A/N: Hello again everyone! So sorry it took so long to get this chapter out! I FINALLY took the GRE and I am so glad that it is done and out of the way! I'm also happy to report that I got 12 points higher than my goal! :-D Yay!

Anyway, hopefully now I'll have some more time to work on writing since I wasn't able to for a while there. Please remember to review, I'd love to see where you guys think the story should go! I was finally arable to watch the 2 most recent episode, but the story isn't caught up to that timeline yet anyway and I won't know until I'm writing it what exactly I want to have overlapping and what I don't (this is where those wonderful helpful reviews with your guys' preferences come in!) I am going to be doing some time jumps probably in the next couple of chapters, so be ready for that :)

This chapter is going to be a short one because I just want it to posted so you guys have it, but I will be updating soon, I promise!

The Fosters were so excited to finally get to visit Callie when she woke up. She had been in a coma for 10 days when the doctors decided it was safe to begin weaning her off of the drugs, and it took another 3 days before she seemed to be waking up, but they had gotten a call first thing in the morning saying that it looked like she would be awake that day. Lena told everyone to grab breakfast and they all snagged a piece of fruit or some toast. Knowing that no one was willing to take the time to sit down and eat before they went, she smiled at Stef and let out a relieved sigh. "Alright then, let's go," she said, mirroring the excitement and nervousness that the rest of the group was feeling as well.

"We should have just a couple of people in there at a time," said the doctor on Callie's case who met them as they arrived in the waiting area. "It's very common for patients coming out of a coma to be very scared and very confused, so do whatever you can to keep her calm. She may not be able to speak and we're not sure if she'll be able to understand just yet, either. She hasn't woken up entirely, but she is starting to stir around a little and her heart rate is right where we want it to be, so it should be any time now. We have the lights dimmed in her room with the curtains drawn to help reduce the stimulation for when she first wakes up. Do you have any questions?" The doctor paused to look around at the group. No one knew how to act, they were excited to see Callie and know that she was OK, but nervous about what to say when they got in there. It was Brandon who spoke up, hoping that the doctor would answer in the negative to what he figured they were all wondering.

"Will she remember what happened? About... About the attack?" Everyone looked at Brandon, thankful that he could find the nerve to bring up the subject, and then looked at the doctor, reluctant to hear the answer.

"I can't say for certain," he began, knowing it was not the answer they zwanted to hear. "Generally with an injury like this the memory from shortly before the incident remains clouded. She may remember, but it is more likely that she won't, at least not right away-it might take a few weeks or a few months. There is some chance she may never remember, but I can't say for certain." He finished, paused again to see if there would be any more questions, but everyone just looked at the ground except for Stef and Lena who looked at each other as if having a conversation in their heads about how to deal with this. The doctor asked if they knew who would be going in to Callie's room and it was decided that Lena and Jude would go in first. Brandon desperately wanted to be there when Callie woke up, but he knew that with only 2 being allowed in it just wouldn't be possible. He would have to wait.

The doctor opened the door for Jude and Lena and then walked with them to Callie's room. They had taken the tube out of Callie's throat, but still had an oxygen mask covering her mouth and nose. Jude grabbed Callie's hand and started talking to her, hoping his voice would help her wake up and feel safe. Callie had always been the strong one between the two of them, even after what happened with Liam when they lived with the Olmsteads. After everything they'd been through he'd grown up thinking that Callie was all but invincible.

They saw occasional movement of her eyelids and a shift of her head here and there, but it was about half an hour later that Jude felt Callie's fingers squeeze lightly against his hand. He looked at Lena with excitement and she jumped out of her chair. Jude began speaking as Lena ran to the door to call for a doctor, barely able to speak through her tears of happiness.

"Callie," Jude spoke calmly and quietly. " Callie it's me, can you hear me? It's Jude. I'm here."

"Callie, we're here sweetheart," Lena added. "We're here for you, we've got you, you're alright."

Finally, just as the doctor entered the room, they saw Callie's eyes slowly begin to open. The doctor stepped up next to Jude and looked down at Callie smiling. "There are those beautiful eyes. We've all been anxious to see them!" He spoke encouragingly and quickly to try to keep her calm. They could see from her eyes that she was afraid, but she seemed to weak to do anything.

"Callie, your family is here with you, you don't need to worry. You've had an accident but I need you not to worry, you're in good hands. Callie, I need to know if you can hear me. Can you please blink twice for me if you can hear me?" The doctor paused, not getting a reaction. "Callie, my name is Doctor Paul, I am here to help you. You've been in an accident, but you're going to be just fine. I need to know if you can hear me. Callie, can you please blink twice if you can hear me?" He paused again, Lena and Jude now wearing a mutual nervous expression. They looked at Callie and after a few seconds they saw it: two slow but deliberate blinks. Lena and Jude both let out a sigh of relief and excitement as they leaned down gently to give her a hug. As they sat back up they could see a weak but beautiful smile on her face.

While Jude sat there looking at her he looked beyond the cuts and the bruises and the bandages. He ignored the machines and their beeping and whatever the doctor was saying. In that moment, seeing Callie smile... that smile told Jude he was wrong: Callie WAS invincible.