"Say you'll wait for me, Liv. This isn't hypothetical anymore. This is real. It's happening. I'm going to divorce her and marry you," Fitz said. "Say you'll wait for me. Wait for me, Liv." While she spent the next week thinking about whether or not to wait for him, something had to happen.

"Screwing your mistress is one thing, but marrying her… that's political suicide," Fitz told her. His words stung her each time she thought of him. This was daily of course, sometimes even hourly. It was awful how the words he said months ago. She told him she would wait for him. Wait for him to divorce the biggest witch in D.C. The only one who held them back from being together. Mellie was the only problem that they had.

Olivia sat in the church after Verna's funeral. What could possibly be between them that he would call her a mistress? He NEVER called her mistress and wanted to kill anyone who called her that, sometimes even her. After an hour Olivia decided that whatever Fitz's problem was, she would think about it later. Liv went back to OPA and chose to work her way through all of it. Working would get her mind off the current events. Fixing anyone else's problem was what she could handle. Her problem's she couldn't take.

A few weeks had gone by and Liv hadn't heard anything from Fitz. Truth be told, she didn't really want to hear anything he had to say. Nothing he could say would make up for calling her a mistress. She sat in her office and ran the words through her head again. As she was thinking her phone began to ring.

"What?" she answered the phone.

"Meet me in the park in twenty minutes." Then the line went dead.

Olivia picked up her purse and put on her jacket. Liv walked through the park sitting in the same seat she always did for meetings. She waited a few minutes for him to show up.

"I'm being followed," he told her.

"Not my problem. Why am I here?"

"You're being followed."

"I don't care. Let him follow me. There's nothing for him to find."

"You don't get it. He's having you followed. He knows every single step you take. He's getting updates about you hourly. The guy, whoever he is, walks into all our meetings and hands him a folder of a minute by minute of what you do and where you're going. He's keeping a tally of how many times I see you," he told her.

"Cyrus, I do not care! And I'm not even sure why he cares. He knows about Defiance, that I am sure of. I don't know how he knows but that he does know. We were wrong to keep it from him but we were wrong to begin with in doing it. I don't know what information he's getting and I don't care."

"He loves you. You and he are supposed to be but I keep standing in the way. He loves you. You have to remember that. You have to care. Liv, he calls you the love of his life."

"He called me a mistress! He doesn't love me. Fitzgerald Thomas Grant the Third does not love me. He never has. I was some side thing that he needed. An itch he had to scratch. I do not matter to him. I never have and I never will. So him keeping tabs on me is whatever he wants to do. Because it doesn't matter. He can watch me all day. Get all the information on me he wants. All he's going to see is that I'm working. I have nothing to hide. When he sees that you and I met today, which by the way the agents behind you will probably tell him the second you get back to the White House, he'll ask you what we were talking about, maybe even ask how I am but you can tell him that it does not concern him. How I am, how I am doing, what I am doing is not any of his business anymore. On a happier note, how are James and Ella?"

Cyrus took out his phone and showed her a picture of Ella. "James sends me a picture of her every hour. I am supposed to ask you though. Will you be Ella's godmother?"

"Sure, I'm not religious a lot but I'm sure I can figure the whole godparent thing out. Who is her godfather?"

"James hasn't decided on that. He just asked me to pick her godmother. There's no one I trust more than you with someone so close."

"Thank you Cyrus. I'll call James later and set up a lunch date. Have a nice day, Cy." Liv got up and walked away. There was no doubt that the agents following Cyrus would tell Fitz about their conversation. They were close enough to hear every word that both she and Cyrus said. But she didn't care.

Olivia went back to OPA and dove back into work.