweatpants and loose T-shirts or a dress at home,it's not something he likes the best but he has not much choice. Ichigo leans back and kisses Starrk's cheek, sighing slightly. "Would you like to accompany me for a walk outside tomorrow?"

"Hnn..sure if I am awake" Starrk replied with a small chuckle. "Just wake me up when you need me" he mumbled as he held Ichigo closer, washing the other lazily.

"I hope everything settles down soon.." Ichigo mumbled, sighing softly.

"I'm sure it will soon, just leave it all to us." Starrk reassures the other, pressing a kiss to his neck.

"But I don't want you or anyone else getting hurt because of Aizen's stupid ass or the selfish hunter council" Ichigo huffed,pouting at the water.

"No one will get hurt, all you need to do is to take care of yourself and relax." Starrk mumbled softly with a smile.

"Fine..but we are still going for the walk tomorrow, even if I need to be all guise up as a woman." Ichigo looks at the other.

"Mhm.." Starrk nodded as he finishes cleaning them both. "Now let's dry up and I'll give you a massage." Ichigo nodded eagerly and got out without falling. They dried up and Starrk scooped Ichigo up and gently threw him onto the bed. Ichigo squealed and laughs before sitting up, a smile on his face. It sucked slightly since he couldn't lie on his stomach so he has to sit up for the massage. Starrk got behind Ichigo, reaching over to grab a bottle of massage oil and started to massage the oil into Ichigo's back. The orangette let out a sigh of relief as the other work the knots out, he closes his eyes as he enjoys the firm hand caressing his back.

"Mn..Starrk..can you get the others in? I want to sleep all cuddled up and all." Ichigo mumbled sleepily, his head dropping downwards, his words slurring slightly.

Starrk chuckled and grunted his answer. "Sure, after I finish up." Starrk gave another gentle squeeze and nudge, feeling the knot loosening up. He gently lay the other down and laid beside the other, sending a quick telepathic message to tell the others to come to Ichigo's room.

The three alphas came in immediately after Starrk just sent the message, he glanced at the trio, wondering where Shiro was before shrugging it off. The albino copy of their mate probably has gone back to their mindscape.

"He's so beautiful…" Grimmjow whispered as he settled himself down on the large bed, the other two follow suit, being quiet so as to not disturb the orangette's slumber.


"Starrk! Wake your lazy ass up! You promised a walk!" Ichigo yelled as he stormed into Starrk's room where the other is laying on a pile of pillows snoozing away. "Ugh, how can you sleep that much!? It's only after breakfast!" Ichigo huffs as he prods at the other, trying to wake him up, apparently, that didn't wake him up.

An idea suddenly hit Ichigo, an evil smirk appearing on his face, he could hear the cackle of Shiro in his mind. He kneels down beside the brunette and started to tickle the other. Starrk instantly jolted awake, squirming to get away while laughing. "Stop..Ichigo..No! I'm awake!" He yelped. Ichigo continues on for a bit before pulling away when the other started to tickle back too.

"Hey! I do the tickling not you!" Ichigo laughs and squirmed. Starrk smirks and kisses his forehead and got up, pulling the other up.

"Hm..now for the walk?"Starrk asks, glancing out the window. "It is a nice day too...a nice day to sleep.." He sighed slightly, looking like a dejected puppy.

"Mhm! Now for a walk!...you can always sleep later?"Ichigo beamed before mumbling the last part, a slight frown on his face when he caught sight of Starrk's face.

Starrk chuckles and kisses him again, shaking his head. "You're too cute" he sighs and pulls Ichigo out of the room.

The both of them did not stray far from the mansion, they stayed in the neighbourhood, walking around and chatting about whatever came up.

"Hey, Starrk! Look they are selling ice cream over there!" Ichigo pointed excitedly at the ice cream cart, he tugs at Starrk's hand, wanting to head over there hurriedly. Starrk gave a tired glance over at the cart before shrugging and let the other pull him over. "You can only get a scoop , nothing more or Szayel and the others will get mad at me."

Ichigo pouted slightly but obliged and got a scoop of chocolate ice cream for himself. "You want some?" The orangette asked the other. Starrk chuckles and leans in to lick some off by Ichigo's cheek. "Mm..tasty."

Ichigo immediately flushes red and got quiet to eat his ice cream, glaring at the other slightly. "Let's slowly start heading back now." Starrk nods his head to the direction they came from. Ichigo nodded and let the other lead him back to the mansion as he ate the cold treat.

As the two turned around the corner to the next street, a black van skids past them. The tires screeching loudly against the asphalt, the smell of burning of the tires filled the air. The van's door slams open and a group of people stumbled out towards them.

Starrk already had Ichigo pulled aside and behind him when the van appeared around the corner. "Primera and Ichigo Kurosaki, Aizen-sama has sent us to retrieve you from your vacation, as well as the other Espadas. We would like for your cooperation or actions will be taken." Said a man with long black hair and red tribal tattoos on him.

"Like hell, we will ever do that! Suck my ass!" Ichigo yelled from behind Starrk, pissed that they would ever think they would compliantly do as they said.

Starrk shook his head as he reaches inside his coat for his guns, he could do this diplomatically and without violence, if the goons Aizen sent would listen to him but he knows Abirama and his gang well, they think with their fist before their head. 'This will end up in a huge mess...what a good way to destroy such a good morning.' Starrk sighed as the black-haired man waved for the menacing men behind him to subdue and capture them.

"Hmp...you would think a group of numeros can stop the Primera" Starrk scoffed as he whipped his guns out and gave a few warning shots, nothing fatal. That, however, did not deter any of the men as they advanced forward to attack.

"Oh, they are asking to have a taste of my fist!" Ichigo growls from behind Starrk, ready to push the other aside to run into them and beat them all up.

Starrk shook his head, chuckling slightly. "Ichi stay here I can take care of them, I don't want you or the babies to get hurt."Ichigo opens his mouth to snap back at Starrk but he instead decided to close it back up and sent a deadly glare towards the gang of men, very displeased with them as he finished up his ice cream cone. Starrk busied himself with shooting one man after the other while Ichigo silently stood behind him.

The men spread out, as they tried to avoid the bullets raining towards them. A few had got tactical and snuck in from behind instead of charging straight at them. Ichigo caught sight of them from the corner of his eyes and immediately swung into action, attacking with quick yet precise moves to incapacitate them, well as quick and precise a pregnant man can be while Starrk handled the rest. Ichigo panted and hunch over after feeling a little sick his sudden movement, after birthing the babies, he would need to exercise hard to get his lean swimmer body back.

"Ichigo!" Starrk yelled out, he turns to glance at the sick orangette, his attention away from the other assailants.

"I'm fine! Don't get distracted you, idiot!"Ichigo scream at the other when he saw a man swooping close to hit them, without looking Starrk had shot the man down. Aizen's goons were dropping down one by one like flies, only half the amount of men stood before them. The leader of the group, Abirama stood , raising a hand in a silent order for all to stop. In a literal flash of a moment, Abirama drew something out from behind him and threw it down on the ground. There was a bright flash of light, blinding those that were not prepared for the sudden action. As fast as Starrk could react in that split second that Abirama threw the stun grenade, he threw himself over Ichigo to protect him. Abirama's men moved about in the confusion, trying to at least grab the pregnant orangette as they retreated.

At that exact moment, two being jumped down into the confused fray and grabbed the stunned couple away from the group. Starrk's immediate reaction to being grabbed when blinded was to get away but after his sight slowly got clearer he realised who have helped them. Ichigo's reactions were similar to Starrk, confused yet elated. "Yoruichi! Urahara!"Ichigo cheered at their saviours. "Wait how did you know where we were? Where did you two come from?" Ichigo shot out, now feeling angry. "You were watching, weren't you? Why didn't you step out to help soon!"

Starrk has slumped down against a chimney , resting a bit as he waited for the bleary sight to return and the headache he has to fade. "Ichi calm down, I'm sure they'll unsure your questions after we head back, Abirama might still be looking for us." Ichigo huffed and crosses his arms with a pout, "Well they'll answer me if I kick their asses as well!"

"Mah mah Ichi-chan, you'll need a few more centuries before you can do that but for now let's head back" Kisuke said, hiding a grin behind his open fan. From where they now hid, the sound of men running around shouting as they search for the group that has escaped got closer.

"Out of all the time, I can't get in contact with Shiro for help!" Ichigo grumbled before yelping in shock, he clamped a hand over his mouth as he was suddenly lifted up. "Yoruichi!?" He turned red as he realised how the woman was holding him, he was being carried princess style. "W-what are you doing? I can walk you know!" Ichigo yelled in embarrassment.

"You idiot with you being so loud we are going to get caught!" Yoruichi hissed as they suddenly took off jumping from one roof to another. "We can let you walk but honestly at this state, we are just gonna piss you off from laughing at how you try to keep up with us." Yoruichi grinned as she teased her old student. Ichigo gave up trying to argue with her since he knows that it was going to be hard to move that easily at his current stage of pregnancy, he's already waddling as he walks and they needed to be quick as they got away. Ichigo turns his head to the side to glance back at Kisuke and Starrk catching up to them, he's relieved that Starrk was not hurt.

The group quickly got back to the mansion safely, as soon as Ichigo was released from the princess hold he was tackled and swarmed with his alphas. "Guys I'm okay! Stop worrying! Ulqui you don't need to go get Szayel!" Ichigo yelled already knowing what the other was going to do when he sees Ulquiorra pull out his phone. "Hey! Grimm where are you touching?!" Ichigo squirmed, blushing as Nnoitra lifted his shirt up and Grimmjow start examining him for injuries. Starrk stood by the side as he looks at them with sleepy amusement, he knows that Ichigo was safe, he'll hate himself if he Ichigo had gotten hurt.

It took quite some time to reassure his alphas that he was unharmed and the babies were fine before he was freed from the group. He was now wandering about the mansion before coming to a stop, "Eh? Where's Shiro?" He had thought that Shiro would be the first person to greet him when they got back but he did not catch a glimpse of the albino at all earlier. "Shiro?" he tried again to see if Shiro was somewhere in his inner world, he did not receive an answer but he shrugs that off. It's not the first time that Shiro has gone missing plus most of the time he didn't really care since he always did come back by the end of the day.

-Shiro's POV-

"YE SON OF A BITCH, LET ME OUT RIGHT NOW!" The albino vampire screamed out from the cell he's in. Shirosaki reached out to grab the bars in anger and to try out if it could be pried apart. As soon as his hands touched the metal he flinched back, pulling his hand to his chest as he hissed at it. "F'cking ass fuck with the cell" he yelled in anger before sliding down the wall, both hands reaching up to pull at his hair. He had miscalculated and messed up his sneaking about and now he has been captured. Shiro's head throbs slightly in pain from where he was knocked out, he growled lowly, worried about his King. He's been unable to make any mental contact with anyone, not even his King, he need to get out of here immediately.

Thank You for reading! Hope you enjoy it :DD I'll post as soon as I write it up/when my writer's block don't mess with me.