.hacker Magician Smoke

Chapter 15

Roll a Dice with a Gun

His name was smoke. That's what they called him. He was indistinct. Shrouded in a shifting of darkened colours. Like fog – or Smoke she supposed.

The smoke didn't have a taste or flavour – not even like fire so the vapours must have been harmless. But for the monsters. The taste was like death itself. As soon as he appeared in a wave of darkened light. Splashing out in black smoke.

Smoke stood.

The monsters. These Death Eaters. Men in bad heath and even worse clothes. Raggedy black robes and masks. Dirty white. Like a skeleton that had spent time underground. They didn't even wear pants. She knew that. Unfortunately, as they had shown off their underwear as they opened their robes.

These monsters. These. Death Eaters had pulled out disgusting dirty… things. And they tore frantically at her school uniform, tearing away her blazer, blouse, and skirt.

They leered while she cried and screamed. She begged them. Pleaded with them. They laughed. They jeered. They called her names. Some of which she didn't understand.

Things like this didn't happen in real life, did they?

Ignorance was a fanciful dream she no longer had.

There was only five men. They chased her down an alley while she ran. They had all appeared out of nowhere. Literally. She could still hear the screaming from her small snowy town.

She wasn't the only one in trouble. No one would rescue her. No one could.

She had seen it. They had powers.

Unbelievable powers.

The Death Eaters spent a few minutes torturing her.

She screamed like nothing else. She was only in her panties and bra by that time. And they were a little on the lacy side. Purple. She liked purple. But she still had her white knee socks and black shoes, but that wasn't any consolation at this point.

So all of that mattered not. It was a pain like nothing else when that orange light invaded her body.

Embarrassment was gone. Everything was numb but the agony.

Terror. Pain.

She wanted to die. Even the cold of the day and snow couldn't dull the pain as she couldn't feel her breath, or catch a fresh gulp of air.

Only fifteen years old – and Candace (Dice to her friends) Eriksen screamed and begged for death.

That was when he arrived. Dice shuddered for breath, flopping back and crying as she lay and whimpered on the cold floor. Tears spilling from her green eyes and sown her bright red cheeks staining her skin.

The sun was setting behind Smoke. It made for an impressive sight. Darkness and power curled around him. Like he was entwined with the goddess of death.

Smoke's clothes seemed alive, flowing and ebbing out and back in a breeze, cold and collect.

He stood and watched. Eyes of blackness from within the dark of his hood with a cold smoking mask around his mouth and nose with deep veins leading out from his eyes.

The sun set while he stood and watched, swallowing the light and darkness around them.

It was the Death Eaters who said his name.


It was a whispered word. Fear shook within the man's voice. His every utterance of that word.

That name.

The Death Eaters were terrified.

The Death Eaters turned to flee the other way.

The Death Eaters stopped shakily as if they were soon to lose control of their bladders; their bowels.

The Death Eaters were trapped. Two others stood watching from the other end of the alley. They wore all black. High-tech body armour with their eyes covered with dark mirrored glasses curving their eyes like some kind of VR or AR visor from a Sci-fi movie based in the near future. And there was something about them. Something indistinct.

Dice couldn't see them properly.

The Death Eaters went to fire something. Anything from their little sticks. But they stopped as one of the men stopping them from fleeing. He held a black handgun.

The bullet tore through the first Death Eaters forehead with such simple uncaring ease.

The Death Eaters collapsed.


Dice couldn't even vomit as all but one of the Death Eater's were gunned down by the two men.

Smoke hadn't moved until then. Dice was surprised when she looked round. She had stopped crying but her breathing was ragged and uneven. Smoke was standing next to her as the final Death Eater tried fleeing.

The last Death Eater ended up with Smoke's left hand wrapped around his throat, lifting him from his feet.

The Death Eater was fat with crap stained underpants; he was crying. He screamed that he had children to look after. A family.

Then. Dice heard Smoke talk. His voice was cold and modulated. Rattling in the cold of his dank shadows as his eyes stared with burning bright red like burning blood through the darkness.

He was furious.

"No!" Smoke said coolly. It was with a calmness that contradicted the rage of those eyes. "Even if your bull-shit were true. That it is not. I would not let you free. This girl deserves retribution," he said as he pulled the Death Eaters little stick from his hand.

Smoke snapped the stick and threw it away at the same time he threw the Death Eater hard into a wall. It with enough force to knock the wind from the disgusting man's lungs; and most of the life from his body as he threw up blood, chocking and shaking with piss and shit running down his legs. The wall behind his back cracking with the force before he slid down to whimper, choking up blood from his knees on the floor.

The Death Eater slumped, whimpering and sobbing. Tears and blood trailing through his mask.

Dice startled as she was pulled up from the floor. Smoke held her. His eyes locked onto hers. That blackness diving into the green of her eyes, cool and deadly – like death itself stared out at her.

His power. Wow. Smoke's power. It caressed her. Seeped through her as he brought her closer, standing before the Death Eater.

He was a god above gods.

Dice felt the cold metal sliding between her fingers as the two men appeared either side of the Death Eater, tearing off his mask and pulling him to him up barely off his knees.

He was just a coward. A man in a mask. In that moment he lost everything he wanted to be. Now he was a nothing. This Death Eater was pathetic. He. It was a waste of humanity.

Smoke's men pressed the Death Eater forward until his forehead touched the cold metal of the weapon. The handgun she held tightly between her small fingers.

Dice wasn't wearing any glasses, but she saw through her haze of unreal as she was clothed again. This time in body armour similar (to Smoke's men) but shapelier around the waist, curving to her nicely sized breasts – her deep black hair tied back out of her eyes.

"Kill him," Smoke said uncaring as he wrapped his arms around her from behind; leaning down to whisper in her ear.

Smoke's arms and fingers brushed and caressed at Dice's armoured arms until his hands carefully cupped hers, holding her aim steady – true. But point-blank. She knew she couldn't miss. That the moment she pulled the trigger she would become a murderer.

Dice shivered as she stared into the terrified face of the man who tortured her. He was old and filthy. His robe was still open, and his dirty underpants were barely pulled up in his haste to flee – covered in crap and piss.

The Death Eater wasn't having fun any-more.

Dice pulled the trigger before she realised what she was doing.

The gun clicked.

The Death Eater was still alive.

The Death Eater allowed relief to cloud him for a moment before he saw something.

Dice could feel it. The bullet revolving unmoving in the barrel. It was like something from a movie.

Time paused just long enough for the man. The monster to realise he was already dead.

He had died the moment he attacked Dice's town.

"No!" The Death Eater only managed that one word before the back of his head blew out and his brains were splattering the wall behind him and his body collapsed lifelessly as the men holding him up let him drop.

Dice's fifteen years of innocence crumbled unpleasantly as she let the gun fall from her fingers and cried in the arms of a Mystical being.

The arms of Smoke.

.hacker Magician Smoke

Harry felt as fresh as… well a fresh person after a refreshing cool shower. It was Christmas day and he had quite a few friends. Many of which were girls. Some of (well all of) the gifts his girls got him were quite – interesting would probably be the right word to describe the things they let him do to them during the day. Apparently, it was difficult to buy something for a guy who had everything – and then some.

Though, Harry had been genius in his gifts as he knew that girls loved clothes (or at least most of his did). Therefore, Harry bought a lot of sexy lingerie of different varieties for all his girls. That way Harry got to enjoy them anyway – just thinking – Daphne and Astoria in matching see-through…–

Harry got them other things too. Some nice jewellery and things technologically awesome that he thought they might like.

Harry gave gift cards for lessons in something or tracks days or a weekend break – whatever Harry managed to weasel out of everyone else that they would like. (For his non-bedroom friends as Luna once called them while being her adorably loopy straight-faced loving self).

Actually, it was easy to find out what kind of fun activities his friends liked or wanted to try. For some reason they didn't think it was weird for Luna to ask them about things like that but when Harry tried he got suspicious looks. That was no fair. Did they all expect him to be Phishing for info just because he had never shown an interest in things like "he shuddered" fishing before?

How Seamus could readily admit that he enjoyed fishing with his dad was beyond Harry's intellect. Maybe he just enjoyed sitting down by a lake and… who knew?

But then Harry couldn't and shouldn't speak as he had introduced Dean, Seamus, and Neville to the art of ruining a good walk with golf. But there was just something therapeutic about thwacking the golf ball and hoping it hit the arsehole he may or may-not have been aiming at. The skill that kind of aim took was kind of mind-bending. Normally hitting someone with a golf ball would be a fluke accident; Harry was turning that into an art as those idiot Durmstrang boys (well a few of them) still wouldn't get the message.

How could they have been that stupid. Did so many years of doing their sisters and close cousins to keep "pure" destroy their self-preservation instincts completely.

Did they enjoy dying with their own heads shoved up their arseholes? Maybe that was a fetish of theirs or something?

Harry knew that civilisation had dulled human senses (and most people's common sense – magical and muggle), but this was taking the piss. Two of them were in the Hospital (not Hospital Wing), and were being deported once they were well enough to travel. They would have to live with the trauma of what happened when they crossed The Shadow.


They should have learnt what no meant. Plus, Harry was certain screaming and fighting against someone was the universal 'fuck-off and leave me alone'.

Luckily for her she didn't see what happened to the young men or she would have been traumatised herself. For some reason the thirteen-year-old Hufflepuff had passed out when this Shadow guy (who nobody was sure even really existed) turned up to put the fear of – well – him; into the bastards. He (or she…?) did a good job of that too.

That was all they could cry when they were found. But unlike Lucius they weren't going to die. Or from that rumour about Lucius Malfoy. Going to die a second time.

Harry sighed as he was kind of annoyed. Apparently, he couldn't use his apartment to shower as the girls wanted it. They seemed to not want him to see them in their dresses until he collected them – well Luna from the Entrance Hall where the others would be each other's dates, so the younger girls got into the ball as the old basket case (Dumbledore if you had forgotten) made the stupid Yule Ball fourteen years and over unless invited by an older student.

But as Harry dried himself in the Gryffindor boys' dorm he looked at the watch on his left wrist. He still had around three hours until the start of the ball and he was already – well – he would be ready in just ten minutes.

"Maybe I shouldn't have started getting ready at the same time as all the girls?" Harry suggested as he looked round to see only Seamus was in the dorm room with him and looked up from where he lounged on his bed with a Spider-Man comic book.

"Probably not, Mate," he answered, even though Harry was asking himself and the question was rhetorical.

Sighing Harry rolled his eyes and shook his head before getting dressed.

.hacker Magician Smoke

"Oh, I love your accent."

Dice was startled as she looked up at the older girl in front of her. She was a blonde of around twenty-five years old at the most? At least? She was stunning and Dice could only blush, but she couldn't stop the flowing of tears still. Her mother and father. She didn't know what happened, but they were probably dead.

Smoke had offered her a place though. To put an end to these uncontrolled Death Eaters.

A paying job to be apart of something. Something capable of putting an end to these bastard Death Eaters.

"So you're Canadian, right?" the young woman asked in delight. "Well, of course you are – we are in Canada and-."

"Levander!" The blonde woman was startled as Smoke interrupted her and placing his left hand on Dice's shoulder. "Miss. Eriksen has just lost her parents to these bastards, show some tact," he said as he gave Dice's shoulder a reassuring squeeze.

Levander squirmed as she let her eyes widen slightly. "Oh… I'm sorry," she said regretfully. "So… we're taking her in?" she asked while trying to give the girl a reassured smile but it held too much sadness.

"It-its not your fault," Dice said while straining to hide her feelings. It still didn't feel real to her.

"If you could be a dear, Levi," Smoke said with his voice no longer modulated. It was warm and held a cool note of strength and something Dice couldn't quite make out. "Take our new recruit to have a shower and clean up; she's been through quite the ordeal. Then you can let her rest up in your room while we find her a bunk in the lady's barracks."

"Oh it," Levander said with a soft smile as she allowed her blue eyes to brighten; she offered her right hand to Dice. "Come on. Don't worry. You'll be safe with me," she said.

Dice shyly reached out and took the offered hand in her left and Levander lead her on down a corridor in wherever they were as Dice didn't know as it was dark and lit by dim lighting. And to top that off they teleported in just like something from a movie. The rest of Smoke's men and women were waiting in the large cold stone chamber for them to leave, behind Smoke.

"And welcome to Orbsect," Levander said as she and Dice turned a corner.

Dice was surprised when Levander led her up out of the stone tunnel and through a large automatic metal door that they exited into a huge hall. It was bright inside even though it was still dark out. Huge flat panelled monitors were coming down from the ceiling; four of them back to back around like from an Ice Hockey stadium-.

Except on closer inspection Dice's eyes widened as she realised the screens were huge holograms floating in the air above them. They were curved in every direction and all showed the view from different angles of the huge hall they were in, even underneath when she was led forward.

"Come on, stop gawking, honey," Levander said, startling Dice as she was led onward towards some huge stairs leading up. "That is just the tip of the… hmm… I don't think iceberg quite covers it," she said with a warm smile.

Dice just gawked as they walked up the stairs. "W-where are we, exactly?"

"Somewhere in Canada," Levander said thoughtfully. "I don't actually know where we are exactly. This location is unplottable and has a powerful cloak and shield around its wards to hide it from the nomaj and other magical communities. All I know is its somewhere on the Canadian side of Alaska, or at least a few hundred miles or so.

"MACUSA are the worst at attacking us," Levander said thoughtfully as they reached the top of the stairs and took a right through a bright wooden corridor with strange paintings on the walls as if they were watching her. "They don't like us entering their territory to protect the nomaj from these rouge Death Eaters."

"So… you're English?" Dice asked shyly while Levander nodded her head. "Wait, what's MACUSA and nomaj mean?" she asked thoughtfully.

Levander smiled. "Well yes, I'm English and we actually have American mage too. But MACUSA is the Magical Congress of the United States of America. Its their hidden magical government. But they're kind of arsehats like my own Ministry of Magic. They don't like that Orbsect does their job better than them.

"As for nomaj… its the American and Canadian word for a non-magical human," Levander finished off thoughtfully. "But the Canadian Ministry is now controlled by us so they let us operate here. They don't have the power or people to stop the Death Eaters, so rely on us. Unfortunately that's strained their relationship with MACUSA."

"Oh," Dice muttered in surprise as she was led down another corridor and then into a large airy apartment. "That's… I mean… are there other normal… umm… non-magical people like me?"

Levander smiled as she closed the apartment door. "Quit a few actually… its been a long and troubling few years since 'HE' arose. And now we have these bastard Death Eaters all over the place, some of which have had power-ups. Those you met were just arseholes who run wild to take advantage and..." She trailed off to a shrug.

"Well anyway," Levander continued. "Why don't you get that uniform off and through there is the shower," she said smiling as she pointed to a side door.

"T-Thank you so much, Miss. Levander-." Dice paused as she watched as Levander started taking her clothes off. "W-why are you stripping?" she asked in shock.

Levander frowned. "Well we're taking a shower, right?" she asked as she took her top off to reveal her large firm breasts in her white lacy bra. "Come on, don't be shy now," she added while Dice gulped nervously.

.hacker Magician Smoke

Harry smiled as he moved along the dance floor with Luna within his arms gliding to the music with the world around them ignored. Luna wore silver and black clashing together into something that somehow worked perfectly together. Her dress flowing round like water as Harry moved her across the dance floor.

"Tonight is all about having fun," Harry said while Luna cuddled into Harry's arms.

"I love you Harry," she said breezily with a light smile on her pink lips.

"I love you too," he replied when the side wall of glass exploded open in a shower of glass shards. The music came to a halt as the screaming started with the world seeming to erupt around them.

Harry and Luna both had their wands out within seconds as they both shield themselves and anyone behind them from the rain of shattered glass shards.

"What is the meaning of this?" Victor Krum hissed out through the screams from nearby as his ships canons fired another volley from the lake and hit the castle. They could see it through the smoke of the broken wall out in the distance as it aimed its canons at the school.

The enchanted ceiling flickered from illusion to normal ceiling and back again for a moment while students cried out and ran for cover.

"Oh shit," Harry whispered while Dumbledore and the teachers shield the students as more canon fire hit the school in a huge explosion and the enchanted ceiling sagged as the enchantment failed.

The ceiling dropped with tiles and wood spilling in and caving, falling down towards the students screams. It was as if the world was falling down around them.