I exited the bathroom and walked downstairs. I was still debating Violets' point of view. I wanted coffee for some reason but I know it will go right through me. I heard the door open as Violets light steps wandered down the stairs. If we don't want them to see us they wont, I have to remember that. I don't have to make myself visible for anyone since the Harmon's are all dead. Speaking of Mr. and Mrs. Harmon I haven't talked to them in a while... but that's beside the point. Back to Stella and the Valentines'. They are talking in the living room. I haven't been listening or paying attention to my surroundings. Violets just staring at me as I begin to tune into the conversation in the other room.

"Where should we put the TV?" Said Chris

"I guess we can put it here." Said Julianne

Their moving their things in... my thoughts paused for a moment and turned to Violet.

"I'm going to gain Stellas' trust, shes going to be our daughter. I'm going to get these idiots out of our house and we will live happily ever after. No questions asked... I haven't talked to your parents in a while, I know it wont go over well. I still feel that we should sit down and explain to them we are serious about being together. I want their blessing, if we are going to start a family together. Please don't tell them that I'm doing this or that we will have a family yet. It will make matters worse. I need to gain back their trust." I said

With that I left Violet in the kitchen and headed upstairs she followed not saying a word, probably not sure what to say. I stopped and turned.

"Why so silent?" I said

"Not sure what to say... I don't know how to take you taking charge like that." Said Violet

"That is just the most sensible way I could put it" I said back

I turned back around and continued upstairs. I went into our room and laid down. I'll just wait till they are done upacking...