Read this new 2015 A/N and tell me if I should update/edit story or not!
Tis was updated on whatever day this is in March 2015. The only update was that I added in the chapters from the second book into this one. Like, having the sequel made no sense! Anyway, if you want me to Update/Edit the story, I might. It depends. Review or PM me if you think I should. If you read this story, beware of horrible grammar and spelling as well as typos because I wrote it on my phone and auto correct is annoying as crap. If I do update/edit this story, it will be better written with more detail.
I have always liked fairs. The lights and happy laughter. It makes me smile to see children drag their parents all over the ace looking for cotton candy and toys that will only last a week. It's the one time to let loose and have fun.
"Come on Cammie! I loovvveee this game!" My friend Bex said while taking me over to the dart ballon game. She always gets a perfect score on this game. Winning the biggest stuffed animal. I'm lucky if I can even pop one.
"How many darts Miss?" The worker asked. Bex thought for a moment.
"25". She said handing him a 5 dollar bill. I waited for her to finish popping all 25 balloons. When I heard the last pop I looked to see what the prizes were.
"The penguin. 6 year old like penguins right?" I asked her. Any thing we (Bex) wins her little sister gets. It's a tradition we've been doing sense Lucy was born.
"I'll take the penguin then." Bex told the boy.
"Here you go Miss." He winked at her. I rolled my eyes. Every boy flirts with her while I'm around. The only thing I've ever gotten from a boy? A disgusting pice of snot. From my 7 year old cousin. Yeah, I'd rather not talk about it. "My names Grant. Call me." He said sliding her a pice of paper. Bex giggled and walked away.
"He was so hot!" She said hanging off my arm. I shook her off and kept on walking, grinning at my friends childless.
"He's just a boy" I said mocking her tone. She glared at me and slapped my arm. I laughed and walked over to a food stand to get a corn-dog. My smile grew when I saw who was working there.
"Lizzie!" I said running up to the counter. "What's up? How's work?" She huffed while rolling her eyes.
"Exhausting! The kids here make such big messes I can't even keep up! And all these old people keep telling me I mess up there orders! I mean seriously! Me, messing something up?" She exclaimed. I laughed at her. Lizzie the perfectionist.
"Well, you only have two more hours left." I said. She grimaced. "Anyway, I'll have a corn-dog please."
"make that two." A voice said behind me clearly it wasn't Bex because the voice was masculine. I turned around only to be met with a pair of piercing green eyes. He handed Liz the money as I starred at him. My stare, though, quickly turned into a glare.
"You know what? I'm not even going to be upset and try and pay you back. What do you want anyway?" I asked.
"Aw, come on Cam. Arn't you glad to see me?" Zach asked.
"No, not really. What do you want to bother me with now? How my hair is an ugly shade of blonde? Or maybe it's my choice of clothing. I'm sorry I don't dress like all the other slutty girls you date." I told him as I walked away from the stand.
"Nope." He said smirking. "Today is my day off. Didn't you know?"
"Oh lucky me. I guess I wasn't informed of your work schedule." I told him while walking faster. The jerk kept up though with out a problem. Lucky jerk.
"Well, do you know what my schedule say for me to do now?" He asked grabbing my hand making me stop in my tracks. I tried pulling away but he wouldn't let me. Dang he has a strong grip. I huffed and stopped struggling.
"What Zach. What does your 'schedule' say?" I asked with a bored look on my face.
"It says for me to ride the ferris-wheel with a pretty girl." He said stepping closer to me. I stepped back and tried getting out of his grasp.
"Well, don't let me keep you from finding the girl then." He held on tighter pulling me flush against his body. I let out a little grunt at the force. I glared at him.
"I already have." The look in his eyes was enough to tell me that the girl he was talking about was me. I looked at him curiously while trying to ignore the butterflies in my stomach.
"What are you playing at Goode?" I asked. I saw that we made it to the Ferris wheel. I was going to ask how we got there but at the moment, I didn't care.
"No game Cams. I swear." He put his left hand over his heart making an X over it with his finger. He handed the guy two tickets and we got on. This is a permanent setting. Meaning, this fair doesn't get taken down after two weeks. So it's like an amusement park but not really. Also meaning, they can make the rides how ever they want. And the Ferris wheel? It's huge. And I might be a little afraid of heights. The ride started spinning. Deadly slow.
"You know why I like these things Cam?" Zach asked while putting his feet up on the bench across from us. "It's because there relaxing. And you get to spend a little alone time with people. You know, just talk. And other stuff." He squeezed my hand a little tighter making me realize, he's still holding my hand. "How about you? Do you like ferris wheels?" The look on my face made it clear that I either didn't like these things, or that I was afraid of heights. "Ah, afraid of heights? It's okay. I got you" Zach let go of my hand only to wrap both of his arms around my waist. He pulled me up so I was practically sitting on his lap and pushed my head so it was laying on his chest. It was actually quite comfortable. I wrapped my armed around his waist and propped my feet up on the opposite bench. His one free hand came to my arm that was lying across his stomach and he rested his right hand on it. He made a sound that sounded like a moan and a sigh. I looked up at him. His head was back and eyes closed. I almost gasped in shock as I saw not a smirk, but a light smile grace his lips.
"Why me?" I blurted. Zach looked down at me, confusion lacing his features.
"What?" He asked.
"Why me? Why now? You always find ways to annoy me at school and say something rude to me. So what changed. Or is this just a game?" I asked unwrapping my self from him. He was quick to react and rewrapped my arms around him tightening his grip on me.
"Don't let go." He said in almost a pleading voice. Now I was really confused. "Because Cam. I- just because." I was about to say that that wasn't good enough when he kissed me. On the lips. With out any warning at all. I almost puked. You know why? I didn't find the kiss disgusting. At all. I actually kissed back! Who wouldn't? His lips were soft and warm and molded to mine in a perfect and comforting way. His tongue traced the bottom of my lip asking for an entrance which I gladly have him. The Ferris wheel stopped and I knew it was almost time for us to get off but Zach wasn't done with our tongue battle yet. I let him win and by doing that he made the kiss more passionate, but also more hungrier. He let go just I time because we were the next people to be let off and I was running out of air. The door opened and Zach literally picked me up and ran from the cart. He took me behind a shed and started kissing me again.
"Cam? Go out with me." I only nodded as his lips took over mine again. His tongue ran across my lip asking of an entrance again but I wouldn't give in that easily. Zach growled and bit my bottom lip. I gasped in surprise and he took the advantage and shoved his tongue in my mouth. We both needed air so he let go. He trailed kisses down my jaw line and down my neck sucking on a tender spot. When he bit down I let out a quiet moan.
"Zach?" I said trying to get his attention. "Zach stop. I think you're giving me a hicky and if my parents of friends see it I'll never hear the end of it." He stopped sucking and biting but kept kissing. My phone went off and only then did I remember Bex. I wonder where she even ran off to. I thought. Eh, she's probably wondering the same thing. I wonder how I'm going to explain this one. I looked at my phone pushing Zach off me. He tried kissing me again but I covered my hand over his mouth. He grunted as I looked at my screen.
Bex- Where are you? I'm leaving and if you're not at the car in one minute I'm leaving with out you.
I was about to reply back when Zach took my phone. I tried getting it back but he was already typing. He gave it back and my eyes nearly popped out of my head at what he wrote.
Cammie- Go ahead, with Zach. He'll drive me home.
"Zachary Goode!" I screamed. My phone beeped.
Bex- Ooh. Zachary Goode huh? Have fun! ;P
Cammie- NO! That wasn't me I swear! I quickly typed back. Zach took my phone and put it in his pocket.
"Now where were we?" He asked. He went to kiss me again but I stopped him.
"Zach I'm sorry but this can't happen. I mean, I was just making out with you and I still don't even know why. It thought you hated me." I told him. Why was I kissing him?
"OH Cam I could never hate you." He said nuzzling his face into my neck while wraping his arms around my waist. "I like you Cam. That's all I'm going to say."
"Well, I don't want to go out with you. Not now." I said trying to push him away.
"What! You just said you would!" He said looking at me. Hurt clear in his eyes.
"I know. I-I wasn't paying attention to what I was saying." I said trying to walk away. He pulled me back and trapped me against the wall.
"Just give me a chance. One chance." Hi kissed me on the lips with tender care that made my knees go weak. I nodded not trusting my voice. He smiled and kissed me hard on the mouth before taking my hand and walking me to the parking lot to where his black BMW sat. Yeah, he's rich. So what? It's not like I care.
"Better get you home princess. We have a long day of school tomorrow." He opened he door for me and I got in. On the way home I wondered what school was going to be like. Will he ignore me? Act like nothing happened? What will everybody think? We're known as enemies. oh gosh. I thought. Tina's going to hate me! I'll be the schools biggest joke. What if this whole things a joke? I decided not to think about that right now. I'll just have to wait for tomorrow. We pulled onto my driveway but before I could get out Zach pulled me in for one last kiss.
"See you tomorrow Princess." I smiled at my new nickname and said goodbye. Zach waited until I got in my house. I shut the door and couldn't help but grin. Something tells me school is going to be a lot different from now on.
Zach POV
I walked into my room grinning the whole way. My parents were gone on business so I didn't get yelled at when I slammed the door. Or when I shouted-
"YES! SHE'S MINE!" I plopped down on my bed and fell asleep thinking of one person. Cammie.
A/N- what did you think? Good or bad. Was the chapter too long? What do you think is going to happen next? Isn't Zach just soooo freaking hot!? Please review! Please!?