And once more I am later than I anticipated. My laptop broke around Christmas so that destroyed my plan to post before new year.
I have roughly five chapters edited but they are on my old laptop and now I have to figure out how to retrieve them.
Well anyway. I don't have Word or any other writing programme on my new laptop yet (I wrote this in bloody 'Editor') so I apologise for any spelling mistakes I made. I tried to keep them at a minimum by rereading this over and over again but there might be a few that I didn't notice.
But now! Finally, a new chapter!
Tai glanced nervously at the small group behind him. They had stayed hidden behind a rather small wall for nealry ten minutes now. Everyone was anxious. They knew that their way was shorter than the way of the other group but they didn't expect that it'd be that much shorter.
"Do you think they are okay", whispered Kari.
Tai tried to hide his nervousness and smiled. "I am sure we'll hear from them any minute now".
Veemon nodded helpfully and grinned.
"No need to worry Kari. They can deal with everything anyone can throw at them!"
"I assure you, the Warriors are more than capable to defend themselves and everyone else", Bokomon added appeasingly.
Neemon made a confused noise but before he could utter his thoughts Bokomon had already snapped his pants.
Everyone chuckled lightly and Tai smiled. Leave it to them to cheer everyone up.
After another few seconds of silence and darkness his phone buzzed and Tai startled.
God he was far too nervous, he realised and took a deep breath.
He skimmed through Izzy's message and exhaled loudly.
"Alright they are in position", he told the others as he texted Izzy that they were ready as well.
Everyone nodded grimly and took out their Digivices. They did not move though. They waited for their unoffical leader to give them a sign.
Even the Warriors, Tai noticed with surprise. For some reason he felt touched.
"Alright", he repeated and fixed them with a serious stare. "BlackGatomon said we will be greeted by enough digimon to fight the Celestial Digimon". The words felt foreign on his tongue. "We do not know how strong they are so we have to be careful."
Everyone nodded grimly.
"This is the plan. We will not digivolve instantly. We will try to get as close as possible to the mausoleum and thus the Crests without getting noticed. When we are discovered JP, Tommy, Zoe, and myself will fight while the rest of you continue your way to the mausoleum. We need the Crests, do you understand".
Everyone nodded once again. Tai took a deep breath and slowly got up.
"Then let's go".
They crouched along the low wall until they arived at a point where it had been partly destroyed. They had discovered this gap earlier when they had scouted the area.
Hidden in the darkness they slipped through the gap.
And just like that they were on the graveyard. Stone crosses and gravestones greeted them, scattered over the meadow. Some hidden behind trees with flowers growing next to them, others lonely on a patch of dark grass.
Tai had been surprised when he had first seen the 'graveyard'. He had suspected something more... traditional and tended.
His group stopped next to a big oak tree close to the wall. Tai scanned the area and furrowed his brows.
"I can't find any digimon", Cody whispered.
"Me neither", TK added. Patamon flapped nervously with his wings.
"Maybe", Gatomon said hesitantly, "maybe they saw the others and left this area."
"But wouldn't we hear the sounds of a fight then", Joe reasoned.
"Either way", Zoe hissed, "we need to be quite."
Tai nodded and gave everyone a sign to stand by.
The total lack of enemy digimon was certainly ominous and worrying but they coudln't just turn around and leave again!
They had to get to the mausoleum.
A cold wind gust blew over the graveyard. Tai suppressed a shiver.
He scanned their surroundings once more. Then he gave the others a sign that they would continue.
He lead his group further into the graveyard, always choosing a path along trees and big gravestones that would give them cover.
Not that it was necessary because they saw not one digimon on their way.
How was this possible? There was no way that the Crests weren't guarded!
Tai nealry had an heart attack when his phone buzzed loudly inside his pocket once more.
He took it out and checked his messages.
"We're at the mausoleum. No digimon to be seen."
Tai frowned down on the mobile phone. Something felt very very wrong.
But was it a good enough reason to stop the mission? Maybe they just were incredibly lucky.
"Tai", Kari whispered and touched his arm softly.
Tai shook his thoughts away. They couldn't turn back now.
"Izzy texted me. They already are at the mausoleum. They haven't seen any digimon either. Let's hurry".
He saw Agumon share a worried look with Gatomon but ignored them.
The other nodded hestitantly and together they continued their way to the center of the graveyard.
Only a few minutes later Tai could see the dark shioulett of a massive mausoleum towering in the sky.
His breath caught in his throat and the ominous feeling he had intensified. But again he shook his head and chased the dark thoughts away.
Excitement took their place. They were so close to the Crests, he could actually feel them!
Next to him and behind him he could practically feel their digimon radiate with excitement as well.
Tai checked the area for enemy digimon one last time. When he didn't see any he lead his friends towards the dark mausoleum.
When they arrived at the front he saw the other group standing in the shadows of the entrance arch.
Matt waved to them and they hurried towards they friends.
"Isn't it odd", Ken greeted them.
"That there aren't any digimon around", TK asked. Then he nodded. "It certainly is."
"Did you check the inside", Kari asked and nodded towards the dark entrance.
Takuya shook his head. "We wanted to wait for you. Just in case."
"I'd really like to check whether the Crests are inside now though", Tentomon threw in.
The other digmon nodded approvingly.
Tai grinned. He could understand why they were so anxious to finally see the Crests, he could barely contain his excitement either.
"We will stay outside and keep watch", Koichi told them with an incouraging smile.
Tai nodded gratefully.
"Then let's go!"
But just before they could enter the dark mausoleum BlackGatomon held them back.
"Do you... do you hear that", he asked uncertainly and glanced around.
Matt rolled his eyes. "What, is this another one of your tricks?"
BlackGatomon shook his head violently and struggled against his bonds.
"I think can hear it as well", Gabumon whispered.
"I sounds like... giggling", Tommy said. He sounded uncertain.
"Definitely giggling", Koji agreed and Tai saw his body tense up.
Takuya looked around with a serious expression.
"Maybe we should go inside", he almost ordered them.
"Oh yes!"
The Chosen and the Warriors jumped horribly at the sudden loud voice booming over the graveyard.
"Please do get inside. It would make my life a lot easier. Not that I need you to make it easier."
"Who is there", Bokomon yelled from behind Tommy's legs at the same time BlackGatomon whispered: "It can't be".
"What can't be", Cody hissed at BlackGatomon but the digimon didn't listen.
"You have to uncuff me. Now", he urged.
"Oh no please. There is no need to free your prisoner for me", the voice said again.
Tai squinted into darkness. He thought he had seen someone. Something.
"But then again. Is he really a prisoner? Are you really a prisoner BlackGatomon?"
A dark figure started to peel itself out of the darkness. Whomever the voice belonged to, they were coming towards them.
Tai thightened his hold on his digivice.
"But do not worry. You did exactly what I thought you would do. I never once believed you'd be anything but a traitor BlackGatomon. That's just who you are."
By now the creature had come close enough for Tai to see it clearly. It was a tall figure, almost human like, in a dark suit and a mask.
And the way it talked to BlackGatomon... it coudln't be!
"Beelzemon, honoured to meet you in person Warriors, Chosen", the creature mocked and bowed its head.
"I have heard a lot about you. Lucemon explicitly warned us that you were dangerous and that we shouldn't underestimate you. But look at you now. You walked right into my trap."
"A trap", Matt hissed loudly. Tai had the feeling he was glaring at BlackGatomon but he didn't dare to look away from Beelzemon.
"I didn't know! I swear!", BlackGatomon yelled. His voice was shaking.
"Oh please do not blame this insolent, treacherous little creature. Indeed, he did not know about this. He sincerly wanted to help you and doesn't it make this whole situation even better?"
Tai glared at Beelzemon. He couldn't see any other digimon but he was sure that there were more than enough lurking in the dark.
"Have a look", Beelzemon called and pulled out a rectangular box. "These crests were actually stored here up until a few hours ago."
He opened the box and pulled out a handful of medallions.
The Chosen gasped.
These were the Crests. Their Crests. They were so close and yet so far away.
Tai gritted his teeth. It didn't matter how many digimon were hiding in the dark; they needed the Crests.
"Please, before you attack", Beelzemon sighed as though he had read Tai's thoughts. "Let me put my actual trap into motion first. It would be a shame if you didn't appreciate all the time and work I put into this."
Beelzemon held out his hand and a dark aura started to form around it.
For a moment nothing happened and Tai wondered whether Beelzemon's plan might have just failed.
But then suddenly Koji whirled around next to him. Tai startled and turned to the boy. He was staring shocked at the dark entrance of the mausoleum.
"What's that noise", JP whispered.
Tai looked around, confused. He didn't hear anything.
But apparently the digimon, or, well, digimon and Warriors could hear something.
"It sounds like... moans? Gurgling and moans", Tommy said hestitantly and glanced heplessly at Takuya.
"It sounds", Koji started. "Like the black slime", BlackGatomon finished.
Tai looked at them bewildred. The black slime?
"I can hear it too", Sora said finally.
Tai frowned and listened closely. And really, from somehwere in the darkness of the mausoleum he could hear the grotesque noises.
"I must say I was dissapointed", Beelzemon said and caused Tai to turn back to him. "When you managed to escape for the first time."
"What", BlackGatomon asked incredulously.
"You and the Warrior of Light", Beelzemon spat, "Oh don't look surprised. Why do you think the door was open? Did you really think I was stupid enough to just leave it open?"
"It was a trap", Koji growled.
"Of course", Beelzemon replied. Then he shrugged. "Not that it matters now. You all will share the same fate anyway."
Tai tensed up. The noises were getting louder and louder.
"Everyone back from the entrance", he ordered. Then he turned to Beelzemon.
"We will put an end to this now. Give us our Crests."
"These here? Don't worry I will give them to you. Any second now."
Suddenly someone screamed.
Tai felt someone collide with his body and he was sent flying forward.
Tai managed to throw a look over his shoulder shortly before he collided with the ground.
Davis had apparently shoved him out of the way just when the black slime had spilled out of the entrance.
Tai thanked Davis interntally because he was sure he would have been swallowed by the slime if it weren't for him.
But now the slime had gotten hold of Davis leg.
"Davis!", Veemon yelled and took a hold of his other leg.
"Wait", Takuya called and ran over to them. "I'll pull you out".
The only problem was that the black slime didn't stop pouring out of the mausoleum. By now black hands were grabbing for Veemon and Davis' leg was already engulfed up until his thigh.
"Takuya", Zoe yelled and grabbed the boy. "Don't be stupid! We can pull him up from above!"
"Now this is getting interesting", Beelzemon yelled. "Get them", he called into the dark. And all of the sudden there were noises all around them.
We are surrounded, Tai thought dumbly. He only needed a second before he jumped up to his feet.
This was no time to hesitate.
"AGUMON", Tai yelled and held his Digivice high, "let's go!"
"Of course", Agumon replied.
"Agumon... digivolves into Greymon".
Tai could hear more shouts all around him and sudden light brightened up the darkness.
And when he looked around and saw all of his friends ready to fight he thought that, yes, they might just win.
And that's that.
I wanted to make the chapter longer, add the next part to it, but then it would probably have taken another two weeks.
ANYWAY! Thank you for all the kind words! I was really glad to read that there actually are people still willing to read this :)
So... even though it's incredible late: HAPPY NEW YEAR!
I'll see you soon :D
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Let me know!