Disclaimer: I do not own the Winx Club and any other patented, copyrighted material that may appear in Sting.


Chapter One

Helia leaned on the back of his chair and stared at the clock. He couldn't wait for his shift to be over. There were times when his job was full of action, moments were he went undercover to surveil dangerous people. There were even days were he evaded death! Unfortunately, he had to pay for it with days like his current one, stuck behind a desk with a mountain of paperwork to do. Nobody told him that becoming a cop came with so much paperwork. If he had known, maybe he would have reconsidered careers. Policing was in his blood though. His grandfather, Saladin, was once the commissioner. So it seemed like destiny that Helia was a Specialist in Magix City's Narcotics Unit. He doubted he'd be anything more. Despite his dreaded paperwork, he enjoyed being a Specialist.

Helia had dosed off before he heard high-pitched Italian screamed throughout the precinct. "Non voglio parlare! Non voglio parlare!" Helia looked up to see his coworkers, Timmy and Brandon carry a small, but very feisty preteen. She'd been handcuffed, but that didn't stop her from squirming and trying to kick anything in her reach. They were having a rough time with her; Timmy was red with embarrassment.

"If you don't stop, I'm going to have to put you in the cell," Brandon threatened.

"Io non parlo inglese," she spat at him. She was claiming not to speak English.

That was a lie. Her accent showed she wasn't a native Italian speaker. Helia knew it was textbook Italian because it was also his second language. He learned in college. Neither Brandon nor Timmy spoke Italian. Timmy assumed she was saying that she didn't speak English through context clues. They needed to place her in a holding cell. After seeing that the cells were occupied with older men, they put her in an interview room instead. She was combative, but none of the Specialists would feel right putting her in a cell with real criminals. She was still a child; there was hope for her. Timmy took a sigh of relief when the door closed behind him. His partner Brandon put a hand his shoulder. "Isn't she a charmer?"

Timmy laughed a little. "I can't believe she came from the Linphean district."

"Yeah... But she's lucky we arrested her. She has no street sense. I don't know what possessed her to try to sell drugs. I wonder were she got all this weed." Brandon held the gallon Ziploc bag full of marijuana. "It's a wonder she wasn't robbed or killed."

"Or suspicious." Riven grumbled. He'd come from the cribs. His sleep was clearly interrupted. "She has to be a decoy or something. Let me take a crack at her. Brat woke me up..."

Timmy shook her head. "She doesn't speak English."

Riven scoffed. "Like I said. Decoy."

"Non mi puoi tenere qui!" She wanted to be released.

"What language is that? What the hell is she saying?"

"I presume Italian," Timmy said, pushing up his glasses. "It's obviously a romance language. I know a little Spanish and it's not a match. I doubt it's Portuguese either."

Riven looked at his partner. "Helia, this one's yours."

Helia nodded and got up from his desk. It appeared his day wouldn't be boring after all. Helia walked inside and looked at the girl. She couldn't have been more than thirteen. She glared at him with electric green eyes. It was amusing to him that she tried to look tough. Pink manicured nails and lip balm didn't have a thug vibe. She probably had no idea the kind of trouble she was in. "Non parlo inglese," she said again.

"Parlo italiano. Hai bisogno di un avvocato."

Her eyes widened. She hadn't counted on the police calling her bluff. He told her she needed a lawyer. Suddenly, she realized her situation. She was in a lot of trouble. Fear ran through her. Her lip quivered. She dropped the non-English act and cried. "I want to call my sister."

Flora wasn't surprised to see the number to the Narcotics Unit on her caller ID. Part of her didn't want to answer. Anagan and his friends had gotten busted too many times for her liking. She knew from the start that he wasn't good. She was sick of him and the trouble he caused. Flora needed to end things. This call was the final straw, but she answered anyway. "You have a prerecorded message from -Miele Fata- Charges may apply. If you would like to hear the prerecorded message press one. If you would like to speak to -Miele Fata- press two. If-" Flora pressed two. She was devastated to find out it was Miele. Flora did her best to calm her down. When the call ended, she called her good friend, Bloom, a defense attorney. Her heart was racing when she went to the station.

"Excuse me, I'm looking for Miele Fata."

"Huh? Oh you mean the little Italian fighter. She's probably been processed by now. You should find Officer Helia, he's the only one who speaks Italian around here."

Flora's eyes widened. She didn't understand why they would give Miele such a nickname. She was a sweet girl. She couldn't see her fighting unless given a reason. She went further into the station and looked around. She saw a cell, but Miele wasn't in it. For that she was grateful. She looked around and finally saw Helia's desk. He was so preoccupied with paperwork, he hadn't even seen her walk up. Flora clutched her bag and cleared her throat. "Um, I'm looking for Miele Fata."

Miele's guardian finally arrived. He admitted that he was curious to see the type of woman she was. He didn't understand how any child could end up in such a situation. If she grew up in a crime ridden area Miele would have had more street sense. For Miele to get so much product and be so lost in the Linphean district, her guardian had to be neglectful. He was ready to see a monster, but instead he saw a goddess. Helia marveled at the way her brown hair flowed down her shapely back. The blonde highlights brought out the green in her eyes. Those green eyes were what took him. They were the same color as her sister's, but the older Fata's eyes were like a cat's, shapely, gorgeous and intense. He could tell she was studying him like he was doing her. He strayed to her figure. It was slender and very feminine. She looked soft; he wanted to touch her tanned skin and wrap her in his arms.

Helia swallowed his attraction and answered, "She's in the interview room. Miss..." He was fishing for a name.

"Flora. Flora Naturaleza-Fata."

"She's already been Mirandized and processed."

Flora gasped. "What has she done?"

"Possession with the intent of distribution. She was found with a couple hundred dollars and a gallon sized bag full of marijuana."

"Oh no. No, no, no..." Flora looked crushed. "This is all my fault," she said in a whisper.

Helia didn't say anything. Instead he took her to the interview room where Miele was held. The preteen's eyes lit up when she saw her sister. "Flora!"

Flora hugged Miele and kissed her sister's forehead. She pulled from Miele and looked her in the eyes, "Oh hermanita, what have you done?"

"I'm sorry. Duman wasn't-"

"Miele non hai un avvocato. Attendere Bloom." Flora said cutting her off. They had to wait for Bloom.

That peaked Helia's interest. First, he wondered why these women had a high powered lawyer like Bloom Peters. Second he wondered how they knew Duman, especially on a first name basis. If it was the same man he was thinking of, he was willing to bet Miele and Flora were in bigger trouble than he thought. Duman was a member of a group of druglords called the Wizards of the Black Circle.


Flora's eyes widened. She spoke Spanish so fast, he wasn't even able to guess what she said. She was more nervous than before. "You didn't hear anything." She turned away, "you can't use it anyway."

"No he can not," Bloom said, entering the interrogation room. The redheaded lawyer gave Flora a big hug. "Has he been asking you questions?" Flora shook her head. "Good," she turned to Helia. "Get your captain and your ADA. We want a deal and have information on someone you want."


"Trust me." Bloom commanded. Flora fell silent.

Helia went to consult Sky and thought about what Bloom said. He felt like they should play ball. If Duman was giving narcotics to kids it was something they'd have to clean up quickly. He knew it would come at a steep price. Bloom would surely cut Miele a deal. She'd probably want to get the felony charged as some misdemeanor. Bloom didn't say anything to anyone when Sky entered the room. She made eye contact with the blonde captain and gave a little smile. It was gone before he could return it. He was attracted to the redhead, but hated her job and couldn't fraternize. It took a while for their ADA, Nabu, to arrive. Once he entered, Bloom sat up and turned to him.

"My client will become a material witness in the case you're building against The Wizards of the Black Circle in exchange for immunization. She can get you his address, phone number, stash and give you information on crimes she's witnessed."

Flora looked at her friend in what seemed like panic. "Bloom, no."

"Immunization? How are we so sure that the information you're going to give me is valid or even worth it."

Bloom opened her Facebook and went to Miele's page. After looking through a couple of photos she pushed her phone to Nabu. He frowned. The picture was a selfie taken by Miele. He was driving somewhere. Duman grimaced in the picture while Miele pouted her lips. Nabu didn't like it. He was thinking the worst. They were too close. "What exactly is your relationship with Duman Décalage?"

Miele was about to answer, but Bloom stopped her. "It becomes a matter for nobody unless you're willing to play ball."

"I need more than just a selfie," Nabu said pushing the phone back to Bloom.

Bloom sighed, "how about a key?"


"My client takes care of Mr. Décalage's pets while he's away. She's a frequent guest and had could access every room in his apartment."

"Is this a matter for Special Victims?"

Miele had send enough television to understand what he was asking. "No. Eww. Duman's my friend."

Nabu sighed. "I'll play ball, Bloom, but only it's conditional. Miele makes a statement on Duman and helps us tap his phone and we'll look the other way on this."

"Agreed," Miele and Bloom said at the same time.

After everything was signed. Miele hugged Bloom before latching to Flora's side. She was embarrassed as she walked towards the door. The other cops were looking at her. She had definitely changed from the deviant they brought inside. Flora rubbed Miele's head and walked expertly despite the preteen's grip. She was probably used to it. Flora stopped walking and turned to Nabu. "Thank you, we will be there. You have my word..."

"No, thank you. She'll help put some bad men in prison for a long time."

Flora seemed a little disturbed by that. "All of them?"

Helia's interest peaked. He wondered why she asked that, Nabu patted Flora's shoulder. "Yes, all of them. Please don't worry. These are Specialist. They will make sure you and Miele are safe. In fact, we'll escort you home."


"You should do it Helia." Sky told him. Helia knew why. He knew there was more that the Fata sisters were not telling them. Since Helia wasn't known in their district and spoke their language, he saw it fit to take them. Helia wordlessly motioned them to follow him. They got into an unmarked car and he turned to them. "What is your address?"

"It's the same as Duman's we just live on a lower floor."

Helia nodded and continued to the apartment. The day proved too much for Miele and she fell asleep. Flora put a hand on Miele's head and looked out of the window. She was biting her perfectly manicured, cotton candy nails. Her mind was elsewhere. 'What are you hiding?' Helia thought. He turned his focus back on the road. He drove into her complex and looked for her building.

"Please stop here." Flora's attention was still outside when she said it. Helia didn't question it and parked the car. "Hermanita, estamos aqui..." Miele groaned, but opened her eyes. Flora turned her attention to Helia and found he was looking at her. His gaze was hard, strong and very intimidating. He was analyzing her again. Flora blushed once she locked onto his dark eyes. "W-what is it?"

"Your last name, Fata, is Italian, but your Spanish... You're a native speaker."

Flora nodded. "Our father was Italian. My mother is Colombian."

"Interesting..." Helia was intrigued, but he stayed focus. "I'll let you go here. Be safe."

"I will." Flora got out as soon as Helia opened the door. She almost ran into him. "Sorry."

"It's okay."

Flora nodded. Miele noticed their interaction and frowned. "Flora..."

The brown skinned woman turned from him. "We will be there. Goodbye Officer Helia." Miele led her sister away. Flora looked back at him with lingering eyes before she disappeared into her building. Helia contemplated that last look before heading back to the precinct.

Helia returned with his mind still on Flora. There was something about her. It just wasn't right. There were so many questions unanswered. He wondered how they'd gotten into their situation. According to the statement. It was because they were neighbors. It still seemed odd. Why did Flora let Miele take care of a stranger's household? Why now did Miele feel inclined to steal from them? What would happen after Duman noticed the money and stash gone? He didn't like it. He got to his desk to see Riven waiting by it. He had a serious look. "What's up?"

Riven folded his arms, "After you guys left, I did some searching on the background of those girls."

"Their records are clean."

"I know that. I spoke to one of my informants. And that chick, Flora, is the girlfriend of Anagan."

Helia took a moment to let that absorb. "Wow..."


Helia shook his head in disappointment. 'How could a shy, sweet girl date someone so evil?' Anagan had a record longer than his arm; he also had many accusations that they hadn't made stick. He wasn't wrong when he called Anagan evil. Anagan was a thief, kingpin and a murderer. His reputation alone should have kept the Fata sisters away, but it explained why they knew so much and couldn't leave. He sighed, "Everything makes sense now."

Almost everything...

(A/N) I had many variations of this story before deciding on this one. It's my first Winx canon so it's definitely a crime story more than romance.

Next Chapter: Helia goes to Flora's job to talk to her.