Percy looked at the textbook in front of him full of math equations. Percentage Discounts was what needed to be solved, but Percy didn't know how to do it.
He sucked on the mint currently occupying his mouth, his eyebrows furrowed together in concentration. His sea-green eyes darted from on question to another, to anylise which was easier. He looked at the clock in his room, reading 5:30 pm. He groaned. He's been sitting here doing nothing for the past hour.
Luke entered his room seconds later to see Percy pouting at his math book, his hands dropped to his side as if to surrender. Technically, he was.
"Help me," Percy whined, doing his most famous puppy dog eyes.
"Percy, I've never done any type of this work." Luke said, leaning against the door frame.
Percy laughed. "Seriously, Luke, help me."
"I can't!"
Percy laughs stopped, suddenly realizing that Luke has never been to school. "Whoops, sorry." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, a blush slowly rising to his cheeks.
"Alright, how about this," Luke plopped down on the bed, facing Percy. "Every time you do a math equation, you'll get a five minute makeout session."
Percy seemed to like that idea. Immiedately, the Son of Poseidon set to work, his arms working furiously, continously hitting buttons on his calculator, his eyes darting back and forth, and the pencil scribbling on the textbook.
"DONE!" Percy exclaimed, having done all of the ten questions. Luke smirked.
"50 minutes of kissing, Percy?" Percy blushed furiously, trying to avoid Luke as best as he can, sweat beading his forehead.
Luke smiled, leaned in and gave Percy his promised makeout session.