Hello everyone, sorry that it has been a while since I last updated, but things have been super busy here. I do hope that this chapter makes up for the lack of updates and remember to review afterwards and please no flames.

Fenrir watches as Squall runs further into the woods leading the chasing hunters away from the cave where the others were waiting. He quickly runs over to the cave and walks inside. Everyone was there waiting, and Cloud looks at him sadly. 'He's not coming, is he?' Everyone looks at Fenrir at this point making him sigh. *I am unsure, but he has given you all the chance to leave.*

Xemnas takes a deep breath before slowly letting it out. 'Squall has always been this way.' Cloud and his pack look at him. 'Even when he was brought to us, he has always gone out of his way to help us and has never asked for anything in return. Just knowing that we were taken care of has always been what he'd strive for. Now, I believe he has more to look forward to. You may be alpha Cloud, but I believe that Squall was to be as well in his old pack. He never complains and is always one step ahead of me, but not once has he tried to take the position. He is using himself as bait, not because he feels like he has to, but because he knows its our best chance of survival. He wont just give up Cloud so don't give up on him. He will return to you, but don't let his sacrifice be in vain. We must leave now.' Xemnas says.

Cloud sighs. 'Alright, let's go.' Fenrir nods and exits the cave first before the others follow. Fenrir sniffs the air before taking off towards the village with everyone following behind. They quickly move to Vincent's house to find Griever waiting. ~Quickly, before they return. Change and head to the boat. Vincent, Cid, and Yuffie wait there. ~ They change and move to the boat to find them waiting. Yuffie waves to them and they board and quickly take off. They were a quarter of a mile away from the island when Kairi gasps making everyone turn to find Squall surrounded by people. Cloud watches sadly as he is hit and falls to the ground. "There's nothing we can do. We can't reach him in time." He says quietly. They watch as the hunters pick him up and carry him away. Everyone was silent as they made their way across the ocean. It was dusk by the time they had reached land. Everyone got off and made their way into town. "We're sorry for your loss." Vincent says sadly.

Xemnas nods and they make their way out of town and back into the wilderness. They move slowly as everyone was exhausted from their long journey and all of the running they had done. No one knew what to say as they moved their way deeper into the growing forest around them. Night was quickly falling as they finally came to the den. Griever stood off to the side and watched as they settled after the long journey. The atmosphere was heavy with sadness. Griever looks at everyone, but stops on Cloud. He watched them with a slightly angry look. ~I understand that you are mad, but do not blame them. He would have done this regardless. ~ Cloud looks at Griever. 'It isn't right. He should be here! He shouldn't be sacrificing himself for us!' Griever looks at him sadly. ~You should know that Squall would have done this regardless of what anyone would have said. Cloud, if you had seen what he had you would understand.~ Cloud growls loudly startling everyone. 'I understand just fine!' Griever shakes his head slowly. ~No, you understand the loss of your parents, but not an entire pack. Let me show you his past.~

Cloud's growling stops as Griever's eyes glow brightly and the scenery changes. They were now in an area where trees surrounded them and the scent of flowers floated on the breeze.

A brown wolf was sitting in front of Cloud and watching everything. Five puppies were chasing and tackling each other in front of the brown wolf. Soon a howl ripped through the air startling the puppies and putting the brown wolf on edge. The brown wolf stood up just as more wolves joined in the clearing. 'Get the puppies to safety!' the brown wolf yells. A grey wolf moves towards the den behind them with the puppies following closely. The scene changes to the inside of the den where the pups were huddled close together while the grey wolf tried to comfort them. A noise comes from the entrance of where they were. 'Hide!' the grey wolf says softly in a feminine voice.

The pups hide in a smaller cave just behind the grey wolf. Soon a fight could be heard before yelping and a thud. The pups were huddled together, but one moved further back where it was out of sight of the opening. Soon the pups were yelping and whimpering before all was silent. The one pup left stayed there shaking, but silent as it listened to the noises outside the hiding place. Growing could be heard before everything had gone silent. The pup watched as the place where it was hiding became darker and darker until nothing could be seen. No movement or sound was heard, but still it did not move. Hours went by with no sound except its quick, quiet breathing. It seemed like forever before the cave began to lighten up again. The pup soon moved out of its hiding place only to whimper at the sight before it. Three of the other pups lay unmoving beside the grey wolf, their blood mixed together. The pup moved through the giant puddle and out of the cave to find the same sight. The other wolves of the pack were in various places each of them missing patches of fur and chunks of skin.

The pup's ears laid back sadly and its tail curled under it as its stormy grey eyes looked at the sight. The pup moved towards the brown wolf and nuzzled it gently. The pup whimpered as it continued to nuzzle the other wolf. A noise startles the pup and it looks up to see Griever slowly walking towards it. Griever looks around sadly before looking back to the blood covered pup that was huddled up to the brown wolf. ~Its alright little one. I'm not here to hurt you.~ The pup looks at him sadly. 'Everyone is gone.' ~I know little one. I had hoped to arrive before this could happen.~ The pup stands and moves towards Griever. 'Its my fault isn't it? This happened because of me.' Griever watches the pup sadly. ~No Squall, this is not your fault. Your mother and father tried their hardest to protect you.~ Squall nuzzles him gently. 'I know this happened because of me.' Griever looks at him startled. ~Why do you say that?~ Squall looks at him. 'It's because of what I can do.' Griever looks at him startled. ~What you can do?~ Squall nods sadly 'I can see the future.' Griever starts at that. ~The future!?~ Squall nuzzles him again. 'I'm all alone. '

Griever softens his gaze before leaning down and nuzzling him. ~Don't worry little one. I will take care of you until something else can be done. ~ Griever looks around again at all of the bodies sadly. ~Come little one. Let's get you out of here.~ He picks Squall up and moves away from the den. (End Memory) Everyone looks at Griever sadly. ~Now you know why he is the way he is. He lost everything in the span of a few hours. He doesn't want that to happen again. He remembers the feeling of losing everything he's ever loved and he doesn't want that to happen again. ~ Cloud lowers his head. "We're the same." He whispers. Fenrir nuzzles him gently. *Which is why you should understand how he feels. You both understand the pain of losing someone you love.* Cloud nods sadly. "I think I'm going to try and get a hold of him." ~That isn't a bad idea. Give it a try and see if he answers.~ Griever says. Cloud sighs before laying down and closing his eyes. He take a few deep breaths as he listens to everyone talk before slowly that fades as he enters his mind.

The scenery was dark and depressing which just proved how he felt at the moment. He looks around for a bit before concentrating on Squall. Before long he felt a faint energy signal and began pulling it towards him. He felt the energy manifest and began running towards it. The energy was faint still, but he could tell it was his. 'I'm coming Squall, just hold on.' Cloud quickly moves as he feels the energy fluctuate. 'Stay with me Squall, stay with me.' He finally reaches the area where the energy was and quickly looks around. He notices a faint figure lying on the ground by a river. He quickly moves over to the figure to find that it was indeed Squall. Cloud chokes back a sob as he takes a seat beside him. "Squall." He calls out softly. Squall opens his eyes and looks at Cloud blurrily. "Cloud." Squall says softly. Tears fall from Cloud's eyes as he runs his fingers through Squall's flickering hair. "I'm here Squall. I'm here." Squall looks at him sadly. "I'm sorry. I wont be able to make it back to you anytime soon." Cloud smiles sadly. "Its alright. You're alive, that's all that matters."

A tear falls from Squall's eye as he stares at Cloud. "I don't know what they want Cloud. I don't know what to do. I can't get a clear thought, everything is fuzzy." Cloud nods. "Its okay. Just don't give up. I don't care about them. I only want you home and safe. You are my mate and I only want you." Squall cringes violently. " They want me to wake up. I don't want to. Cloud, how can I get you back here?" Cloud watches as the flickering turns more rapid. "Just think of me or call out to me. I swear I will come. I love you." Squall flickers out of sight after that. Cloud takes a deep breath before dematerializing out of the dream. He opens his eyes to find that the sun had gone down and it was colder. ~I'm guessing that you had luck.~ Grieve says. Cloud looks at him. "I did." *You don't seem to be happy though.* Cloud looks to his right to see Fenrir.

"He says that he is unsure of when he will get back to us. He doesn't know what they want. He was so sad and scared and I'm insure of what's happening to him. He was bleeding and his spirit wasn't very strong. I think they're trying to break him." Griever nuzzle him gently. ~Don't worry we'll just have to wait for him to make contact again. Now, it's time we went to the den. We will be moving in the morning. If you contact him again try to stay with him as long as he is able. Fenrir and I will take care of you then.~ Cloud nods and stands up slowly along with Griever and Fenrir and together they make their way to the den. When they reach the den Sephiroth and Xemnas sat waiting for them just inside the mouth. "Are you alright Cloud." Sephiroth asks. Cloud looks at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just really tired." "Then you must rest. I have come to understand that you are the only one that Squall will be able to contact." Xemnas says. Everyone makes their way inside and settle down for the night. 'I'm waiting Squall.'