Omg I'm soo sorry! I know this chapter took forever. But I have an the below if you care for it.
I got really sick for like two weeks, during the same two weeks I was going to be interviewed for my new job and I had hardly any time to write. So I took a week to catch up on the story but my computer was being a b*tch and it froze so I had to shut it down for a couple of days. When I turned it back on it had erased the chapter effectively pissing me off! But! Before a healthy being, before a working adult... I am a proud fangirl! Therefore I must write!
Anyway, the important thing is that it's already here!
RR (Response to Reviews):
Blueeyeswhit3: I know I do too ^-^
Ame Ichiya: Haha my eyes were glowing while writing it! :D it was like "let's put this. And this. And this! Kyaan~ no stop it Levi!"
rivetraa: The feels indeed *^*
There's prickling on the window. I don't know what it is… water drops; faint at first but they became stronger by each passing moment until it was pouring. Time stood still and the sound of rain drops landing on the window filled my ears. Levi kept looking at me, motionless; then without warning, and without asking, he stepped inside closing the door after him.
He faced me and I let my hands go to my chest in a protective manner. "It's raining," he observed suddenly flicking his eyes toward the now moonlit window. "Were you waiting for me?" He asked and I flushed scarlet.
I looked down at my bare feet facing his leather boots, as if they would stand up in my stead. "No, I just couldn't conceive sleep." I said, too quiet for my liking. Feeling his gaze on me, I continued. "Did Krista-"
"She did," he interrupted, "but I fulfil my promises." He shifted to my left and I flinched expecting his hold. Instead, he walked around me toward the window. "It's always pouring in this place. So depressing." As I turned, I saw that he was observing the water drops thoughtfully; with his straight posture and his hands behind his back, he indeed looked like the commander of a once great Vulician ally nation. But there was an air of quality and gracefulness about him that just fit him well with his prince persona. So he's not here to assault me. He turned then, glancing over at me as if he'd read my thoughts. "But, I suppose that's a good thing." He smirked. "After all, this is the three-hundred-thousand acres."
I thought about this for a moment. If this land was the one that belonged to Veulicius, and it was pouring this hard, then that means we're close to the Veulician-Incelestinian border. "We're close… to home." I whispered to myself but he heard it.
Knowing what I was thinking, he started to walk toward me. "You're my lover now. You can't return to being Veulicianmaid."
"When did I agree to such a thing?" I started to panic.
"When you responded to me," he said coolly as if it was the most normal thing. "Yet, you won't give in to what you want." He thought aloud. "I wonder why."
Trying to get him out of thinking, because I knew that if he scrutinized the matter any further he would find his answer, I said: "How dare you insult me?" he looked up, clearly unsure of what to make of my words. I explained further "A lover? Why sir, I wouldn't comply with being something as disgraceful as your lover; although I am but a simple nurse I have my pride." I stated obstinately. "I've never… let a man in my life and I won't be anytime soon as the situation stands."
He walked toward me then and my breathing stopped as my skin chilled all over. He stopped right in front of me. "You won't huh..?" he repeated to himself, teeth bearing like a predator ready to attack. "Then I'll have to make you." He reached forward bracing me to him; my hands caught in between our pressed chests and I was unable to free them. And then, I felt it: he bit me, right on my ear. It was an insane feeling, painful yet, the bliss could almost cover up the ache. Levi made sure not to rip through the skin but he still clenched his teeth damn hard. Heat was coursing through my veins as Levi's teeth glided back and forth on the surprisingly sensitive tissue.
"Ahhhh.. stop… what are you- aaahh.." What's happening? "How on earth is this so fucking arousing?" Without realizing it, I had thought aloud. Not that that was the most important thing in my mind right now.
I felt his lips widen against the skin on my ear while he ginned, bearing his teeth even more. This time, his voice, deep and low, was added to my exquisite torture. "I discovered this back in the cell." He sounded please with himself.
"Mm-ahh!.. nnm.. stop …hah.. talking.." My legs trembled each time his tongue thrust forward to pronounce some words.
Not listening, he went on with his explanation. "You responded fairly quickly when I complimented your fragrance, whispering close to your ear." When each painful word made a sound, I could feel myself becoming weaker, pushing my body harder against his. I gripped Levi's shirt, unable to stand on my own any longer.
"Levi-" He stopped. Had I said the magic word? More like the magic name. He leaned back endeavoring to get a look at me. I saw his large pupils gaze at me, I knew I was panting hard; he bit his bottom lip and his intentions became crystal clear to me.
"No..." I tried to move away his arms but he wouldn't budge.
"I've had it." He reached down and cupped the back of my knees with one arm as he supported my back with the other, swiftly bringing me up in his arms. He walked the short distance to the bed and climbed in before setting me down. I sat back up and attempted to push him off me. Instead, he grabbed my hands as they swung in midair effectively lacing his fingers through mine. "You see Petra," he leaned closer to my face, "I came here tonight with the intention of taking you. I planned on holding you until the sun rose or well, until you're body gave out." Hearing this, my insides started their clenching; aching at the reasoning of each word.
"You might be able to force me but my Veulician heart will always fight you." I tried to sound as strong as possible with him so close to me.
"That's the thing," he responded, almost excitedly, "When you call someone's name like that, you should prepare yourself for the consequences. I desire you completely, to the point that I need to hear my name fall from your lips every day. It's not just your body anymore; I want more." He pulled back our intertwined fingers making me fall flat against his chest. "I will make you fall for me." He let go of my hands and with his right hand he cupped my face looking deep into my eyes.
"There's no way." I assured, but he didn't back down. "You can't force love."
"You're right." He said softly, pulling at my chin with his thumb to get my mouth open. "Guess I'll have to earn it. So for now, I'll give you this." He leaning in tongue first, and kissed me. I pushed his chest away while his arms went around mine searching for the line of buttons on my pajama. Nimble fingers undid all five buttons quickly and brushed down the collar so gently that I almost believed he truly cherished me. Impossible. In a matter of seconds, he had undressed me, so I was lying on the bed and my strength was almost gone. I covered my breast with my hands as he gazed at me. Grabbing my feeble wrists, he effortlessly managed to expose my breasts to him, welcoming his mouth. Levi slowly started tracing wet kissed from my neck, down to my breasts, my stomach, over my abdomen causing me to arc my back in a futile attempt to handle the intensity of his touch.
"Ahh.. please…mmmn.." I begged, unsure of what I was pleading for.
Levi slowly pulled my legs up and started kissing the inside of my thighs, sucking and taking deep breaths as he went. In one swift movement he removed my lingerie and parted my legs wrapping a hand around each thigh. I gripped the sheets as I felt his hot breath on my sex; he looked at me, eyes wanting. "Pretty." He said softly, and with that he lowered his head.
"Ahhh!..haah…h-aah.." I felt his wet tongue on me, slowly at first but soon his pace increased. My whole body tingled, frantically searching for something but I didn't know what that something was. I began swaying my hips slightly to the merciless rhythm of his tongue while incoherent sounds escaped my mouth. In a desperate need to be in constant motion, I pulled my feet up on his back, rubbing back and forth, one foot after the other; before I knew it, my hands were on his hair pulling desperately asking for something. He groaned against me and this made me moan in response. Just then, he started circling around faster and I felt my insides begin to tighten.
"Som- something's…. ahh.. coming…mmn..ah-!" I convulsed in an overwhelming wave of pleasure. I felt my orgasm explode and spread throughout my body in multiple doses. Arching my back I let go of Levi's hair and practically yelled his name in ecstasy.
Slowly my body settled down but my breathing was heavy still. Soon, I began to feel drowsy and sleepy; Levi crawled next to me then hugged me tightly from behind, nuzzling my neck with his nose. "I would've loved to make the last," he whispered next to my ear, "but you pulling my hair made me almost lose all control." He sat up, grabbing the sheets and covering both of our bodies.
I could only purr and he chuckled making me shudder slightly. In my sluggish state, I thought I heard him whisper: "My princess."
With his arms around me, the warmth of his body, and the soft sheets, I quickly drifted off into a sound sleep.
I slowly opened my eyes to find myself in completely different room. When I tried to move I discovered that there was a certain weight comfortably pressing me into the mattress. Slowly and carefully, I wiggled out of Levi's embrace and looked over at his sleeping form. He laid chest down on the bed, one hand stretched out over me, and for the first time I could look at his rest expression. He wore that ever tragic sad furrow in between his brows, his dark eyelashes casted a soft shadow over his cheek bones and his mouth was slightly open, his back rising with each inhale.
I looked down and saw that he was naked! Well, not entirely naked only his back and legs were bare. His behind was hidden under the sheets. Without realizing it, I was staring. For a man so short, his muscles sure were well built; his back muscles were deliciously curved at all the right angles and the sun light coming from the window complimented his soft white skin, shading it in a soft golden glow. I despised myself for feeling this hunger toward his body but I couldn't help admiring how alluring and seductive it could be. "You want to touch me." I jumped at the sudden sound of Levi's voice. I glanced at him and saw him looking at me knowingly and I flushed at being found out.
"That's not it. I was just noticing that you were naked." I tried not to stumble over any words.
He sat up then, allowing me a great view to the most naked I had seen his body yet. Levi lifted the covers from his mid-section allowing me to see that he was wearing tight, black boxers that hugged his small waist and V line enticingly. "I'm not completely naked." he grinned and looked at me. "You on the other hand…"
I looked down to see what he was talking about. My stomach and my chest were bare, my breasts perked up in his direction. Not only was I topless but I also wasn't wearing anything underneath, not even underwear. Good God. Did we do it? No, I'm certain we didn't. My body feels fine. I hastily gripped the sheets, covering my chest, and looked around frantically. I spotted my pajama by the foot of the bed, neatly folded. I quickly reached for it and jumped off the bed pulling it on, anger suddenly coursing through my veins.
He got off the bed and started pacing toward me, but before he could reach me I walked toward him. "How could you?" I asked accusingly while pushing his shoulders in a challenging way. "You went to a lady's bedroom in the middle of the night and touched her." I tried to sound disgusted but I was too nervous because of how close he was.
"I'm sorry if I've given you a bad impression, but I promise you I carry no ill intentions." He sounded sincere and… persuasive. "Petra… I mean to marry you… once you accept me." He sounded expectant.
I stood still, unable to believe what I was hearing. "There's no way. I will not comply with such a thing. Go find yourself a more suited match." It was ironic really. He was a Prince and I was the enemy kingdom's Princess. There would never be a more inadequate yet more fitting match.
"Petra, to me, you are a princess," I flinched at his words but he either misinterpreted the meaning or simply didn't see it. He continued. "I don't care for the fact that you are a Veulician."
"Sorry, but I am not marrying you."
"Petra," ignoring his pleading tone I walked to the door and made my way into the hallway. I turned right, ready to walk back to my room but right then, I heard Krista's voice. She was talking to someone and she sounded desperate, like she was in trouble. Well, trouble wasn't the right word… "Master Eren, please. Master Levi must be waiting for me." I peeked from the corner and saw Eren trapping Krista against the wall, his arms resting on it while she gripped his shirt. She looked embarrassed yet she didn't seem to dislike it.
"There's no one here, call me Eren. Levi has that girl with him right now, he won't mind. In fact, I'd dare say he'd prefer to be left alone."
"E-Eren, this isn't the right place-" Eren suddenly kissed her and she hummed in surprise. Reluctantly, she pulled her arms over his neck, pushing herself up as he hugged her small waist tightly. In front of Eren, Krista looked so fragile and small she practically had to tiptoe to his lips. Suddenly, he reached down and cupped each leg pulling her up to straddle him. With his body pressed against hers and her body pressed against the wall, their kissing became much more fierce and needy. I felt as though I was witnessing something very intimate and I shouldn't be watching it.
Carefully, I backed away toward Levi's room and closing the door in front of me I felt Levi behind me before he spoke. "So you saw it." He said. I turned to find him standing hardly a foot away from me; he already had pants on and had a collar white shirt in his right hand.
"You knew? And you don't mind?" I asked while he put one arm into his shirt and looked over at me.
"Well, I've caused enough pain to the brat. I don't want to pile up any more hate." He pulled the other arm into the shirt. "He's my brother after all."
He fixed the shirt and straightened the collar. I grabbed the edges of the shirt. "What do you mean by pain?" I started to button up his shirt and he let his arms drop to his sides, allowing me to dress him.
"I killed our mother." He spat out without hesitation. I stopped on the third button, unable to believe what I was hearing.
"What?" I killed our mother. "Why?"
"Because," he said thoughtfully. "I believed she was a traitor." Levi then looked at me, trying to catch some sort of reaction.
There was a small pause, then, I decided to ask him something I'd been wondering for some time.
"Why did the king call for you?" I asked, feeling as though I was about to hear something intriguing.
He looked at me, scrutinizing my face, and then slowly answered. "Apparently, King Dot Pixis has sent a large troop over the border. They seem ready for a battle." Father. He's looking for me. There was one more thing I'd been curious to find out.
"What did you refuse King Erwin?"
"As the eldest son, I'm the successor to the throne. I told him that I didn't want to be the next king.
This certainly startled me. "Why?"
"Becoming the king requires me to give up my position as commander. I can't do that. My men trust me and honestly I wouldn't trust anyone with the job."
"What about Eren?"
"Erwin hasn't gotten along with Eren since mother's death and Mikasa doesn't want it either. Her reasons are a mystery to all of us. Besides, he wouldn't trust her with it because even though he loves her, she reminds him of mom." He looked sad to mention her.
"Why… did you kill her?"
"She fell in love." He paused, "with a Veulician man." I looked at him. Shock clearly written on my face but still, I wouldn't say anything. Seeing as I wasn't responding he continued. "I perceive things differently n-"
"Why am I here, Levi?" I said without any taste in my voice.
He paused again and I looked up at him. He looked… confused. "I- what do you mean? Like, why are you in my castle?"
"No," I said, "why am I alive? You killed all my friends-" My voice cracked but I couldn't let myself cry. I wouldn't.
"Because I like you." My heart leaped. For a moment I considered responding to his answer lightly, but looking at his face, I thought it'd be better if I stayed quiet. "You're so strong and loyal to your king. Besides, you're the first person that doesn't treat me like I'm a walking threat, though I kind of am." He said this last part with a resigned tone. Looking serious once again he said. "You see me… I'd dare say… equally." Oh no.
"Levi, don't get the wrong idea." I responded quickly. "I behave like this because I don't like you and I could care less whether you decide to rid of me or not." I finished buttoning his shirt.
"Then why do you respond to me?"
I stopped. Why indeed? I didn't know what to say. I couldn't answer his question, but I didn't have to.
"I'll tell you why. You do like me too. Whether it's just your physical response or lust, I don't care. There's an opening. Maybe it's small, but it's there. I'll make you give yourself to me." He grabbed me then, forcing me against him as he whispered in my ear. "But… this isn't a spoilt prince's whim." He spoke gently and almost vulnerably. At this point, he was hugging me. "I want to make you loyal to me. I want you to crave death when the thought of leaving me disturbs you. I want to become your king, Petra."
What was I to say to this? Time stopped and there was only confusion. Can I accept him? I know that if I let him, this person will make me fall in love. There will be nothing to worry about; I won't be sad, he won't let me. I will certainly be loved in return. There won't be a need to marry anyone I dislike for convenience. I like Levi. I know this now. My hands went up to his neck and I held him. Should I let him know? I can give in. It'll be for the best. Father always said that he trusted my instincts… Father said that he wouldn't worry about my choices; he knew that I'd choose what's best… Father… would be devastated to find out about my betrayal.
I pulled my knee up and hit his stomach, effectively knocking the air from his lungs. With all his leftover strength, he grabbed my waist and collapsed on the floor, bringing me down with him. I writhed out of his grasp and started to get up. He was already getting up too and I made a run for the door to no avail. He restrained me from behind and I struggled once again. "Was that a no?" He was breathing heavily both from the adrenaline and from my kick.
I elbowed his exposed ribcage and he crumpled to the ground, gasping for air. "…again?" He breathed frustrated. I started to run but he grabbed my ankle causing me to fall forward. He started to climb his way up my body as I crawled toward the door. It suddenly opened revealing Krista, clearly aghast at the situation before her.
"What on earth is going on?"
A/N: Ooof! That's taken care of. Now it's time to write the good stuff :D
I promise to try my best to upload the next chapter sooner rather than later. I'm going to stop being a lazy friggin' sack of bones! xO
Thank you all for putting up with my delay and I hope you liked this chapter and that you'll like other ones yet to come. 'Till next time my little hentai doves!