This comes to honor a Secrete Santa Hiatus challenge held on Lizzington Shippers on FB. My receiver was infinitely gracious to the point that the only request made was that it would be Lizzington and Fluffy. Well here goes seeing that it is my very first attempt at fluff. Here's to you and I hope you enjoy it.

As always I don't own any thing.

(This was also kind of un-Betaed. All mistakes are mine.)

It was raining. No… not raining pouring… Hard… And Lizzie was livid.

They were stuck in the middle of nowhere Germany With a broken down SUV waiting for Mr. Kaplan to show up and rescue them. And it's not that they could wait inside the car… no, no… Red just had to live on the edge and go with a convertible… and since the car was fully electronic the Top didn't "Top". It stopped half way up… As a result Lizzie was sitting on a fence soaking wet, with the un-healthy urge to kill one Raymond Red Reddington, in between him and Dembe. As she turned around to tell him off she stopped short. Red had a gentle smile on his face. He looked so… content. And all of a sudden she was invaded with an over whelming sense of peace. Just then Red turned and looked her with bright eyes. They sat there in silence staring at each other smiling like the fools they were. I could grow old with this guy… She realized then. Her smile widened then. She giggled at Red's intrigued look. Oddly enough Dembe was the one who started to laugh. Then Lizzie and finally Red. They laughed for quite some time never looking at any one else but each other. When they quieted down Red just kept looking at her tenderly and Lizzie in turn smiled quietly.

No words were said between them but they had reached a form of agreement, whatever it was that was between them… It was in fact mutual. So that night after a stern talking to by the one and only Mr. Kaplan Lizzie didn't sit opposite Red in the big comfortable couch, but instead snuggled in to his side and sighed contently.

Red looked down at Lizzie and kissed the top of her head. Taking a deep breath he finally felt himself relax. Funny…When I said that Lizzie was my second chance… This wasn't what I had thought of. But it is infinitely better. Closing his eyes Red truly felt at peace for the first time in a long, long time.