Chapter Three: Making A Show Of It

Ib was sent into hiding, so she could never kill as much as she wanted. Then she got a thought.

'What would happen if I did that to myself? Better yet, if I did it at school?'

She laughed. Ib was so into murder, she was going to kill herself-in front of her classmates. Ib gathered up all of the materials she needed; a saw, rope, a knife, and a video camera. She even dressed up, putting on her nicest dress to be killed in.

Ib snuck into the school, avoiding all cameras and people. Peopleā€¦there were none, that day was a holiday, so no one had school. She snuck in, and sat at the back of the class. Turning on her camera, she smiled and got out her supplies.

Ib bound herself to her seat, making sure that the rope was tied tight. She laughed for the camera, picked up the knife, and proceeded to cut off her legs.

Ib never took her eyes off of the camera; even when she stabbed her eyes and took them out. She kept laughing and laughing, gurgling on her own blood, cutting away at her body with the saw and knife. Finally, her mouth cut open, one of her arms and both legs cut off and into pieces, her torso stabbed multiple times, she smiled and stabbed herself in the heart.

The next day, the students and teachers found her, and her strange confession.

"I may be dead, but it's not over.'

It was carved into her body. The camera was still rolling, and it started to glitch, static overtaking the screen. The room went dark and all the people in the room could hear was laughing, coming from the dead body.

That day, everyone in that room died.

I hear the laughing whenever someone sits at her seat. They do, too, but don't think anything of it. No one ever listens to me. No one ever listensā€¦

Of course, there's a reason for that. You see, I am Ib, and you are my next victim.

It was fun playing with you.