A.N. Another piece for my birthday week, this is something I believe lots of you were waiting for…

I remember people (can't pin point who, it has been too long) asking me for this story to have a lemon epilogue… well, the time has come ;}.

Warnings: lemons, smex, s*xy times, doing the 'deed', thing only grown up people should do… I ran out of indirect phrases for s*x… If you don't like it, don't even try reading this!

I Will Hold You Tight

It was summer.

Meaning hot weather, little rain, loads of free time and lots of chances to glimpse something you usually would see. That's how Law's love covered mind saw this hottest time of the year.

It was the best summer he had in his life so far. And there were one simple explanation for that – Luffy. His ex-home room teacher. Ex because Law graduated, there no longer was any student – teacher relationship bounds. Not that they stopped them before, but he felt relief knowing that no one could ban him being with Luffy anymore…

And Trafalgar was planning on using it to his fullest advantage. Starting off…

Right now.

Law got out of his musings and kissed Luffy's cheek, he didn't care that the latter was older – he was just so damn cute there was no spot for denial…

The kiss brought the smaller male's attention to the taller male. "Something's the matter?"

The younger male nodded. "Yes, this movie is more boring than I thought it will be."

"Awww? Really? I think its half good." Law raised an eyebrow and Luffy grimaced. "Fine, this is boring, do you want to do something different?" Seeing the grin on his younger boyfriend's face Luffy leant sideways, a little further from Law's side where he sat plastered up until now. "Law, there's that gleam in your eyes again."

The tattooed male leant together with Luffy making the latter lean until his back was on the couch they were sitting in Luffy's apartment. Law grinned and leant to Luffy's ear whispering. "Do you want me to tell what that gleam means?" Getting a silent nod Law continued speaking while one of his hand traveled under Luffy's hoodie. "It means that I love you so much I want to get intimate with you, do you understand what that means?" A curt nod came from Luffy. "It means-" Law placed several kisses on Luffy's earlobe sending shiver's though smaller male's spine. "that I really want to undress you and make you mine. Would you like that?"

With his last words Law bit the earlobe making the man underneath him gasp. A silent moment fell impelling Law think that his boyfriend was going to reject him, but instead he was surprised by Luffy wrapping his hand around his neck and pressing his lips for a short kiss. "Okay."

One word.

One word and Law already felt like happiest man alive, and in his mind he was – for him Luffy was perfect in every single Luffy-ish way. Scooping up Luffy into his hands and standing up Law started walking to the bedroom, if they were going to do it, they will do it the proper way. Being the smart man Trafalgar was he grabbed his back pack with himself in where just recently he started carrying a bottle of lube if such occasion should rise.

Gently putting his soon-to-be-fully-lover down, Law leaned to nibble on Luffy's neck, leaving small bites and licking them after biting making Luffy moan and writhe underneath him. Content with himself and that so far he was doing everything alright Trafalgar set on unbuttoning the older male's shirt. Just as he was half way, one hand on the buttons, other travelling through the naked chest small hand landed on his making Law look up and Luffy's face. "Is something wrong?"

Luffy shook his head smiling gently. "No, but I need to use the bathroom."

Even though he tried to maintain a serious expression blush still traveled through Luffy's cheeks as he said that. Nodding Law got up from Luffy letting the smaller male leave for bathroom with half open shirt.

When five minutes passed the younger male sat on the bed wondering if Luffy wasn't ready for this and if it was his way of saying it? Or was he so nervous he didn't dare to come back? Not sure what to do Law stood up and went to the bathroom door and after putting his ear to it, listened what his lover was doing. Hearing a running shower Law sighed with relief, maybe Luffy wasn't regretting this, but just nervous as he knew little to nothing about sex…?

Quickly deciding of what he was going to do Law opened the door and walked in, closing the said door behind him and starting to take off his clothing. Half way there he noticed that Luffy saw him and was staring at him from the wide shower cabin with wide eyes and a very big blush. Grinning younger male quickly finished undressing and slipped into the shower next to his beloved.

Kissing him lightly the ex-student couldn't help but voice his worries. "Have you changed your mind? We can do it la-…"

Trafalgar did not get to finish sentence as soft lips touched his successfully shutting him up. "I have not, I just thought that shower will ease my worries, though most probably a shower with you will ease them the most."

The tattooed male grinned and slid his hand through Luffy's slippery back. "It will be my pleasure."

Shorter male smiled shyly and leaned towards the bigger body, he was nervous, he won't deny that. He was afraid that Law may not like his reactions or that he will do something wrongly and his lover will leave him… Luffy knew he was silly about this, his boyfriend did spend quite some time to teach and explain things… and show them too, Law even gave him a book!

Luffy's cheeks became bright red remembering the pictures in the book, suddenly something brushed through his back and erection at the same time. Gasping the smaller male looked up to see a shit eating grin on his lover's face, blushing even more the older male got determined – he won't stand here doing nothing! He was a guy, not some girl who only blushes and squeals!

Looking at the collarbone just in front of his eyes smaller male decided that it will suit him and putting his hands behind the bigger back he slowly and sensually started licking through the small patch of skin. Getting a quiet growl from his lover Luffy knew he was doing it the right way and started caressing tattooed back slowly moving his with the biting. He let his hands wander across the bigger body, the small hands leaving traces on the wet skin and sliding smoothly down. Unfortunately even doing that did not distract him from the larger hands that were extracting soft gasps and silent moans out of Luffy's mouth.

Wanting to get revenge the younger man suddenly grinded to his shorter companion withdrawing a surprised moan with a quick stroke. Smaller male tilted his head up as he let his hand reach for Law's member too, just in time to see Law throw his head back, his dark locks falling on his face as his lips formed an 'o' shape with his lips. A stroke back got Luffy back from his observation as he bit Law's skin to hold out a sensuous moan.

In a blink of an eye from that the teacher found himself being pinned to a wall, finger in his butthole and a kiss on his lips. Torn between slight pain and distracting lips, Luffy melted under Law's care quickly becoming a pile of goo.

Seeing the shower no longer suited their needs Trafalgar turned off the tap, detached himself from Luffy and stepped out of the shower to take a big fluffy towel. Getting his breath and brain together the smaller, but older man followed his beloved out of the shower only to be wrapped in a towel. Protesting slightly Luffy tried to take another towel for Law, but only got scooped up in the latter's arms and carried away to the bed.

Trafalgar looked over the small cocoon he just put on the bed – light blue towel and crazy handsome his ex-homeroom teacher, a receipt perfect for his tastes.

The thought made him snort, but the moment deep blue, seemingly black eyes met brown all amusement was thrown out and only love and lust consumed Law's body. Slowly trailing a line of kissed through the lean body Law's tattooed arm found the lube he had taken earlier and slicked his fingers.

Poking Luffy's butthole with two fingers instead of the one in the shower got a reaction young adult have not expected – hands in his hair drawing his face up for a kiss. A simple feeling of delight rose in him as he understood that all the preparation beforehand was not for nothing and Luffy wanted to participate in this as much as him. Trying to focus on his first job Law tried to battle Luffy's tongue for dominance and for the first time since their 'engagement' lost.

The small, slick muscle completely dominated Law's mouth, almost making taller male stop what he was doing. Older man happy with this new found power promised himself to try to get in control more often as Law seemed to melt above him when he added caressing hands to the kiss. Law felt small hands brush through his forearms and chest leaving burning trail behind them. But the kiss was soon broken with Law biting Luffy's lower lip and sliding down to where his fingers were working inside of his lover.

Now with three fingers in Law searched Luffy's face for discomfort or pain only finding a confused expression there. "Is something wrong? Should I wait some?"

Shorter male shook his head. "No, it's just… strange feeling, I guess, it doesn't hurt though."

Nodding Trafalgar stroked Luffy's neglected erection making Luffy moan, during that time he himself coated his own throbbing member in lube almost moaning at the holly friction. Slowly starting to push in while constantly watching Luffy's face for pain and stopping the moment he suspected something wrong Law barely held the giddy feeling from his stomach – it felt so good!

Luffy's body under him, the heat of their bodies, the unmistakable smell of sex in the air, Luffy's perfect expressions, with his eyes half lidded, mouth slightly parted and air filled with small gasps and moans. Their bodies' slick from both sweat and shower, Luffy's marked skin where he earlier left few love bites, perfect - all of it.

When the tattooed male was finally deeply buried inside his lover he groaned. "Aghhhh, 're you ready Luffy…?"

The brown eyed male slowly opened his eyelids and glanced upwards towards his lover panting feeling a little scared and giddy. "Yea… hhhhgh… sure…"

Getting his permission Law slipped out and back in groaning at the tightness and the blissful friction it created. Creating different angle with east thrust tattooed male searched for the magical spot.

"Laaaaaw!" Hearing Luffy shout out his name was all taller male needed to know he found it.

Making his thrusts harder and faster Law lost himself in the symphony of slapping skin, moans and groans sometimes mixed with cries for more.

It being their both first time Law knew they wouldn't last long, but when he suddenly felt utter bliss pooling inside of him and trying to get out he was caught unaware and started coming before he could catch himself and hold the pleasure in. not wanting to be the only one who came Law quickly fastened his pace on Luffy's erection making him come soon after.

Riding off the orgasm the two brunets collapsed on the bed next to each other, still slightly panting, sticky and exhausted. Fighting to keep his eyelids open Law wrapped an arm around Luffy, pulling the smaller male closer and kissing the top of his nose.

Luffy nuzzled into Law's cheek sighing slightly. "It was great."

Eyes closed Law smirked. "'f course it was… don't expect anything else from me…"

The older male closed his eyes slipping into blissful sleep. "Next time I'm topping…"

Law's eyes flew open only to see the sleeping form of his lover, he stared at the male for several seconds before shaking his head and closing his eyes. "Hell no, not for some time..."

A.N. I feel like this piece… isn't really the best I could have written… -_-' but I was never good at this, so I guess this is the best I can do at the moment… so, I hope you managed to enjoy this even through all that… thank you for reading! :}