Nellie Gomez never thought she see the day of happy Cahills in her home. It was such a rare sight, she once thought it to be completely impossible. Today, she was proven wrong.

In the Cahill Manor, twelve of the most powerful figures in the up coming generation of Cahills spread throughout the house, all scattered with one or another doing whatever. The laughter and the noise could have been heard all over. The house was in constant giggle ever since the reunion started about three weeks ago. It was only suppose to last a weekend, but her kiddos begged her for a long stay. She was first caught off guard by this request but from there pleading eyes she knew she couldn't say no to them. They wanted them here and that might never happen again.

So she said yes, Fiske agreeing with her decision. Amy's eyes went bright green with happiness and Dan's went wide in excitement and joy. They smiled at them like she was the best thing ever. They tackled the two older adults on rib crushing and air extracting hugs before running off to tell the good news.

Nellie wasn't sure why at first, and was suspicious of the cause. She thought someone was poisoning the children or something, making them act this way for whatever evil reason it was, but then the realization slowly came upon her and she knew the reason entirely then.

All of them had only each other to connect to. For reassurance and understanding for everything that they have done and been through in the clue hunt and the war against the Vespers, they turn to each other...

Nellie smiled that morning with the theory in mind. She lazily walked about the living room in her yoga pants and t shirt, a blanket

wrapped around her shoulders, as she stumble through the house in total blissful choas.

"Die! Die!" Her baby kiddo Dan screamed at the TV screen as he and Hamilton played there violent video game on. "For Christ sake, why won't you die?!"

She giggled at the comment as Hamilton smirked at his little buddy. They were apparently in a duel and Hamilton was winning, much to Dan's dismay. When Hamilton finally won, Dan fell to the floor in defeat for about a minute before jumping up and demanding a rematch.

"Best two out of three!"

"You're on!"

Nellie soon turned on her heels and walked away from the electric war behind her. She wondered into the kitchens where she began to make herself some coffee, and took notice of the Starling triple studying various blueprints spread across the table and counters.

"We could turn the toaster to a lazer to increase the time span of the toast making..." Sinead pondered aloud to her brothers.

"We could do that." Ted agreed nodding his head as his blank eyes looked away from them. "It sounds dangerous so Dan will approve. We can make the dishwasher into a robot maid that washes dishes when put into sleep mode, and then it can just serve everyone else when it's awake."

"That sounds interesting..." Ned mumbled in amusement as his identical blue eyes got wide at the suggestion.

Nellie smiled to herself, not at all concerned about her kitchen's supplies, and carried her large, warm mug up the steps of the staircase near by in the hallway. She reached the second floor quickly and walk upon three dark skinned boys standing around a table as the debated over the sets of fine art work around them in hard covers with thin, printed pages.

"I get were your coming from with the whole thing about Ethan Frome and it's detailing of the love affair, but Author Miller's The Crucible is so much more... Scandalously." Atticus stated as he held up the play work in his hand.

"Yeah, it might be scandalously but you have no real knowledge of what exactly happen between John and Abigail! It never fully give an example of how... Physical they were together. We never discover how or why and on what way did Abigail fall in love with him when the feeling wasn't mutual with John!" Jonah Wizard shot back as he glare at the play work. His left hand was solidly placed on the top cover of the thin novel like he was preacher about to throw the bible at the sinner.

"I still say that The Great Gatsby still overpowers those wannabe classics to the ground. Everything between Jay Gatsby and Daisy put your sinners and cheaters to shame. From this novel alone, F. Scott Fitzgernal should be declared a god for his godly work!" Phoenix cried above them before his young, brown eyes made connect with Nellie's. He smiled up to her like he had always done before. "Oh Hi, Nellie!"

The two older boys turned to find the older woman and waved at her.

"Morning Nellie." Atticus greeted her.

"How's your life?" Jonah asked her happily.

"It's good. It's very good." Nellie answered. They all knew she was happy because she got to sleep in, which was rare for her, since she has been playing mother to all of them since they came here. They decided to give her a day off yesterday, which meant letting her sleep in and all of them making their own meals for the day as she relaxed. It was her kiddos idea, of course. They were always looking out for her.

"Did you sleep well?" Atticus asked.

"Yeah. I slept like a coma patient last night." Nellie placed her coffee down on the table. "What are you guys doing?"

"We are trying to officially title the greatest works of the Janus branch." Jonah explained. "But some of us are having some very wrong suggestions on certain matters."

"If you think Ethan Frome is your idea of a great romance novel, then your out of your mind." Atticus sassed at him. Jonah smirked at his snap and Phoenix looked up towards the ceiling like he was asking for help from the big guy up stairs. Nellie wasn't sure if he was aiming for Fiske, who was in his study, or God. All she knew that neither one responded.

Just then, Nellie realized something a but odd. She took a sip of her still warm coffee before asking. "Where's Amy? I'm pretty sure she has read almost every book on this table. I'm sure she could sh-"

"You barbaric asshole!" A harsh feminist tone cut her off. It was loud enough to tell that it came from the other room. A hoary sound of laughter followed it.

Nellie signed deeply. "Oh no."

"Oh yes." Jonah was now smirking at her. "They been in there all morning playing."

Nellie shook her head but smiled as she wobbled off to the door and opened it. The sight in front of her was one she has seen times in about the pass month. There was a dark green and still slightly new ping pong table with a white net in the dead center. On one end was Amy who was had her arms crosses as she glared down to the other side, where Ian was laughing uncontrollably at the girl's red angered face.

The Cahills of the Manor got the table just a few days before the visit started, and the moment Amy and Ian versed each other, it never ended.

The games were about 50/50, the same amount of wins and loses for both player, but it was just the fact Amy wanted to beat him that kept the endless stream of games going, being motored by the fact that Ian couldn't give up and sallow his pride for her to win in the end. So here they were, playing with the red and blue panels, hitting the small white ball countless of times.

The ball passed Amy by an inch and she let out a frustrated groan. "You barbaric asshole!" She cried again.

"Is that my new nickname for you, love?" Ian smirked at her. "Because you've called me that ten times in the last five minutes."

"We can confirm that!" Atticus raised his hand in proof.

Amy glared at the Lucian, fighting back her smile to the best of her abilities. Nellie rolled her eyes but grinned at the fact her kiddo was having fun with her cute, long lived crush.

Ian grabbed the white ball and almost fall over, losing his balance over his huge white cast on his left leg that went up to below his knee. The thing was bigger then life, making walking with it not easy but it was still doable.

Nellie then glanced over to Amy who had a small stream of guilt in her eyes. Nellie didn't know why she felt that way. It wasn't like Amy was the gunman who shot him in the leg, just a hair away from one of his main arteries. He was lucky to keep his leg and most of his blood, but every time the boy did anything that slightly related to his injured leg, Amy got a sad, heart breaking look in her eyes.

That was one of main reasons why Nellie never really asked how Ian got shot, or where all of them were the two weeks before, when they all went missing. They knew what happen, all of them, and they refused to say anything about it. Nellie never pushed it from there. They all shared at same look in their eyes.

Amy smiled once Ian looked at her again, the guilt vanishing in her jade colored irises. "I demand a rematch." She stated with determination lacing her voice.

"You sound just like Daniel, love." Ian sassed back at her.

She playing scowled at him more, about to scream his new nickname again.

"Enough." Nellie held up a hand to stop her before she even start. "I came up here for some help."

"What is it?" Ian asked.

"I going to make-"

"Oh no you don't!" Amy halted her speaking again. "This is your day off, you're not making anything delicious for anyone."

"Who said I was sharing it?" Nellie joked. "Although, I really do need some help with cleaning the bowls once I'm finish with them. Does anyone here like chocolate cake mix?"

"I'll help!" Phoenix raised his hand.

"Me too!" Atticus added in.

"I like cake mix!" Jonah jumped up from his set on the couch he was on.

"Meet me down at the kitchen then." Nellie waved her hand. "Go!"

All three boys obeyed, racing down the steps to begin the cake baking. Nellie giggled at them as she turned back to Amy. "They really do help. Cleaning them after the mix has harden is such a barren." The two girls laughed at her joke.

Ian rolled his eyes. "Let's get out of here. I'm tired of looking at this thing." He gestured to the panel and glanced at the table.

"You're just scared I might just beat you today." Amy replied.

"Oh yes, Amelia. I'm truly petrified of it." Ian flirted back at her as he threw his arm around her. Amy reacted his move.

Ian had hated the crushes the doctor gave him, and often complained about how uncomfortable and annoying they were. Soon, he started using the other Cahills as his crushes, mainly Amy out of them all, since they were about the same heigh, give or take a inch. Sometimes he used Hamilton and Jonah but Nellie noticed how he alway preferred her over anyone else.

Amy slowly helped him walk out of the room and headed towards the stairs. Nellie went over to her coffee and picked it up. It was still slightly warm thankfully.

"You make a wonderful walking stick, Amelia."

"Shut up, Ian." The smiling girl giggled cutely. He smiled back.

Nellie watched as they took there first step down together. "Take good care of her, Ian."

"I will." He said. "Don't worry."

The End

AN: That's the ending. Sorry it's short but you get it. Thank you all for everything. The reviews really help and the support was really helpful. Sorry it took so long to write but hopefully it was worth it. Thanks again.