As we climb the stairs, we pass a small mirror and there's a flash of blood red and hot pink. I chew at my lip, instantly flashing on my mother's eyes and father's hair. Then I imagine what their life would be like if I was just suddenly gone. The steps quickly come to an end, and I'm left staring out of a window at a gray sky.

"Man, it's probably going to start raining again." I sigh, looking out of the window at a small garden. There are roses of all shades littering bushes of varying shapes and height.

"Good thing I covered my bike." Jack sighs, looking out at the impending downpour.

"Guys! That new painting has to be around here somewhere. I didn't see anything that looked too special downstairs." Jeff practically squirms, looking around as if he's starting to get excited. It always takes him a while, but he loves art galleries more than anyone, even without a favorite artist.

"Yeah. I see reserved seat down there." Jack chuckles moving towards the statue of a couch. We pass a small grouping of headless statues wearing pretty dresses, and I glance for the name. 'Death of the individual.'

The white couch with strange red vines around the back stares at me and I chew at the inside of my cheek. I can hear a commotion from down the hall which pulls my attention to a group of girls as they mention someone being super handsome.

"We should go around, that way we don't get harassed by a group of girls." I chuckle, remembering the last time this pair of boys walked near a group of teenage girls.

"Good idea. I like these clothes." Jeff lets out a shiver, as if reliving that moment was truly torture for him.

As we turn the corner I catch a glimpse of, 'The Hanged Man,' a look of pain playing over the man in the painting's features. I let out a small sigh, staring at some of the paintings as we pass them. And while there are definitely less people on this floor, there are still a good few that are basically pressing themselves against the wall to look at the paintings. As we get close to the next turn, I can almost recognize the top of a woman's head in one of the more well-known pieces.

Turning another corner, there are a few statues. I can see a giant ball with swords sticking out of it, a tree with rainbow strings hanging from its' branches and a blue figure that's melted, though I can't see any good details from where we are. Then I realize that there are a bunch of girls running around, that seem to have had a similar idea to our little group, only to go the opposite direction.

Before I can suggest maybe going back around in the other direction, one arm wraps itself gently around my shoulders, carefully squeezing at the mound of bone and muscle, while another arm wraps itself around my arm, and we are being led forward by the towering muscle mountain. Somehow, we manage to get close to each of the statues, enough to look at each detail as thoroughly as we want to, while also somehow dodging soft and warm bodies left and right. A couple of the girls in the small hallway try to stop the two males, talking over my head as if I'm not even there. The two take turns declining them, Jeff a bit more gently than Jack, who mostly just tightens his grip on my shoulder.

Somehow, the three of us manage to fall around the next corner and over the chatter; I can hear a little girl talking to her mother about a picture that looks an awful lot like a cat.

"You guys are like trouble magnets." I sigh, letting my head hang slightly as a couple of stray locks of hair fall into my face.

"Well, that's why you're here. To keep us safe." Jeff giggles, looking at a painting of the view on a hill.

"Jeff… She's here because we like her." Jack sighs, glaring at the shorter man.

"And here I thought it was because I make you both feel taller." I sigh myself, jokingly waving my hand right above my head. "Besides, I doubt they even see me as a threat."

"We can't help that you're as tall as a ten year old." Jeff chuckles as I slowly pull myself back together from the experience.

"I'm taller than a ten year old! I'm well over a meter tall, I'll have you know." I grumble as I start to wander down the hall to where the group of girls had been before we'd run into them in that hall.

"A meter and a half doesn't count!" Jeff chuckles as he composes himself and Jack just sighs from beside him.

"It totally does!" I sigh as I take the lead in the slightly empty hallway. "This has to be the area, right? Everything everywhere else was a pretty well-known piece."

"You're right. But I wonder why it's so empty here." Jack muses aloud as he walks slowly behind me, yet easily keeps up. It must be nice to be almost 2 meters tall.

I easily scan each of the passing plaque and painting; I feel my curiosity starting to bubble up. "I wonder…" A smile slowly creeps along my lips as my eyes land on the name in question. "Just what does this, 'Forgotten Portrait,' look like?"

My gaze slowly starts to wander up, following the contours of vines covered in thorn and brilliantly vivid blue roses. Then the neutral tones of a boys clothes, pale skin glowing as if a light shines directly on it while the rest of the area is shrouded in pure darkness. Then the shock of Lavender sends a rather large boulder falling through my chest, to my stomach, then the floor. The air around me is suddenly very warm, as if my entire body has just frozen solid.