Chapter 10 is here! Hopefully this is the final chapter!
One and a half hours later, Whispy Woods bade farewell to Willow and hopped over to the sleeping trio. He tapped them all with his roots to wake them.
"So?" asked Bandanna Dee "How'd it go?"
"Well, guys," he answered in the most serious voice, "It went... AWESOME! She was really pretty and kind, we really enjoy each other's company and we both have a lot in common!"
"Does she want to meet up again?" asked Meta Knight.
"Yeah, for sure!"
"Then I believe we've kept our end of the bargain, so," Meta Knight said, holding out his hand "Where's the apple?"
Whispy nodded and pointed to a large apple growing just in front of his face. "Watch." He instructed. He closed his eyes and suddenly, the apple started to swell. Slowly at first, but it soon grew much faster. You could actually see the various juices flow from the leaves into the apple, and the skin grew taunt, and mysteriously began faintly glowing all the colours of the rainbow. Finally, when the apple was nearly five times its original size, Whispy stopped. He held a root out to Kirby.
"Kirby?" he asked. "Would you do the honours?"
Kirby clambered onto the root send it lifted him to the apple. He raised his little arms and gently picked the apple, and held it triumphantly above his head. It was almost the size of him.
"Thank you, Whispy," said Meta Knight as Kirby hopped down, "Can you make your way back from here?"
"Yeah, I'll manage," he said, turning towards the sunset "Y'know, Kirby," he said "I've felt we've really bonded over these past couple of hours, I've felt we've really become friends, don't you?" he turned towards them, but by now they were mere dots in the sky. Then he noticed five of his apple were missing. "Typical'."
As the three arrived at the castle, everything was eerily quite.
"I don't here sneezing," said Bandanna Dee. They entered inside. There, seated in his throne, watching TV, was a healthy happy Dedede.
"What the?" asked Meta Knight, "Weren't you ill?"
"Hmm?" he said turning towards them "Yeah, but it turns out I didn't gave Hypersneeze, I had a milder varient called Megasneeze,and thankfully the cure fpr that was much simpler."
"Which was?" asked Bandanna Dee.
"A cheese sandwich."
There, finished! R&R to let me know what you thought!