SPRGMR27: I'm back… with the re-write of Rise of The Smash Rebels, now know as Virtuality vs. Reality! AS for the re-write reason, I really got lost after the last part of the last uploaded chapter and I needed to re-write this a bit more than I thought. But I got Good News and Bad News-!
Shade: Please tell me I'm going to be spare from this mess…
SPRGMR27: Sorry Shade, I need you for this. Anyway, here are a few changes for the better:
1) I get to be bashing the Mary-Sue Sara throughout this whole entire story with a few others, which means I can show how stupid she really is along with her "friends."
2) It's now includes all Smashers and Assist Trophies within that universe and will have more time in the chapters along with others that shall join! Meaning that I can spam my Chain Chomp whenever I please… (I think I'll use this on Sara a lot…)
3) More screen time for the return characters, like Shade and Viridi!
4) Just like what story this is based off of, the main heroes will have their humans forms, but not until later and they'll have different forms. You'll find out soon enough.
Now for the Bad News-
Shade: Great, just what I need.
SPRGMR27: Oh shut your trap Shade. Anyway, here's the Bad News:
The main Trio is going to get changed a bit, sorry (By this re-write, they'll meet up in Chapter 3 but won't know each other for a while.)
Sara gets to be the main villain and being a Mary-Sue who won't just vanish from reality… Why can't I kill her in Chapter 1? And she's getting re-written to what I think of her, so she might be better than her original story self… (If that happens, I'll rub it into the old Sara's face!)
Shade: Because she's the main villain now while your other ones are scraped.
SPRGMR27: I'm bringing them back later, but that will be explained later. Also, this kind of takes places after Life with The Authors, but not exactly either. Let's not waste our time get this started!
Prologue: A "Smashing" Start
Sara couldn't believe it; she lost to four girls with her power from "God!" She remembered the final blow killing her body and the group leaving her for dead while they went off to celebrate their victory. Sara tried to get up, but the last of her "power" had been used to keep her alive; she was a powerless, pathetic wimp. In the darkness of Subspace, she would wander and soon die within its eternal abyss without a way to get back her powers and "home." Those girls, who stopped her plan, destroyed her perfect "world" and her "friend" betrayed her, crushing her heart. She cursed to herself and thinking if she just had one more chance, one more chance to get what she wanted back… she'd give her whole life to get that chance. Just then, the Subspace formed into a hooded figure behind Sara, who was crying on the ground her cursing at God.
"Poor little Sara," He said looking at her, "You lost everything to those pathetic weaklings, maybe that weak power wasn't enough for you."
Sara's eyes widen and quickly turned over to face him, but soon gasped. With the power of Subspace in his control, to her he was God in her corrupted mind.
"G-God?! What went wrong? I did what I knew was right, but they defeated me!" She said still crying, "Why God why~?!"
"Listen Sara, Satan had given them enough power within each one of them to stop the power I've given you, but that wasn't the full power of mine. I only gave you a portion of my power to see if Satan could stop me. Now that I've seen what he has done, I'll give you the true power to get your revenge, but only if you agree with me and listen to my every word."
Sara looked at his outstretched hand holding -to her a ball of light- a ball Subspace. It wasn't long before she nodded and grabbed the Subspace Ball into her hands. The Subspace reacted and began to fade within her skin as her body began to change by Subspace's powers. Her long blonde hair grew to the ground and her eyes became red eyes while her skin was still fair. The ripped clothes began to change into low-cut shirt, skinny jeans, and red high heels. The Subspace formed tattoos on her arms and legs along with the scar still on her chest.
"Now Sara, are you ready to reclaim our land?" He asked her as in his hand was a beating heart as the Subspace Ball formed where her heart would be.
"…Yes God," She replied as the Subspace surrounded her, "I shall liberate this world of Satan's grasp and return God to power."
The man smiled as she vanished into the darkness as he held her heart.
"Now… let's see if you can win this war now…"
~Virtuality vs. Reality~
At the Smash Mansion, all of the Smashers were there inside doing their regular routines until there was a knock at the door. Zero Suit Samus was the closest to the door with Peach and Zelda, so she went over and opened the door. Sara was at the door, but by the Subspace she looked just like Lyn to everybody there. It worked as she was let in and stepping inside, the Subspace formed truly and started to infect the air inside the mansion. She flew into the air as the other Smashers came and saw Sara surrounded in Subspace with the Subspace infecting the air. Even Master and Crazy hand were having a hard time with everybody else there.
"S-Sara?! Aren't you suppose to be dead?!" Link asked trying to cough out the Subspace in the air.
"Foolish Atheists!" She yelled as her powerful voice echoed the mansion, "You shall either become Christians or you will be banished from this world to eternal suffering in Subspace forever! Those pathetic girls might have won once, but with the true power of God, I will purge this world of Satan's grasp!"
"Do you really think we'd do as you say?" Master Hand asked, "You can't win! We did it once, so we can do it again!"
"Fools! Now you'll all be punished!"
The Subspace in the air infected everybody in the room and quickly began to spread all over Nintendo World. This was so strong it started to infect other realms as well and people tried to flee fro it's grasped. Sara soon had full control of Nintendo world, but little did she know a group managed to escape and was hiding in secret from Sara inside an underground facility that could purify the air only for that facility. Inside the facility was a group of Nintendo characters that weren't infected, but were by a huge computer searching the internet looking for something important. In the facility were Mega Man, Yoshi, Red (Pokémon Trainer with his team), Villager, Rosalina and Luma, Toon Link, The Chain Chomp, Midna, Phosphora and Viridi.
"Where are the heroes Master Hand got to defeat Sara last time?" Midna asked as Rosalina and Mega Man were on the huge computer, "He kept connections with them right? Is our signal weaker by that girl?"
"The signal's fine, but I don't think we can reach those girls like Master Hand did before," Mega Man replied typing something, "We'll have no other choice but to get new heroes to save our world once again."
"But who exactly?" Rosalina asked him, "She isn't the same as before and if we bring authors here, would they get infected as well?"
"Who knows, but I might be able to spare some of my power to them," Viridi replied, "But right now we need find and observe some authors and if they qualify, we'll bring them her and I'll make sure they'll save our world."
"True, but how long are we… going to wait?" Red asked looking at her.
"At least two weeks."
"Let's hope we can find them in time…"
SPRGMR27: Here's the end to the Prologue and I'm so happy about this start!
Shade: So wait, are you going to have you in here with the other two, including me- Don't tell me I'm gay in this.
SPRGMR27: You're not going to be gay, maybe on her side, but I'm not going to make you gay… at least I don't think so.
Shade: If you do, I'm serious going to harm you.
SPRGMR27: Like you can Shade! Anyway, if you like this, leave a review so I can improve and let's hope the next chapter will be up soon, along with meeting our main trio and maybe a little surprise! Shade say bye!
Shade: …Bye Random Watcher-! *gets hit* Ow!
SPRGMR27: Say that again, but more politely.
Shade: (Fine) Bye _. (Insert Your Name There.) I hate you.