Infinity's Child

Bryce Cousland gasped in astonishment as he raised his hand, ordering the troops behind him to halt at the outskirts of the devastated village.

"Maker's breath!" Ser Aedan, a grizzled knight who had fought by his lord's side during the struggle to oust the Orlesians, gasped in horror at the sight. "This is worse than anything we saw during the war, my lord."

Shaking his head, the Teyrn of Highever and his men made their way carefully towards the village center, their eyes constantly scanning the area as the horses whinnied nervously.

"Do you think it's a Blight, my lord?" Aedan inquired, lowering his voice so that the other men couldn't hear.

"No." Bryce shook his head. "I don't see any traces of darkspawn or their taint." Grimacing at the sight of a peasant family literally torn to pieces before in front of their burning dwelling, the teyrn remarked, "I'd have said wild animals, except for the fact that the village has been put to the torch as well."

"Then what caused it, my lord?" Aedan asked, "Bandits? The Dalish?"

"No." Cousland shook his head, "Neither bandits nor the Dalish would have been this brutal. And look—no sign of arrows. Dismounting, Bryce approached one of the mangled corpses. "Just as I thought." The teyrn growled, "No sign of blade work either."

"Then what could have done this, my lord?"

"Your guess is as good as mine." Bryce replied, suppressing a shudder as he remembered the tales of werewolves his nanny told him as a child. "But whatever did it." The teyrn grimly declared, "I intend to find and deal with it."

"What are your orders, my lord?" Ser Aedan inquired as he also dismounted.

"Extinguish these fires, build a funeral pyre, and gather the dead." Teyrn Cousland ordered. "The least we can do for these poor souls is give them a proper funeral."

"As you wish, my lord." The loyal retainer saluted, "Should I send someone back to fetch a Chantry priest?"

"Yes." Bryce nodded his head. "Let's send these people to the Maker properly." As the teyrn resumed his inspection of the devastated village, he heard a low mewling cry coming from a still smoldering hut. "What?" The startled noble reacted as Ser Aedan drew his sword.

"Hold, my lord." The retainer cautioned. "It could be one of those who did this."

Recognizing the noise for what it was, Bryce responded, darting into the house, "I think not." The teyrn returned moments later with a bundle in his arms and a smile on his face. "It looks like someone survived this massacre after all."

Nodding his head, Ser Aedan remarked, "It looks like the Maker was looking after this little one. We can leave her with the priest when she arrives, if you wish."

"No." Bryce replied with a smile as he shook his head. "Eleanor and I have wanted a second child for years…but…we couldn't risk it. Not after she nearly died giving birth to Fergus."

"I know." Ser Aedan responded consolingly, "I remember your son's birth and how difficult it was. So, my lord, you intend to adopt this little pup."

"Yes." Bryce answered back, "If Eleanor is agreeable, of course."

"I'm sure she will be, my lord. The Teyrna has always wanted a daughter." Aedan replied, adding as the two men once again surveyed the destroyed village, "At least something good has come of this tragedy."


"I think Evelyn is perfect, love." Bryce smiled as he watched his wife cuddle the newest addition to the Cousland family. "Mother would have been pleased."

"She's so adorable." Eleanor smiled as she played with the infant in her arms. "But I don't think she's Ferelden. See how dark her skin is and her eyes…have you ever seen anyone with violet eyes before? Do you know anything about her parents?"

"No." Bryce shook his head. "She was the only survivor from whatever destroyed that village."

"Do you have any idea who could have done such a thing?" Eleanor asked.

"No." Bryce shook his head. "There were no signs of bandits nor was this the work of the Dalish. It wasn't darkspawn and I don't think it was werewolves. Whatever it was though…it was horrible."

"Well…it doesn't matter." Eleanor declared, "Evelyn is part of our family now."

"Right." Bryce nodded his head in affirmation, "She is now and always will be a Cousland."


Highever Castle—Evelyn at age 8

"Say your prayers, Evelyn…and I want to hear them this time." Nan instructed with a stern expression that instantly melted upon seeing the smile on her young charge's face, "I mean it, young lady."

"Yes, Nan." Little Evelyn replied as she knelt down beside the bed and uttered the night time prayer to Andraste to grant her good dreams.

"Very good, my dear." Nan praised as Fergus tried to sneak past the watchful nanny. "Stay right there, young man!" Nan commanded, "Your father instructed you to go to bed as well. So…to bed…now…and I better hear you saying your prayers too!"

Evelyn drifted off to sleep as Nan closed the door softly behind her. As she slumbered, she dreamed. Although this time, instead of dreaming about Nan or her mother and father or big brother Fergus or even about the elven servant girl she played with, Evelyn found herself walking down a corridor with doors on either side. Curious, the little red-headed girl opened a door to her left. She gasped and the laughed in delight as she saw an elf her age in the forest playing with other elves. Closing the door, Evelyn opened the door on the opposite side, this time seeing a dwarf boy receiving a stern talking to from an older man. Frowning, Evelyn closed the door and began opening other doors. She saw an elven girl and a human boy, and another dwarf boy.

Finally reaching the end of the corridor, little Evelyn opened the door at the end of the hall. As she gazed inside, the young girl gasped at the wonderful images. She oohed and aahed as she saw buildings as tall as the eye could see and carts moving faster than even her father's charger—but with no horses and metallic beasts flying through the sky as if they were giant birds! The sounds she heard confused and enthralled—and sometimes frightened—the dreaming child. But her attention was constantly turned to the people. The people…so many of them! Men, women, children, all dressed in strange and colorful attire going about their business—sometimes laughing, sometimes shouting, but always busy.

"I don't think you should be in here, young lady."

Turning about rapidly, Evelyn saw a beautiful woman with a kindly smile. "Who are you?" Evelyn politely asked.

"I go by many names, but you can call me Apeiria, Evelyn." The woman replied.

"You know who I am?" Evelyn exclaimed as she gazed up at the beautiful woman.

"But of course I do." The woman smiled back. "Very little happens here that I don't know about."

Her heart racing, Evelyn stuttered, "You're not a…a…demon are you? Reverend Mother Mallol told me all about demons and how they try to take over people. You're not going to do that to me—are you?"

"Of course not, my child." The woman laughed gently, "Although there are demons here and you are wise to be careful. But no…I'm not a demon and I'm not going to try to possess you or anything like that."

"That's good." Evelyn sighed in relief, "I don't think I'd like that. What sort of place is this?" Evelyn asked. "Is it where the Maker lives?"

"No, my dear." Apeiria responded with a chuckle. "You're dreaming and this is what you call the Fade. It's a place where the lines between realities often blur…"


"I'm sorry." The woman smiled warmly, "Let me put it in another way. When you dream, you come here. Most people who dream don't really remember much about what they see here and can't affect things in the Fade. Some people…you call them mages...can."

"Am I a mage?" Evelyn asked.

"No, my dear." Apeiria responded, "You're someone even more special."

"What am I?" The little girl asked with a nervous stutter.

"You'll find out when it is time." The woman replied with a smile as she opened the door again, this time revealing a young girl playing with what looked like to Evelyn, a strange tablet. "Know also that you are not alone. There are others like you."

"Like me?"

"Yes." Apeiria affirmed, "You'll learn more when you get older and you're ready, but…my sweet Evelyn…I think I can tell you this much…you…like that little girl there and others…will soon be part of something very special—an age of miracles."


"Yes. Miracles." Apeiria nodded her head, "But there'll be time enough for that later. For now, I sense that you are about to awaken. Don't worry, my dear, I'll be here to watch and guide you along your way."


Highever Castle—Evelyn at age 12

"Our daughter does have an active imagination." Bryce laughed as he and his wife talked over a late night meal.

"Maybe a little too active." Eleanor worried, "Reverend Mother Mallol is concerned."

"Has she shown any magical talent?" A suddenly worried Bryce inquired.

"No." Eleanor shook her head. "The Reverend Mother had her tested by a Circle Mage who said that she showed no magical aptitude whatsoever." Sighing, the teyrna remarked, "It would almost be better if she did. Then we'd at least know from where those strange stories of hers comes from." Letting out another breath, Eleanor cautioned, "Mother Mallol was mostly concerned for our daughter's soul—she's afraid that she might lose Andraste's favor."

"I doubt that." Bryce chuckled, "Our daughter is just very creative—that's all."

"That she is." Eleanor laughed softly, "But her sketches and paintings can be a little…strange."

"Things from her dreams?" Bryce asked.


"Buildings that reach out to the sky…carts without horses…objects flying through the air…" Bryce laughed, "Nothing harmful…just a sign that our little girl has an active imagination—that's all."

"I certainly hope you're right." Eleanor sighed as the pair looked on while their daughter sang to the newest addition to the Cousland family—Fergus's baby boy, Oren.


Dreaming—Evelyn at age 15

"Reverend Mother Mallol and Brother Aldous say I have too active an imagination." Evelyn giggled as she and Apeiria, her dream-companion, walked together down an isolated beach.

"They say that as if it's a bad thing." Apeiria laughed, "My child…" She smiled as she looked down on the young teenager walking with her, "Your imagination is probably your greatest gift. That imagination is one of the reasons why you are walking with me here and now."

"Where is the line between reality and imagination though?" Evelyn asked as the waves lapped about their feet.

"That's a good question." Apeiria replied. "And there are no easy answers. The line between what is real and what is not is a blurry one. For instance…" Apeiria said as she cuddled a cat in her arms. "If I were to take this cat and place him in that box over there…" The then pointed to a small chest sitting on the shoreline, "…and close the box, would the cat still be in the box?"

"Of course he would." Evelyn laughed.

"Really?" Apeiria responded with a raised eyebrow. "Can you see the cat in the box?"

"No." Evelyn admitted and then countered, "But I could hear him meow."

"But would that be him or just a sound?" Apeiria riposted. "And what if the box was soundproof where you couldn't hear what was inside? Your senses can tell you nothing…so…can you definitively prove that the cat is in the box?"

Shaking her head, Evelyn answered back, "So, you're saying that reality is perception?"

"In part…" Apeiria replied, "Yes. But what I'm really trying to say is that there are many layers of reality. For instance, remember when we first met and you saw those different people—the elves, the mages, the dwarves?"

"Yes." Evelyn nodded her head.

"Well they all come from different Thedas." Apeiria declared, further explaining. "They exist in different realities.

"So…" Evelyn surmised, "There are other versions of me running around?"

"No." Apeiria shook her head as she smiled down at her protégé. "You are unique. In all the multiverse, there is only one Evelyn Cousland. In other realities, your mother and father do indeed have a daughter, only her name is Elissa."

"So…am I the only unique person in all the multiverses?" Evelyn asked.

"Oh no." Apeiria shook her head. "There are others. Some like yourself young and with much to learn. And others old…as old as reality itself."

"You mean like the Maker?"

"Even older and more powerful than your Maker." Apeiria replied with an amused laugh, "But…you might not want to tell your Reverend Mother Mallol or your Brother Aldous or your parents that—they probably won't like it."

"No…I don't think they would." Evelyn giggled.

"You'll be awakening soon, my dear." Apeiria said as the sun began to descend below the water. "Enjoy your time now with those you love…every moment is fleeting and every memory precious."

"You say that as if something bad is about to happen?" A suddenly worried Evelyn responded, "Is there something I should know about?"

"The future holds many possibilities my dear." Apeiria responded, "Not even I can tell you the exact path you and those you love will take. But…just remember what I said…enjoy your time with those you love."


Highever Castle—Evelyn at age 18.

"Good feint, Pup!" Fergus Cousland grinned at his younger sister as the pair sparred, he armed with sword and shield while she wielded a pair of daggers in her hands. "You almost had me there."

"Guess I've got to work on that." Evelyn quipped back as she dodged to her left, barely avoiding her brother's sword thrust. Smirking as she saw her opening, the young woman struck, parrying with her left dagger while striking with her right, touching the armor of her brother in the chest.

"Point. Evelyn Cousland!" Ser Aedan, acting as marshal, called out as both fighters disengaged. "The score is currently tied. Do both contestants wish to fight another round?"

"No." Fergus called back, "I think four rounds are enough." Turning back to his sibling, the Cousland heir praised, "Sister…if anything, I think you've grown even quicker and more nimble."

"That she has, my lord." Ser Aedan agreed and then looked disapprovingly on the Chasind-made belted loin-cloth and top made of reptile hide that the younger Cousland sibling preferred to wear, "But I wish my lady would wear proper armor—at least leather armor—although I would be more comfortable seeing her in scale or even chain-mail.

"Too bulky." Evelyn shook her head. "Even leather armor. I need to be able move fast on my feet…to react quickly. I can't do that if I'm burdened by all that weight."

"All it takes is one solid hit…" Fergus began only to be cut off by his sister.

"Got to hit me first." Evelyn teased, "And as you've seen, that's not easy."

"No…" Fergus agreed before demurring, "But I did it on at least two occasions."

"True." Evelyn nodded her head, growing serious for a moment, "But then that's why we do this, isn't it, so that someone else won't be able to hit me." She then laughed in delight as a loud bark signaled the arrival of a massive brown furred mabari war hound. "Besides, Izzy would never let anything happen to me, right, boy?"

The loyal mabari responded with an affirming bark as his mistress petted him and rubbed his tummy. "That's my boy!" Evelyn cooed. Then standing up, she wrinkled her nose as she jibed with her brother, "I think we both need baths."

Agreed, Pup!" Fergus laughed, "Besides, Oriana will beat me even worse with her tongue if I am late for dinner. I'll see you later."

"Tell Oren if he's good, I'll tell him some more stories, and maybe even sing a song." Evelyn smirked as she and her brother departed.

"Eighteen years." Bryce grinned as he and his wife, Eleanor, watched as their young daughter left the field with her older brother. "Our little pup has grown into a lovely young woman."

"And a headstrong one too." Eleanor sighed with a mixture of pride and exasperation. "We need to begin finding a husband now—it is almost too late."

"I know." Bryce nodded his head before letting out a breath of air, "At least she's no longer talking about those strange dreams. She isn't…is she?"

Chuckling, Eleanor replied, "At least now she only tells them as stories to Oren."

"Thank the Maker." Bryce shook his head, "I think she nearly drove both Mother Mallol and Brother Aldous mad with her talk of flying metal monsters and carts without horses."

"She's telling Oren a new one now." Eleanor remarked, "This one is about a man in red and gold iron armor who flies through the air!"

"Flying through the air?" Bryce laughed. "Well…at least he's wearing armor." The teyrn declared. "Maybe she's telling him stories about the Grey Wardens back when they rode griffons."

"I don't think so." Eleanor replied, her laughter dying down, "I didn't catch all of the story, but it seems almost as if the armored man is a mage—fire coming out of his hands for instance. Still…at least it's a story based in the real world and not her fantasy dreams."

"Yes…" Bryce smiled, "Maybe that's a good sign."

"We can only hope!" Eleanor sighed as the pair walked away, arm-in-arm.


Slipping once again into the Fade, Evelyn dreamed. Only this dream was different from the others. Barely maintaining her footing, Evelyn's dream form cringed at the sound of loud explosions. Shocked, Evelyn found herself in a metal corridor surrounded by metal. Making her way stumbling through an open doorway, Evelyn gasped in surprise as she witnessed first, the sky, and then two men fighting. One man wore what appeared to be blue armor with white and red and carried a shield also in red, white, and blue, with a white five-pointed star emblazoned in the middle. They seemed to be fighting over a glowing blue cube. The battle raged fiercely as the metal structure began to collapse around the combatants until finally, the shield wearing man, gaining the upper hand, defeated his foe just as the metal thing was about to fall into the water. Panicking, Evelyn screamed.

"What…Who…" The man, a look of utter surprise on his face, called out as he looked directly at Evelyn.

"You can see me?" Evelyn gasped as the water flooded in.

Suddenly, Evelyn found herself standing in what seemed to be an outdoor inn or tavern. There were tables and chairs and people where people sat down and drank from ceramic cups. Looking down, the Cousland girl found herself wearing strange blue pants made of a material that was not at all uncomfortable and wearing a cotton shirt with the image of a dragon emblazoned on the front.

"Would you like some coffee, my dear?"

Turning towards the source of the voice, Evelyn found that it was her guide, Apeiria, wearing what appeared to be a skirt and sipping from a ceramic cup. Setting the cup down, Apeiria poured a hot brown liquid from a container into the empty cup across from her. "Come, join me, Evelyn."

"Where was I? Where am I?" A near panic-stricken Evelyn exclaimed.

"It's all right, Evelyn." Apeiria replied in a gentle, soothing, voice. "You're safe. You're still dreaming."

"Is this the Fade?" Evelyn asked.

"Yes…and no." Apeiria replied with a grin. Her smile vanishing, the spirit elaborated, "Sit down and have some coffee, and I'll try to explain."

"Coffee?" Evelyn inquired as she sat down and sniffed cautiously at the steaming hot beverage before her.

"Go ahead, it's safe. I prefer it with a little cream, but you might like it with some sugar too." Apeiria said encouragingly as she poured a dollop of cream into Evelyn's cup and pushed a bowl of sugar cubes towards her. Seeing the smile on the young woman's face, Apeiria grinned, "See…I told you." Her face now taking on a more serious expression, the spirit spoke, "But I was about to explain about the Fade. The first thing you're going to have to do…" Apeiria began, "…is forget all your previous conceptions about what the Fade is and isn't. Yes, you do go there when you dream. And yes, in most cases, you can't really effect the environment there and it can't really harm you. But…there are exceptions."


"Yeah. Like you and me and a few others." Apeiria answered back, "I'll explain. But first, you need to understand a bit more about the layout of the Fade. What it is…what it's a part of…and all that. And then, I can begin to tell you how you're probably going to fit in."


"Right." Apeiria nodded her head, "It's all about choice and free will. But…" The woman chuckled, "I'm getting ahead of myself. What you have to understand is that Thedas, the Fade, this place…"

"Where are we, by the way?" Evelyn inquired as a horseless cart whizzed past them on the street.

"This place is modeled after a little outdoor bistro in Firenze that I'm fond of." Apeiria replied.


"Yes." Apeiria grinned, "Remember when we talked about different realities?" Seeing Evelyn's nod of her head, the woman continued her explanation. "Well, Firenze is on another world in another reality."

"In the multiverse?" Evelyn interjected in a confused voice.

"Right." Apeiria nodded her head. "We didn't really talk too much about the multiverse the last time—you weren't really ready for it. But, I think you're ready now…at least a little more ready than you were. Worlds like Thedas and the world where this bistro comes from…the stars in the sky…the stuff in between the stars in the sky…the galaxies…and everything else are linked together into this very complicated and interlocking system of planes and dimensions. The Fade is but a part—and a rather small part at that—of a much larger plane of existence called the astral plane that exists both within and apart from the material plane.

"You're confusing me." Evelyn stammered as she sipped her coffee.

"I'm sorry." Apeiria apologized. "It is very difficult to explain. Suffice it to say that generally, most people live their lives in the same plane of existence not even knowing these other planes are present except maybe as vague religious or philosophical constructs. Your parents, for example, have lived and will continue to live their entire lives on Thedas, only coming into the Fade when they dream; as, most likely, will your brother Fergus and his family."

"But me?" Evelyn asked.

"You, my dear…" Apeiria smiled, "Have the possibility to be and know so much more."

"What am I, exactly?" Evelyn demanded. "You said once that I was unique."

"And so you are." Apeiria replied, adding apologetically, "But it's not for me to tell you who or what you are—at least not yet. And it's not because I don't want to. It's because I can't. Believe it or not, I've got rules I've got to follow too. You see…" The woman explained. "You have to choose your path—I can't do that for you. What I can tell you though…" Apeiria leaned forward, looking her young protégé in the eyes as she spoke, "…is that you will have to make several choices on your journey. Some of the choices, regardless of the choice or the outcome, won't affect whether you succeed or not. Oh…they might make things easier or more difficult for you, but by themselves, they won't really affect the bigger picture. It's the other choices you have to be careful about. Those choices will have a dramatic impact and, if you choose poorly, could potentially end your journey. Soon…very soon…my dear…you will be faced with the first of those choices. I will tell you this, that choice will determine your future. Choose wrongly, and your journey will end before it has even begun. That choice will be followed by many others that will also be crucial choices. You'll know them when you see them."

"But what about that man and that glowing blue thing?" Evelyn inquired, "You never told me about him."

"They both might or might not figure into your journey at some point in your future." Apeiria answered back, "Again, it depends on how you choose, the questions you ask and what you do with the answers once you get them. I can't tell you much about either the man or the object except to say that the man is a truly noble man, and the object is something of great power and danger. It is so powerful that it could threaten the very existence of the multiverse."

"How do you know all this and how do I know which choice is the right choice?" An increasingly distraught Evelyn pleaded. "I've just turned eighteen years!"

"I know, my dear." Apeiria gently patted Evelyn on the back of her hand. "It is all a bit difficult to take in, beginning with me trying to explain who or what I am. Let's just say I'm not like the spirits and demons that live here…and no…I'm not Andraste. Make good choices, and you might find out more about me later."

"Again with the choices." Evelyn pouted.

"Of course there are choices." Apeiria replied with a smile. "We all have free will. We determine our own paths and our own destinies—for good or for ill."

"And this place?" Evelyn inquired, "Will I ever get to see the real Firenze?"

"Maybe." Apeiria responded with a grin and a twinkle to her eye, "Someday. If you choose wisely. Now…my dear…" The woman declared as she rose to her feet, "It is time you awakened. "You have a big day coming soon. Be ready for it when it arrives."

I guess you could call this a partial origin story for Evelyn Cousland. This story is really the prologue to other stories and kind of sets the stage. This is a crossover with the Marvel Universe—I will be using different parts of the Marvel Universe including, but not limited to the Cinematic Universe, the Game Universes—including Marvel Heroes Online—and Marvel 616. The next story in the series will be almost entirely Dragon Age so don't expect to see Cap or anyone else from the Marvel Universe making an appearance—but it will further set the stage for what will come. And…as for who Apeiria is—well, the answer's in plain sight. :)